Lost: Black Sprocker Female In South West (EX23)

  • Dog ID 87756
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 04 Jun 2015
  • Gender & Breed Female Sprocker (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars White blaze on chest
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 03 Jun 2015
  • Where Lost Bude cliffs. Between Crooklets and Northcott Mouth. Coastguard search unsuccessful. Trained Tracker dog found scent in area. Could have moved inland. Tess is spayed and microchipped.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area EX23
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info REWARD £500 - Facebook page 'Find Tess'
  • Listed By paulb
  • Views 26740


Sightings and Information

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DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Please check this found dog https://lostdogsuk.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/WADC-291018-1239.pdf
DogLostAmanda - Area Volunteer - Wiltshire
The dog as listed below is not Tess as confirmed male.
Such a shame, I really hoped one day she would be found x
I think her owners are doing the right thing. There is no evidence she survived going down the cliffs, Tiga discounted all the possible early sightings. I am sure they will always continue to hope but the balance of probability is she died the night she went over the cliffs. Must be horrible to watch your beloved pet fall over a cliff.
I too do JulieH....we postered for so long and did get occasional sightings...

I still hope she will be found safe xx
Just looked on Facebook page and read the message that her owners are now fearing the worst and think that Tess died the night they lost her.Hope not and always think of her when a sprocker is found x
Fergal I certain that Dotty has the wrong face for Tess or Fernie...I haven't for gotten Tess...Did some posters a few weeks ago and will re poster properly once I run off enough xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
93886 - listed as collie cross spaniel no photo could be worth checking
Please check found 94422, listed as springer but looks like Tess so may be a Sprocker or Cocker
I can print them but the picture is minute and a huge amount of white so printing from screen shot xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Is anyone else having problems printing the posters? EDIT: all sorted thanks xLast edited: 2015-09-27 19:40:18 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
She seems to be using the same triangle ..... Will drive round replacing posters tomorrow with hope it will just jog someone's memory xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Sorry Lucy and Paul, I have only just seen your post. I usually look regularly but have been away and pretty busy since getting back. I will have a look around the area and put up some posters to alert people to this sighting. I noticed the other day the Red Post ones were not there now. It does seem possible given the other sightings, that she has created a loop. Hopefully some more sightings will come in to confirm that.
Please may it be Tess x
Yesterday (15/09/15) approx 8.25am, a black spaniel was seen on Hobbacott Lane towards Marhamchurch just by the turning to Howard Lane. The lady reversed back up the road to have a closer look but the dog ran off through a five bar gate into a field. The dog had longish hair and a slim face. We firmly believe this dog to be a spaniel as the lady who spotted it owns spaniels herself.
Please, please if you are in that area can you keep your eyes pealed for Tess or if you think this is your dog, please let us know. Thank you Lucy and Paul
Fergal am going up tomorrow (or today) to grovel to who ever owns a field I saw ...by moonlight mind....If we could just use a corner ...

We so need to get that sorted ...Whats eating the food...It could be 2 cats (first time I seen them mind) but thee yes were well above cat height but I can't remember if it was a Thursday

The moon will still be big this Thursday so will do some lurking but we need that field corner....

Will ring you tomorrow and wont forget ;-) xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
The geese would be in the reeds at the lake, not sure if they are permanent or part of the migratory birds that come in to the reserve. Thanks for the text Seeks, yes barking was heard in that area before, but the Warden would be on site and hopefully is still watching out for signs of Tess, though it is still not a safe place for people to wander. Thanks for replacong the posters too. Still don't know where that kennel is though, mentioned on Tess's page. Also very interesting the bin bags are being ripped, it was Thursday night? Collection is Friday morning. Could it be possible she is around the area on bin days, like the previous Maer Lane sighting?
Probably the sheds that look like she no longer uses them now Feral...xx

Just back only saw 2 cats (they might be the food eaters....)

Does anyone know where the geese kip please? I know the direction but while replacing posters the geese began to kick up big time and there was barking with the honking......It was gone two so unlikely to be a dog out with an owner.....

Some bins had been ripped open to.....Tess just give your self up baby.....xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
There is a comment on the Find Tess page about a kennel at the bottom of the Surf Hotel garden. I have spoken to Tommy Jacks who are not aware of a kennel but will go check out any likely area as well as have a chat with the builders on the site close by. She has Tess's details and will contact Paul and Lucy should anything come from it. Also not sure which 'shed' is being referred to either at Crooklets/Northcott Cliff. Perhaps the person who posted the comment could take a look or enquire as they know the exact places? That way there won't be a lot of people doing the same thing individually, which is obviously what happened at the Sea Pool site, preventing a possible 'safe place' by upsetting the owners. Permission will always be sought before anything is 'set up'.
I got some posters ready Fergal...Will get there tomorrow and do where you haven't.

This rain doesn't help does it? Pups are not too good so will re-do them all and then, if its not raining, will try to see what eats the food...I have a light I can leave near by...I really hope it is Tess as Paul and Lucy deserve their baby home.

Fegal will text you later xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I took the opportunity to check the posters at Northcott and Maer Lane while on a trip to Bude today. Nearly all posters are down in Maer Lane and none left at Northcott. I only had a few so put them up at Northcott car Park and beach. Seemed to be lots of new people milling around, so have asked Bude Holiday Park to take another lot of flyers to put in their Welcome Packs, which they were happy to do. They also put up another poster (they have 3 now) in the office window, the S&S one which does seem to stand out. Please don't stop watching out for Tess, if the sightings are her, she could well be fending for herself and on a route which could bring her back at any time. Just need that firm sighting and things can move up a gear. Please also keep an eye on any posters you have put out. Thanks X
Tess please just give your self up bay xxxxxxxxxxxx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
scratch that last comment. It seems that the timelines are displayed differently on the page when it is googled - wondered why so many people were up so early (or late)
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Am wondering if the sighting was Thursday or Friday night, because the post was at 1am Saturday morning, and Sally says her dog got out Friday night around 7.30-8pm. Sally is the lady who has walked the Broomhill area with her dogs twice a day since Tess went missing, and postered Stratton for you. Her dog is a double of Tess, and I think is male.
I really hope it was her Paul and she gives her self up later today. Am out Bude later anyway so will make sure there are still posters round there after the heavy rain xx
Below message just left on fb site this morning:
"I may have seen Tess yesterday evening. Doggy about the right size, black, ran across the road in front of the sensible speed traffic. Dog was on a mission following a scent, snifffed around the grass and by the time I had my wits about me and came back, the dog had gone. Had a wander around and drive around for about 15 minutes looking. Will go back today with cooked sausages. Top of Union Hill on the way up out of Stratton towards Bude".
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
It wasn't the Lifeguards, I asked their permission to go check the bowl and they were very helpful. The huts had been chained off, which they hadn't been before, so probably the owners (who could have quietly asked for it to be removed and it would have been, as they obviously either follow this page or the facebook posts from Find Tess). There was no food emptied out, no mess at all, so either the food had been eaten or it was all removed together. Actually hope it wasn't eaten, as if it was her she will find nothing there now.
I don;t care they nicked my dog bowl I do care we don't know of anything had been eaten.....

Will be sitting beside the next one for sure xx

oh the fork...Will get it off you as I nicked that from Yas lol lol lol Last edited: 2015-08-14 00:52:31 by Seeks
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Checked the bowl tonight, all gone - bowl too... they left the fork though
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Confirmed that the sighting was mistaken. The little dogs being walked were followed by a relative's dog, a collie, who likes to join them when he sees they are having a walk. They had a little spat, as they do, outside the house of the person who rang in the sighting. At least we can rule it out quickly.

The bright side is the swift reporting of the sighting (10mins) which was really great, (no thinking about it or wondering if you should, just pick up the phone and do it - that's what gets our dogs home). Thank you John :) POSTERS GET SIGHTINGS said so many times on this siteLast edited: 2015-08-13 18:38:47 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Interesting thread developing on Find Tess facebook page - here is the story so far:

Andy Hunt - Okay, if this is Tess, and I pray it is, let's try and figure out the next possible move. She's on a loop. From Thurdon back toward Kilk. As there hasn't been any sitings north of there, could she head back left toward Northcott area?

Find Tess -  I think you're right Andy. We've been told that given a free choice dogs tend to head in an anti-clockwise direction. Perhaps heading back to Maer via Poughill. That's the route Tiga sniffed when he was down.

Geoff Axford -  If Tess favours cover at night, and fresh water, the River Neet valley runs south west back towards Wooda Farm and then onto Poughill and Northcott. I wonder if that is part of her loop Andy?

Find Tess - It would make sense for her to be following water.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Paul, I am sending you an email with a photo, but to be honest the gentleman described the dog as 'stocky' which doesn't sound like Tess, although he saw the white on chest. The photo is a possible nest site I found between the lakes, very fresh and very close to the sighting. Spoke to Tamar Lakes who knew as a local had informed them from the fb post, and the Warden who I met. Drove around all the roads from Kilk to Tamar to Chilsworthy and back around several times. Have handed out more posters and refreshed some manky ones. I am trying to contact the other person involved in the sighting this morning, they may be able to give a better description and detail.
Everything crossed here in Derbyshire
Please may it be Tess!
Fingers crossed it is Tess , good luck xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have bumped page due to new sighting.
Have spoken to Fergal & she is on her way over there now.
NEW POSSIBLE SIGHTING: We have just had a telephone call where a dog matching Tess' description was spotted near Tamar Lakes (Thurdon). The dog was seen at the top of the hill going down between the 2 lakes. It is currently running up the road going towards Kilkhampton. The dog was looking bedraggled/dirty & not seemingly with anyone, and was also seen to be a little aggressive towards another dog. If anyone is in this area, the more eyes to try & look out, the better!
Bless you Mollychops xxxx

We got a plan but its not going to work if its not kept a quiet thing so please don't anyone think we are not doing much.....Its just so busy its best to not say much

I am still determined to find what is eating the food so still lurking about Bude late......Going to move the bowl over and put a battery light near enough to see.....Not tonight though..I am getting old lol xx
Tess is featured in todays Countrymans Weekly
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Went over to Northcott this evening to check the posters and all the ones I did Monday are intact and in place, along with Marians yellow ones now too. So thankfully none have been removed. Seeks - can you get Marian to follow this page please, it's the only place I can post to. Checked Find Tess again and see Marian couldn't make it tonight, I could have checked the bowl while I was there - I had a look around the bins and nothing obvious about.

Note to Em on Find Tess fb page: Re the Stables at Broomhill. They were spoken to the first week as actually next door to cottage, and given poster, but I did go back Monday to mention sighting and give poster again. Their girls are lovely and will be watching. Thanks for thinking of them xLast edited: 2015-08-12 13:20:32 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Seeks - checked both bowls you had left, neither have been eaten. Brought the one home you wanted, but left the other. Maybe Marian will have better news tonight.

Marian - Just checked Find Tess page, I plastered Maer Lane (all poles and some gates along road) yesterday and also Northcott (both signposts by Lifeguards and the car park gate post, as well as the guy in the caravan in car park). Mine were still on Maer Lane this morning and saw yours this morning too but surely they weren't all taken down again at Northcott?. I also wrote on most of my posters 'Sighting Maer Lane 8/8/15'. Who is doing this? Good luck with bowls tonight and well done Minnie X Last edited: 2015-08-11 11:39:43 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
tx for update!
One bowl of food eaten again....one mostly eaten bt got 2 dogs walking as likely suspect for that one....

The other....We saw eyes that weren't green by torch light....Now I been told since I was this high that foxes always have green eyes by torch light.....those eyes were an orange/yellow....same place the food went.

Crawled all over Bude ..repostered as well .... I amazed I not been challenged yet as even I know I look suspicious lol lol lol...

Fergal going to check the bowl I left which it would be good if what ever it is eating the food went to that area...its safe and secluded there....

I can't do tonight but will go back wens and try to find what is eating the food....Slugs or snails had been in the bowl but they would have to be huge to eat a full bowl in two and a half hours....I seen too many B horror movies to want to meet slugs that could do that lol lol lol

Night night xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
OK Sarah, will wait for your email and I will pop down to check them in the morning, if Marion will do the evening. Perhaps if someone has a wildlife camera?Last edited: 2015-08-10 21:26:29 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Fergal ...it time we made a food station...will grovel through the hedges though we both the obvious place xx

forgot to say will let you know where i put the bowls and rope in Marian....please cam everyone else hang fire....just let us establish a feed station as we need to just get some where to catch her.... xxLast edited: 2015-08-10 21:21:24 by Seeks
Geoffa YES PLEASE!!! Can you print off and laminate the second picture as a poster..If you need I can pm it you....will send you a friends request and pm it you so it comes through the right size...hey as many as you will do xx

.... um could you do as many as you will for our baby lol...will pm you the posters xxxxxxxxx

Last edited: 2015-08-10 21:22:53 by Seeks
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I have postered and flyered. Maer Lane, Golf Course again and some old tatty posters renewed along the roads home and at Northcott and Coombe Woods. Have left supplies of flyers at Wooda, Bude, Burn Park and Broomhill holiday parks, and handed out a few to passers-by. Did not go into Bude but did do a couple of places at Crooklets who took posters for Tess. Most businesses do not keep posters too long, and I have had the usual response that she is 'long gone'. Someone asked if I know it is definitely Tess! I know we do not know if this is Tess, but then no one else knows it isn't do they?? I prefer to be optimistic, and the loop sounds very reasonable to me. Haven't managed to walk the fields, been out hours and tired now but it seems there are a few local people looking for her too. Whoever you are doggy, please show yourself to them.Last edited: 2015-08-10 16:07:47 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Please don't anyone attempt to enter the Reserve, it looks like fields and there are cows but it is very dangerous with deep ditches. Will be off out now, it's a wet misty day so far. This is the reply I have had this morning from the Warden...

"We have been working at Maer on the sluice for the last few days and have seen no sign of the missing dog at the Lake. Also my house overlooks Maer and I have seen no sign(Deer and Fox seen). Please be aware that there are cattle in the field and they are very jumpy and wild. We are just starting the annual management work and many deep ditches are overgrown and extremely difficult to see, in fact very danegerous. I will keep a lookout for the dog, good luck in your search."
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Here is the latest comment from 'Find Tess' fb page.....
It maybe that Tess is working a large loop around Bude, that maybe many miles wide. She may not still be down Maer Lane but could return in the next few days. Thank you for all those who have bee looking and postering for us.
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
moolytess - yes, I seem to remember that as well, are you able to add a comment to the latest post on the Find Tess facebook page as a gentle reminder to all those kind folk who are searching?

Fergal - great you have been able to alert the Reserve Warden. It would be amazing if the reserve has been a safe haven for Tess all this time (fresh water, cover, rabbits and close to houses for foraging at night).

Seeks - I am happy to help with printing and laminating of posters. You know me, I have just joined the Admin Team at Doglost Cornwall. Which image are we using for Tess's poster, is it the Extra Image above? I am guessing yes as the view poster button gives a misleading stretched image of Tess. Also, the very vivid yellow poster could be considered too similar to the many yellow road warning signs, which could be a reason for removal by highways, although I know you have your own views as to the reasons why. Please let me know re posters - I am at Looe so could deliver to your neck of the woods.
If I remember rightly, but it may be worth checking with Paul and Lucy, Tess doesn't like strange dogs so it may be worth going on your own and not taking your dogs with you if you are searching
Fergal most the posters we had up are gone...I wish they would stop taking them down!!!

I got laminated ones ...Will laiase with you in themorning. Went out tonight but too dark...I need a dry clear night...lol will be done for loitering soon ;-)

Will give you a shout tomorrow xx

Thanks for the map Geoff I really don't know Bude area too well so it will help xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Brilliant GeoffA, thanks. It looks like it is in the Reserve itself which is not accessible, but I will check it out. I have emailed Paul & Lucy's numbers to the Reserve Warden just in case he sees her, or already has. Sue x
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Here you go - may be smaller tributaries to main stream as well:
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
GeoffA - can you put a link on for the map you are looking at, I can't find the stream on google maps X
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thanks GoeffA, I will get the posters out, I have handwritten the sighting on them and the date. Will also look at the map to see that stream. If there is another sighting, it would help to have a few people to station, say either end of a field so if she runs from the first person, the second person will see her. But we need that sighting so the more eyes the better. I may walk the fields behind Maer towards the coast, but will see how long it takes to get the posters up, and flyers handed out. I google the Find Tess page to check it, but can't post to it. Thank you X
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Fergal - as well as the lake to the east of Maer Lane, there appears to be a stream running across the land from east to west, then due south to houses. Could well be a source of fresh water for the dog. Not sure if you have posted on Find Tess but there are several local people who have said they will go out and look. Remember to take a ball with you as we were told that Tess loves her ball above everything else! I am in Looe but happy to come up if necessary. Good luck!Last edited: 2015-08-09 21:29:14 by GeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Looking at the Council site, the bins are collected on Friday there. It could be possible that this dog had found food and was staying around Saturday because of that? Could the people in Maer Lane please check their neighbours to see if any bin-bags were disturbed? I can get out there with some more posters tomorrow and will try Burn Park too but mine are not laminated (I print off the Doglost ones). Is it possible for Lucy & Paul to get back to this person to ask where along the lane it was, and which side of the road? Was is close to Bude Holiday Park? or Maer Lake? It is so close to the cliff path, on a line across land. I will take a walk around tomorrow, if anyone would like to come please contact admin for my number.
If you get definate sightings, ask Ray Dedicoat's help, he is magic at catching feral dogs - ring 01564 823244 Hollytrees Kennels, they will get hold of him. I think he is in the SW just now....
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
This info posted to 'Find Tess' fb page....
UPDATE POSSIBLE SIGHTING: we've just been informed about a possible sighting yesterday afternoon down Maer Lane, Bude. A holiday maker saw a black dog with a white chest hiding in the hedgerow. We don't have anymore information than this and this sighting was only reported today after they spotted one of our posters.

Will bump posting due to sighting
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just to add to Seeks' comment, if seen also try to get a flash photo on your phone if possible, or better still, a movie clip. Sue XxLast edited: 2015-08-02 23:50:40 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
You're welcome Chris. Carolyn xLast edited: 2015-08-02 15:44:03 by cbenne06
Bless you for the call my friend. Yes please keep looking at dawn as the animal seen has been after 1am and with it being still busy till gone midnight that animal may come along later than 1am....

Might see you in the dawn though I probably off round 4.30 as need be home by dawn really ... if I should happen to be asleep just kick me lol xx
The real problem with Tess will be that she is now kinda feral...

I think if anyone see's her its better to not try and catch her (especially in daylight as the place is heaving and really loud with visitors) but just see where she goes and ring her Mum and Dad.....We can keep an eye on her movements till one of the gets here but trying to catch her I think could make her panic and run...

A lovely lady called Marian did the sit out for me last night....She had to leave when it got dark bless her but I was doing a rip van winkle impersonation and I couldn't do last night at all.

I plan to tonight but won't bother to go till late as Bude truly is heaving with people and nothing will happen till its quiet unless we get incredibly lucky.

Me and My girl....I really hope that is her!!! xx

Jean will ring re our own too as she is black and white and a small ESS that could be called a sprocker or a collie cross etc xx
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
On Animal wardens "lost and found" site. 1/8 found female black and white sprocker/spaniel EX23 Ref 99751. This is a private listing, hope it's Tess. EDIT Have left message on phone no.2 to look on here. EDIT Text recd. "checked last night and sadly not Tess"Last edited: 2015-08-02 09:29:17 by Me N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I have just noticed that the telephone number of the Animal Wardens one is the same as Found 90183, found 28th July so probably the same one.

http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=90183#.Vb0itvlVikoLast edited: 2015-08-01 20:59:32 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Paulb have you looked at found ID 90183 in EX22?
Thanks Jean. We have just followed that up & are told it's definitely not Tess.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thanks Jean. I have texted Paul and he will check it out. Strange it should be Animal Wardens and not Cornwall DW. Keeping fingers crossed here now and hoping.
Carolyn, again thanks for the call alerting me, great to have you on board too and willing to search in your days off.
found one here. http://www.animalwardens.co.uk/lost-found-dogs-search?sobi2Task=sobi2Details&catid=&sobi2Id=99751
Hi Susan - Reading through the posts, it appears that Tess does respond to whistles as well as Tess/Tessie. Hopefully the quiet at dawn may bring her out if she has taken to hiding during the day? I'll search tomorrow and next week. Fingers crossed. I'll keep you posted. CarolynLast edited: 2015-08-01 18:24:29 by cbenne06
I'm sure I read that you should take a ball with you when sitting out apparently she loves her ball and would go to it rather than food.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Yes, Seeks is a star, and as for over the moon, well that's putting it mildly. Well done Sarah. Call me any time you need to - granny duties are on hold. :)

Update: Thanks for the call Carolyn. I'm Sorry if this has been misunderstood, I meant well done for sitting out all night, Tess is STILL MISSING.
Last edited: 2015-08-01 14:37:32 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Any possibility this is Tess? Found ID 90183 described as English Springer, black and white found EX22, looks as though she has a questionable chip. Maybe worth a phone call. Just love all you doggie people out there for what you do. XX
Jane it was a half filled bowl...Its got to be either a dog or a fox...

I keep thinking or a swam of rats lol....Fergal suggested a cage so I have one in the car that could become a hand trap if necessary but if its Tess I will be over the moon!! xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
What a star you are Seeks!
I sat out last night till about 4....

I put two bowls of food out in 2 places...I sat near one till 2ish then sat by the other...

When I went back the first bowl had been eaten...tonight I will stay near that bowl...It could be a fox...It could be seagulls as the lights can confuse them between day and night...it could be eggiebores ....I hope its not rats..BUT it could be Tess....

Tonight just the one bowl and I don't move....unless its rats ;-) xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Have you put an article in local papers about Tess?
Thanks for all the hard work. If Tess has been out & about for the last 7 weeks, she may well be looking quite thin & have longer matted fur which could make her look like a stray. If anyone does see a stray dog about, please do report it as most will be much missed pets!
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I have put posters out beyond Kilkhampton towards Tamar Lakes, left some with Forda Cottages and South Forda, a couple of out of the way farms where the farmers were all very helpful, and some houses. Handed out flyers. Most people mentioned seeing Tess on facebook which is very encouraging. Meeting up with Seeks later to do some more.
We going to re-poster again ...Fergal and I think someone is taking them down by following us they get removed so fast..... I get it might worry holiday makers but it could worry them more to think if their dog did go missing they couldn't poster....Might just point that out to the local council.....It must be them removing them

Sorted out 2 areas to watch on the overnight one....Next dry night when I am not a zombie....

One thing I am now sure of is Tess is in that area hiding up ... I jusy hope that she is xx
Thanks Fergal, I know tess is a sprocker but it's possible to think she is a large cocker with her colouring.Good luck with the search
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just thinking JulieH, I have checked and it seems it is possible for a spayed dog to continue heat if any tissue is left after the operation, but only Paul and Lucy would know if that was the case. So don't kick yourself yet and it's great that people are matching XLast edited: 2015-07-22 15:22:14 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Sorry that dog is in season so it won't be tess x
Just may be worth checking 89638 found in SO21 ,says black cocker with white chest.Hoping for good news soon for you x
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
The dog on Wansun was not Tess. He is now listed on the Founds
We need daylight Paul & Lucy so going tomorrow....Have seen pics and am sure its NOT Tess but we will be able to totally categorically say its not xx

Fergal you better bring rope and a winch as getting down to it could be very easy but I will need to get out ;-) xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Paul, Seeks is going out with a scanner tonight. She has posted to Bude Banter for directions. Just hope it is not in a place where the tide will wash it away. She is on her way home now and is calling you.
Thanks. I have just messaged someone from Harvey's Army & they will see if they have a scanner in the area.
Council should scan for a microchip and best to 'phone doglost and ask rather than rely on someone from admin seeing this?Last edited: 2015-07-24 06:01:00 by Maggie
If someone has found what they think is a decomposing dog, who would we need to contact to get it checked out? Would the council scan for a microchip before disposing of it? (Ref a post on fb - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153470990924804&set=o.680670928704558&type=1 ). Thanks
Thats a shame Max but thanks for finding out xx

Fergal not deserted you or Tess..This coming week I got posters all ready for Tess (Thanks Paul xx ) but now got Pup's, Topesy's and some for Oscar all ready to go so just got to do Lex's and I's ready to hit that area and every where in between xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thanks for chasing it up though Max
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Seems that the dog he found was more like a 'Lassie collie' so not Tess.
Keep us posted on that please Paul and Max xx

Tess I so hope your the collie x and get home today xxxx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
This is something posted on Pirate fm fb page.
Have left a message on the Find Tess fb page & am trying to contact the person.
who posted it to see what has happened to the dog he found?
Have spoken to Paul & passed this info on.
Fergal...Is there a gap under the wooden gazebo.....You know where I am sitting if there is.

Waiting for a clear night and will pass that link to Kathy as going to have a skype chat with her so she recognise from the things she is being shown....

I sound like a full card carrying loon but its nothing new....Long time since I wassane lol.... for Pup its been rightish lol xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
A poster now at Life's a Beach, who haven't noticed any bin-damage, and also the steps to the beach. Also some guys building beach huts below the restaurant who will be there for another week. Flyers in RNLI shop at Crooklets. Poster given to owner (who is following on facebook) of hotel overlooking a wooden gazebo on cliff top. There was already a poster in Morrisons (Sainsbury don't allow them). Renewed the missing poster at the Flexbury gate to Golf Course. Also had a quick peek under the beach huts, there is a void certainly at the end which is half filled with rubble. Might be a good idea for anyone who has put out posters to check them, as many are being removed.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
OK. I know I walked the wharf area with you the other night and 'the thing going out to the sea', the lock, but as for the wooden structure, the bandstand has a concrete base. The restaurant Life's a Beach has a wooden terrace with steps to the beach at Summerleaze. Here is a link with photos (scroll through to the huts). The beach huts have a wooden walkway and space underneath. Otherwise I think it is probably Crooklets you mean with a chip shop, which also has beach huts. Possibly plenty of food around these areas from the cafes etc, and discarded take-aways.

Last edited: 2015-07-13 14:28:21 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Trying to get another Skype with Kathy....Fergal she could never have guessed Pup's name!!

She said Tess showed her a wooden structure near the beach and she is bun crawling (the bin crawling I don't doubt) Its got a thing going out to the sea near it so thats the locks but the next beach round I didn't get to though the one after has a chippy, a holiday building and something to do with the council that has a wooden walkway almost to the beach.....I did flier and poster there but clearly I wasn't being too observant to what the buildings were ;-) Is a club type thing next to the chippy....No its a restaurant!! Its got neon lights but not sure which cove/beach I was in lol just its 2 up from he locks xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Honest answer Seeks? I don't know. But I am open-minded. Not sure which chip shop you mean though. As you know, I am not up to an all-nighter, but will do what I can. I did do the flyering based on your suggestion and can only hope people will keep them to hand, as I expected the Poster at the bandstand was taken off. But there are plenty of walkers out there even in this weather (just had a quick scan of the webcams). If Tess is there it is only a question of time before someone sees her and if you do sit-out... yes that could be you, but well don't do it alone. Last edited: 2015-07-13 13:35:24 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
How much importance can we give communicating?

I ask Paul only because I was talking to one (who proved to me she could do it with our Pup by knowing Pup's actual name) ... See Tess I asked her about...

I been Bude a few times now but is there a beach near a wooden object she can get under and bins....yes..near that chip shop....Fergal I went to the chip shop and didn't go to the beach but I think there is ......How much can we trust a communicate as if we can...I know where to sit out.....

Yep I know I sounds insane but with Pup....well its been 18 months so we try anything ;-) xx
Tess doesn't have a problem with thunder or lightning. She is quite happy to watch it unfold. I saw the damage at the sea pool also, and there were windows in the hut broken, so was definitely youths.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I have only just found this (ashamed to say), it is the link for the webcams around Bude. All static but at least something.


We had a thunder storm last night, how does Tess react to thunder & lightning? Does she try to get into safe places (my own dog used to try to get in the wardrobe) because I have been told that some damage was done at the Sea Pool with contents of a bin scattered last night, thought to be youths, but was wondering if it could have been a hungry dog? Found the Bude Sea Pool web page, it has their facebook post about it further down the page.

http://www.budeseapool.org/Last edited: 2015-07-11 22:08:42 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Paul Fergal and I have come up with an idea....

Going to do a night watch down by the bandstand..... When its dark and quiet just maybe ....Will take a bowl of kippers and pilchards and just see. Not sure I can do it till next week but promise I will asap xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
So sorry Paul and Lucy. More people are aware of Tess though and actively looking out for her. XX
It turns out that the new people living in Burnards House (moved in 6 months ago) have a similar dog to Tess, and this was the dog spotted yesterday. Thanks to everyone for their quick following up of the sighting - it means so much to Lucy & I that there is such fantastic support down here when we are back at home.Last edited: 2015-07-11 22:28:05 by paulb
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just been out there, and no sign of a dog on road, so whoever it is they are safe. I put two posters at the sign posts (both saying Burnards House). Last edited: 2015-07-15 00:39:53 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have bumped Tess's page due to possible recent sighting
NEW POSSIBLE SIGHTING - This afternoon (Thursday), a dog 'extremely similar to Tess' was spotted just off the A3072 near Burnards House. This sighting was made by a local veterinary nurse, who travels the road regularly, & has never seen this particular dog around here before. Does anyone live very locally who could confirm if there is a similar looking spaniel living very locally?, or was anyone else driving on this road this afternoon & happened to see a black spaniel with white markings on its chest??
Burnards House is very close to Holsworthy Golf course (between Red Post & Holsworthy), so please keep a close eye out for her around this area. Thanks.Last edited: 2015-07-11 22:27:31 by paulb
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
GeoffA thanks for looking. Max has updated the found 89218 which has been reunited with owner along with the 'grey black' dog, not sure if that one is 89233 but we should know soon if it is.
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Could the "larger dog which ran off" mentioned under Found ID 89218 possibly be Tess? Appreciate no details are logged for this dog but as it was spotted running off maybe colour was noted? What about the second (black) collar on the dog which was caught - Tess's was black & white I think.
Thats what worries me Fergals...Posters being taken down don't half make it harder...Maybe the we could smother all windows of a car and park it there ;-)

Yep have left a message for Pye... never thought about her I am ashamed to say but its possibly a lot nearer than I think? xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
None there that you had done, so I have given out 100 flyers today, all around the Castle, Bandstand, Cafe's, shops and Boat Hire along the canal wharf. Only 2 posters though as I have run out. Did the Hotel and Pub over the bridge who also took a pile each, some car windscreens and accosted plenty of passers by and some fishermen. A couple of houses too before the flyers ran out. Would have carried on up Church Lane door to door if I had any. (Sorry for the miserable phone call - feeling a bit dispirited). .... Put a comment on Pie's page re your reported sighting Altarnum/Five Lanes and texted her owner to check it, and have a poster ready for Pie in car now (almost carbon copy situation as Tess). Anyone in that area please look at Pie 85365Last edited: 2015-07-07 16:01:39 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Oh Fergals Bude's got to be postered daily too as someone is removing them.....Telegraph poles are mostly left safe but no others it seems near the beaches. In land yes so I think its the same as this way...

Maybe for that end of Bude we need to flier all and every letter box? xx

They don't want holiday makers to stop coming as they think its unsafe for their dogs....Certainly that happens down home and even Par beach loses Pup's posters but its not because someone got her.

Will check to see how many are still up tomorrow Fergals and maybe...make it a little harder with the drawing pins and a stone....They take some getting out....

DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
For information: Flyers already placed for people to take (may need replenishing) - Wooda Caravans Bude, Bude Holiday Park, Sandymouth Holiday Park and some houses, Weir Cafe Whalesborough, Cafe Kilkhampton, PO Week St Mary, PO Whitstone, Red Post Garage & Holiday Park, Tamar Lake, Tamar Otter Park. Also house to house at Poughill & Northcott, and top of Stewart Rd, Week St Mary. Will do more as I get them printed off.Last edited: 2015-07-07 10:37:26 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
If anyone spots a sparse area for Posters, or if current one is loose or down, it would be great if they could print off one or two, put upside-down in a plastic pocket, (laminated are far superior though) and pin or staple it up. Or print 2 per page for flyers to hand out, people are happy to take one and the conversation involved can sometimes bring up local knowledge/information.Last edited: 2015-07-07 09:53:47 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Blanket postered for Tess (and did Pup too) all the way round Alturnun and FiveLanes.....I think we did a good zig-zag and covered it all but will go back tomorrow then poster over and up back to Bude....xx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Thanks Seeks & Fergal for all you are doing for Tess. it must be comforting for owners to know everything that can be done is being done. They are also doing a fab job keeping up her profile.
Put out the posters I had and will re-stock laminating things and get far more out tomorrow. Did a few on the lay-bys on the A30.....Was hoping to go grovel to Jamaica Inn but the road was closed by then so will catch them tomorrow too. Its incredibly busy so if they would take some fliers and put up a poster it could reach a few folk that way too. xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I have updated the poster to include Reward and some more detail from the Poster which Seeks gave me. I have been around the Week area again today with some of the yellow laminatated posters and some flyers. Met people still unaware of Tess, a Farming couple and camping area. Re your comment Owl, it might be worth keeping in touch with the Devon Wardens, as Bude so close to the Border. Not certain which pounds they use, but Ilfracombe Dogs Trust is one I believe. She is chipped fortunately, but always worth checking to keep up awareness. I have e-mailed DW details to Paul. .... Seeks you are doing an amazing job, thanks from me too. XLast edited: 2015-07-05 20:13:45 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thank you Seeks.
Bless you Owl....I know Oscar from just before he wet missing and so hope he will be seen gain soon. Postered through Delebole for Pup and Tess yesterday and his posters are so prominent there. xx

Taking out posters to Five Lanes, Altarnum and surrounding areas.... I will add Oscar's to there tomorrow as just now I run out of laminating things....Its only about 25-30 miles from here so easy to pop back out but got fliers printing for Oscar too as they don't need laminating xx
His ID is 28036 and I am going to bump his page to top so that Tess searchers can familiarise themselves with his appearance. I am wondering about the sighting on Altarnun road. He is liver and white but one wet muddy dog in a hedge looks much like another if you are driving past
Please can all Tess searchers checking out possible sightings in Cornwall be aware of Oscar the sprollie who has been living feral for nearly 4 years. He was nearly caught in BoscastleLast edited: 2015-07-05 22:52:47 by Owl
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Bumped due to this latest sighting, come on Tess, time to give in and go home.
possible sighting just reported of a 'similar looking dog very bedraggled same size' running down the bypass on the way to Alturnun. 'Definitely looked lost' Was very wet & seemed to have longer fur than Tess - That said, Tess's fur grows fairly quickly & she would usually get clipped about now, so her fur may be longer than in most of her photos. If anyone is about that area, please keep an eye out for her. Thanks
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Paul has arrived back after a 12 hr trip down. He has had another sighting at the Rebel Cinema at Treskinnick Cross (just 2.5 miles from Week St Mary sighting). Not a clear sighting, but slightly biggert than a fox. It was posted to Bude Banter but Paul has no internet access where he is staying. He is currently having a walk around Treskinnick cross now. If anyone could post this to facebook in case it is a local dog and could be confirmed/eliminated please?
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Paul has arrived back after a 12 hr trip down. He has had another sighting at the Rebel Cinema at Treskinnick Cross (just 2.5 miles from Week St Mary sighting). Not a clear sighting, but slightly biggert than a fox. It was posted to Bude Banter but Paul has no internet access where he is staying. He is currently having a walk around Treskinnick cross now.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Well you didn't leave mine until 2am so can't imagine what time you finally got home Seeks! Great job, thank you again. Tamar Lakes near Kilkhampton (Kill something :) and Tamar Otter Park (Launceston Rd), and Brooks Garden Centre (Holsworthy Rd), all took a poster and flyers and are places lots of people visit from around the area. When I postered Weeks St Mary yesterday, I went from Red Post down to Whitstone but only had 20 laminated posters so they are well spaced out. However at Jewels Cross Garage a lady had put a notice up of her two missing little dogs, a West Highland White (Scottie), and a brown Border Terrier. Please keep a look out for them anyone in that area as they don't seem to be here on Doglost, might be on facebook. The sighting at Week St Mary by the way of, possibly, Tess, was in Stewart Lane, both times and two days apart. Both by the same person, Reverend Bob, who went out again Wednesday night and called into some farms, none of whom had a dog missing or knew of one locally, but one did say he had been aware of a 'wanderer' a couple of weeks ago. This is why it's so worth continuing postering far and wide of course, so people will know who to call as soon as they see her. No ferrets, but there was a lovely kestrel at the Otter Park..Last edited: 2015-07-03 16:40:05 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Did a few posters again tonight.....Did right through Bude, up to the Kill what's it that Fergals knows the nam of ;-) Then my side of Bude cam home via Widemouth, Crackington, Higher something or another, Boscastle, Tintagle, Bosley, up near to Davidstow and back over Camleford then decided to come home.....

Kinda thought about postering this way but really it does sounds like she up that area so will stay on the 10 square miles bit for now.

Paul will print off and laminate the other poster in a min and get some out today or tomorrow as ell xx

I may have seen 2 ferrets on the lose if anyone hears of 2 black ad tan ones. The 'may have ' comes only from the fact they had sticking up ears.....

DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
There has been a sighting in the Week St Mary area. It was around 2 and a half to 3 weeks ago. Black small collie size dog. Trying to get in the hedges along the road, then ran when the man stopped and got out of car to help. Seen again a couple of days later on the same road, same thing happened and the dog ran across a field. I will be leaving flyers at the Post Offices at Week St Mary, and Whitstone tomorrow. Please anyone take one and keep it to refer to if there is another possible sighting.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thank you for both Gino and Mollychops !
Further alerts requested and sent to helpers in EX1-6,15-23,31-39. TQ10-14. PL12-35.
Ive nominated Tess for the Countrymans Weekly Mag
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Could alerts go out further afield now please? We need eyes way past Barnstaple up to Exmoor areas and beyond, Exeter and down into Cornwall if possible too. Thanks x
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Gave flyers out in Kilk along with Milo's. Went to Bude for supplies and got 20 posters from the Tourist Info Centre. Went along the coast road, taking in Northcott again, Poughill, then Stibb, Stowe Woods and Combe, putting them on telegraph poles and footpath posts mostly. Finished at Morwenstow, The Rector at Church is actively looking with his own dog, and the Tea Rooms have displayed one for you.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I have found googling 'Find Tess Bude' brings up her facebook page. Latest update from Lucy & Paul: The weather has been kind to us on our trip back to Cornwall. We have concentrated the search a little further afield than central Bude, and over the last few days have spent more time in Stowe Wood - a place in sure Tess would love with the shade & running water. We have also taken in much of the seafront from Sandymouth to Duckpool, and even a slightly longer walk than anticipated around Marsland Mouth & the valley there. We have also walked the canal route from Bude to Whalesborough & Helebridge - again some lovely walks with plenty of water - a spaniel's dream.
Thanks to all who have offered their help with the search, and especially to anyone who has offered to help put up a few posters. We have now had a new delivery of yellow waterproof posters. These are in the Bude tourist info, and will be given out to anyone who would be happy to help us put them up (please take as many as you think you can find a place for!). The search continues....
unfortunately the recent possible sighting in Hartland Quay has now been discounted as a local farm collie (which is now safely back home). Thanks.
A possible sighting of a lone 'black dog with white beard' has just been reported in Hartland Quay. The caller said it looked more like a collie/sheepdog in build, so is unlikely to be Tess, but the colouring is right & Hartland Quay is approx. 15 miles North of where she disappeared. If anyone is near Hartland Quay, please keep a lookout for her, & if you are unable to catch her but have a camera/smartphone to hand, please try to get a picture. Also if anyone has posters & are near there, it may be worth putting a few up. I will be heading back down to Cornwall tomorrow afternoon & will spend some time in Hartland. Thanks, Paul
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Would a plea to anyone leaving food out for wildlife be useful? Perhaps someone noticing food going and blaming foxes etc. Perhaps people leaving food for hedgehogs? I have two feasting every night in my own garden. Stables, farms, smallholdings. Stabbing in the dark here, but if Tess has managed to find a safe place with a food supply she may be unwilling to move. Might mean a stake out if you get anything, but worth a try? I know of two local ones found taking refuge in a stable (Pello) and a barn (Milly), and then Jess who finally gave up running and sat in a field. Just keep on looking.Last edited: 2015-06-22 13:36:30 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Your own Pup would be proud of you Seeks and glad you were able to incorporate some for her too. More people aware of her the better. Just a thought, has anyone had a look in the old church at Flexbury.. perfect place to take refuge and very near the Golf Course and Crooklets. There is also the one above the canal at Summerleaze. Are there any more small churches around the area? (I've been dreaming churches last few nights for some odd reason although haven't stepped into one for years)
Fergal Maramchurch is clobbered.....every other telegraph pole, fliers and the local pub. We did another place up from there toward Devon and back this way too.

Couldn't find the canals bit though did go down Helebridgr? I have no real idea where we went lol just did where ever we found houses .....Put them up with vengeance to so the weather will have to work to remove them....I use a stone with the pins.

Will get more laminated and try to get back up thee Tuesday so may well cadge th tea then ;-) xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thank you Seeks. The kettle is on anytime. I was out at Hele Valley woods for an hour and a half last night, lots of wildlife but no Tess. Maramchurch could do with more posters, I only had 7 left to put up Thursday, but spoke to the Vet there and the pub. Can't imagine Tess would cross the busy A39, or rather hope not, so will concentrate on the Bude side around Whalesborough. Also mooched around Hele Bridge. Thanks to Jennie for your help, we will meet up and keep trying. You are right, Seeks, it needs blanket postering everywhere, north, south, east, west. Someone may have her and it only takes one to spot her. Thank you for your marathon effort, doesn't seem to matter how many you print off there are never enough... but at least yours are laminted.Last edited: 2015-06-21 16:00:04 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Was using a tablet lol Pup has modernised me so much but back to my old tired hamster driven pc...

We really do need help folks. I can print and laminate the posters but we must blanket poster....Will ask Tess's page to beg and will beg for help on Pup's page and the Cornish sites....

I promise you Paul and Lucy we will get that whole area flooded with posters ....I know yu would do it for my Pup xxx

I started postering Camelford and then all round the canals (though I need help to actually find the canal....lol I did try but I's from West Cornwall ;-) ) Did the surfing place where 2 young lads said they would keep an eye out and put the poster on their bored.

Fliered beach cafe's, challie offices and so many letter boxes bu ran out again....I think there were only about 50-60..Will refill the printer and get a real horde done but we do need help (I like an old broken record lol )

Did 260 drawing pins worth....can't do maths tonight. Started Bude its self but ran out of pins....

Will go back of course but its not going to be possible to go before Monday or Tuesday....We really need to blanket poster about 10 square miles....Please if you can help get in touch ...,,My number is the mobile one on 60130 who is my own baby xx

Did at least 140 miles tonight with posters and fliers..... We went on a giant circle. Blanket poster where lovely Tiga suggested. Every other telegraph pole' stuck fliers through doors. Collared the pub landlord.

Edited to say sorry to that lovely, kind , amazing Tiga for getting his name wrong...Jenny I was using a tablet in brain dead mode lol xxLast edited: 2015-06-21 02:10:06 by Seeks
Keep forgetting....

Tess's Thunderclap..

PLEASE click support as she could have been picked up and not reported....

I just don't trust the Ether....

Jasper and Pat your both treasures!!

Will try to find both on the ground xx

Right armed with about 60 ish posters and I think its 40 fliers....Tasking hideous Puhi with me lol....As Fergals said I had a problem with him getting out when I was 50 miles up the road....

Going to start postering Padstow up....Will do Pup as well ;-)

Fergal's we may just ring you for a cuppa lol xx
julia4827@btinternet.com found this email address for julian morris on bude rfc webdite, says chairman, dont know if there are more than 1 rugby club round the area but thought would pass it on just in case. Website buderfc.co.uk for phone nos etc if right one
DogLostJasper - Area Volunteer, Somerset
Just looking at some info about the coastline there and read that Bude rugby club sometimes run the coast path between Crooklets and Duckpool as training. I don't have a Facebook account to contact them but might be just worth having a word. Was thinking if maybe any of them, being the outdoors type, might be absailers, rock climbers, or any have special knowledge of the area. It would spread the word if nothing else. Sorry I'm not close enough to do more.
DogLostJasper - Area Volunteer, Somerset
RLast edited: 2015-06-19 16:43:53 by Jasper - Area Volunteer, Somerset
Markus Hibbard at Bude Tourist info has kindly printed an extra 200 posters for the find Tess campaign. If anyone would like to help us raise Tess' profile, please do collect some posters from the tourist information. Thanks for all the help with the search, we are really touched by all of the support shown by the people of Bude.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Yesterday was a non-starter due to emergency unfortunately. Seeks I hope all was well when you got home? I have done the door-to-door this morning and also left a pile of flyers for people to take at Reception at Sandymouth Caravans and Wooda Caravans. Seems to be a bit of something at Northcott, with police and recovery vehicles, and a pick-up down the beach among the rocks, but didn't stop. Posters are ok. I have been told that Bude is well covered too. Good luck Tess X
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thanks Katie_R. Actually I saw some kayaks out yesterday at Northcott. I will leave that to the owners as am sure they are still looking for ideas too. My little legs are getting tired now and have just thought of another place along the coast from Duckpool - not far from me it is Marsland Mouth but it's a heck of a treck to get down to it. Then there is Welcome Mouth a bit along.
Might be worth contacting any kayaking schools in the area, they'll be up and down the coast a fair bit and might have seen something?
SW path facebook page https://www.facebook.com/southwestcoastpath and visit cornwall fb page https://www.facebook.com/IloveCornwallLast edited: 2015-06-17 10:58:25
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Not sure about a fb page, but I have used google maps to search the area Jenny. Thanks for your help and advice. Just trying to gear everything to getting that sighting now. I think its very possible she got round to Northcott from where she was with the North flow, also Paul said there was still some beach left when she went over. Yes there are new people in the cottages now. Actually I believe it is all National Trust land and thinking about it the Ranger is at Stowe Barton at Duckpool, so I will put a poster there when we are out today. Having Bude Caravan Park doing the Welcome Packs is a huge help as it will catch every new guest they get now. Also the Tea Room at Northcott has taken posters to display, and the first 2 cottages have taken posters to leave for new guests. Any more ideas are welcome as running low on them now.Last edited: 2015-06-17 10:56:32 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
Well done Seeks & Fergal's - most of the residents in Bude know about Tess but being a huge tourist area there will be large turnover of people both in the appartments and holiday lets and any other campsites. So perhaps these are the ones that need posters so any new guests can be made aware. I still have a feeling she is further afield depending on which way she swam or scrambled when she descended the cliff. I suspect further north as that is the way the tide was going. Although if she scrambled I suspect she went south after we looked at the rock formation down the cliff. Is there a fb page for the South West Coastal path?
Fergal's nice talking to you again too:-)

Will put some there and also well done for kicking the printer into submission...Bout to heave mine out a window lol. There is no excuse as mine is only on its first refill with these cartridges lol xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Have a good week Max X Seeks, great talking to you again, I did as you suggested , kicked the printer into submission and have 70 odd flyers ready, hopefully will be enough. Before you leave Barnstaple could you place a few of your posters in prominent places? I will ask friends around Bideford to do the same. See you when you get here Last edited: 2015-06-16 22:41:41 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Thanks for your help. I will be away for a week, but will try to catch up at some stage.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Great Seeks. Mostly missing were on notice boards, the car park gate-posts, lifeguard hut and even the post box of a holiday cottage, Also a telegraph pole on the main road looking directly to the Northcott turn. I think there were more but can't recall where. Strangely one of the laminated ones has been ripped off, or cut because a bit was left, but my own unreadable rain soaked one was still underneath it. Give me a call if you have time on the way back from Barnstaple....
... Ink and paper running low and I can't get my printer to do 2 to a page, even at A5 with no margins they still take more than a half page. Won't have many to do a good door-to-door unfortunately.Last edited: 2015-06-16 16:50:03 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Fergal's will help...

We poster for Pup everywhere so will come prepared ;-) The ones taken down...if on lamp posts the council remove them asap but if on telegraph poles they tend to stay longer ....Though in point of fact its illegal lol a Telegraph maontance man told me ...but left Pup's poster up and took a couple for his van xx lol xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
You seem to be thinking much as I am at present Seeks. I have replaced all the missing posters at Northcott this morning, along with the supply to Bude Holiday Park who were great. Everyone is surprised the posters are gone. I also started handing them out to everybody I saw, though that doesn't cover enough personally, and am wondering if a house to house small leaflet drop might help now. Lucy & Paul (and Doglost) have my number if anyone can help me with this. I will concentrate around Northcott. Thanks Seeks, I am not sure how many posters are up around Bude or South of Bude. Anyway, not everyone is on facebook so flooding the area is the best option either way. Maybe checking again with vets up to 15/20 miles in case she was picked up and needed medical attention.Last edited: 2015-06-16 15:24:58 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I also put in a Thunderclap as I worry someone picked her up

Dog theft its self in Cornwall is rare BUT theft by finding seems to be a lot more common.....We have picked a dog up and returned him from someone who was convinced he had been dumped from Plymouth....xxLast edited: 2015-06-16 14:45:11 by Seeks
Team Tess seems the best thing to call you all ;-)

I got to go to Barnstaple tomorrow SO driving back ..If I run off some posters I could put some South (or west said the Cornish in me lol) of Bude as far down as here if it helps?

Will check back later so I can print and laminate a few if it would help you xx
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Hi Paulb, I replied to your message on Facebook regarding organising a search for Tess. Please check your messages. :)
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I wondered if Tess may have turned up at Broomhill so have walked the paths and fields all round. Met Sally who had the same idea and had been walking Broomhill every day. I gave her my number. She said some people from Bude Holiday Park did not know so I went there. They are happy to place a poster in every Welcome Pack they do, and might even print them from Doglost, but I will take a supply up to them tomorrow just in case as Reception will be closed now. ALL THE POSTERS at Northcott have been taken down!! Could not believe it. Especially the ones Paul put up as they actually need to be cut with scissors to get them off. I will replace them using plastic pockets (haven't managed to get a laminator). Spoke to some people at Northcott, most didn't know about Tess. The Duckpool posters are all still there. Will start printing as it will take a while. Can someone in Bude check that the posters put up there are still in place?
Last edited: 2015-06-15 18:24:02 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
We are wanting to start some organised searches for Tess and even though we seem to have plenty of volunteers, we are unsure how to go about these. Unfortunately as there have been no more sightings and the previous ones turned out not to be Tess, we are not sure where we should be searching. Any advice or offers of help would be greatly appreciated.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Thank you Jenni & Tiga for coming all this way to help with Tess...it is very much appreciated, but sorry it didn't end how we had hoped. Are ther any locals who could check the undergrowth as Jasper suggests?
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Postcode area EX39 covers northwards to Hartland and Bideford, further north would be EX31 Barnstaple area. Southwards of EX23 are the PL postcodes. Inland the EX22 (Holsworthy) area was already alerted, but EX38 Torrington may be worth alerting in case people travel towards the coast from there.
DogLostJasper - Area Volunteer, Somerset
Is there any large areas of gorse/ undergrowth on the cliff area where Tess may have disappeared. I only ask because there was recently a dog called Molly who disappeared in similar circumstances on the coast path at Eype, Dorset. The coastguard also absailed down and was unable to locate her. She is now back with her owner. Her story is on doglost under "Molly" Is it possible to access the cliff area via the beach and any scrubby areas throughly searched. There is likely to be a supply of rabbits there.So hoping for some good news.
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
Sadly both myself and the owners have had to return home but have no intention of calling a halt to any searches. Paul & Lucy had to get back to their two very young children abandoned with grandparents but we all intend to return as and when we can and needed. Tiga has confirmed that none of the sightings are Tess so we decided to scramble along the coast over the rocks before the incoming tides to the base of the cliff where Tess descended and we are all in agreement that after watching Pip scramble half way up and down at leisure it is highly feasible that Tess managed to get down safely.
Obviously Tiga could not pick up any scent after so many high tides but taking into account that the coast guards made an immediate thorough search and abseiled up the cliff and no bodies were found we are forever hopeful.
Taking everything into account and with all the local scenting by Paul,Lucy and Pip we feel that Tess could be much further north or south of Bude, bearing in mind she is a much better scrambler than Pip and an exceptionally strong swimmer against strong tides.
Perhaps admin can send out further email alerts in a greater area.
Can I thank all the people of Bude who are out searching daily and we hope you will continue to do so, we are very grateful to you all.
Paul & Lucy in particular need to recharge their batteries as we had some very long days out looking from 5 in the morning to 10 at night. Tiga certainly enjoyed his sleep on the long journey home. Last edited: 2015-06-14 16:14:33 by Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I'm so sorry Tess hasn't been found yet. Please don't give up hope.
It maybe an idea to get an article in the local papers telling your story. You could combine the article with Ozzy's & Pie's owners to make more impact (also lost recently on holiday in Padstow area). We will continue to look for Tess until she's found.
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
Just got back to van after calling it a night after being out since 5 this morning with Lucy and Pip. The rain is very heavy now and after getting drenched we saw no point in staying out longer. We will have a breakfast BBQ at dawn.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
This is a comment this evening on tess fb page..........
Hi guys - disappointing day today as although Tiga tracked past the cafe yesterday where the last sighting was he didn't actually track to the sacks and we weren't sure where they had been placed . We later saw a dog matching Tess' description in this area with a lady that did not have the dog close to her. After many questions we confirmed that her dog was the dog that had scavenged the bins, so we have to rule out this sighting. Tiga also discounted the pub sighting and one other. Tomorrow we are going to check out the golf course sightings. We do however have another possible sighting this morning on the small triangular green near Rosie's diner which we are following up. We are going out again shortly and then at dawn tomorrow.
If anyone wants to help , yes please we need it and it will not affect Tiga's tracking. We are going to check Crooklets tonight. The golf course needs checking and Maer down lane. It won't go amiss to search any area at this stage. If out searching please do not call Tess but call where's your ball. Tess is not comfortable around dogs she doesn't know.
Thank you everyone for your support. The heavens have just opened!
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Best of luck to Jenny and Tiga .. hope Tess is found and home soon. It's on the BBC news website too ..
Good luck xx
Fingers crossed for today, hoping the dynamic duo of Jenny & Tiga can locate Tess, Good Luck! xxx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
There is going to be a search today with the help of Jenny & Tiga.
Good luck everyone, hope Tess is back with her family soon.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Thanks Fergal's. I have put the link onto the doglost cornwall fb page too :)
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
There has been a sighting at 11am today of a dog just like Tess looking very hungry and eating from a bin bag close to Rosie's Diner at Crooklets. Lucy is putting the sighting onto Find Jess facebook page now. If anyone sees Tess please don't spook her just call Lucy immediately 07775715419. Tess is very close to the cliff path again now.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
If anyone does get a sighting, please make a note of the exact time of day and if poss keep your phone handy for a photo, even of the area if not the dog X
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Morning Moogie. There are streams around the wooded areas fringing the golf course and Lucy and her brother-in-law may well do a bbq tonight, the problem is where really. Lucy has again checked with the Preston Gate as it may not have been a local dog on Sunday after all, and also another possible sighting at Maer Lake where we have both now heard a bark. The 'Bude Drone' man has very kindly been checking Northcott too and Lucy is is still reinforcing the scent trail. Keeping everything crossed for a positive sighting to concentrate an area. Both these places are possible loops - and there has been an offer from RSPCA of a trap. Hopefully Jenny and Tiga will find more tomorrow. Lucy has been on Radio Cornwall this morning at around 7am so with that and her facebook page 'Find Tess' an awful lot of eyes are out there now. Praying for some luck - Lucy is exhausted. XLast edited: 2015-06-09 09:58:07 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Does she have access to water where she's been sighted? Could owner have a bbq with garlic sausages tonight to draw her out?
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Keeping fingers crossed for further sightings & hope she is safely with her owners soon.
Thanks for the info Fergal's. I will certainly keep Ians number for future reference too.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Oh fingers crossed...this sounds very promising
That's great to hear - drones are invaluable in the right hands (qualified to use with an awaremess of safety regulations). Fingers crossed for the result everyone hoping for xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Lucy might have had a sighting of Tess. Only a quick glimps of a black tail and legs disappearing into the undergrowth. Her other dog went crazy in the same place last night, and again this morning at 5am with the sighting. She has had lots of calls and offers to help from people and offers to bring their dogs to flush her out, etc. However, she is taking advice which seems sensible, to scent the area heavily, not go anywhere herself that she doesn't want Tess to follow her scent and to try to keep her in the area without spooking her, let her feel safe there. Also not to feed her, so she will get hungry and be more willing to come out into the open. Hopefully all her hard work will pay off, although it is really difficult not to jump in the car and get over there to help! Jenny is on her way with Tiga for Wednesday and if it is Tess then he will certainly know. Lucy wants to thank everyone for all the support she is getting from so many. Any sighting please log on here as I am not on facebook now or twitter and it's the only place I can update, we could still get info for a 'triangle' with new sightings .... Bo, I spoke to Ian this morning, what a lovely guy! He is more than willing. ..... Max I will give you details of the conversation.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thank you Bo! I have been watching his beautiful films, impressive. Have left a message on his number. Not sure of costs etc but it is definitely worth a look into, if not this time then for the future. Thanks again for posting it X
There's a local guy just set up business with a drone for hire - details in link here to news article http://www.northdevonjournal.co.uk/Torrington-window-cleaner-launches-drone-film/story-26581898-detail/story.html
His contact details on Twitter Squeak Ian Clean (@SqueakIanClean) | Twitter
Squeak Ian Clean aka Ian Kevern. Contact: 07795031118.Last edited: 2015-06-07 19:11:13 by Bo
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thanks for that info Seeks, I shall be off to the supermarket pronto. As for the flying camera, imagine how much help that would be on our cliffs? It's only now becoming clear how many dogs have gone over just locally. Everyone I talk to knows of one, and my own neighbour's Springer too. We can dream. As for sightings, it is second-hand information but I have learned today (from Lucy) that there have been possibly two. One at the Preston Gate Inn where a black spaniel was 'running around and no apparent owner anaywhere', the other was on Ocean View Road, Bude, seemingly walking in the road alone although a man was also walking a way behind. Would be great to get both these either confirmed or claimed to eliminate. Can anyone help? Spent the afternoon inspecting the cliffs on Northcott to Crooklets with binoculars but could not find any sign of a dog on a ledge. Lucy was also there doing the same at 5am this morning. Considering the Coastguard found no sign on the day and there have been no reports of a body washing up anywhere, even though the local beach-comber groups are on the case and actively searching, it is looking hopeful that she has got herself out of trouble and is wandering. Lucy is staying here alone now till next Saturday if necessary. Praying for you Tess X PS: Went to replace my wet poster at Wooda Caravans and someone else has done it for me - thank you :))Last edited: 2015-06-07 18:31:56 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Lol Fergals a flying camera is beyond our pocket BUT laminator....£9.99 at a super market with the pouches at £2 for 25 I do know lol lol

Hey whats the range on a flying camara lol one of Pup's sightings is 350 miles away lol lol lol xx
Shared again FB and Lost & found Pets Cornwall UK
Hi. Sorry to hear about tess. I have sent your wife Lucy a message through facebook.
Ash x
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
That's a lovely offer Seeks but they have now got plenty of the Animal Search ones with fixings, ties, the lot. Thank you though! I must get my poly pocket supply back up, the ones I put out last night were sodden today. Might look into a laminator - would really really love a flying camera too :)) XX Moogie, yes the scent trail goes through the edge of the golf course on the way to the coast path from the Broomhill cottage. Paul has put her bed outside, and another one with some clothing at the start of the coast path. Last edited: 2015-06-05 22:42:07 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I can print and laminate posters Fergal's if it helps? Getting them up to Bude might not be as easy but could meet up and come back fast if it helps? xx

Will share to Pup's page and then retweet Moogie and tweet as well.

I just hope she will get back soon xx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Lucy & Paul have got Animal Search helping them on Sunday with a team (through their insurance). They have now got the laminated posters and flyers and Paul has already been round Bude postering. After speaking with a lady today about the northward direction of the water here, I have also gone further North to Sandymouth and Duckpool with some posters and flyers this afternoon. Lots of people are aware of Tess and those that didn't do now. The Lifeguards at Sandymouth took one of each and will also check the whole beach at low tide tomorrow just in case. But Tess is strong and very agile and I pray she is safe somewhere and can be found soon ... Thank you Jenny for talking to Lucy (your calm sensible and positive attitude really helped her) and really hope you can make it for Monday. .... lin, I am not sure which maisie you mean. Tiga is Jenny's amazing beagle.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Thanks Fergal's for all your help over there.
Hopefully there will be some good news soon & she is reunited before owners have to go home.
Are they the people that helped #findmaisie
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I have been with Lucy, Paul and the two toddlers laying a scent trail this morning from the cottage to the Coast Path. They will reinforce it again as it has rained. We will need poly-pockets for the leaflets as the ones put out last night have now got wet. No more sightings. The coastguard checked the cliff and beach on the evening she went missing, absailed down, but no signs at all. Lucy is going to try to contact Jenny & Tiga. Scent items are wrapped in clingfilm all ready. They are able to stay till Sunday now and will keep re-scenting the walk from the cottage. Come on Tess, Lucy says you have a brilliant nose, and they are doing everything they possibly can to help you find them.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
If the sighting's not too far from the cottage, is it possible for owners to lay a scent trail down? She's getting well known on Twitter now. Hope she's found safe and well very soon
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have shared info on my fb page re sighting
Im mm a way down from Bude, but have shared it on my fb page also. I truly hope you get reunited. XoxoX
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
There is a footpath from near Broomhill Cottages through to Flexbury/Poughill. Not certain where it is. Sounds like she may be trying to get to the cottage if it is her, the Golf Course and Maer Lake are roughly in line with the coast path at Crooklets. Both on the way to Broomhill. I have advised keeping the scent up at the cottage and laying a trail. |I am setting off now and will try the Golf Course from the Co-op end. Good luck x
Hi. Thanks for all your help. There was a possible sighting last night at 9.20 on the golf course heading from sainsbury/crooklets side walking inland (didn't look injured). I was there at 11pm & again this morning, but no signs of her.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just back. Did leaflets on lamp and gate posts, car park and holiday cottages at Northcott, the lady in Preston Gate took one and also the lady at the bar of the Holiday Resort who had seen the facebook postings. Only managed one at the start to the cliff path at crooklets. Heard a bark when I called at Maer Lake but it was getting dark and could have been at one of the houses across the lake. The owner had been there just 40 minutes earlier and heard nothing. I will try again tomorrow.
Red Alert
Thanks Fergal's. I know there is another lady also going to do some posters around the area. She has posted in Bude Banter ( Marian )
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just got the alert. I will try to print off some leaflets and go down tomorrow. Have got owner's number on phone. I will start at the Preston Gate Inn and work towards Bude Holiday Resort with as many as I can print off. They are hoping to have some leaflets printed themselves by tomorrow (Friday) but if anyone else can do a few and put them up it would be great, it is possible someone has found her and is looking after her?
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have shared to lots of local sites in Cornwall.
Owners due to go back home on Saturday, as are on holiday.
Has been put on local radio station page & have advised owners to also contact BBC Radio Cornwall for an urgent mention on air.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Sharing on Facebook and twitter. Hope she's found very soon
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Hi all...A very tired Jayne from admin!
We always insist on a photo so we can send alerts out and people know what they are looking for...it is confusing at times (believe me on the front line) with these mixed breeds and designer names..but due to peer pressure and popularity of designer breeds we have to include them to help dogs get back....people on this site identify with cockerpoo or other new cross breeds.....so if it helps a dog get back by contacts...that's good by me....But yes..all these new names are confusing!
Keep up the good work everyone and share the dogs details! tx
Max. I really don't care if you don't find my comment helpful. Fact is all this hanging a fancy name on what is a mix-bred dog, at best, needs to be stopped. Just because this is on DogLost's list only makes me wonder about this place to be honest. I know exactly what this means and I also agree that for most mongrel would be a mix of more than 2 breeds, which is why I find mix-bred better. Just as mongrel is better than 'mutt'. Actually that pictue looks more like a Large Munsterlander!! I'm just alarmed at all this messing around with perfectly good breeds that's currently going on, and meaning BYBs are asking large sums of money for what they are doing.

But I will go looking because obviously this dog needs to be reunited with her owner. I'm just surprised and disappointed that a reputable website like this, would contribute to hanging such a name on a mix-bred dog.Last edited: 2015-06-04 17:32:27 by MamaBas
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I have made contact with the owner of the dog
Advice sheets being forwarded. Dog warden & local vets informed
Stay safe Tess until you are found.

MamaBas. I don't think your first comment is helpful. 'Sprocker' is actually listed on our list & I think is recognised by a lot of people. It is actually a cross of 2 breeds, whereas a mongrel is a mix of more than 2.
We are grateful for your help in searching for the lost dogs.
Sorry but I wish this had been listed as, presumably a Springer/Cocker Spaniel much as it looks too big for either. There is no point adding a made-up name to what most wouldn't recognise as anything other than a mix-bred dog - mongrel.

Of course I hope she's found - somebody up the road was talking about one going over the cliff here in Bude yesterday.

Also another woman was just this morning looking for an Akita which had just gone missing - my husband was out with our two and was asked so he didn't know to tell her about Doglost. I will keep a look out for both!Last edited: 2015-06-04 16:50:57 by MamaBas
Alerts sent to helpers in EX22,23.
Sorry to see that TESS POSS NEW SIGHTING SEPT 15 is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
  • A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (87756)
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
  • Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

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