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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 31 of 31
Page: 1 of 1
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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06/09/22 178622 Reunited RUBY Y Female Cockerpoo South East GU47 6
12/03/22 174114 Rainbow Bridge COOKIE Y Female Golden Retriever South East GU47 8
03/04/21 165697 Reunited CAMMY Y Female Cross Breed South East GU47 5
14/12/20 162897 Reunited PROMISE Y Female Cross Breed South East GU47 15
12/11/20 162046 Reunited NAHLA Y Female Spaniel Cross South East GU47 18
22/08/20 159611 Reunited JOE Y Male Collie Cross South East GU47 10
13/03/20 155159 Reunited UNKNOWN Y Male Terrier Cross South East GU47 2
28/10/18 136152 Reunited AMPLE SIGHTED ONLY Y Male Hound type South East GU47 9
06/08/18 132776 Reunited DUVEL Y Male Border Collie South West RG40 1
21/01/18 124645 Lost MACCA Y Male Cat South East GU47 5
08/06/17 115993 Reunited SUKI Y Female Poodle: Miniature South East GU47 4
15/08/16 103544 Reunited UNKNOWN Unknown Sheltie South East GU47 3
13/06/16 101234 Rainbow Bridge SNOWY Y Female Collie Cross South East GU47 39
02/06/16 100805 Reunited CATKIN Y Female Coton de Tulear South East GU47 30
04/03/16 98999 Lost SOX Y Female Cat South East GU47 0
27/01/16 97774 Reunited HARLEY Y Male Lurcher South East GU47 17
22/05/15 87151 Reunited JIM Y Male Border Collie South East GU47 4
15/05/15 86888 Reunited LULU Female Jack Russell Terrier South East GU47 0
15/07/14 71955 Found DECEASED CAT Unknown Cat South East GU47 6
08/04/14 67171 Reunited MILO Y Male Jack Russell Terrier South East GU47 4
30/03/14 66757 Reunited MOLLY Y Female English Springer Spaniel South East GU47 4
19/08/13 55822 Rainbow Bridge ROSIE Y Female Bichon Frise South East GU47 141
09/04/13 51016 Found UNKNOWN Male Labrador Retriever South East GU47 6
21/03/13 49969 Reunited PERRO Y Male Border Collie South East GU47 18
11/08/12 42013 Reunited KOLI Male Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren) South East GU47 3
14/11/11 34404 Reunited ANGUS Y Male Schnauzer: Minature South East GU47 10
15/10/11 33494 Found UNKNOWN Male King Charles Spaniel South East GU47 2
19/04/11 29301 Reunited RUSTY Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East GU47 4
03/03/11 28347 Reunited BRYN Male Australian Terrier South East GU47 3
02/06/10 23608 Reunited BUSTER Y Male German Shepherd Dog South East GU47 12
01/01/04 8359 Lost SKY Y Boxer East Anglia GU47 20
Page: 1 of 1

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