Lost: Sandy/champagne Cockerpoo Female In North West (M26)

  • Dog ID 82954
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 16 Feb 2015
  • Gender & Breed Female Cockerpoo (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Sandy/champagne
  • Marks & Scars She has a light brown nose and is currently wearing a bright pink color
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 16 Feb 2015
  • Where Lost Outwood Road, Radcliffe, Manchester
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area M26
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info MICROCHIPPED and SPAYED. REWARD She is nervous of strangers Please ring if sighted and keep her in sight until we can get to you. We have 2 daughters who are both devastated and want her home .....IZZY had never left our side in the all the years that we had her and our family has a big whole missing without her. Please look out for her, if FOUND she should be reported to the Council Dog Warden (required by LAW)
  • Listed By Dawn
  • Views 66627
  • Alerts Sent 73
  • IZZY MISSING 7 YEARSPoster Image


Sightings and Information

Please post if you have news about this dog. Log in above or register to leave comments or to like them.
Please note that DogLost cannot be held responsible for the content of any other sites mentioned or linked to here.

Thanks Sharon. A long shot I know, but if anyone can bring any thin to mind on the disappearance of Izzy seven years ago, doesn`t matter how unimportant you think it may seem, please contact Doglost on 0844 800 3220. It will be treated in the strictest of confidences, and try to mend an owners broken heart. Thanks you, and all xd.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Please check this link Found Dog Ref:- 02072413 Breed: Poodle x
Colour: Merle/white
Found where: Swaffham
Found when: 02/07/2024 Doesn't state the gender though ~
Stray picked up. Taken to Rose Cottage Vets Runcorn.
Please check out this FB post
Female found straying in Ireland.
Please check out this FB post
Please check out this FB post.
Thinking of you with love xxx
Missing 8 years today
Update from family:

We always dread this day, it means another year that Izzy has been gone. Today marks 8 years since Izzy went missing and 8 years of heartbreak for our family without her, she has never been forgotten, always been missed and we have never given up searching from her, however sadly as Izzy would be a very old lady now and possibly already naturally passed, it is with absolute devastation for us that we have to now end our search. We will never know what happened on that day, we will never have closure or be able to let go of the pain, we will always carry it with us, as we will always carry her in our hearts. We can only hope that one day we will meet again in another life and we can fill in that missing piece of our family. Until then, if you are in another life Izzy, look after Grandad and we’ll see you again one day….we love you. We always hoped she’d come home and still have her bed and toys here, we will never get rid of them. We would also like to thank you all for all your help and support over the years, many of you have been there from those terrifying first days with hope and encouragement, posting to spread the word, leaflet dropping, physically searching etc You have all been amazing to us and we will never forget that, you make the world a much better place. Thank you all so much, you will never know how much your support has meant to us as a family.
Please have a look at a found dog on dog lost site 180576. Appreciate Izzy has been lost for seven years but had to suggest it just in case. LouiseB wishing Izzy home x
Found female Cockerpoo, has this little one been checked against Izzy pls https://doglost.co.uk/poster.php?dogId=178116#.YvyZFxbTUlQ
Probably not but she might look very different now.

Always looking for IZZY.

So sad that this beautiful girl has been away from her family for such a long time. I really hope that this beautiful girl is reunited with them soon. xxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Missing 7 years today. 😒

Thinking of Dawn, all the family and IZZY wherever she is.

Rooting for Dawn to get that most important call and we see IZZY back home where she belongs. ❀️❀️❀️
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Please check this Found dog, very similar to Izzy x
Melly Smith
Link posted by a member but looks more like a Poodle https://m.facebook.com/groups/867077713355726/permalink/4903827379680719/
This one looks like a cockerpoo
PLEASE CHECK OUT PHOTO SHOWING 3 DOGS ... LIVERPOOL AREA ... https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10158514405745493&set=pcb.3039270683021724&__cft__[0]=AZVu6qfAdJvxZo26sXG1ts4pQ3Y1OlBw7mTVQ21wHrUD4hJOE5CSU3kPle6UMMine1E8gxbZTqChUEzNq8nKvfS4XLE9epXILZtfUR5llXOT3qF-NMHycIb6ZC_HUf3jMFCV1QfINNj0erFEKKkAS2izbrQtaiEoH66SgogvLVRuvjjju8E71y0M_6iXppsxqq0ueCsBiyvafN4YAet67WGISfEHvrE-5zM0r1f693chGQ&__tn__=*bH-y-R
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Lovely article https://teamdogs.co.uk/articles/heartbroken-owner-s-six-year-search-for-missing-cockapoo
karina Malone
Found on Motorway sliproad Leicestershire.
Please see DL ref. 167049
What a beautiful girl. So sad she has been apart from her family for such a long time. Hoping and praying she will be found safe and soon. xxx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Bumped Izzy's post on National FB Group x
Really hope there will be some new of Izzy very soon. All xd.
Copied from FB group
I can’t believe that it has been 6 years now Izzy since you went missing from our home. We are constantly living with the not knowing what happened to you on that day, it never leaves us and we are always hoping you’ll come home and we can have those special cuddles again. You are always in our thoughts and our hearts and always will be. We love you so much and our family will always have a hole only you can fill. Xxxx
Dog found similar to Izzy. Posted on market weighton community board on Facebook.
Please check Dogs Found in UK on FB. Similar type of dog found though it appears to have had its face dyed!
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Hi Dawn just in case you haven't seen here is the links to dog Louise posted.



It does say Reunited with owner.
Has anyone managed to get any more information or photos on the dog found in the south east today please?
HelperSky's AngelsLouise
Please check Dog ID number 154240 that was found today in South East London SE2 in Lidl car park Last edited: 2020-02-16 15:34:19 by Louise
sdk dog wardens have female similar found SE2 mabe too white xLast edited: 2020-02-16 10:28:00 by carabineru
DogLostShelley Page - Area Co-ordinator - North West
Missing 5 years today x
Sharing just in case: www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/119452678/for-sale-beautiful-lady-cockapoo.html?ref=advert-share-facebook&fbclid=IwAR2jh8t7Wf2072LhEHEdBfIItMUsyLjlOOr4qafuBf3SzvaBDQ-0MWtEgtI
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Please check this found female Cockerpoo https://www.petslocated.com/pet-full-info-popup.inc.php?pid=2d9d4af4c333197c24ede61392ac0b8c
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Izzy’s appeal appeared in The Sun online

has this one been checked for Izzy https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2175005976145338&id=100009078698199
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Izzy has featured in today’s The Paw Post

beautiful Izzy, Where are you sweetheart ?πŸ’”πŸΎ
LONG SHOT BUT PLEASE CHECK ... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155890401170951&set=pcb.10155890402700951&type=3&__tn__=HH-R&eid=ARBpvzXto9T3UPl198jgU_SKY97sy1yyCwBiWbpqefa0MMwX2FzQRyHFVX3xiu1-C2FNTQxN_z-2BtzN
Izzy is in the Daily Mail today. I so hope this brings some news, her family have never given up on her and she was lost through no fault of theirs.
Maybe post in ALL ARES too. Paws xd.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Izzy featured in the Metro newspaper...read full article with a link to video on the blog for dogs ( link in quick links on LHS of this page.)
DogLostJan -North West and Police Liaison Coordinator
Shared link to Doglost North West.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Read article on the blog for dogs ( link in quick links)
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Izzy's story appeared in Pets Mag today

DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Shared Izzy's details to DogLost.co.uk Facebook Group & Tweeted @DogLostUK x
https://twitter.com/DoglostUK/status/1098868881047896065Last edited: 2019-02-22 08:59:46 by Sharon - Social Media Volunteer
DogLostJan -North West and Police Liaison Coordinator
Izzy Missing Four Years today.Please keep looking out for her.
So sorry your girl is still missing. My heart goes out to you. I would hand out as many posters as you can; where you can. Contact as many vets etc as possible to see if a dog matching Izzy`s description is registered there. If so maybe they could check microchips. Ask friends,. and neighbours to share as well as DL. Twitter too. I would also contact Animal Search UK too, as well as other sites, to see if they can help. Post a LOST DOG ad in a National newspaper too. She has to be somewhere. Paws, and fingers xd.Last edited: 2019-02-16 07:45:57
Missing 4 years today
Thanks Mollie, I have checked but sadly Not our baby. It does make me nervous though when they say chip not registered as I have heard of some reunited dogs where the chip is there but has failed
Have shared to Izzy's fb group https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10161194866630304&set=gm.2268404330105115&type=3&theater
Hi Jayelle, this does not look like our girl but we are double checking to be sure x
Could Found 138367 be Izzy?
So wish Izzy would be found. If you have her please find it in your heart to send her home.
Thank you, I feel so lucky to know such lovely people who will never forget my baby xx
beautiful Izzy 's Poster is being shared on Twitter
In fact, I very often see a tweet for her xx
#Nevagiveuphope πŸΎπŸ’–
Thank you so, so much for including Izzy on your calendar, we are so touched and grateful to you all.....I have shared on Izzy’s FB page Justine
JustineQuirk - Media Co-ordinator
Izzy features in our DogLost e-Advent calendar behind door 20 - please share!
Thanks Janelle, I have been sent this one on Izzy’s page as well but sadly wasn’t her. Thank you for getting me to check though xx
Sorry I think I am mistaken as the nose colour is wrong, can’t delete previous message. I so wanted it to be her.
Can you look at a dog on Doglost Berkshire Facebook page, found in Redlands Road Reading and now at Medivet.Last edited: 2018-10-15 19:04:22 by BorderCol
Thanks Beryl, I have checked that one but sadly wasn’t our girl....thank you for sending it for us though xx
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156344804093530&set=pcb.1713902182027267&type=3&ifg=1 PLS CHECK
Dawn I have never forgotten Izzy I thought of her as soon as I saw the picture of the sighted dog. I hope one day you will find her until then I hope someone is taking care of her .
Thanks Mollimoo, we are looking into this one but as the dog has not been caught, there is very little information, although some are saying that it is a local boy dog. We are waiting to hear more
Thank you for this Beryl, I have checked this but sadly not our Izzy xx
MAYBE WORTH A LOOK ... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156314747713083&set=gm.1700418620026788&type=3
Thank you for your help homely53 I’m grateful for all the shares and posts as they could possible find that one person who knows something about where my furbaby is xx
My daughter has a page on fb for stolen dogs. I will ask her to add Izzy because maybe putting on some fresh sights, might trigger something off you never know. So sad and so sorry for the family xxx
Have followed Izzy since she was first lost, have hoped so much she would be found, you can tell she is much loved
This makes me so sad. I have a cockapoo and we go for walks in Cornwall where we live. I always look out for Izzy.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Details updated for poster and shared to DogLost North West fb group.

Thinking of Dawn, all the family and IZZY wherever she is.

Rooting for Dawn to get that most important call and we see IZZY to be back home where she belongs. xxx
Sue - onestopalldogs
Re Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted for Izzy and her family x
Fingers tightly crossed x
Thank you for all your help and support over these years......today has been a very hard day to get through but I can’t give up on her xxx
Thinking of you today and hoping little Izzy will be back home with you soon xxx
Izzy has been missing 3 years today. her owners just want her home.
Please support Izzy's thunderclap

Izzy has a new thunderclap to mark 3 years missing, please support https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/67791-3-yrs-gone-and-still-looking
Thanks for sending this for us to check Beryl, we have checked with them and this sadly isn’t Izzy.....apparently it is quite a young dog which has been through a horrific time, so I hope they can find it a loving forever home
MAYBE ... ?
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Please support:


Thank you Lesley and visionvalue,we have been sent this one yesterday and been in contact with Claire who posted it. She has been told a few times that this is a local dog who has got out before but she is asking questions and trying to find out more for us to see if this could be Izzy. I’ll let you know when we have something more xx
Hope its Izzy, it would be fantastic xxx
could this be izzy ? sighted today
Thank you Furbuddiesrenite, we have checked this one and sadly not our Izzy x
Shared with Izzy's group on fb, but sharing here too https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155855807753083&set=gm.1533070023428316&type=3&theater
Thank you Mel.....we keep hoping that it will be soon. Been missing her too much for too long now xx
Been following Izzy's story from the day she went missing and hope one day she will be back home with you. Xxx
Thanks visionvalue....we have checked this dog but sadly was not our baby...thank you for helping me though xx
Doesn't say whether male or female . Dog similar to Izzy found Putney https://www.facebook.com/DogTheftAction/photos/a.530785583670208.1073741825.292355537513215/1494867913928632/?type=3&theater
Izzy's owner will be interviewed on the BBC radio Manchester breakfast show tomorrow (13/6/17) sometime after 7.00am, here's hoping it brings some news....
Thank you for helping me Baydogs.....shame it wasn't our girl
Met the spit of Izzy local to me but miles from you. However, anything is possible so I approached the owner. Sadly not Izzy. xx
thank you Dawn, hope she gets claimed or a loving new home.
Have posted on Izzys FB page today for you Skywalker99
Bit of a cheeky ask, but could this one be shared on Izzy's FB page as it is quite local? http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=112768#forum
Aww thank you all so much and for all your help over the last 2 years xxx
I have bumped Izzy's page as her story is featured in the Manchester Evening news.
Thanks for posting the article Chris....hopefully it will raise more awareness, not just for Izzy but also dog theft xxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer

Your welcome Dawn
Thank you patlucky we had seen that one but sadly wasn't Izzy....thank you for letting us know though xx
Forget that dog has now been claimed
Please take a look here
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Have shared her poster again on my timeline on fb
Shared and Tweeted x
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared Facebook & Twitter
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostUK - thinking of you x
Thank you everyone......as you can imagine today is especially devastating for us and all your help is very much appreciated xxx
Shared to Cockerpoo group also xx
Shared to Twitter , have supported and shared her Thunderclap xx
Admin, Izzy has been missing two years today, can she be bumped?
Izzy will have been missing two years tomorrow. There is a thunderclap on her Facebook page, please support it.

Dawn, sorry I have been away and only just seen your response to my comment. I saw you shared Lucky's poster on izzy's page so I guess you have been in touch. Lucky's story is as sad as Izzy's.
Hi Skywalker......I'm happy to help where I can. The help we had with searches when Izzy wenmissing was all by Harvey's Army...we did most of the leaflets ourself on our own printer and then paid to have some made. The builders then contributed a fixed amount which we put some towards the reward and some o printing....they can always message me on Izzys Facebook page though and I'd be happy to help them where I can
I wonder if izzy's owners could give any advice to The owners of Lucky (dog id 109302) on how to get a major corporate to help with searching and stump up some reward money. At the moment the search for lucky is having to be funded by the searchers.Last edited: 2017-01-21 14:48:26 by Skywalker99
Ahhh, thanks I have checked the dog in Hitchin and spoken to the vets when the dog was found. They were so lovely and helpful but sadly this turned out not to be Izzy so I forwarded it to Gemma (Maggie's mum) to check too. The vets also now have kept both Izzy and Maggie's details just in case
Hi Dawn, this is the link to the page http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=101390#.WGjmLPmLTcs

The post in question is by Sally123 and reads:

dog found in a ditch now at vets in Hitchin Herts, no name of vet on post. The dog looks brown /reddish/fawn and really dirty, riddled with fleas and matted fur. "I work on reception at a vets in Hitchin, Hertfordshire. a couple brought in a Cockerpoo they found in a ditch. Female. Reddish fawn colour. No collar or micro chip. She was totally matted with burs and riddled with fleas but not really under weight. She seemed a bit traumatised but was so good letting a vet and nurse clip all the maths out. Cannot believe such a lovely natured dog is not someone's beloved pet. Vet is guessing maybe 4 years old. Have looked on lost dog . Co. UK but can only see chipped dogs on there. Possibly stolen on passed could be from anywhere

UPDATE - The dog continues to do well but is very fearful. She is a sweet nature though and has not shown any aggression despite being very scared. The vets think she has been in a bad place for a long time, and not well treated. She is safe and well for now while they continue to look after her and decide the next steps.
Hi skywalker, I cannot see a dog with that reference.....but it does ring a bell so wondering if it's one I've checked already but cannot tell without seeing it
Pls see post on Maggie's page - dog Id 101390
DogLostSandra Watt
Dawn - I wish that you and the other family get Izzy and Bella back - wishes do come true sometimes xxx
Hi Jenkins, We now know this definitely isn't Izzy but another family heartbroken who have lost their fur-baby.....too many dogs going missing, so wrong and so sad
DogLostSandra Watt
Dawn ..Bella is now listed on doglost ..if you have a look I think the fur colour us very different but you will know best.
Thanks Jenkins, I'm trying to find out more about this dog as it does have a look of Izzy if her fur was groomed differently but finding it hard to find out anything and I don't want to just go straight in with the people who have lost her as I don't want to upset anyone if this is genuinely their dog and not Izzy) we of all people know how they are feeling).....I need to know more about the dog, such as age, how long they've had her, did they get her as a puppy etc
DogLostSandra Watt
Please have a look at this dog just reported missing - she has a look of Izzy about her
Hi Jenkins.....I have checked this but sadly not Izzy....thank you for letting me know though xx
DogLostSandra Watt
Please can you check this one I registered today, we are not actual sure if it is a poodle, cockeroo or labradoodle and dont know it female or male - Found dog 108490
Thank you for helping Karen, like Jenkins has said, I did check this dog and sadly it wasn't Izzy, but I keep hoping that one day it will be xxx
DogLostSandra Watt
Hi Karen - the dog is the same one that was at Berry Vets below and has already been checked out by Izzy's owner. The found dog is already listed here on this site. We have to keep searching.
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Hi - can you please check out this dog, now with SDK Dog Warden:

DogLostSandra Watt
Dawn thanks for letting us know ..at least you know people are still thinking of Izzy..truly hope you get her back one day x
Thank you Jenkins.....we have checked this poor baby but sadly isn't Izzy, the vets who have her were so lovely and helpful....I hope they find her a loving home as they think she has been dumped after being bred the poor baby
DogLostSandra Watt
Please check out this dog found Pirton, SG5 South East England
Thank you Jenkins, we have checked this one but sadly was not our Izzy
DogLostSandra Watt
Please check found dog 108182
Thank you so much Hollieberry, it's been 20 awful months but I'm not giving up on her xx
I too thought of Izzy when I saw the picture of the found dog one day I really hope you get the news that you are hoping for .Lots of us remember Izzy and are still looking for her x
Thank you for alerting us to this Patricia....sadly that isn't Izzy but thank you so much for helping us xx
If that is Izzy it would be brilliant because today is the 7th anniversary of her coming to live with her family (as a tiny puppy)
Thanks Lin....we have checked this one but sadly it is not izzy xx
Angie May
So sorry not responding sooner and to hear that Dawn πŸ˜• was really hopeful
We have now checked the dog and seen a picture but unfortunately it wasn't Izzy....thank you so much for letting us know xxxx
My husband thinks he has found a number and is ringing South Holland district dog warden
Hi Angie....do you know any contact details for me???
Angie May
South Holland District Dog Warden has just passed an Izzy lookalike to rescue as no one claimed
Izzy has been missing just over 19 months now, I think hers is one of the saddest stories on here.
Thanks Alison....we did look into this one but it wasn't Izzy unfortunately xx
This dog has been recently clipped making her appear lighter but has a brown nose http://www.dragondriving.co.uk/puppiesforsale-88737.html
Thank you saffisaffia for sending this link for me to check, unfortunately this isn't Izzy but thank you for helping xx
http://www.dogtheftaction.com/article/Izzy-Missing-360.htm Izzy's owner has written about what it is like to loose a dog
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Just for info - the dog mentioned by Sally below is apparently a boy. Maggie's owner (Lost 101390) rang the vets
Charlotte Cameron
13 hrs ·
** Update, dog is not chipped so even more important we share **

White curly coated dog hit by a car outside Graig community hall Bassaleg. The dog is alive and doesn't appear to be too badly injured as was running around the village near chippy for about 10 mins. Incident sounded like a bad hit, dog did go under the car. Driver did stop and has reported it to the police, log number available if needed. Being taken to Summerhill vets Newport.
Dog wearing collar but no tag. Please share to find its owner. I shall ring in morning for an update on its health.
Well done to the locals who helped with search and family who took it to the vets! THIS DOG LOOKS LIKE IZZY BUT BUSHIER HAIR AROUND MOUTH> SAYS NOT CHIPPED BUT CAN MOVE OR FALL OUT> UNSURE IF MALE OR FEMALE
A very long shot but who knows.....
Just thought I'd bring it to your attention so that you could monitor any further posts or sightings about this dog.

Later comment- sorry, have just seen somewhere else that you have already discounted this one.Last edited: 2016-07-08 17:26:56 by Baydogs
Sue - onestopalldogs
FB Twitter
Link to you tube video. Please share

Can I ask some advise? does anyone know of a good Ap to use for poster making??Last edited: 2016-05-20 17:29:22 by Dawn
Thank you ClaireA for sending the picture of the dog for me to check....unfortunately too big for Izzy xxx
Sorry, I do look on here often however I have been having issues getting sites for some reason but all phone all sorted now...also I have been very down since it was a year since Izzy went missing and my dad has been very poorly and in and out of hospital, so its been a difficult few months but still determined to find Izzy and will never give up on her and like Skywalker99 says I do post on Izzy's page every day and check every dog that is sent to me.....thank you to everyone for on timing to support us and look for Izzy xxxx
I think they do but infrequently...they post to her facebook page everyday
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Is this page being monitored by owners
Have you seen this: https://www.streetlife.com/conversation/x1ogdo2jp8dh/

Hard to tell if it could be Izzy but maybe worth a look.
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Bumped Izzy, missing one year, I do hope there is news soon xxx
Please can she be bumped? Missing one year today, so unfair
Izzy will have been missing a year tomorrow, please support her thundeclap for tomorrow https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/37323-get-izzy-home
Izzy is in the press again http://www.burytimes.co.uk/news/14267339.Family_still_hopeful_of_reuniting_with_beloved_dog_after_year_long_search/
izzy has a new thunderclap timed for the anniversary of her disappearance. Her family have worked so hard to find her, and will never give up. I am sure they realise that after this length of time the biggest chace is a vet scanning her...here's hoping and the link to the Thunderclap https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/37323-get-izzy-home
Thank you Charlie and Sooty and apologies for not answering sooner, Unfortunately this isn't izzy but thank you so much for helping us with our search.

To everyone....... my family and I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for thier support, it means the world to us.....it has been nearly a year now and the pain doesn't get any easier to cope with but we will never give up on Izzy and your help and support helps us to carry on xxxxLast edited: 2016-01-26 21:07:44 by Dawn
charlie and sooty
Could this be Izzy......https://www.facebook.com/LostboxPets/photos/a.1551531121794596.1073741829.1551020725178969/1665356547078719/?type=3&theater
Lost in such sad circumstances, Get Izzy home soon xxx
Hoping for good news soon x
Been following this little girl ever since she went missing; its heartbreaking. Someone, somewhere must know where she is, lets get her home now xxx
From Izzy's facebook page: I can't believe that in 25 days time, it will one whole year since Izzy went missing....its been devastating to me, Ian, Lauren & Eve and all the rest of my family and friends who knew and loved her, our lives can never be the same without her and we all just want her home...make our family whole again and ring the confidential number....please
Another year, I hope it is a good one and that Izzy will be back very very soon. x
What on earth did that idiot builder do when he tried to catch her that made her run so far....instead of just giving him a wide berth (she had run out of the house where she had been left safe by the family and was sitting on the lawn then scared away by builder as he tried to catch her, the builder had turned up a day earlier than arranged and let himself in scaring Izzy). Something or someone stopped you getting home, I hope it was someone and she is found soon.
I often think about your little dog, Izzy, hoping one day I will see that she has been found.
Don't give up, she is out there somewhere. Good luckx
Don't forget izzy's new thunderclap tomorrow, link two posts below. Her family really need her back
The reward for Izzy's return is Large, it could buy a very good Christmas for someone.
Izzy has a new thunderclap for Christmas https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/35543-izzy-s-christmas-wish?locale=en almost 10 months missing and her owners did nothing wrong, so unfair
Article in Dogworld about the charity calendar that Izzy et al are featured in http://www.dogworld.co.uk/product.php/148680/
I often think about the lovely Izzy she may look totally different now depending if she is groomed or not. I do hope you will get to hear the news you want to hear soon but never give up on looking & hope x
Claire Ellie's Mum
Another 3 months has passed with no news of Izzy . She has been missing 9 long months today .
Izzy's owners, plus the owners of some other long term missing dogs (Bragi, Buster, Lexi, Archie et al) have produced a charity calendar to try and raise wareness and raise money for dog charities. Details are here: https://www.facebook.com/icallyourname247/
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Jayne for all you have been doing and the tel calls this afternoon. Not been an easy one this and a first for DogLost. Sending hugs to all involved.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
I pinked my own post...watch this space and please do not judge too harshly...I pinked myself after talking to Alices father and talking to Izzy's owners.
So sorry Izzy hasn't been found yet and for this cruel hoax, but let this spur everyone on to get Izzy home, she must be out there, Good luck x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Comment awaiting moderation
How could anyone be so cruel. Not everyone is on facebook is it possible to show a picture of izzy unclipped x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owners rang and are going ahead! asked them to pass the police onto us and we will furnish them with what they need to know.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
We have full details of the person who posted this cruel stunt if Izzy's owners want to go further with a complaint to the police please ask them to contact Jayne at HQ and I can pass onto them.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
FOUND details have been changed to:

Male Yugoslavian Mountain Hound
Named MAX
Marks Black
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Breed for the FOUND 92620 was registered as:

Female Cross Breed
Named IZZY
Marks Light brown nose and pink collar
North West
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Sorry looks like the FOUND 92620 is a HOAX. The breed, area and postcode have been changed from original registration.

Sadly there are some sick people in this world who have nothing better to do than cause upset to owners searching for their pets.
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
I have sent screen shot of 92620 to Izzy's fb group x
See found dog 92620
Izzy is in the prress again http://www.burytimes.co.uk/news/radcliffe/13775670.Family_s_search_for_missing_dog_hits_cities_across_the_UK/?ref=rss&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
lots more pics of her clipped and unclipped on her facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/HelpfindIzzyWizz?fref=ts
What might she look like if her hair wasn't clipped? x
Tomorrow is Find Izzy day https://www.facebook.com/groups/925592600820497/
From FB Find Izzy page

Please, please join one of our walks for Find Izzy this Sunday at 11am....we currently have walks organised at

St. Albans
Coombe Abbey Country Park, Coventry

We need as many people as possible to join, print off a poster and pin it to your tshirt and help spread Izzy's story.

See you there xxx

Izzy has a new Thunderclap on Saturday...please join. A don't forget the 'Find Izzy Day' dog walks being arranged nationwide for 19th September https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/30700-izzy-is-still-missing
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Included in a group share of NW dogs and cats I've done on facebook, THANK YOU to everyone who is also sharing it.
Izzy has a new thunderclap, please support and the 'Find Izzy' dog walk day on 19th September. https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/30700-izzy-is-still-missingLast edited: 2015-09-01 09:21:28 by Skywalker99
Izzy's owners are trying a new approach and have published the reward amount. Lets hope it bring some news along with the Find Izzy day on 19th September, see her Facebook page for details https://www.facebook.com/HelpfindIzzyWizz and the group for Find Izzy day https://www.facebook.com/groups/925592600820497/
Could this found dog be Izzy http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=91108 xx
There is a FIND IZZY day being organised for September 19th with walks all over the country. Details are on her facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HelpfindIzzyWizz?fref=nf
It must be Izzy's turn to be found?
charlie and sooty
shared to Dude!where's my dog and Home Safe Dog Uk. I think Barratt's have a lot too answer to. I really hope your girl is reunited soon x
Claire Ellie's Mum
Izzy has been missing 6 long months today . Her family are still desperately trying to get her home . πŸ˜“πŸ’”πŸΆ
Izzy has been missing 5 months today, her owners are working so hard to find her (they have car stickers to give away), her facebook page has almost 5000 likes https://www.facebook.com/HelpfindIzzyWizz?fref=ts,
Her owners are to be commended in the way they have conducted their search...she was safe in her home where she had been left by her owners rather than tie her up outside a shop!
Thanks Patlucky...sorry I haven't replied sooner, been having internet problems....this dog isn't Izzy but thank you so much for alerting us to it and helping us xxx
I know it says this dog is a different colour but please take a look.
PLEASE NOTE This dog is micro chipped to an address in Wales.
No answer when phonedLast edited: 2015-07-08 16:26:16 by Patlucky
I dont live in your area, but follow your page, she is such a unique looking little girl, and I kerp an eye out everywhere I go. Hope she is home very soon x
Izzy has been missing 4 months today, she was safe in her home when a builder decided to pay an unscheduled visit and scared her away. She is an integral part of the family who are completely heartbroken.
From Izzy's FB page: It is 4 months tomorrow since our baby girl, left safe in our house for 10 mins, went missing breaking our hearts completely.....I'm sorry, I haven't got anything else to say today, I just feel utterly devastated today
Claire Ellie's Mum
There has been a possible sighting of Izzy on Sunday 17 th May at Silsden , West Yorkshire . This dog was running loose and the police lady who saw it couldn't catch it . Silsden is a rural village near to Keighley and Skipton . If it was Izzy she could have been dumped or managed to get there herself somehow , stranger things have happened !
thunderclap link https://www.thunderclap.it/en/projects/26460
Don't forget Izzy's thunderclap tomorrow
Hi Micky, unfortunately that isn't Izzy. It ink the dog was chipped to an address in Portugal???

Hi RonieCSS, yes we look on the dog warden site every day x
Have you looked through http://www.animalwardens.co.uk
There aren't pics but you can search for found dogs by post code. I know Izzy is chipped but these can go undetected (so I've heard). On the website you can email a pic. It's worth a try maybe?
Claire Ellie's Mum
Izzy has been missing 3 months today . So sad .
She also has a new Thunderclap https://www.thunderclap.it/en/projects/26460
Izzy is in Dogworld http://www.dogworld.co.uk/product.php/136200/34/izzy_lost_since_february/34987ce698b2321abbeb07fe1280c2ba
Hi - This dog has just come up on my news feed - now it doesn't say what sex the dog is and the picture does look a little bit dark but pictures can be deceiving - The dog has a faded pink collar on so guessing it's a girl - and does have a brown nose.

face book link to original post

Hi sophiesuds, yes we did see beau but we did nit think that was Izzy but we rang to be 100% sure and it was confirmed that this was not Izzy xxx
Have you seen a dog called Beau at battersea dogs home similar colouring and coat.
Hi all, we have looked at the dog Janet but unfortunatkey wasn't Izzy.
With regards to Barratts, please do not suspect the builders as they definitely did not take Izzy. Barratts head office have been in talks with us to discuss how best to help us and with the help of Harvey's Army we have agreed on what is best to do. Thank you for all your support xxxx
Have the workmen been called in to question them about if they have taken her? Barrett should be bending over backwards to help you and clear their name not ignoring you! Makes me so mad can't imagine how furious you must be.
Just had this message sent to a page i help admin for.Quite a way off but anything is possible xxxx I haven't got a photo of it but there is a dog wandering around fields near the canal off Stubbins Lane, Claughton on Brock. There were no owners to be seen anywhere and it ran and ran in fear when we went near it. From the distance I could see it from, the dog looks like a red cocker spaniel. It seemed taller than a cocker though and could quite easily have been a red cockerpoo. It was definitely all a solid colour. It also looked to have a name tag on as you could see something glistening at the base of its neck. Do you know if anyone has reported one missing? Hoping it hasn't been dumped as this is very close to the motorway.
similar at family day https://www.facebook.com/222948071351/photos/pcb.10153170039371352/10153170030256352/?type=1&theater
Seems so unfair shouldBarratts be deeply ashamed of themselves and digging deep to help find her.
Too far away to help I think, but hope and pray she is home soon x
The story in the Bolton paper has just arrived on my facebook page. Shared to me in North Devon by a friend in USA... the word is getting out all over the world and with the six degrees of separation theory on Facebook hopefully Izzy's picture will ring a bell with someone very soon :)
Millys Mum
Just been reading through Izzy's thread and watching the lovely and moving video put together by ClaireBearG - so sad. I think that Izzy's family should call a meeting at Barratt's offices with the workmen who entered their home without permission on that awful day and make them, the appropriate manager(s) and customer services, etc watch Izzy's video alongside Izzy's family, to witness at first hand how it has affected them.
Bump due to press coverage.

Can you please check this dog out they don't say whether it is female or male but it has been groomed so difficult to tell whether it is iZZY or not
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Please can Izzy be bumped for possible sighting.
RED ALERT - anyone near bolton road bury now can anyone help please????? Possible sighting 30 minutes ago - small dog with a redy/pink collar looking quite dirty and disheveled on Bolton Road, Bury. On the left as you drive into Bury near the Wellington Pub/Bury Barracks. Any one around that area please keep an extra eye open.
From Harvey's law website:

Below you will see pictures of Izzy, she has been missing since Monday the 16th February. Her family had recently moved into a Barratt house. Arrangements had been made with workmen for them to go to the home to carry out some work on Tuesday 17th. Based on these arrangements, Izzy's owners would have taken her to work in order to keep her safe. Instead, and without permission the workmen let them selves into the home on the Monday, setting off the alarm and letting Izzy loose. Izzy has not been seen since.
Izzy's owners with the help of Harvey's Army have searched tirelessly for her with no success as yet. As you can imagine the family are in bits.
Barratt Home's response to this was to offer Izzy's owners compensation for Izzy. Her owners requested that the donation be made to Harvey's Army instead. Other than this they have done nothing to assist the owners or to compensate for the loss of Izzy or the heartache caused.
I personally spoke to Barratt's today and asked them for a quote for a piece I am writing and I obviously discussed Izzy. I was told that this was all sorted out, that Barratt's had compensated Izzy's family by making a donation to Harvey's Army. I must state that no such donation has ever been received. They went on to advise that the sum of compensation was ---£250.00---!!!!!!!!
£250.00 for the loss of a family member. £250.00 when a whole families lives have been destroyed as they have no idea where Izzy is or if she is ok. I consider this an Insult to Izzy and her family. I can't believe that a multi million pound company could put such a low value on the loss of a family member. Shame on them!!
I advised Barratt's that Harvey's Army would not accept that or any other donation from them and that they should spend the money trying to help the family find Izzy, something which they should have willingly offered to do.
I can not explain how sick to the stomach this made me feel, that they could so easily wash their hands of the heartache created by them.
I ask that anyone reading this--PLEASE--join FIND IZZY and lend your support to the search and to her family, it is so desperately needed.
If like me, you are disgusted by the lack of assistance or care being shown by Barratt Homes for the nightmare they have created then PLEASE email them and voice your opinion. I know that myself and Harvey's Army will be doing nothing less.
mark.clare@barrattplc.co.uk this is the email address for the Chief Executive
I had wondered same. I know we don't have all the information but it does seem very strange that she just vanished....although there is a comment on her page on one of the statuses from a woman who was out for a run nearby and Izzy ran past her.
Having read elsewhere on the Internet the circumstances of Izzy escaping, are you sure that the workmen haven't rehomed Her to their own home. Seems strange that she just vanished I would ask the building company to investigate further the circumstances, I know they haven't been helpful so far but threaten them with police if response isn't good. Contact your MP especially at this time with election coming up to see if he can get answers from the company.
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
84598 looks very similar xxx
Please check the post on here found number 84598
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Another fantastic video Claire! Shared on facebook with a link to her Doglost page
Dogs Northwest Repost
Shared again on FB and twitter - hope she is soon home x
It's not Izzy, it's a photo from a doglost found poster of a dog found in June 2014 (before Izzy went missing).Same dogg Emma spotted (ref 68783)
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks everyone, owner was alerted yesterday and it is not IZZY.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Forwarding to majorjet...tx
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
I have emailed to admin the photo I think you mean bluebear05
SomeonePlease go on Facebook someone called May arthur, check pics. They suggest they're dogs seen for sale . One of them IS izzy, it's a pic near a white vehicle, not one seen anywhere else. Please check it out. Don't know how to add pic. Just been told it's not izzy πŸ˜₯ looks similar.Last edited: 2015-03-14 18:42:59 by bluebear05
Great video, now just need to #getizzyhome
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Another fab video ClaireBearG fingers crossed there is news soon and we see IZZY back where she belongs. xxx
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
I have made a video for Izzy - here is the link to view x

DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done!
izzy is in the news again http://www.burytimes.co.uk/news/11847351.Hundreds_of_strangers_help_family_in_search_for_missing_dog/

Emma, that dog was found 8 months before izzy went missing so unlikely to be her ;(Last edited: 2015-03-11 16:00:35
Emma McLesn
There has been a dog posted and found see reference 69783. Completely different area but she looks very very similar including. Please have a look!!
Should her breed be poodle cross?
As in press (manchester Evening news) doesn't she get bumped?Last edited: 2015-03-09 16:14:42
Izzy is featured in the manchester evening news
harveys army are co-ordinating a large walking search of radcliffe tomorrow (sunday 8th) at 12 noon. meeting at the recycling bins at asda radcliffe. need as many people as possible. thanks x
harveys army are doing another flyer distribution for izzy tomorrow friday 5th meeting at asda radcliffe at 12. if you can help. please come along and let us know on @find izzy page on facebook. thanks x
Any news on this little one? X
Possible sighting Bright Street off Cross Lane Radcliffe yesterday morning leafleting that area today if anyone can help please meet at Asda car park at 1.30 thank you
anyone free tomorrow to help hand out more flyers etc asda 1.30pm radcliffe? anyone can help poster etc ainsworth road radcliffe?? pls
latest sighting turks road yesterday 11am..eyes peeled pls or if that way please go and search
Hi Fergal, unfortunately this is not Izzy but I hope that it finds its way home.

Donna, I will make sure we get some posters up there x
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
One found injured Barnsley, described as cream-coloured, now with RSPCA. This is the link:
UPDATE: I see on your fb page you have checked and not Izzy Last edited: 2015-02-28 15:51:24 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Donna!
Hi i went to Moses Gate Country park in case she had wandered through Kearsley and Farnworth. Spoke to some dog walkers who will keep their eye out. Some leaflets would be good around the park as there are lots of dog walkers who come from far and wide being such a big park. Really hope she is found soon. x
Hi (ino, unfortunatley that is not Izzy but thank you for sending yet his to us x
im handing out flyers at 1.30 friday 26th at asda radcliffe. if anyone is available to help, please come along. thanks
Leaflet drop tomorrow at Asda Radcliffe at 1:30 pm....please help if you can xxx
Hi LJW, thanks, I have seen this article but it is not Izzy.....thanks for sending though x
seen this article today has anyone checked? http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/badly-injured-abandoned-dog-prompts-rspca-appeal-1-7125118
Leaflet drop and search for Izzy at 11.00am today, see her Facebook page for details. thunderclap tomorrow.
Leafleting arranged for tomorrow, thunderclap on friday is there any cctv where she gas been sighted that could be checked?
Last edited: 2015-02-25 19:25:39
.Last edited: 2015-02-25 19:27:45
places that need postering, handing out around asda to shoppers, radcliffe met station and radcliffe market may have a notice board and radcliffe bus station, bobby's mummy. yesterday i did stand lane, my hairdressers, libraries and med centres...some wont let you poster, so i discreetly leave some around! xx
Izzy has a thunderclap arranged for Friday, please support. See her facebook page for detailsLast edited: 2015-02-25 06:59:54
Bobby's mummy
Hi Dawn I will collect some posters on Thursday from Asda if Izzy has not been found. Thanks Maxine I have joined the group.
I have just returned home from driving around the area looking for Izzy. I've gone from Dales Lane to Stoneclough and Phillips Park three times today. Izzy you need to come out of your hiding place so that we can find you. Liz
Hi Dawn, Yeah I think Izzy's face has more fur and is darker around the mouth but it would if played on my mind if I didn't share. Thanks for letting me know. I hope Izzy is found soon.
Hi, yes I have been sent this one but I really don't think this is Izzy, has different features and we have had no missed calls or messages, however rang the dog warden to be 100% and they have said that it is chipped to a Stockport address, so definitely not Izzy
Oh i really hope this is little Izzy xx
Hi, I don't want to get any hopes up but I have just shared this on my FB and a friend of mine has commented with a picture of a similar looking dog found in Stockport. Hope this link works for somebody to view it.

leafletting and further search for Izzy on Thursday this week...see her facebook page for details.
Hi Bobby's mummy, sorry we thought someone had been to giant seat on Saturday when we did a group search for Izzy. If you would like some posters we have some that I can give you. Please can you text my mobile, I will drop some off for you, my number should be on here. I'm also have set up a Facebook site which I put updated sightings and post any group searches

i thought the nursery knew about izzy? there is a poster leaflet drop thursday at 11am asda radcliffe is the meeting point, bobby's mummy can you join please, there you can pick up lots of leaflets and posters.
Bobby's mummy
Hi Dawn I drove around the estate twice today and searched around Stoneclough again. I called into Giants Seat Garden Centre and they did not know about Izzy. Can you let me know how I can get some posters please? I will search the area around Stand Lane tomorrow. I walk my dog in Phillips Park every day so I keep a look out there. Do you know if there are any group searches organised? I can only go so far in woodland when I'm on my own.
if anyone here has advice pls post,i am suggesting more leaflet drops/handouts at weekend towards farnworth this time as izzy may have wandered that way...
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
Sorry - been terribly busy lately tracking, . I will call the owners tonight.
And...kids back at school today, they are very observant, is it worth giving your girls some leaflets/posters?
Been looking at her facebook page, would it be a good idea to put your phone numbers in the 'about' section, it isn't that easy to see how to contact you. Do hope you find her soon.
Hi Mosspage, thanks for your support, we have also been to Leigh, so hopefully have them all covered and will go back to MDH and Leigh every few days x
Hi Sophiesuds, I have had a look and it isn't Izzy. Thanks anyway for letting us know and if you see anything else, please let us know. X
There's a chocolate doodle called lily in dogs trust Manchester recently been added, worth having a look, has similar face to Izzy BUT she's has already been reserved.
DogLostShelley Page - Area Co-ordinator - North West
Dawn as long as homes checked ever 7 days u r ok, I know Ian had checked other day and Cheshire being checked tomorrow be Jean, you r doing everything right x
Thank you Toffin for thinking of us.

Bobby's mummy - thank you for helping look for our baby girl, you are an angel xx

Karis - thanks we have been to MDH and will be going again tomorrow

Thank you everyone for thinking of us xxxxLast edited: 2015-02-22 23:47:09 by Dawn
weekend strays usually arrive at mdh mid morning on Mondays,wouldnt rule out a trip in person just in case?
Bobby's mummy
Hi Dawn I drove around the estate this afternoon and went as far as Giants Seat Garden Centre, searching fields and woodland as far as I could but Izzy was probably sheltering somewhere. I'll be out searching again tomorrow afternoon. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.
Hi Dawn. I'm too far away to help but just want to say how much I'm thinking of you and your family and Izzy. Our Polly is a chocolate cockapoo and I can only imagine what you're going through now. Sending you all our very best wishes and hoping you're reunited soon. Toffin x
Hi Skywalker99, Ian has been going out at all ours, late at night, early morning, afternoon etc ...... When she does get spotted it always seems to be between 12pm lunchtime and 4pm evening. As for scenting, we have tried all of them, wee, vacuum dust, clothing, walking round with her favourite toy & bedding. I've even been walking round with her old collar strapped around my leg....I'll try whatever I need to xxx
Izzy's owners are still waiting to hear back from Jenny andTiga (filled out information form 3 days ago), can someone from Doglost ring Jenny for them?
Have you tried going outs in the wee small hours when there is less background noise and easier for her to hear you call/whistle. Also scent using your pee, stronger smell and less likely to get moved than a piece of clothing.
Just realised the comment I made earlier isnt the same area this dog missing from doh x
Hi Rose, I cannot find anything on the Internet about the dog on the railway line.....I do not think it is Izzy as it is in Wales which would be a long way for her to travel, but if you can get any more I for or a pic that would be god
Just had a phone call, a lady spotted Izzy on Friday around lunchtime.....this is now the latest spotting of her......she was driving down Ringley Road towards Farnworth direction and it was just past the Outwood trail near to where the sharp bend is....I know a few of the volunteers yesterday were around that area and didn't spot her, but it does sound like she is staying around this area.....If anyone is around that area, please look out for her, we will continue to walk round and lay scent trails, but please keep her mind when you are out and about x
Just seen a fb message... Dog at Pontyclun railway station 22.37 Sat eve, worried it will go on the tracks. Sandy colour wearing pink collar Could this be the same dog?
Hi, thanks for all your comments and sorry I haven't replied earlier, we were out most of the day walking the area, putting posters up, talking to people, putting more of our scent down, hoping it might either help her find her way home or spark something in someone if they see her.....nothing this morning.

We are still comcentrating on the Outwood Rd, Ringley Rd, Old Hall Lane areas as these are the only places where she has been seen.

To Tinker and Hemps mum - I know how you are feeling, it is so hard to loose our babies like this, not knowing where or how they are, its's heartbreaking and I am sorry that you have had to endure this so long x
keep the faith, we have a romanian dog missing since august 2012 and keep her pag eand memory alive.. fetita missing wigan .xx
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
I am really sorry to see Izzy is missing, I have my fingers crossed that you get her home safely soon. My two girls Tinker and Hemp 71080 and 71081 have been missing 8 months now, but I'm still out every day looking. Good luck xxxx
any news today please?
Good luck with search xxx
Good luck with the search for Izzy today x
Hi, where was the last reported sighting?

I've been checking the woods and farmland around Old Hall Lane, Ringley Road, Outwood Country Park and the Outwood side of Stand golf course.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting now...good luck xx
Search for Izzy at 1.15 today. I don't do Twitter but if anyone does it is a good tool for getting the word out e.g. @MENnewsdesk....most large organisations monitor their Twitter feeds
Has anyone contacted highways agency???
Ad going in lost & found section of Metro & MEN on Monday, please show it around
You have to send their facebook page a message they will then post for you. Suggest you xpost to get murphy home tooLast edited: 2015-02-20 17:09:12
cant get in on to spotted radcliffe anyone can pls here?
please disregard previous msg as distance too far
please check swale borough council site stray cockapoo looks very like izzy
search organised 21st feb maxine you need to message spotted radcliffe to get them to shareLast edited: 2015-02-20 11:08:33
can someone post on spotted radcliffe pls about the search for sat 1.15pm cant for some reason thanks
Hi Maxine, Ian looked at the link from Donna earlier and it was not Izzy, also the one on FB that a Ann Barrington-Bland New had posted I couldn't get people to tell me which selling site, I had looked on as many as I could find and the only thing I could find were all my wanted pictures and posts....then someone came back and said that the picture Ann was talking about was the little dog under the car, which others have also sent me but is not Izzy
DogLostShelley Page - Area Co-ordinator - North West
S IT POSSIBLE A FEW OF US COULD MEET SATURDAY 21st AFTERNOON AT ABOUT 1.15 PM, THE BOTTOM OF OUTWOOD RD ON THE CORNER OF THE STREET THAT LEADS UPTO NEW HOUSES WOODLAND CHASE, Think owners really could do with a break, if anyone coming could bring a few posters each , and a phone to contact Dawn or Ian if Find Izzy spotted , please reply yes underneath if u can attend
dawn did you see the thread from donna blake pls? on izzys fb page i have tagged you dawn xx
could someone ring owners, somethi ng on her facebook page which says she might have been seen on a selling site, at work can't call
We went to MDH yesterday but nothing. Going to Leigh later today.

DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
This is Izzy's Facebook group as mentioned by maxine https://www.facebook.com/HelpfindIzzyWizz?fref=nf
Thanks Donna, unfortunately it isn't our Izzy. Thanks for the tracker link Skywalker99 - i have just filled in the ask for help form.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Has anyone been to Manchester Dogs Home or Leigh Cats and Dogs Home yet? Due to where you are I would check both out, IN PERSON.
Hi please look at the link found yesterday doesnt say male or female but worth a look sorry if its not Izzy

tracker is a good idea
Can Jenny and Tiga help? Www.k9tracker.co.UK?Last edited: 2015-02-19 08:13:47
Hi, I have had a look at the dog found under the White car but it does not look like izzy.....Izzy's picture above was only taken last week when she'd had her hair cut and also Izzy's nose is lighter....shame, I did get a glimmer of hope
there is now a facebook page for izzy its on my wall, please come and like the page and follow progress. thanks
the family have done everything they can think of now, postered,let taxi firms know, vets, groomers, kennels, dog warden, police, local people, dog walkers in area and more every day...yes they are going to mdh and leigh often also and bleakholt know too...put out stuff to scent, food and more...we have talked about putting an advert in the metro and men very soon to raise more awareness...also psotered near met station and supermarkets where people gather..if anyone would like to help put up more posters or hand out to people in whitefield and close by, please say here, i have posters in my car to the ready..as for the doggy found below, bubbles i will inform them to look into her to read all messages too. any more advice please? xx
Just sent a text message to the owners to look at the picture of the dog. The text failed.
Last edited: 2015-02-18 21:24:07 by BUBBLES
A person called Bev Waite has just posted a picture of a found dog on the Lost and found pets in Swindon.
He/she is on the found in UK site , I'm not sure what sex but found Barnsley Area ...have been told the dog is now with a dog warden. Looks like this dog but fur looks longer.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
maxine you are a star, really helps when there is someone local to where the dog is missing from. Have the owners checked out Manchester Dogs Home just in case Izzy has been taken in there? Vets, pet shops, pubs, local shops, taxi companies, window cleaners etc, all need to be aware or have a poster up in the premises. We need sightings, info, get everyone looking for her and let people know she is loved and missed.
posters everywhere stuff with her scent on around the area too and food being put down, socks put out near back gate etc...and everywhere int he area being made aware...any other advice appreciated. thanks
and lots of posters so people are aware she is missing and not a stray they can keep!
Dogs have a very good sense of smell, is it worth emptying the contents of your hoover bag/putting some unwashed clothing of yours out in your back garden to help guide her?
Someone has just called to say they have seen a dog matching Izzy's description at 3pm yesterday afternoon (Tues 17th Feb) running out of Old Hall Lane, Turned left onto ringley road, then did a right into the top of Outwood Rd and then into the housing estate at the top of Outwood Road......they said she seemed to be running purposefully....we live of the bottom of Outwood road, so think she is trying to get home.....please keep a look out for her on your travels.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Has this one been checked (just in case).

Found Dog
16 Feb 2015 Shih Tzu
Location: Bolton BL4
Gender: Female
Colour: Golden
Markings: white
Size: Small
Our Ref: 357303

For further details call 0161 297 0268
To amend, email info@animalwardens.co.uk quoting our ref and full postcode, attach picture if available

I live in the Radcliffe area I can help with any searches or putting up posters have messaged owner with offer of help am waiting a reply
have rung him to advise, more posters needed sergeants lane area
Hope she stays on the estate and doesnt wander onto roads. Hope you find her very soon x
Maxine, suggest you ring the number, owner may be out searching and not see this post
any news i can help search?
Shared to sites xx
how can i help pls?? i live off sergeants lane in that area, any searches being coordinated, when was the last sighting pls?
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I did notice that but decided to leave it on just in case someone either end had the days mixed up, it can happen I suppose. Thanks for looking though XX
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Thanks Fergal's, very similar dog but looks like it was found the day before Izzy went missing.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Email alerts sent to postcodes BL2,BL3,BL4,BL8,BL9,M25,M26,M27,M45
Sorry to see that IZZY MISSING 7 YEARS is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
  • A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (82954)
  • Obtain a missing poster by clicking on View poster above. Posters are very important so start postering now!
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  • Contact dog wardens, vets and local rescue centres, and in Scotland, the Police. Give a detailed description with any distinguishing marks/scars or send them a copy of your DogLost poster. You can find vets in your area here.
  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
  • Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

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