Reunited: Brown And White Lurcher Male

  • Dog ID 88887
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 01 Jul 2015
  • Name NOT GIVEN
  • Gender & Breed Male Lurcher
  • Age Adult
  • Colour brown and white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 29 Jun 2015
  • Where Lost from the Centurion Pub Purbrook Waterlooville
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area PO7
  • Date Reunited 02 Jul 2015
  • Other Info Went missing at approx 1pm from pub any information leading to his safe return will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence Reward for safe return
  • Listed By
  • Views 2110
  • NOT GIVENPoster Image
  • NOT GIVENExtra Image


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amy leach
Thank you for your kind words I am discussed if I'm honest I haven't heard a word from them not a thank you or any thing regarding the so called reward .. the police have also been involved and spoke to me they have advised me to go through a small claims court to get the reward since we did give the dog back and they stated there was a reward they are in breech of false information and contract they did say I can go through the insurance but I'd rather they do the decent thing and pay what the reward was for retiring their dog as I explained to the police i brought him I didn't find him .. so it's not like I knew he was missing until I saw this page .. x I will be going through the courts as police has advice me to do so..
God bless you Amy for finding this dog. not many people would do what you have done have the owners checked the pubs cctv? I agree you do deserve a reward it must be terrible to be accused if such a crime especially when all you wanted was this boy back with his owner, keep trying for the reward after all they did state reward if found! if you hear nothing go through the insurance of the dog you rightly deserve that money for what you have done Stay safe little fellow.massive thumps up and we'll done to Amy Last edited: 2015-07-05 10:09:50 by darentinker90
amy leach
honestly don't know why i bothered I payed for food worming fleeing treatment for this little one and he was very happy I miss him terribly so does my daughter be nice to actually get a thank you since without me calling them we would of kept him and they wouldn't of found there dog again and the only reason we where going to keep him was coz he was not reported as missing .. Last edited: 2015-07-05 12:28:08 by amy leach
amy leach
even a thank you would of done that dog could of ended up with any one I only relised yesterday it was stolen or missing because of this ad before that we thought it was just theirs we where going to keep him he was very happy with us I almost feel like I've done the wrong thing giving him back she didn't even care she just said I've come to get my dog.. that was it not intrested in any thing it's not about the money but would of been nice since it says reward to have even some of my money back after all with out me that dog wouldn't of got home :/Last edited: 2015-07-02 18:53:58 by amy leach
So pleased the Gorgeous Boy is home .stay safe now little One xxLast edited: 2015-07-02 19:25:08
Bless you Amy. I really hope you get some news on your beautiful two soon. X
amy leach
perhaps however it makes me wonder why people don't say they found the dog because they get accused.. after havign 2 stolen my self I know how it feels .. brought him in hollybourneLast edited: 2015-07-04 18:51:48 by amy leach
Well done Amy. I can only think that they were suspicious, because the dog turns up after being put on here. If it came back through the dog warden or being checked through the chip, they may have thought different. I do not know, I am just surmising.
Which area was the dog found?
amy leach
must admit not happy the dog is reunited but the daughter was quite rude and mentioned nothing on reward i payed for this poor dog put me very badly out of pocket for not even a thanks or anything .. oh well least I have done the right thing, obviously it's not about the money but people should not put reward up if there isn't one .. would of done the same either way why people have to lie I have no idea she couldn't care less about the poor dog ! Last edited: 2015-07-02 20:17:14 by amy leach
amy leach
thank you guys been looking for his owners since u brought him he's the most wonderful dog all he done the moment he saw me was lick us i can only hope some one does the same for pip and hugo for now at least he's waiting to be reunited :)Last edited: 2015-07-02 10:27:08 by amy leach
Well done Amy!!!!
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Well done Amy!!! Look forward to seeing him in the blue soon.
omg Amy that is so amazing .thank you so much you are brilliant xxx
amy leach
I have some lovely news I have found him brought him off some horrible people I gave them every thing I had I'm my purse to get him away ! and now planning to reunite tomorow :) Last edited: 2015-07-02 02:29:25 by amy leach
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