Rainbow Bridge: Pale Fawn Lurcher Unknown

  • Dog ID 85377
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 10 Apr 2015
  • Name HOUDINI
  • Gender & Breed Unknown Lurcher
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Pale fawn
  • Marks & Scars Pale coloured saluki type lurcher wearing a red collar.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Found 10 Apr 2015
  • Where Found Leatherhead
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area KT22
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Numerous local sightings over the last week. Seen crossing Randalls Road, in fields at Pachesham Equestrian Centre, on Pachesham golf course, in Teasel Woods behind Tesco and on Barnetwood Lane. No interest in approaching people or other dogs. Reported to the Mole Valley dog warden.
  • Listed By Rosanna
  • Views 9662
  • HOUDINIPoster Image
  • HOUDINIExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I followed and shared Houdini on Facebook so very sad to see he never made it to safety ....many tried I know you all did your very best xx God bless dear Houdini xx
Sadly Houdini was not chipped, so we will never know his story. What we do know is that in the last few weeks, he has been fed better than he probably ever has and has been loved by many, including myself. Tried so very hard to get him safe, with the help of a most amazing bunch of people, but sadly it was not to be. His FB page is Houdini the Dog in Ashtead. He will be cremated soon and his ashes scattered in Teazelwood, where he made his home for such a short while before coming to Ashtead. Run free little Houdini xx
Oh how heartbreaking. I am so very, very sorry to hear about Houdini. RIP darling. Run happy and free at the Bridge beautiful sweetheart xxxx
RIP sweetheart x
So sorry to hear the sad news.Hopefully he will be scanned so we might have a better idea where he might have come from? Can anyone tell me what site his FB Page is on,or what it is called.Thanks.
So very sorry it not outcome everybody hoping for. You all tried so hard to catch him. R. I. P sweet Houdini
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
So sorry to see that despite everyone trying to get this boy home he met such a sad end. Well done to the kind lady for removing him from the road .. not a pleasant thing to do. Run free boy.
Red Alert
So sad :( Run free sweetie.
How sad, poor boy. Thanks to all those who tried so hard to catch him, I've followed his story for ages and you couldn't have tried harder. How appalling of the driver concerned not to stop. What a lovely lady to take him home x
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
God Bless xx
I'm so sorry. RIP beautiful. Hope it was quick in the end. :(
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
So sad, especially for those that tried so hard to get him to safety.
Such a sad outcome for this handsome lad. Run free boy now forever young xx
Such a sad outcome, especially having survived out there for almost a month. Very sad. My thoughts are with the family. Many thanks to the kind lady finder, and to all who have been involved in the search. Run free with Penny over the bridge, beautiful Houdini xxx
So sorry that you havent been reunited with your family. Run free gorgeous handsome boy. xxx
So sad, RIP sweet dog. X
I'm so sorry. Run free lovely boy x
Poor thing. Crossing the 217 was always going to be a problem. Looked out for,him all the time as been going backwards and forwards to Epsom. RIP lovely boy it's a shame you wouldn't let humans help you. Shame on the person who knocked you down and didn't pick you back up.Last edited: 2015-05-04 11:16:38
Ollie's Mum
Oh no, I have been following Houdini on here and hoping that a last he would give himself up. So near and yet so far.
Sleep tight Houdini.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
So sorry to read this sad news and a huge thank you to the kind lady who has given him dignity by taking his body home, not an easy thing to do with a big dog. Such a thoughtful thing to do. Run free now lovely x
So sorry we couldn't help you handsome boy, free from torment now. Massive thanks to all who helped in particular Chris. Houdini will be taken to a vets this morning and checked for a microchip. Creamy already rules out Wibble but thanks. Sleep tight lovely boy xx
Soi sorry. And so sad. Night, night sweetheart, sleep tight, and have fun at the bridge. Now asleep in the arms of God. RIP+ God blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for you. Run fre handsome lad.:-(
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Such sad news...so many people tried so hard for a better outcome...
Such a very sad outcome .Run Free at the bridge Handsome Lad . now safe in the arms of the Angels xx
Could this be Creamy ref 79477 stolen from TWICKENHAM?
Rest in Peace dear soul...

Unfortunately Houdini has been found dead lying by the side of the A217 tonight. A very kind lady went over to check it was Houdini and has confirmed it is and she has moved his body and taken him to her address in Tottenham Corner/Tadworth rather than leaving him there overnight. She called the out of hours mole valley DW to see if they would arrange for his body to be collected from her but she didn't get a very helpful response apparently. Please see Houdini's FB page for the lady's details. I have tagged Paula in. RIP little man xxx
I'm pretty sure that ive just spotted him by the side of Brighton Road going towards Banstead. Ive left my contact details on your email.
Sighting tonight at about 10:15. All I have at the moment is SM7, which is Banstead/Woodmansterne. Sighter hasn't returned my call yet. Will try again in the morning.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx everyone...PaulaK and Chrissie are on the case....any sightings please contact Doglost and we can let these dedicated girls know..if engaged please email admin@doglost.co.uk...please put dog ID number...tx...and alos ring the dog warden...but realise its a bank holiday!
Have asked Joe the Mole Valley dog warden to pass on info to neighbouring dog wardens. I suspect they've probably already had a lot of calls! Have a further sighting in Banstead Woods, but only know that it was before 8:30 last night, could have been at any time.Last edited: 2015-05-03 12:18:32 by csquaredb
He could also easily stray into borough of Sutton from Nork Park
Pilot's mum
As he may now be in the Borough of Reigate and Banstead,has the dog warden in that area been informed?
Pilot's mum
As he may now be in the Borough of Reigate and Banstead,has the dog warden in that area been informed?
Now have a few sightings putting him in the same area since midnight last night. Unfortunately also spotted running across the A217 at full pelt in the early hours of this morning. Also have sightings possibly putting him in Carshalton Wed night and Nonsuch Park around Easter time. Looking at the map, all of these are possible. We know he can cover a mile or so in under 5 mins at full pelt and has travelled a fair way from Ashtead over recent weeks on his weekend walkabouts. Have alerted Epsom & Ewell police so they are aware of him. Lots of people still looking.
Just to clarify, Houdini is the nickname he's acquired during his time with us in Ashtead. Nobody knows where he originally came from sadly.
Positive sighting at Nork Park, KT17 between about 10:30 and 11, which ties in with the Drift Bridge sighting. Have spoken to the sighter and she described Houdini to a tee. Very scared, not limping and still moving fast. Big relief to have a sighting at last and to know he's not curled up under a bush somewhere in pain. Just wish it was nearer to Ashtead!
Probable sighting near the Drift Bridge Garage junction of A240 and A2022 and heading towards Epsom Downs. Described as white/cream greyhound dog with red collar - very nervous. Sounds llike it could be the same dog. Please list any sightings on https://www.facebook.com/groups/1423428987963623/ or ring the Dog Warden on 01372 376533
Hollieberry, this dog is in the found section as he has been sighted very possibly abandoned but not lost. Sounds complicated I know but he/she hasn't been reported as missing/stolen etc unlike the dogs in the Red Section by an owner. Hopefully he/she will be caught and scanned and if there is an owner he/she will be reunited with them (but I don't hold my breath on this one!) Hope this helps. Welcome to doglost and really nice to have another person who looks on this site to see if they can help in any way. xxLast edited: 2015-05-02 07:07:14 by ClaireC
Forgive me for seeming to be a bit confused ,I am new to doglostuk I cannot understand why this dog is under the found section when I get the impression that the poor dog is lost and roaming? Shouldent it be headed lost or sighted only.Sorry If I am abit unclear how the site works .If the dog is still lost I hope someone can manage to catch the poor thing .
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Ladies for checking it out...
Sighting phoned in today was actually from Thursday week ago! No sighting of him since Tuesday 28th. :(
The sighting called in to you Jayne was actually last Thursday so nothing new sadly
Thanks Jayne - if anyone sees him please can you ask them to call Joe the DW immediately as he is in the area and can get best information from them - contact numbers are above. Or call me please - HQ have my number. We need to react quickly with this lad as he has been out for quite a while and we know he was injured last week. Thanks
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Latest sighting just phoned in is of the dog in Barnet wood lane.
Possible sighting of him today limping in Harriots Close (was some confusion initially as to whether it was the resident collie that had been seen). No sign of him when I got there! Searched surrounding areas with dog warden, but no joy. We keep on looking :(
Heard today he was seen on Saturday morning near to Ashtead Hospital. Nothing definite since and loads of people looking out for him. Hasn't returned to any of his regular feeding spots since Thursday night. Potentially may have done last night, but footprints in flour inconclusive!
Please email any sightings to paulajkelly43@yahoo.com
Sighting of him at the RAC club yesterday afternoon, so looks like he crossed the fast section of the A24 again! Thankfully we heard today that someone saw him back in Green Lanes last night, so he would appear to have come back to our area. No sightings at all yet today though.
Sorry, it's been a long day and an earlier post didn't make it on to the page! Spoke too soon, as barely 10 mins after O last posted, he was hit by a car, just up the road from me. We were with there within minutes but he had done his vanishing act again. Initial reports were that he was limping, but still sprinted away. Couldn't find him at all and alerted the troops (now have over 400 people following his page!) and loads of people were scouring the lanes of Ashtead looking for him - since discovered that he was running around on The Common when we were searching! Found him again in a garden later! Sat some distance from him and at one point I thought he was going to give himself up, but then he just decided to leg it. Please to report that he later managed to get back to the relatively safe area north of Barnett Wood Lane. He was moving well, but we know believe he may have a bruised leg - still damn fast when he wants to be! Tomorrow is another day and hopefully will be slightly less eventful! Anyone fancy joining his FB page is Houdini the Dog in Ashtead
Spotted a lot in Ashtead, Barnett Wood Lane area, there's a page on FB, very active & seriously on the case.
There's a posting via What's on in Epsom saying he's been hit on a road but has run off. This was posted 3 hours ago (approx. mid-day, 23/4) I have asked whereabouts but not received a reply yet but it seems to have come from the Ashtead area
That's good to hear. Hope someone will gain his trust soon! Following the story from Bucks, keep up the good work! xx
Very quiet day yesterday, but some key sightings in places away from roads and we know he was very well fed! Hoping he's learning to stay close to the food sources and not venture out into the busy roads. Still favouring the Green Lanes/Oakhill area, which fortunately is a residential area with quieter roads and no through traffic. Still a huge area though, and he can pop up almost anywhere within it!
Rollercoaster day for our little Houdini! Started running around lower Ashtead at around 3! Heart in mouth, when I realised he'd crossed back over the A24 about 7, but later seen dashing back again, but very lucky not to have been hit. Ended the day eating some food put out for him at Floral Court. Came within a few feet of the lady that's feeding him. Hopefully has now taken himself off somewhere to curl up. Police are very aware of him and thank everyone for their efforts. At one point tonight, he was being followed by a police car! Hoping for better news soon
IF and only IF we can get him settled for at least a few days in one place we can use a trap - and I have been offered one. The area where he is moving around is substantial and there is a lot of wildlife so we cant even comtemplate one until he settles and then we will need people to watch it. He is in and out of gardens, running along roads, crossing the railway and the common at the moment. Please can I ask anyone who sees him to just post it on here and DONT CHASE HIM. This dog is very scared and has been on the run for at least a few weeks. We have offers from people whose garden he has visited to feed him. Csquaredb has been doing an amazing job but as others have said there is no point in rushing to every sighting as that has already proven to be a waste of time. Patterns are being logged.
Has anyone managed to source a trap, just in case you can get him feeding regularly in one place?
Mostly seen round the Caenwood/Oakhill area, but then has mad forays round lower Ashtead. He did cross the A24 at the weekend, but thankfully came back. He has been seen frequently crossing the railway line to get to and from the Common, Think he had a quiet day yesterday as there were fires on the common and a lot of activity up there, including fire engines!
As GillyP sys, no point dashing to where he's spotted as he moves too quick. He was seen outside my house the other day and I was out in less than a min and he's vanished. Am logging all his sightings and establishing pattern. Would have been him in Oakhill today. Has been fed there tonight too, but too open a location to be of much use.
We have not seen him, yet. More than willing to help does anybody have a plan?
Possible sighting at 18:30 today in Oakhill Rd, Ashtead.
There seems little point every time this one is spotted to go rushing to the place. Need to ascertain his route and then get a nice local resident to entice him and gain his trust. Throw away BBQ's etc smelly foods, slowly slowly catchy naughty Lurcher!Last edited: 2015-04-20 16:23:56
Dog has been nicknamed 'Houdini' by local people. He now has his own FB Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1423428987963623/Last edited: 2015-04-20 22:41:25 by Zac
Causing mayhem in Ashtead this afternoon. I saw him in Oakhill and he's still moving well! Noone chasing him, he just took himself off back along Barnett Wood Lane and up into the Lanes. Last seen on Ottways. Several very near misses evidently (someone in a car was following him at a distance. Have had reports of him sunbathing in a garden for an hour of so! He so doesn't want to be caught :(
Was also seen in Oakhill area just after midnight last night.
This has just come through to me: I think this might be the dog I saw some months ago running like a maniac along the a246 towards Bocketts Farm from Bookham way. He was a light coloured greyhound with a red collar so he might come from much further afield than Ashtead. I hope someone is able to catch him as if it's the same one, he has been out on his own for some time.
Yippee! Just heard he was seen this morning at about 11. In The Chase, which is in the same area as Caenwood/ Floral Court/ Oakhill when he has been seen after dark a few nights/ Maybe he just felt like a quiet day after yesterdays shenanigans! There is a route to this area for him directly from the Common, but sadly means he's still crossing the railway tracks.
No sightings at all today. Hoping he's either lying low after his scarey day yesterday or that someone has managed to catch him and keep him safe till after the weekend. Have lots of lovely people round Ashtead on the look out for him.
I went there for 2 hours this pm, common and nearby streets. Nothing and no one had seen him. I did meet a lady with her dog who pointed to where he was spotted yesterday and I drove around for a while in the hope that he would be on the move......
yes Redbertie. No sightings reported yet!
Assume this is the Headley one? http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=85750#.VTLTbnCkqrV
He's been running around Ashtead tonight. Unfortunately we know he has ventured across the A24, but is thankfully back on the Ashtead side. Had a narrow miss with a car, but latest report is he's back on the Common
Headley dog definitely not our little man who was still sporting his red collar when spotted this morning. Am wondering whether the lurcher spotted at Langley Vale on Wednesday night may be also be the same one as spotted in Headley? Hoping so as means that ours staying vaguely in one area.
Still on the loose I'm afraid, spotted on Barnett Wood Lane a few mins ago. Was there within a couple of minutes, but he's already legged it. Now up in Taleworth Rd near West Ashtead school
Oh I really hope so!!
Unconfirmed report that he may have been caught last night. Am trying to find out more.
He's been running round Ashtead all evening. Overdale earlier, but had vanished 5 mins later when I got there. More recently round Caenwood/Oakhill Rd/ Floral Court. Someone talking about getting a trap for tomorrow night, but I've told them to ring then Helpline!!
If we can get regular sightings on the Common, I met someone today who's house back on to the Common who would be happy for us to set up a feeding station/trap. The Star and Leatherhead Golf club both have my number and the Common ranger has alerted the Epsom rangers who also cover the racecourse. There has been a sighting of a lurcher in Headley at about 5, but didn't have a collar on and very muddy. Potentially it could be our little man, as its quite possible his collar may have come off. Creamy's owner has been in touch and thinks it could be him, but having seen his photos, those of us that have seen ours close to, think it's not likely to be Creamy :(
I walked for 3 hours on the common and nearby streets this pm...nothing. Have informed a few residents and asked them to call DL if sighted and not to approach
Has made his way back to Ashtead Common and last seen on the Common by the ranger literally 2 mins after I told her about him! Missed him by a whisker! Have been back up to look for a couple of hours but sadly no sign. Have just come home to numerous messages re him running around the village. From where he's been spotted, it's possible that the Langley Vale sighting was him. Anyway now he appears to be back on Ashtead Common and it's possible he may try to get back to Tescos? Ashtead rangers all aware and will alert Epsom rangers too.
Tesco to Langley Vale is quite a trek without getting run over during the journey. Will detour over the Downs tonight for a look.
"shared" with Langley Vale residents
Just a reminder in case anyone has found this dog - you must report it to the Dog Warden, this is a legal requirement. The dog will need to be checked for a microchip and/or tattoos and also to ensure it is fit and well.
Unfortunately he's not been seen at Tescos since Tuesday evening and there is a report of him also running around in the road then. Was no sign of him up there today. I was worried he may have moved on and put out his picture locally. Somebody thinks he ran across the road in front of them in Langley Vale last night. Can anyone in the Epsom Downs area please keep an eye out for him. :(
good luck hope you get him and well done all those trying to contain him xx
well done csquaredb - better luck today!
He's been seen back at Tescos at various times again today, albeit fleetingly. Snuck off with some food without anyone noticing! There's been tree surgeons in the woods today, so maybe he was keeping a low profile. Hope he'll get some one to one time with the lady from the petrol station tomorrow.
Got him coming to within 4 foot of me earlier, but then sadly spooked by some bikes! Still he did come back within about 5 mins, which is a good sign. Has now slipped back into the woods. Has appeared several times today at Tescos, and appears to reacting to the lady from the petrol station tapping a food can on the wall. Slowly slowly hopefully we'll get there. If anyone does go to help, beware it's only 2 hours parking in the car park (camera controlled), but there is a screen at Customer Services where you can log your reg as a visitor and presumably not get fined!!
Just to keep people informed this lad is still appearing regularly for food and a couple of peoplle are slowly building his trust
We haven't seen him at Pachesham (other side of teasel wood) for a few days which ties in with when you started feeding him so hopefully he's staying more in one area.
He's getting braver. Was with him behind Tescos for the best part of an hour earlier and within a few metres. He likes pilchard cake! He looked as if he was just about to make his way up the bank to me when a huge group of partying kids came along the path! He scarpered back into the woods and I thought that would be it. However after about 5 mins he reappeared. Again came very close and at one point he seemed to follow a girl who was walking along the path. I made my way tentatively along the path, but unfortunately another kid came crashing down from the opposite direction and he ran off again! Had to give up and come home, but just heard he's back up there again now. There was another lady up there with some sausages and he liked those too! Will try again tomorrow! Because of the numbers of kids around, I'm not sure it would be a good place for a trap as it would be hard to police it easily. Hopefully with a bit more patience, we'll catch him between us
Photo added taken by volunteer today, she us building his trust, please dont try to chase this dog
Will look for the picture now
I can't copy the pic here. Someone from admin can perhaps do?
I agree PaulaK. Another Tesco employee, located by the warehouses was also trying to feed him a pig's ear.She did not welcome my feedback on this. Her daughter also came with her dog to try and attract the saluki and that had the opposite effect.
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
There is a photo of this dog on "national pet register" not a close up. Sorry I can't do shares but I bet there is a clever person on here that can enhance and share.
Jyst back after wandering and sitting quietly in the woods. No sign of him yet today. Spoke to ladies in tesco again, very helpful. If people are over looking please go quietly, apparently someone yesterday was walking calling "here boy" loudly. This wont help sadly and is more likely to scare him off further afield.
I was there yesterday. He had been sighted 2 hours and also just 10 min before I arrived. Some boys sitting in the woods said they had actually seen 2 dogs. A cream one and a white one. The lady at the Tesco station seem to have only seen one so far.
He came with 2m of the lady at the petrol station today, but was spooked by some boys. She's hopeful if she perseveres that he'll come to her. She's happy to check a trap, but may be worth giving her a little more time first?
Has been back to Tescos earlier today. A lady who works in the petrol station is having some success at gaining his trust and has got him to eat some food today. I'll copy her in on Ali's email below.
Seen in car park of KBR's offices KT22 7NL.There is also another company called CGI and our security guard advised RSPCA cannot help. Dog warden has seen the dog and confirmed it is very nervous. I hope this helps! Thanks lisa
Email sent in to admin

"I spent an hour late last night with the lurcher in Tesco car park,
Leatherhead.He is a saluki or Sloughi type, wearing a narrow red (probably
leather) collar with what look to be silver studs. No visible tag. He would
approach to within about 10 m as long as I kept chucking food towards him
and didn't speak. I am fairly sure he isn't the dog Creamy on the Lost pages.
He appears to be pure white and totally smooth coated. I think he may have
black/grey skin under the white coat. Very thin but still moving around well.

If someone can persuade Tesco to allow/help with feeding in the woods at
the back I think he would be a good candidate for a trap. I have access to a
trap but am too far away to be able to check it regularly if it is used."

Many thanks

Ali Wilde
Lurcher is male, confirmed by someone who works at Tescos where he was seen several times again yesterday. I've only seen him at a distance, but he could be Creamy (lost ref 79477), who was lost from the Staines area in September. I have spoken to Creamy's owners and ask them to call the local police on 101 quoting the reference p15086485, which has been set up for this lurcher, so that the police are aware that he could be theirs - unfortunately Creamy wasn't tagged or chipped. The lady at the Tesco petrol station also thinks it could be Creamy and is going to try using the name if she sees it again. I know it's a long shot, but anything has to be worth a try. This poor boy has been seen several times walking along and across the railway line and also dodging traffic. Anyone that sees it should report it on the 101 number giving the reference p15086485. Fingers crossed, we can catch him soon.
Yes I went over to river lane yesterday but they said they're not missing a dog and I had no reason to think that wasn't the truth.
Do we know this for sure that it doesn't belong to them Rosanna. Has someone asked?
me n my girl, travellers do put collars on their dogs and sometimes they are even chipped by dog wardens or rspca! Sometimes sadly if they are found injured they don't want them back as there is a vet bill to pay.
No the dog doesn't belong to the river lane gypsies. I've just spoken to a lady from up North who had her saluki lurcher bitch of a similar description stolen, and hers lived wild in the woods before she rescued it so there's a chance this dog could be hers. The trouble is it's not interested in coming anywhere near us as it passes through and by the time I'd got off the tractor yesterday it had already scarpered.
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Gypsy dogs wearing collars ?
Must belong to the gypsies by the Crem. Seen at the Splash too!
Possibly same dog as seen in Found Post 85114

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