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All Registered Dogs - Results 101 to 116 of 116
First Page: 3 of 3
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
All Registered
All Registered
25/10/10 25745 Reunited DENIS Male Dachshund South East RG18 3
16/10/10 25600 Rainbow Bridge SCRUFF Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Rainbow Bridge RG18 5
04/10/10 25392 Reunited GURU Male Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla South East RG18 5
26/07/10 24296 Reunited RUDDLES Male Terrier Cross South East RG18 5
30/04/10 23171 Reunited MONTY Male Beagle South East RG18 3
06/02/10 21856 Lost JESS - BELGIAN SHEPHERD CROSS LOOKS LIKE A GSD CROSS - ?CASH REWARD Y Female German Shepherd Cross South East RG18 15
11/12/09 20872 Reunited LULU Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East RG18 3
07/05/09 18294 Found N/A Y Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross 0
19/12/08 16290 Lost BUDDY Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross South East RG18 4
28/04/08 13503 Reunited SCOOBY Female German Shepherd Cross East Anglia RG18 8
17/04/08 13360 Reunited DENNIS Male Labrador Retriever East Anglia RG18 5
17/04/08 13359 Reunited DARCY Female Labrador Retriever East Anglia RG18 4
26/01/08 12269 Lost SPOTTY Female Jack Russell Terrier East Anglia RG18 4
01/01/04 5819 Lost POPPY Jack Russell Terrier East Anglia RG18 7
01/01/04 10084 Lost FAITH-STILL MISSING Y Female King Charles Spaniel East Anglia RG18 199
01/01/04 9454 Lost ABIGAIL Y Border Terrier East Anglia RG18 21
First Back Page: 3 of 3

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