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All Registered Dogs - Results 1 to 14 of 14
Page: 1 of 1
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
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All Registered
28/03/24 191301 Lost NESSIE Y Female Schnauzer: Minature Scotland EH55 5
29/01/24 190041 Rainbow Bridge ALLY Y Female Border Collie Scotland EH55 13
06/07/23 185470 Reunited SOPHIE Y Female Border Terrier Scotland EH55 3
06/07/23 185368 Reunited PIP Y Male Shih Tzu cross Scotland EH55 13
07/03/23 182324 Rainbow Bridge HARLEY MISSING WITH BEAR Y Female Patterdale Terrier Scotland EH55 16
07/03/23 182323 Rainbow Bridge BEAR MISSING WITH HARLEY Y Male Patterdale Terrier Scotland EH55 14
27/06/21 167666 Reunited ASTON Y Female German Shorthaired Pointer Scotland EH55 12
03/01/21 163417 Reunited ECHO Y Female Cross Breed Scotland EH55 12
09/08/19 146777 Reunited ANGEL Y Female German Shepherd Dog Scotland EH55 5
22/04/19 142938 Lost JADE Y Female Yorkshire Terrier Cross Scotland EH55 3
07/02/12 35425 Lost BELLA 500 POUNDS REWARD Y Female Jack Russell Terrier Scotland EH55 18
03/02/12 36784 Lost BEANO Y Female Poodle: Toy Scotland EH55 6
05/06/11 30181 Reunited RUSTY Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross Scotland EH55 3
16/05/10 20791 Rainbow Bridge POPPY Y Female Greyhound Rainbow Bridge EH55 26
Page: 1 of 1

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