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Found Dogs - Results 37451 to 37500 of 37837
First Page: 750 of 757 Last
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
01/01/04 10219 Found 1974 Y Greyhound 0
01/01/04 10220 Found 1975 Y Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 10221 Found 1976 Y Cross Breed 0
01/01/04 10222 Found 1978 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 10226 Found 1979 Border Collie 0
01/01/04 10238 Found 1979 Y Akita 0
01/01/04 10239 Found 1980 Y Akita 0
01/01/04 10240 Found 1981 Y Akita 0
01/01/04 10241 Found 1982 Y Greyhound 0
01/01/04 10247 Found 1983 Y Jack Russell Terrier 0
01/01/04 10258 Found 1984 Y German Shepherd Dog 0
01/01/04 10261 Found 1985 Y German Shepherd Dog 0
01/01/04 10262 Found 1986 Y Rottweiler 0
01/01/04 10272 Found 1990 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 10278 Found 1991 Y Lurcher 0
01/01/04 10294 Found 1994 Border Collie 0
01/01/04 10295 Found UNKNOWN Y Unknown Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 10296 Found 1996 Y Rottweiler 0
01/01/04 10298 Found 1997 Y Lurcher 0
01/01/04 10308 Found 1998 Cross Breed 0
01/01/04 10347 Found FAREHAM HUSKY Y Siberian Husky 0
01/01/04 10356 Found CROSSBREED FOUND EDENTHORPE Y Cross Breed 0
01/01/04 10357 Found FOUND COLLIE Y Border Collie 0
01/01/04 10370 Found 2005 Y Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 10381 Found 2006 German Shepherd Dog 0
01/01/04 10384 Found 2007 Y Border Collie 0
01/01/04 10385 Found 2008 Saluki 0
01/01/04 10388 Found 2009 Y Lurcher 0
01/01/04 10391 Found 3000 Y Collie Cross 0
01/01/04 10411 Found 3001 Collie Cross 0
01/01/04 10425 Found 3007 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 10439 Found 3009 Y Jack Russell Terrier 0
01/01/04 10443 Found 3010 Y English Springer Spaniel 0
01/01/04 10457 Found 3014 Jack Russell Terrier 0
01/01/04 10463 Found STRAY SBT Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 10466 Found 3017 Border Collie 0
01/01/04 10470 Found 3019 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 10478 Found 3021 Yorkshire Terrier 0
01/01/04 10479 Found 3022 Yorkshire Terrier 0
01/01/04 10480 Found 3023 Lhasa Apso 0
01/01/04 10481 Found 3024 Border Collie 0
01/01/04 10482 Found 3025 Y Cross Breed 0
01/01/04 10483 Found 3026 Labrador Cross 0
01/01/04 10484 Found 3027 Lurcher 1
01/01/04 10485 Found 3028 Cross Breed 0
01/01/04 10487 Found 3029 Y Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 10488 Found 3030 Y Greyhound 0
01/01/04 10489 Found STRAY SBTX 0
01/01/04 10493 Found 3031 Y Jack Russell Terrier 0
01/01/04 10494 Found 3032 Y Greyhound 0
First Back Page: 750 of 757 Next Last

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