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Found Dogs - Results 101 to 128 of 128
First Page: 3 of 3
DateLatest Alert Date ID Status Name Pic Gender Breed Region
09/01/14 62838 Found SIGHTED ONLY Y Lurcher South East ME9 1
07/11/13 59636 Found UNKNOWN X2 Unknown Terrier Cross South East ME9 3
25/07/13 55178 Found NOT KNOWN Male Shar Pei South East ME9 1
22/07/13 55070 Found UNKNOWN Male Shar Pei South East ME9 0
16/06/12 40410 Found UNKNOWN Y Male Shih Tzu South East ME9 6
08/10/11 33321 Found UNKNOWN Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier South East ME9 1
19/04/11 29300 Found GERRY Y Male Lurcher South East ME9 1
11/04/11 29138 Found UNKNOWN Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross South East ME9 0
01/05/08 13581 Found CJ160 Female Cross Breed 1
01/05/08 13577 Found CJ120 Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/05/08 13578 Found CJ130 Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/05/08 13579 Found CJ140 Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross 0
01/05/08 13585 Found CJ200 Female Rottweiler 0
01/05/08 13584 Found CJ190 Female Lurcher 0
01/05/08 13580 Found CJ150 Male Terrier Cross 0
01/05/08 13582 Found CJ170 Male Akita 0
25/04/08 13508 Found CJ110 Male Rottweiler 0
25/04/08 13507 Found CJ100 Female Sprocker 0
01/01/04 6742 Found 841 Jack Russell Terrier 0
01/01/04 5125 Found LURCHER TYPE Y Lurcher 0
01/01/04 8416 Found 1388 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 9281 Found 1729 Y Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 9772 Found 1880 Y Staffordshire Bull Terrier 0
01/01/04 9891 Found 1904 Y Collie Cross 0
01/01/04 9893 Found 1906 Y Collie Cross 0
01/01/04 9894 Found 1907 Y Collie Cross 0
01/01/04 10466 Found 3017 Border Collie 0
01/01/04 9892 Found 1905 Y German Shepherd Cross 0
First Back Page: 3 of 3

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