Reunited: Tan With A Little Black Dachshund Male

  • Dog ID 99862
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 06 May 2016
  • Name SUNNY
  • Gender & Breed Male Dachshund (Neutered)
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour Tan with a little black
  • Marks & Scars Long-haired miniature
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 05 May 2016
  • Where Lost Outside Holland & Barratt in Kingsway Precinct, Frome, Somerset. Slipped his lead and collar hence no visible id on him. He is chipped but my parents can't find the paperwork with his number
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area BA11
  • Date Reunited 11 May 2016
  • Other Info He is a timid dog, and usually backs away from anyone wanting to fuss him. However, he has never run away before so he may well have very different behaviour now he's been gone for almost 24 hours.
  • Listed By Keren
  • Views 6223
  • SUNNYPoster Image
  • SUNNYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Welcome home Sunny. X
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Well done to all involved.

Welcome home Little Sunny.xx
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Welcome home at last, I have been following Sunny's page and praying for this day. X
Excellent news. Stay safe now Sunny:-)xxx
Great news x
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I've been unable to get on site all day from work, so pleased to see this little chap is home safe. So are my dogs becuase it means they'll get a nice walk rather a quick wiz before I headed over to Frome, so delighted faces all around over here!

woop woop! A BIG thank you to NC22 and DJK who both went the extra mile for Sunny and his family and deserve a special mention.
Such wonderful news l am so pleased for you all.welcome home Sunny xxxxLast edited: 2016-05-11 16:50:34
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
So pleased x
Aww, welcome home gorgeous Sunny. Well done everyone in Team Sunny :)
I bet they do Keren. Wonderful news and such a relief.
Big Well Done to all concerned.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Pleased to be able to put you in touch with so many fantastic doglovers! and I have heard so much about how good Buddies dog rescue is!
He's bathed, fed and cuddled! Mum and Dad feel like they've won the lottery! He's been camping out in the garden of the Priory it seems, but clearly is a master of disguise as it was searched over and over. Staff spotted him this morning. Thank you SO MUCH to the hundreds of you who have searched, shared posters and sent messages. We love you Frome! Special thank you to Buddies Dog Rescue and DogLost for all your help and advice! X
Fantastic news. Stay safe now. Xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Brilliant news! Well done team Sunny!
Thank goodness such a relief, just came on dog lost to check for any updates before going out again.

Off to remove all my posters now and so pleased to be doing this.
What a relief! Hope Sunny is OK x
Niki - Area Volunteer, Devon & Somerset
Such fantastic news 😄 Well done all that helped.
Welcome home Sunny, you must be over the moon Keren X
Yes he is home :) I knew he would be today we were right where he was too I swear we woke him up :) happy days and no one from Frome was going to rest until Sunny was home unbelievable the amount of people that were out in the early hours looking for him <3 sure family will be around shortly to update later don't know full story as yet only that he was seen in north parade gardens and he was home just after 9 approx x
Keren reporting on facebook that he's home!!
Watching and hoping that your efforts will soon be rewarded.

PaulaSusanStrudley, do you carry little flyers for the non-internet people that you meet with contact details on them? This can be useful for them to keep in a pocket so that a phone number is handy if there's a sighting.
Me and daughter done a lot of groundwork very early this morning and have just got back we will go out later today but going to map all we have done first. We met lots of dog walkers who knew about Sunny and any that did not do know do now, also great news that a few that do not even go on the internet were aware. I believe he is still out there most likely hiding sheltered somewhere waiting to be found we checked every bush, under cars and my daughter looked in every nook and cranny I would say we covered half of Frome and all round the back roads and garages also fields too. One of us is going to find him soon I am sure of it x
Been out again checking the fields but no luck.
Apparently my dad and Katie from Buddies are spending the night in the Cheese & Grain car park tonight in my dad's car, in the hope that Sunny returns to the original spot. The lengths my father will go to for a night with another woman! Seriously, though, a massive thank you to Katie as this is above and beyond volunteering.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Thank you everyone who is doing so much to help find Sunny, we desperately need another sighting.

Come on little chap show yourself.
I was driving to Asda after I walked my dogs and I saw Katy along there with her dog, not to speak to but just as I was driving by. I looked over the nature field there yesterday but nothing. Looked up in the wooded area on North Parade also. Just off out for a walk with my dogs along by the Venture playground woods. Just wish he would show himself again.

I've been in touch with owners daughter and she is doing all she can with regard to media etc. A very worrying time for her parents.
DJK absolutely no need to apologise :-)
It's great so many people are on the look out. Have been in touch with a facebook friend this morning who I thought lived near rodden road and backs on to the meadow - she does and so is keeping an eye out too Last edited: 2016-05-09 14:00:43 by rosiefrome
Sorry NC22 my mistake I knew the lady was called Katy and thought that was you. I should not assume.
I can't take credit for the big posters - I think they were put up by a lady called Katie, who has set up some sort of lost dog group locally and was quick off the mark with getting these made on Friday I think. They are great as big and visible and complement all the dog lost posters which are everywhere too. Everyone seems to know about Sunny and is talking about him....just need him to get hungry enough to show his face. There's a lot of green areas for him to be hiding in between the town centre and rodden road - or if he's crossed the road and headed back towards welshmill the woods there are full of hiding places. Fingers crossed he is at least spotted soon.
Yes Bobble I am happy for you to have my email and phone number and happy to be contacted at any time if he is sighted. Having said that I have not been working and that may possibly change tomorrow. But by all means contact me should you think I could help at any time, by email or phone, with Sunny.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Thanks DJK, there are some good posters out. There is another dog lost in Glastonbury and I have been over there all afternoon. I think you are well placed to help there, can you give admin permission for me to have your email address and phone numbers please and ask them to pass them to me?
Bobble I have left a message on Keren's Facebook asking her to contact you.
Bobble I went down yesterday afternoon with my two dogs and met two chaps looking for Sunny, they were related to the gentlemen that owns him. I also met the owner, an elderly gentleman in an electric chair, so clearly he is limited to going along the concrete path only. This dog is their world. When I went back again a 6 o'clock one of the relatives I met earlier in the afternoon was back again, but no sighting. He did say that as the dog is timid he would probably have found somewhere to hide. Still no joy though. I went back at 8.45, without my dogs and this is when I met the people that were going to BBQ and camp overnight. I now these people, they lived not far from me when they were growing up. They are of the gypsy community and I don't believe. they would be interested in a dog of Sunny's type. They recognised me and we talked about looking out for Sunny and if they should see oe be able to catch him they were aware of the numbers/ posters of who to contact. And I believe they will do so. I promised them a homemade cake if they found him. I had already suggested to the relative that it might be a good idea to get a foil tray BBQ and bring down late in the evening to cook sausages and bacon on to see if he was around and entice him out. Will go out again later this afternoon and take another look. I put up around 20 laminated posters in the areas he has been sighted since going missing and I believe NC22 has put up the larger boards. When I meet people they are aware Sunny is missing, so word is out there via Facebook and posters.Last edited: 2016-05-08 17:25:59 by DJK
Bobble - completely understood, thank you :-)
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I walked along way up and down Rodden Road and near the playing fields. A urban area with fenced off gardens so difficult to search.

I have contacted owner again with further suggestions.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I have been over there this morning to have a look around, I do know Frome fairly well, but easier to get an idea where sightings have been by going and looking for Sunny.

Owner has been sent the scenting and mapping advice by my colleague and it really would be advantageous to map the sightings.

I am pleased to see plenty of posters up and the people I spoke to knew about him. Unfortunately as owner has not responded to my offer to help, I am a bit stuck how to advise bu will contact again as I am quite worried about this little chap and there is more we could be doing.

NC22: I will remove part of your comment, I am sure you will understand why when I say that we don't want to give anyone ideas. I am really pleased that you recommend K9 (Jenny) in your comment.

I do know about the gypsy presence in Frome.
Such a shame not more sightings but he's a small, scared dog so is going to be hard to spot. Given there have been sightings a couple of times towards the back of North Parade in Rodden Meadow is anyone able to take a crate, with one of his blankets, some clothing from owners and food and stake out down there for a few hours later this evening? Something that might encourage him to show his face? I think dawn and dusk will be when he is making his appearances now but I could be wrong and dogs are always surprising us!
As for the gypsies - I don't know the answer to that. I would say they like terriers and lurcher type dogs - ones they can hunt with (edited here) the chances of them being in the right place at the right time to see him and then to catch him and keep hold of him are quite slim?
Have you contacted K9 tracker? I know they're always really busy tracking missing dogs and they'd need a sighting of him to be able to stand any chance of tracking him but they do give out fantastic advice to people who they can't get to to track and this often leads to dogs being reunited. There are a couple to contact and - worth a try? Last edited: 2016-05-08 11:18:13 by Bobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Unfortunately no news at all to report. He just seems to have vanished. One person did mention that the gypsy camp like to take small dogs, but I don't know how true that really is or how we actually approach them. Tried the police and they aren't interested.
Just been back to the field where he was sighted last evening. No luck but there are a couple of people camping and doing a BBQ they are aware the dog is missing so are going to keep an eye out for him.
No it's not the field I was thinking of. I know where you mean now. A lot of dog walkers use that field do should be sighted again if he is still there. Will look again this afternoon when out with my dogs,
Yes Debbie, you can get to it through Willow Vale, and I believe you can also go on foot from the car park at the top of North Parade, which I think is the way Sunny must have gone. Then it runs as far as Rodden Road but I don't know if it is the same field next to the railway.
Keren can you confirm what you are calling Rodden Meadow is it the field along by the river the other end of Willow Vale?
That is good news but is that the meadow next to the railway line. Need to have a look there. I'll try and pop down later but if somebody could go sooner.
New sighting! Last night (Friday) at about 6pm, a kind gentleman actually managed to get hold of Sunny, but he wriggled so much he got away! So at least he's still fit and well and wriggly! He was in Rodden Meadow, and from what the chap said nearer to Rodden Road houses - there is a little alleyway up to the road that they were close to, I think. This is really positive as it's a whole 24 hours later than the last time he'd been seen!
Thank you so much everybody. So impressed and grateful for all the help we are receiving from so many of you. Still holding our breath for a sighting! x
My husband did the walk with the dogs this morning at 5.45. River walk from Venture playground through along willow vale. He checked the riverbank in case he'd got stuck down there but no sighting.
Ran a route along welshmill river path, through willow vale and back along welshmill road at 7.30/8 this morning really hoping he might appear but no sign of him. Lots of posters visible though - which is great. Fingers crossed for a sighting today.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Thanks Sharon.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with Doglost FB group, Public & Twitter. I hope Sunny is safely back at home soon. x
Unfortunately it was an earlier siting from yesterday, before the last one we had. So nothing new sadly. So grateful for all the information though.
Where has the sighting been, I am local and happy to go out and keep him in view
Spotted?! That's amazing! Where was he seen?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Sighted...Have given owners the phone number to call..
you should still be able to get hold of the chip company and they will find his chip .they need to know to assure that the chip is up to date and also to flag him up as missing .Hope hes home soon xx
Can't believe no sightings yet?
Sue - onestopalldogs
Posted ONESTOP FB Twitter
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks DJK and NC22.
Just come back from putting up 18 posters, lets hope I will be removing them soon because Sunny is safe and sound and found.

I met the lady from a rescue that had put up some large boards in the town.

Whilst putting up posters people where coming up and saying they had heard about this little dog, so its fair to say that the word is truly out there!
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Sorry to see that Sunny is missing....

Thank you everyone so far.

I have contacted owner for further details and shared details with colleagues in the community.

DogLost Twitter requested too.
Have started circulating this on twitter - if you want to retweet it easily, look for @dogfriendfrome or @fromehour who have both shared
I've seen this on Facebook and I am printing off and laminating some posters which I will go out now and put up in the area. It is just down the road from where I live so I will poster all relevant areas of which will include Westway the car parks, along the river walk through past the Water works,Spring Road and show field area.Last edited: 2016-05-06 12:18:45 by DJK
This is actually the Westway not Kingsway. I have informed the staff of Millers Homestores who will check around the back of the shops behind bins etc.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in BA2,3,11,12,13,14.
Niki - Area Volunteer, Devon & Somerset
Thank you for registering, Advice sent and sharing poster to fb and Twitter.

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