Reunited: Grey Black White Siberian Husky Male

  • Dog ID 81309
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 12 Jan 2015
  • Gender & Breed Male Siberian Husky
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour grey black white
  • Marks & Scars blue eyes, black circles around both eyes
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 12 Jan 2015
  • Where Lost Tooting, Hendham Road
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area SW17
  • Date Reunited 18 Aug 2015
  • Other Info Taken/Lost at around 3pm outside house my boyfriend was working on
  • Listed By Larab93
  • Views 19900


Sightings and Information

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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Just wonderful news! Meant to be. Welcome home sweetheart. x
Wonderful news, stay safe x when this happens it brings hope to a lot of people
Brilliant news! Welcome home gorgeous Cody - no one ever gave up on you and that has been repaid in the best way possible. Stay safe and close now lovely lad xxxx
Aaaaw This is Wonderful to see REUNITED pics
always my 'Motto'
This REALLY gives hope to ALL owners / family of Missing /Stolen Cats, Dogs,Horses, Birds, Llama & more xx
Stay Very Safe now Gorjus CODY
Let this be a lesson to ALL would-be petthieves - YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH IT !
Social Media Posts, Tweets, Shares / Postering/ Leafleting by SOOO MANY of Us animal-loving people will outnumber YOU !!
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So pleased to see Cody is home :)) Lovely reunited photo.xx
Well done to everyone involved.x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Have uploaded a lovely REUNITED photo of CODY back where he belongs with his very happy owners. :)

You may need to refresh the page to view it. x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
WOW just watched he REUNION video which is fantastic to see. Great to see how well he recognised his owners. WELL DONE everyone who made this REUNION possible and great TEAM WORK by all involved.

WELCOME HOME gorgeous CODY sending you lots of hugs and cuddles. xxx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West

Bring back our puppy

REUNITED!!! We finally have our beautiful healthy bouncy boy back! The video says it all, very emotional and there are no words to describe how happy we are! Thank you so much to the lewisham dog wardens for looking after him, thank you to Battersea Dogs & Cats Home and Dog lost for your support and to all Cody's amazing followers! I really couldn't have done it without you all and your fantastic support! I'm a little overwhelmed by it all so I will fill everyone in a little more when I've got my head round the fact he's back home where he belongs. Lots of love Lara and Will xxx
Fabulous news and beautiful video too. Lovely to see him so pleased to see his owners after 8 months away x
I am so happy for you, I have kept my eyes peeled since you first reported it. SO happy for you all, I am crying xxx
Just watched the video too.....made me cry lol so happy for the lovely couple who never gave up hope, welcome home Cody xxx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Good to see Cody is finally home and well done to Lewisham Council. I hope he is ok and will soon settle down again with his rightful owners.
Welcome home Cody.
Brilliant news!! Welcome home Cody xxx
Just watched video, lovely to see he didnt forget his owners x
Video on here. Its lovely.
Awww he looks well.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Putting photo on as extra image...
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
A lovely reunion video posted on their facebook page too.
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
He is home!!! Lovely pic sent by the council to BDCH of the reunion, made me cry! I'll let owners send you pics once they are settled home with Cody, but what wonderful news!
Lewisham Council
We are pleased to report that Cody was reunited with his owners this morning. Hopefully this will give hope to others whose dogs are still missing.
Fantastic news, well done to the people who recovered him, be great to see a reunited pic with his real family x
Great news x
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Warden has confirmed owners ewill be collecting Cody this morning!
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
If Cody had not been scanned to check for a microchip he may not have been reunited with his owner.
At the moment it is NOT compulsory to scan for microchips. When it becomes law for dogs to have microchips in April we also need scanning to be made law.
Please help by signing this Vets Get Scanning petition:
Millys Mum
What wonderful news. I'm SO happy for Cody's family. But I also wanted to say huge WELL DONE & THANK YOU to George & Kay, Lewisham Council's brilliant and caring dog wardens!!! Finally welcome home Cody xx
Absolutely the most amazing news. NEVER give up. Can't wait to see his 'home pictures on his page x
charlie and sooty
This is really great news. Just shows that micro chipping (most of the time does work, if scanned properly). xx
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Perhaps Cody started chewing !!
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
I did post earlier on that I was waiting for confirmation so yes whoever moved him to blue was premature! But it is Cody as chip matches up that's how I linked reports together.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I agree! Don't think Abbalish would have put comments on here if not sure either.
So very pleased to see another stolen dog is to be reunited because of a microchip!
I suspect Cody's owner are probably rather overwhelmed on finding their lad after so long and a bit busy to comment on here at the moment. Looking forward to seeing a reunited photo from them when they have got over the shock!
Well Skywalker99 its the same chip number and markings so cant see how its not him xx
Says on his FB page owners have yet to confirm it is him, so isn't move to blue premature?
Absolutely fantastic news. Cant wait to see grownup piccie. Xx
Fantastic news.. ant wait to hear owners response and see reunited picture..Welcome home beautiful Cody..Stay safe..♥xx
Wow this is fantastic news, I am thrilled for the owners and cannot wait to see an up to date pic of gorgeous Cody x
Absolutely wonderful news. Ah sweet Cody so glad you get to be returned to your rightful owners. They will be so ecstatic.
Such wonderful news xx
Awww would love a picture of him now. Bet owners are so pleased.
So happy for his owners:-)
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
I don't know for sure they've got him back yet but warden def has him. I've contacted warden and emailed owners and posted to the FB page but just waiting for confirmation its def him as its the same chip number and markings are the same though hes a big grown up boy now!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news! tx Battersea!
He also has a facebook page 'bring back our puppy'
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Hes all grown up and very handsome as warden sent a picture. I'm just waiting to see if warden has managed to conatct owners
That's great news after 7 months missing. I wonder whether once he grew out of being a cute puppy whoever had him didn't want him anymore.Last edited: 2015-08-17 14:33:18 by Skywalker99
That's great news after 7 months missing. I wonder whether once he grew out of being a cute puppy whoever had him didn't wanthom anymore.
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Cody has been picked up by the Lewisham warden! I've passed owner details on to George at Lewisham!
Could this be the same dog????
Could this be Cody:
Nothing on here for 2 months! Is there any news? x
Mary This dog is found and looks like Cody grown up a bit.
Here is the link to the found Husky listed by RSPCA
It says not chipped.
I have emailed admin with this info too. On another lost pet site there is a report of 2 young (6 months) puppys found in London W12 . One is a husky the other a staffy. The husky was injured and taken to RSPCA hospital in Putney by RSPCA. The staffy is stil with finders. Here is the link to the advert put out by finder: @petregister: FOUND Dog Terrier Black #London #GreaterLondon pls RT
Young male found in leics listed on petlog think its worth checking
Come on beautiful boy, be seen so u can go home x
Bumped due to possible sightings.
Debby Cunliffe
According to the Facebook page for this little one there have been several unconfirmed (I think) sightings in the Kingston, Surbiton, Tolworth, areas recently.
I pray for you to be re-united with Cody. I pray that the hearts and minds of those who stole him will fill with love and handle him back to you. xxxLast edited: 2015-01-22 19:28:37 by Lenka
Willow Dood
I saw several posters when I was walking my dog yesterday on Wandsworth Common and down St James Drive (one unfortunately had been damaged). I saw no sign of Cody though - sorry. Both my sons live on Trinity Road, just down from where Cody was taken. I will ask them both to keep an eye out for him. Sorry I can't be of more help. I do hope you find Cody soon. xx
Shared in N20, there was a comment on FB, that a husky was seen locked in a caravan in Welling, Oycee Road. No pic though.Last edited: 2015-01-17 06:54:36 by fjennings
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Keep up the good work Larab93.
Posters are the way to go as we know that poster power works. Just poster everywhere and anywhere you can think of .. shops, bus stops, doctors surgeries, outside schools, car parks, entrances to dog walking places etc. Give to postman, taxi firms, local shops, community police officers, meter reading people and anyone you meet when out looking. Remember to check that vets (in surrounding areas as well as local) all have a poster with Cody's photo on it so they can check if a new pup is brought in to them, as well as ringing the dog wardens too. Sometimes people take a puppy and do not know what hard work they are and then they don't want them any more .. so as mentioned below please check all the selling sites..Pets4Homes, Gumtree, Preloved etc.
Make your pup TOO HOT TO HANDLE.
check Gumtree as lots of stolen dogs get posted on there to sell also x
circulating on twitter.....Grey Black White Siberian Pup MISSING #Tooting #SW17 Plz RT

I have shared on face book and this was 1 of my replies Go to the exact spot the van was parked and look ina ll directions as far as you can to see if any cctv cameras are visible. If you see any chances are you will have the wanker on camera that stole you baby
Maybe ask around local pubs to see if anyone has tried to sell him on. Will share on FB. x
Thank you everyone! still no news :( however LeesyLou we have taken your advice onboard and we've set a big reward if found, hoping the scumbag will give him up. Me and a group of people put posters up everywhere we could all over tooting last night and even at that time people were curious to see what we was putting up, we also approached a few groups to ask about him, that worked massively! People wanting to help and phone about so I have good hopes :) I'll also be putting up posters around colliers wood today and this evening we have a group helping to spread the word on the roads of tooting at around 6! the police are being absolutely useless with any cctv even though we were pointing out the places we think could lead to any clues but no hope :(
Hi, So sorry to hear Cody's missing. If you haven't already, definitely contact local dog wardens Lambeth and Wandsworth, Battersea Dogs Home in case he gets handed in there, and police, plus local businesses/homes that might have CCTV. Plaster local roads, shopping areas, estates, and Tooting Bec Common in posters. A few years ago I was walking a staffie puppy in Brockwell park - she rounded a corner and vanished. Later found out she was snatched by some kids who had commented on how cute she was a bit earlier. As soon as we put up "BIG REWARD OFFERED" posters the next day, someone rang up claiming they had found her! We retrieved her and didn't pay a reward, it was obvious it was the people who had taken her, long story... Not good to encourage kidnappings as a lucrative business, but worth bearing in mind if you think he might have been taken rather than have escaped....Good luck. I know how stressful this must be. Lisa
you also need t ocheck Dog Wardens and all local rehoming centres....... get posters put up in pubs and shops he is very distinctive hope hes home soon...... Last edited: 2015-01-13 08:18:40
Monica - Area Volunteer, South London
Has the owner contacted the police it is worth to check any CCTVs in the area where he was stolen. If the owner has left previously the dog in the van these people are local. Cover area with posters and it might be worth creating a new posters and put them where he was stolen asking if anyone has seen anything x I am local so ll be join forces. Someone should check all adverts daily too. We should split tasks
Link to Facebook post:
Picture and post to facebook post is circulating Twitter! He also has that black spot above his left eye that makes him stand out and unique! Hope he returns home safe and sound very soon Lara xxxLast edited: 2015-01-12 23:51:28 by Amyturtle
So sorry your pup has been taken! I've posted this onto local facebook pages for dog walkers & families in SW16. Hope you're reunited soon.
Circulating on Twitter. I hope this little lad is back home soon. x
Email alerts sent to postcodes SW2,SW4,SW11,SW12,SW16,SW17,SW18,SW19

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