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Found Dogs - Results 37101 to 37150 of 37837
First Page: 743 of 757 Last
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
01/01/04 8100 Found UNKNOWN Lurcher 0
01/01/04 8101 Found UNKNOWN Lurcher 0
01/01/04 8111 Found 1269 Y Cross Breed 0
01/01/04 8137 Found 1272 Labrador Retriever 0
01/01/04 8143 Found 1275 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8148 Found 1277 Y English Springer Spaniel 0
01/01/04 8151 Found UNKNOWN Cocker Spaniel 0
01/01/04 8156 Found 1284 0
01/01/04 8173 Found 1292 Y Lurcher 0
01/01/04 8174 Found 1293B Y Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 8177 Found 1295 Schnauzer: Minature 0
01/01/04 8179 Found 1297 0
01/01/04 8180 Found 1298 Y Lhasa Apso 0
01/01/04 8199 Found 1299 German Shepherd Cross 0
01/01/04 8202 Found 1300 German Shepherd Dog 0
01/01/04 8208 Found 1302 Yorkshire Terrier 0
01/01/04 8215 Found 1302 Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 8229 Found 1306 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8231 Found 1308 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8237 Found 1310 Jack Russell Terrier 0
01/01/04 8240 Found 1311 Y Labrador Retriever 0
01/01/04 8253 Found 1314 Y Rottweiler 0
01/01/04 8254 Found 1315 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8257 Found 1313A Y Cocker Spaniel 0
01/01/04 8258 Found 1313B Y Cocker Spaniel 0
01/01/04 8261 Found 1316 Y Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8273 Found 1320 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8274 Found 1321 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8275 Found 1322 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 8276 Found 1323 Boxer 0
01/01/04 8278 Found 1325 Y Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8285 Found 1327 Y Rottweiler 0
01/01/04 8286 Found 1328 Y Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8290 Found 1332 Collie Cross 0
01/01/04 8291 Found 1333 Cross Breed 0
01/01/04 8292 Found 1331 Y Lurcher 0
01/01/04 8298 Found 1335 West Highland White Terrier 0
01/01/04 8301 Found 1336 Border Collie 0
01/01/04 8303 Found 1337 Y Jack Russell Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 8310 Found 1338 Jack Russell Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 8316 Found 1339 Y English Springer Spaniel 0
01/01/04 8343 Found 1363 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8344 Found 1364 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8348 Found 1365 Y Jack Russell Terrier 0
01/01/04 8349 Found 1366 Y English Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 8354 Found 1368 Y Collie Cross 0
01/01/04 8356 Found 1369 Y Jack Russell Terrier Cross 0
01/01/04 8372 Found 1370 German Shepherd Cross 0
01/01/04 8374 Found 1371 Y German Shepherd Dog 0
01/01/04 8375 Found 1372 Y German Shepherd Dog 0
First Back Page: 743 of 757 Next Last

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