Reunited: White German Shepherd Dog Female

  • Dog ID 79595
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 10 Dec 2014
  • Gender & Breed Female German Shepherd Dog (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour White
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 09 Dec 2014
  • Where Lost Tudor close. Hatfield
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area AL10
  • Date Found 13 Dec 2014
  • Where Found Tudor close
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area AL10
  • Date Reunited 13 Dec 2014
  • Other Info She is a very timid and scared dog. Won't come to people easily. There is a reward.
  • Listed By Gemmaw
  • Views 5855


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DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Great to see Casey is home and safe :))
Well done to all involved.x
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
So pleased this lovely girl is home and safe :)
Oh bless. Merry Christmas to you all xx
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
REUNITED picture update of her having a cuddle with younger member of family. you may need to refresh the page to view updated photo.
Absolutely fab news well done Gemma, welcome home Casey x
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Gemma you can send a reunited picture to me and I will put on for you.
Ginnys Mum
Just read the good news on fb. So pleased Casey is safely home xx
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Aw just wonderful news I am so happy for you - has made my weekend too ! J. x
DogLostMichelle Area Volunteer-Hertfordshire
Fantastic news :)))
michelle b
Oh brilliant im so so happy for u all welcome home casey xxx
We are ecstatic, can't keep myself from staring at her, it's like having a new born again. We've all missed her very much and she has situated herself back in her normal laying space on the rug! Haha xx
That is just the greatest news to wake up to.
This dog in reunited has made my weekend.
Give Casey hugs from me.
Emma you must all be so pleased
Ofcourse, how do I do that?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Brilliant start...can you send us a reunited photo please?
I am so happy that she is home. What a brilliant start to the day. x
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
BRILLIANT NEWS so glad she is back home. I am sure within a few days of TLC she will be back to her old self!!
She's HOME!!! The wee scenting must have helped. She has a sore foot and seems very tired, but other than that seems ok. She made her way back and came straight up to me and was really crying, I've fed and watered her, but she wasn't famished. Hope she is ok, but will get a vet in here rather than taking her to one and causing more upset. Thank you all so much for your help and advice. I am soo happy xx
DogLostMichelle Area Volunteer-Hertfordshire
Happy to help on Sunday as well. I will try and go up there tomorrow too.
Taking your mother and fathers dog is a very good idea.
If you are lucky enough to see your dog.
Try not to give your dog eye contact just ignore her.
Walk the other dog the other way.
It is going to be hard to do.
When I have trained my dogs we were always told if a dog doesn't want to come back.
Never chase always walk away .
Do this slowly and good luck.
If you are tempted to face her make yourself as small as possible.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Good idea to take Sparky you mum and dad's dog with you hopefully she will come - sending all good wishes that Casey is soon home. J. x
michelle b
I definitely think bringing your mums dog is a good idea
I will stay bck a bit as I dont want to scare her away but the more eyes that are out there the better I think x
Just read through all the posts and really feel for you Gemmaw, if you are near enough and Casey knows the command down you could try by saying it to her but not in a harsh way more of a whisper if she does go down then gently walk to her talking quietly hopefully she may then recognise you as her mum I know it is a long shot but it works for me when one of my dogs won't return to me when off the lead.
Thank you, I will be also going Sunday later on after morning walk, but I was thinking of taking sparky my mum and dad's dog who she absolutely adores? He will be able to smell her and she will smell him, what do you think? I definitely felt I should have gone straight to the ground today, annoyed at myself for not doing it.
That's a good idea Teddys mum.
I think if lots of people are walking that field you wont even see her.
It is so kind getting help and support I am not downing that.
It is just if she is so scared maybe the helpers should watch from afar.
You do need support I know.
Getting down low and JUST sitting is the best idea.
I think you will need to feed over a few days .
Then maybe add a trap with food BUT do not set it until she is happy going in there.
Must be someone with a large trap around your way.
Thinking of you with fingers crossed
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
When you next see her. Lay down and whimper. Avoid eye contact and have some food in your hand. Curiosity will bring her over to you. No sudden movements etc.. stay still and be quiet. She will after a moment or two recognise your scent. Good luck.
michelle b
Could u send me your mobile no by sunday morning so we can meet at the same place
michelle b
Ok thats a good idea ill be there more near 9 oclock tho as I have a 3 month old that will need feeding first
where shall we meet is there parking near the farm
Ah thank you, that would be a massive help. And I'll see you on Sunday. I'll give the farmer a call and let him know that people may be walking around unexpected so that he isn't surprised. Xx
michelle b
How frustrating for u I can meet u sunday morning at 8-9 ish if that's a help hopefully she will still be there
ill pop over to the farm tomorrow at about 12 as im up that way fingerscrossed I see her
Well I went over there today to that farm and I saw her! She wouldn't come to me and I had to walk in her direction to get out of the gate, I have scented my way home, I won't be able to go over tomorrow as I have work and then a 30th that night, however my partner may try and pop over when he finishes work tomorrow in the afternoon. I will go over Sunday early if you want to join me? Maybe about 8-9? I mean she might not even be there by then, I just don't know what to do because it's all wooded aswell so it's hard to spot her. Xx
DogLostMichelle Area Volunteer-Hertfordshire
Would it be a good idea if we arranged a time and meeting place so we cover as much of the area as possible?
Thank you, will do the scenting later this afternoon. It is torture knowing she is close and is too scared to come. I will keep you updated, and thank you everyone who has said they will help over the weekend. It's roehyde farm that she was last seen this morning and that's where I'll be looking over the weekend if no luck this afternoon. Xx
Gemma I hope Casey is home soon,
Wished I lived nearer.
You have a better chance with her staying in same area.
I will keep fingers crossed.
If Casey plays a lot with the kids I do think maybe kids just playing in the area.(yours that is)
Tell them not to look for her , let her come to them.
I really feel for you she is near and yet wont come.
It might take a few days, so hang in there.xx Last edited: 2014-12-12 14:26:49 by Patlucky
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Have sent some more advise to owners. After hearing the full story this is one very traumatised dog. House fire- fire alarms- fireman breaking in- strangers she bolted.. can see why!
Helpers should look observe then if spotted ring owners ASAP.
Could throw some food (not too much) then back off as will be feeling very insecure.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Is there any chance you can leave an item of clothing belonging to yourself or your partner near to where she is being sighted - just a thought. I hope she is soon home safe and sound my white GSD looks so much like her - my heart goes out to you and praying she is soon back where she belongs. Julie xx
michelle b
I went up that way at about 11 oclock but couldnt see her but if u need my help tonight or over the weekend to look for her im free I could meet u up there and we could go off in different direction if thats a help let me know xx
DogLostMichelle Area Volunteer-Hertfordshire
I live not far from you so can help to look for her over the weekend if needed.
Thank you guys so much, I have had a phonecall to say she was seen this morning where she was seen by my partner last night, he went over with my little girl who is two, he walked around where she was said to have been seen, no sight but called a lot for her and dropped bits of chicken leading back to where she would normally know her way home from. We will try the scenting in a triangle. She is such a sweetie and it's so hard to think of her being so scared and confused. X
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Have sent a personal email direct to owners.Hope it may help as have a very soft spot for white GSD's.
circulating on twitter...........CASEY White GSD MISSING #Hatfield #AL10 Plz RT
Paws xd.
Possible sighting on Tue 9th.
No it is not a case of not wanting to be at home.
She is just VERY scared so everyone is an enemy at present.
Most dogs that are lost behave the same don't seem to know the master.
I am not sure how old your children are but she might come to them.
Any chance one of them might go with him.
Plus he needs to keep his voice low and with a pleased with her sound.
Commands will be of no use right now.
Thinking about her and you her family.
Fingers crossed
michelle b
And im sure she does want to come home but shes probably so confused maybe if he goes again she should remeber his voice xx
michelle b
Did ur partner see her do u know the name off the pub x
Thanks Michelle, yes please keeping and eye out is such a big help. She could be anywhere again by now after running from my partner.
Thanks patlucky for the advice. She's not so much staying in the same field but like a 4 mile radius of fields if that makes sense. My partner actually saw her last night, in his car, he stopped and called her and she ran! I've never known her to run from us, especially not him, he is her master, but she did. Maybe she doesn't want to come home?!
Casey staying in the same filed is a bonus .
Putting food an drink near for her is another.
Then once you know her pattern of coming to eat.
Maybe your partner could be near to call her,
Trying to catch a scared dog is a no no.
Trust and coaxing is the answer.
That is only my opinion .
I knew a lost dog last year that would not be caught.
A lady walking her dogs coaxed it and after a couple of weeks it went into her garden then a few days later in her house.
Fingers crossed your partner can catch her
michelle b
Any luck on getting her last nite if u do need help looking for her im only down the road I will have a drive later just in case as im up that way fingers crossed u have her home very soon xx
Patlucky, she is in an area full of different fields, bit like a needle in a haystack situation really because she will hide and it could be in any of the woods or fields in the area.
Thank you for sharing Michelle B. Xx
We have just had a phonecall from a lady who works at a pub near where she was sighted yesterday morning. She has just seen her and tried to get her but couldn't, my partner has gone to see if he can get her. She has gone down a road called bullens green lane. She will come to him definitely if she hears him, but very reassuring to know she is in a fairly similar area. If no luck we can keep on coming back to this place.
If you know where she is and you go there.
If you have a couple of plastic bowls you don't mind being left.
At least leave a bowl of water near.
Maybe some food.
As Casey is so scared she will hopefully stay in that park.
Lots of dogs do stay put.

Maybe find a kind dog walker that may help you out by keeping watch.
michelle b
Hi ive shared on facebook I live in pottersbar im all ways in brookmans park I will go out tomorrow and look for u do u know where in brookmans park casey was seen xx
If she is scared chances are she is hiding.
Is she in a field or built up area?
If she is staying in the same area it might be easier to put a trap there to catch her.
If she wont come to anyone.
I really hope so too. Yeah it's fairly far, she will have lost all scents with the rain and wind. We went there tonight as only found out about the sighting tonight and looked and called but no luck. Problem is we both work and have a young family, so makes it very hard to look as much as I would like. Have spend most of the afternoon and evening today looking for her as I was off work.
I just hope she is home soon.
Was she seen very far from home.
Also are you able to be in that area in the evening?
Thank you patlucky. It is a shame really, we've always seen it as a blessing up until now. She was sighted yesterday morning in between Hatfield and brookmans park however the lady couldn't get her as she was too scared.
Have put Casey on BIGGSD.
I have asked people to share.
Fingers crossed.
Shame she is scared of people
Thank you, I will be putting up posters today x
Have emailed advice over to you Gemma x
Thank you very much
Shared on my FB , I am in AL10 Last edited: 2014-12-10 22:52:30 by Gaynor
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