Lost: Liver & White English Springer Spaniel Female In South East (CM19)

  • Dog ID 80984
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 06 Jan 2015
  • Name BESSIE
  • Gender & Breed Female English Springer Spaniel
  • Age
  • Colour liver & white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 03 Jan 2015
  • Where Lost Jerounds area of Harlow, Essex
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area CM19
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Does not know the area, nervous rescue dog
  • Listed By ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
  • Views 7520
  • BESSIEPoster Image
  • BESSIEExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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see Facebook Group Pet Alert Manchester post -
FOUND female Spaniel in SANDBACH (Cheshire) 13/10/20 Area: Morton area, Sandbach Not microchipped or wearing a collar. Now at a rescue centre. Contact: Acorn Kennels 01948 662931
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I hope that this page is still being checked.
Pet Alert London ~
FOUND female English Springer Spaniel dog in HARLOW (Essex)

Area: CM19
No chip, no tag.

Contact: (012) 7942-2066
Please check this dog found by dog warden near travellers site which was previously full of stolen dogs in kent: https://www.facebook.com/swalestraydogs/posts/1985005181745595:0
Found in Harlow https://www.facebook.com/129299717219664/photos/a.145082965641339.32512.129299717219664/832621916887437/?type=3&theater
I hope it is Bessie
Another one picked up in Harlow on Get them home uk Facebook page.
Worth a look
Could it be this one at Wallington animal rescue?
Original post is
Abbie Girl
please double check found 113769
Southern Lurcher Rescue Mimsmum-SOUTHERN LURCHER RESCUE
similar dog found hertfordshire. http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2017-03-27/dogs-found-abandoned-on-isolated-hertfordshire-road/
Could this be one of the two dogs found in Herts, very similar. Worth a look
I found this today xx
Please Check This Dog xx http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/1408194-beautiful-spring-spaniel-bitch-solihull.html
Sadly not microchipped , so very difficult to locate :(
Poor Bessie I guess she wasent owned long enough to be loved .Its very sad to think everyone stopped looking for her .
on FB look at Shooting Ireland buy and sell. A woman called Charlene Breslin selling young female Springer for £60 looks like one of yours x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Have passed to owner and friends to check. Thank you.
could this found dog 95152 be bessie, cant compare markings due to angle
Please could someone check out this ad on Gumtree. Dog looks v similar and the advert looks suspicious as it's listed as a cocker spaniel when it's clearly a springer: https://www.gumtree.com/p/dogs/cocker-spaniel-girl-dog-3-years-old-/1139069808
Dog W Harlow
Is there anymore news on this dog?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Bessie was sold via Gumtree just prior to appearing on this page. We do not know whether she had a chip or not at that point. The information received at DogLost, is not the same as stated by Terri. We can only presume Terri's "relatives" were the "buyers". It matters not where the dog was bought from, if a genuine sale, but some things have been withheld making it harder to assist in locating her. Any further info may be given to DogLost in confidence.
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Could this be Bessie https://www.facebook.com/dutton.doghouse.9/posts/436790799821568:0
This springer has just turned up on FB - looks not unlike Bessie. There's not much info unfortunately https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=327774044082263&set=gm.1538118053125543&type=1
Just seen on FB reports of a Border Collie & a Springer running loose in Little Cattins yesterday. I have no more information but the FB post was directed to Harlow Lost & Found Pets Group - might be worth following up?
Also 3 found Chichester on Springer Spaniels Found page on 23/1/2015
Sure you are aware of it but incase not & your dog taken further away etc there is a photo on Springer Spaniels Found facebook page similar face cannot see body dog is at Northern Springer Spaniel Rescue so you know these sites place exits to check keep checking on not best picture of the dog is female though
dog on twitter found in Maidstone @furbabiesuk
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Terri, didn't you say Bessie came from a Rescue without a chip? Only we found her sale advert on Gumtree. Would you suspect she is maybe trying to find way back to previous home?
Please check out found dogs 81819 (especially) and 81820. Last edited: 2015-01-23 18:36:24 by ClaireC
Hi Terrii, I have been back in Nazeing yesterday & today & I have put up four more posters (sadly all I could print). Also had a long drive round last night after all the hustle & bustle had died down but couldn't see any sign off her.

So this morning re postered the bus stops on either side of the road as the ones I put up previously were gone, I used gaffer tape this time so hopefully they will stay up. I also had one put in the window at poundland & outside the Lister doctors surgery, which was very busy so should hopefully be seen by lots of people.

Also just as I had put up the last poster, I saw a postie & asked him if he'd seen her, he hadn't but said he would keep look out & take her back to sorting office & call the warden or go on Doglost if he did, which was nice of him.

As I was driving away I thought it would be a good idea to take a poster into the sorting office in Harlow so they could put it up where ALL the postmen & women would see it so they could keep eyes & ears open. If this hasn't already been done, if someone who could do it, would be great as I have to dash back to Hastings now & won't have time (work tomorrow) :(

Keeping everything crossed she turns up safe soon xxLast edited: 2015-01-25 21:25:46 by shelleyD
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Don't loose faith or hope x x
Thanks for the help Shelley d much appreciated!! To be fair we have done everything we can!! I just have a sad feeling now she's either with another loving home or has been stolen like so many other dogs recently!!xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
ShelleyD, thank you for trying to help Bessie. You did good. x
Hi Terri, I definitely put posters up on the bus stops either side of the road at staple Tye & took one in to the BP garage, annoyingly the printer gave up after three. I am going back to Hastings on Sunday as Ive only been staying at my mums in Nazeing for extended Christmas holiday & don't think I will get back to check if they are still there, sorry.

If you have the funds you could try getting some business cards printed with Bessie's picture - lost & your contact number on & get some volunteers to stand outside the shops handing them out or to people walking their dogs in the local parks etc. You can get it done quite reasonably online or you could try a local printers, explain the situation & let them put their business details on the back of the cards so it is free advertising for them & they may do you a special deal. Just an idea, really hope Bessie is found safe soon x
Ok i love how you say people are saying there's no posters up!! I just want to clarify we put loads up last week and then again on Sunday but as you know yourself the weather hasn't exactly been the best recently!! So posters could of come down!! But thanks for the advise anyway! I'm going to get an ad in the paper for her this week and get more posters printed today xLast edited: 2015-01-13 11:05:23 by Terri
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
We really do need lots of posters up. Apparently none have been seen, but they are especially needed around Staple Tye shopping centre. Terri, can you get help to plaster the area with posters to get people to remember and to have a number to call if they see her. She already had a bad life according to previous posts, so we really to make sure the you know whos have not got her again. Please can we all poster for Bessie. We really cannot give up as this poor girl needs us. Terri, did you speak to police? I really think you need to as there are known dog nappers in the area. Hey will know to whom I am referring. This is why we really need to make her too hot to handle. Thank you. x
No news I'm afraid :( so dis heartening I'm thinking someone must have her by now :( x
Any news on bessie
Ok so it was fox dead by the side of the road thank goodness it wasn't a dog! I've not had it confirmed as the lady hasn't got back to me yet whether the lady actually did put her in the car but she stopped traffic to get her to safety!! She was mid 30s driving a medium sized blue car!! X
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Terri, the dog warden should be notfied about the Church Langley too. He would, or should keep a record. I am sure he will if he knows.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done ShelleyD. If the lady saw a dog being put in a car, and dog warden has not been notified, the person who took dog has committed a crime and the police need to be called. Get a CRIME number as police need to investigate. It is theft by finding. Terri, please call dog warden via 446655 and ask about this. If not with DW, call police to advise them you need a crime number asap. Also what did this person look like, type of car, anything??? People from "Passmores" have moved to Coldharbour Lane/Road nr Glaxo and also the old Museum car park at Abercrombie, so if anyone walks that way (don't take your dogs), please keep a look out for Bessie. Thank you. x Re the poor Co. Durham dog, as far as I'm aware the laws are the same for councils all over England so someone in the council needs to make a report of that poor dog and also the Environmental Health dept, need to collect him/her. So terribly sad. x
Can we try & get an updated from the owner? I am happy to head out for a few hours tomorrow but would be good to know if Terri gas had any of the earlier leads confirmed or ruled out x
Hi Crazy2dance there is a springer spaniel missing in County Durham (in the Castle Eden/Hesledon area) which has just been added today - see dog 81022 for details. Hope this isn't the one your friend's seen.
I have driven all round staple tye for an hour & half between 4 & 5.30 sadly I didn't sight her, but I doubt she would be roaming at that time as it was really busy. If she is still in the area there are lots of places she could be hiding. I was only able to print a couple of posters. Which I have put up in the bus stops on either side of the street, also spoke to the guys that work in the bp garage & asked them to keep eye out for her. I will go back & speak to all the shops in the area tomorrow during the day when they are less busy. Fingers crossed she is found soon x
Hi Crazy2dance, that is very sad. I highly doubt it is Bessie, but there is probably an owner searching for that dog as well. Can you ask your friend to call the dog warden, they have to collect the dog & will hopefully scan to see if they can inform the owner.
A friend of mine of Facebook has just messaged to say that a dog like this one looks to have curled up and died near her daughter's school. Council will not help. She lives in Co. Durham. Hope it's not this one, as it's a long way away.
I am leaving at about 1.15pm I will drive around staple tye area & ask a few of the shop keepers to put up a poster. Pray she hasn't been run over, please update ASAP if there is any news x
Update apparently Bessie was seen on staple tye roundabout Saturday evening. A lady driving stopped traffic and got out of her car the person that is telling me this seems to think she got the dog and put her in the back of the car!! But not too sure until she gets back to me also there's been a sighting of a dog run over by church Langley and mark hall going to check it out hoping it's not her :( xx
Everyone has been searching all surrounding areas, I had a strong lead earlier saying she was seen in the middle of the road next to stale tye roundabout a lady got out of her car to help the dog I'm still unsure as to whether she managed to get her! My email address is terrir19@hotmail.co.uk thank you everybody!!
Its prob highly unlikely that Bessie is still in milwards I think everyone needs to look surrounding areas
Really sorry but didn't get to go out looking this evening had few things come up & just fallen in to bed. I have an appointment in Stansted at 2 today so will drive round the Milwards area en route & put up a few posters if I can get my printer to play ball in the morning.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Terri, so pleased you posted here. I need an email address to send you information. Can you either put it on here or if you prefer, email us on admim@doglost.co.uk marked for my attention. She has a good area there to hide out in and spaniels are very clever at staying hidden sometimes, so hang in there. But I do need to speak to you, okay? Pls email.x
Will keep lookout on my eve dog walks and will inform my daytime dog walker too
I am in the area of milwards and have been looking out for her.has anyone even tried the travellers that are at present parked in car park of the old Harlow museum.even just a casual walk past them to check it out. I would but i have work till weekend.if still looking then ( hopefully not) I don't mind taking a walk past them.please everyone keep eyes peeled
Hello, just to clear everything up this is my partners parents dog, they got her Friday the 3rd of jan she came from a home where she was neglected, underweight, timid and very scared she needed loads of tlc and love.
Unfortunately on sat 4th jan she went missing at 3pm by running out the gate my partner chased her but was very fast!! She was spotted several times over the course of the afternoon but she was too scared to go to anyone she would just keep running :(. She didn't have a tag which was being done as soon as!! She was last seen in Milwards area of Harlow at 17.45 by my partner!!
She has not been seen since :(. We also has a false alarm on Sunday morning by the Harlow council who suggested they had our dog so the search stopped. Guess what the Harlow council made a big mistake and it wasn't her :( so the search is back on. All I can say is please please keep your eyes out for her ! XxLast edited: 2015-01-12 23:42:52 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
There was also talk of a spaniel loose in Hollyfield recently. Can anyone update on that? Also one has recently been recovered from "Passmores" area, so we do need more info asap. Those in Harlow will understand.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
We do need more details to ascertain exactly where, how and when this little one disappeared. This will be key in figuring out our options etc. There are many travellers in Harlow at the moment. Also, depending on the place she disappeared from, Harlow folk can work on possibilites. Time is of the essence to establish these.
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Surly she must be microchipped if rehomed through rescue x
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Not as far as I know but it is possible ( not Doglost ones)People have been asking owner to post her here for the last few days. I believe there are people out looking but the details are sketchy and 2nd hand. The number added above is for the neighbour who has agreed to use her number for the posters and as a point of contact. Bessie has just been rehomed through rescue ( waiting to find out which one) will update as I hear more Last edited: 2015-01-06 15:14:00 by ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
I'm about 15 mins away from this area by car but Im busy today. I will go for a drive round the area this evening & again tomorrow afternoon. Has anyone put up any posters?
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Added to Lost & Stolen Gun Dogs group on facebook
Missing from Harlow in Essex CM19 postcode area. 3/1/2015
Bessie- nervous rescue dog, only rehomed 1 day so does not know the area.
There have been several sightings - the last one at 5.45 Saturday eve at Milwards.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in CM16,17,18,19,20. EN9.
Sorry to see that BESSIE is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
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  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
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