Reunited: Brown Chihuahua Male

  • Dog ID 93967
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 01 Nov 2015
  • Name MARCO
  • Gender & Breed Male Chihuahua (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Brown
  • Marks & Scars Has black snout and dark stripes down his back
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 31 Oct 2015
  • Where Lost Mill Park Drive, Braintree CM7
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area CM7
  • Date Found 04 Nov 2015
  • Where Found Frobisher Way, Braintree
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area CM7
  • Date Reunited 04 Nov 2015
  • Other Info We had gone to the old dairy to see if we could find him in the vicinity.while there we had a call from the dog warden that Marco had been found in someones back garden in Frobisher Way. Thank you everyone for all your help in trying to find Marco
  • Listed By Miss17
  • Views 3906
  • MARCO Poster Image
  • MARCO Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
So so so pleased you have found Marco. This is fantastic news! I do wonder if he escaped the thief in the car. Whatever, he is a clever little boy! Well done to the DW and to Doglover who I know tried so hard here. And thank you to the person who found him in the garden and did the right thing.
To Marco's family, sometimes bad things all come at once but you can get through a) because you have to and b) because those you love, wherever they are, want you to. We all earn our wings at different times and so go to heaven at different times. But I truly believe someone up there was looking out for Marco and you! God bless you all, human and paws, always. Give sweet Marco kisses from us XXXXXX
Great news. Stay safe now Marco. Well done "Team Marco:-)xxx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Welcome home Marco. X
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Great news :)) Welcome home Gorgeous Marco.
Well done to all involved.x
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Yay! ....fabulous to read Marco is home safe ...well done finder for keeping home safe until the DW arrived and for checking Doglost 💕
Keep safe Marco and forever close.....way too precious xx
So happy Little Marco has been found...Welcome home Marco..Stay safe now xx
Fantastic. Well done Team Marco. Great news
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news! Well done team Marco!
Wonderful news xx
YIPPEE. You cannot imagine how pleased I am to see that Marco has been found and especially before Fireworks night. Thank you God you answered all of my prayers. Bless you little Marco. Xxxxxx
Could the dog warden help with a trap? Obviously needs to be kept away from thieves, maybe in the garden.
Unfortunately, I am not around for rest of day, but I went to lSt place of sighting this morning. THE FOOD LEFT OUT IS EMPTY but of. Purse this could be Cats or Foxes. I WALKED DOWN SIDE OF NURSING HOME which gives me acces to Bungalow and fields at back of derelict site. I searched back garden of Bungalow and right near entrance to bit of waste land was NEW DOG POO. I have not had time to walk around the waste land, but I think Marco could still be there.
Hi Jaycey,
There should be a poster on FB...
We left some food where he was last seen and apparently the bowl is empty but it could of been eaten by anything...
We are also praying that he will found soon...
Thank you
Have tried to share Marco on FB, but it's showing the Doglost Awaiting Photo picture.. Praying the little boy will be found soon xx
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Sent out a twitter appeal for searchers and posters xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done Miss 17. Do that as much as possible, to keep Marco in the area. X
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thank you so much Doglover. This is so sad when a dog is lost away from home in strange surroundings but we can do this. Please can helpers poster and assist Doglover in her search. I can't say more right now, but owners REALLY need our help.
Have just been to site where Marco was last seen and still no sign of him. I also rang Dog Warden to see if they had any news and no luck there. Spoke to owner and asked if they live in Braintree, but they do not. Therefore Marco is in unknown territory to him and will be so frightened, cold and hungry. WE MUST DO EVERYTHING WE CAN TO TRY AND FIND HIM. HELPERS NEEDED PLEASE. X
My daughter has done the scenting as email...Hopefully he will return there.
Thank you everyone for all your help...
I have been down this morning to last place where Marco was seen and have put posters up in that area. Have also put posters at entrances to the Recreation ground which leads onto fields, hoping that someone might see Nd look out for him. Have also spoken to every dog owner I met and passed on Info on Marco. Let us all pray that this little one is found soon. X Thank you Riverlady for posting on Twitter. X
circulating on twitter......MARCO Brown Chihuahua MISSING #Braintree #Essex #CM7 Plz RT
Hi Kimmybear,
A friend of mine who lives in Braintree went to the old dairy where Marco was seen about an hour ago ,but no luck.
Hi Kimmybear, owner rang me and said Dog warden had phoned and she went down and met dog warden where Marco was seen. She seemed to be sure that it was Marco. She then rang me and I went and met her and that was when we searched all fields etc.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Owner, have emailed you with loads of advice. Do the scenting as per email in the area sighted, but not across roads - only in safe place i.e. recreation ground or wherever sightings were and leave old jumper or something in the area and posters. x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Okay, sorry just read whole thread. Are we certain this sighting was Marco? If not, I will speak to police. Hopefully DogLover is correct and dog was let go - or escaped.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
If not been handed in, then we have no option but to presume stolen. Posters are needed everywhere aroudn there and then further out asap. Also, a plea in the local pepers will help. Will contact police to see if we can get ECM alerts. Requested twitter.
Went back down to derelict ground when it got dark and took a torch to see if I could see him there as his eyes would light up in the torch, but no luck. He is only 10 months old and what with the fog and the fireworks I am worried sick. I am praying he will be found by someone who is responsible enough to phone owner.
Poor little thing must be terrified too small & too young to be out on his own.I do hope he is found soon .
SIGHTING. DOG WARDEN RANG OWNER. Marco had been seen behind Abbeyfield Nursing Home. Was on derelict ground in Marlborough Road. Dog Warden could not access as private property. Marco ran off and probably went through the gap into Recreation Ground. I have been out with owner searching. OBVIOUSLY the lady who took this dog in her car, realised TOO HOT TO HANDLE and has dumped him.!!!! Unbelievable.
Have just telephoned police , who when crime reported, was not told there was CCTV. I have now advised that there is and they are now going to follow up on the CCTV.
I have just rung Essex Radio and asked them to appeal for any information. I have also emailed them with a photo of Marco.
Spoke to owner this morning who told me Police said they did not hVe enough information and not enough resources.
I have printed posters and dropped them in at BUILD BASE and THE PUB in Albert Road. Both are going to check their CCTV for me and if anything is seen they will let owner or me know. Unfortunately, the Public are not allowed to view CCTV. I am going to phone Braintree Police and see what they have to say.
Police can check cctv can't they....
Don't know the colour of the mercedes. I have reported it but the police said there is nothing they can do as I haven't got much information.
The Crime No is 42/99063/15
Thank you for all the help
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Will start we know the colour of the merc? I am sure there will be CCTV around that area so once you have your CRN, police will be able to view anything xx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with doglost FB group & Twitter. Hope Marco is safely back at home soon. X
Have just spoken to owner. Marco has been reported to the Police and she is waiting for Crime Reference number. I suggested she make a Facebook page for Marco and put it on her Facebook as well. She has telephoned the Dog Warden, but no dogs have been handed in. I have suggested she look on any sites where Dogs are for sale. As Marco is only 10 months old. She has my number if she needs any more help.
There is CCTV on Buildbase and also on The PUb across the road. In what direction was the Mercedes going, was it heading towards Freeport or Railway Street. It is the Law that if anyone finds a dog, it has to be reported to the Dog Warden.
What time did Marco go missing? There is also a pub opposite Build Base and it is called The Pub. I will check to see if they have CCTV as well. But a time of disappearance would be good to know if you need to check CCTV? X
First thing Monday, phone Dog Warden and also Danahar to see if they have been notified of found dog. As Marco went missing over weekend, perhaps the person who picked him up is keeping him u til Mondau when she can contact the relevant people. X
Make sure you put on Lost and Found in all vets in area, especially Millenium Vets in Braintree and also put posters up. I will keep a look out when I walk my dogs this morning. X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in CM3,6,7,8,77.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
She could have been a genuine finder as we are having a lot of dogs in yesterday and this morning due to running off because of the fireworks.
You need to report this to the police if you haven't already. Is there any cctv?
A lady was seen outside build base putting Marco into her mercedes

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