Reunited: Red Boxer Male

  • Dog ID 71383
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 04 Jul 2014
  • Gender & Breed Male Boxer (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Red
  • Marks & Scars He is wearing a yellow dogs trust collar
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 03 Jul 2014
  • Where Lost Cuckoo trail gyll road
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN21
  • Where Found in the woods on the private estate where he had been seen more than once. Caught by the 'Heathfield crew' Well done to them!
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area TN21
  • Date Reunited 05 Jul 2014
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Tallulah
  • Views 2513


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Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks for all the comments. The 'Heathfield crew' are awesome!
Great to have you with us Timi .. always great to have someone else to help in the area.
Great to hear Woody is settling in ok Tallulah. He has been through so much in the last few weeks but I'm sure that he will come to trust you in time and then he will not want to go anywhere else :)
:-) Great news. Well dolne to the "Heathfield Crew" Stay safe now Ruby. Great reunited pic.:-)xxx
Gina and Timi
Clarkey ... only been on doglost since Dylan and Meera went missing, then Ruby went missing and i personally knew owner through a friend, so got you guys involved immediately, your all amazing and knew if anyone could find Ruby you could, you have all done a wonderful job catching Ruby can't thank you all enough. I am always free to help am popping up a poster on cuckoo trail to let all know he was found as there were many people who knew he was missing x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Well done Team Ruby. Great result :))
Lovely reunited photos.x
Thanks for adding the picture GIna. Sorry it took a while for it to get to you.
No one knows why he was given the name Ruby, he came into dogs trust with it.
He is eating well and has taken up residence in the large bean bag.
Still get the feeling he is checking out the parameter of the garden looking for an escape. He is kept close at all times.
Again I can't thank the heathfield crew enough, I really don't think we would have got him with out you..... Just fabulous!!!!!!
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Bobble .. I couldn't agree more! They are awesome and brilliant for me as I'm nearly an hour away. Did you used to live down here Bobble? The owner of the estate has just closed his racehorse operation down and sold that half of the property. Lovely chap who could not have helped more by giving us free access.

>>> Sorry I didn't know you had been searching either Timi .. one of the quiet but active ones eh?
Look out .. you will be enlisted on to the 'Heathfield crew' .. anyways thanks for helping. You are welcome to help anytime!

Reunited photos on now .. you may have to refresh the page a couple of times to see them.
I'm sure some of you will have been wondering why a male dog had a lady's name! No-one's sure but he's now Woody!

Last edited: 2014-07-06 15:18:07 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Fabulous news...well done team Ruby...gorgeous boy stay safe and close xx lovely reunite photo...such a handsome boy!xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
The Heahfield Team are getting quite a reputation (all good) Well done everyone, so pleased to see this cutie safely home. I know the estate and it is an ideal adventure playground for doggies!
Well done all the helpers.Heathfield area has a bit of a hot spot for lost dogs lately!! Many thanks again to Dogs Lost. Without their dedication and organizing skills these "lost and stolen " dogs may never have found their way home.Well done one and all.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Thank you Timi - I didn't realise you'd been out and about too. I know that Ruby's owners were very grateful to each and every person who helped look for Ruby/Woody.
Wonderful news, so happy hes been found and is safe with his family now x
Well what a productive day! After 4hrs of walking ... Not Meeras and maliks normal length of walk!! We thankfully found and reunited ruby with her owner. He had been out searching since 6 this morning with Gina and then with Zoe, Gabby and myself!!! I knew exactly how he felt when we found her but the feeling when you have helped reunite is really really overwhelming. I'm sooooo pleased to have been involved in the reuniting..
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done team Ruby!
Gina and Timi
This is the news we were all waiting and hoping for, we spent the afternoon walking all around this spot, heard whimpering and searched high and low but to no avail and all people we met were out looking too, posters really worked well. Needless to say we are all over the moon we can't wait to meet you Ruby yr a star xx Timi and Trees xx
aww, that is so great. Brilliant that the owners of the farm were so understanding too! (not everyone is...) Welcome to your new life Ruby/Woody, you are going to love it! xxx
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Fantastic news xxxx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I went out this morning and Ruby's owner showed me where he'd spotted him last night. Had a good look around the private estate, spoke to owner etc.
Many thanks to the owne, a true dog and horse lover, who allowed the searchers to go looking at all times of day and night.

They had been doing everything right which was good.
Then back to meet Annette and Gabby who brought Meera and her pal along to help search. Did another circuit of the estate and still no sign of Ruby.
I was still convinced that owners would find Ruby soon as he's been staying in the same area (within the estate) ever since he went missing on Thursday.

I stayed till Zoe arrived but my hubby had called and said he'd finished work early and as we are having to share the car I had to leave for Eastbourne to take him home.
Wouldn't you know it! Zoe, Annette, Gabby and owner spotted Ruby soon after I left and managed to catch him. I am so gutted that I wasn't there, but absolutely delighted that Ruby is home safe and sound!!
I'm sure Zoe will explain how as it was her that carried out advice so well!

Hope that Ruby's new owners will take a reunited photograph and send it to me to put on this page.
Just have to say that I am sure Ruby will love her new home with teir lovely Basset Hound .. be happy Ruby!!

Well done to the Heathfield crew .. couldn't have done it without you!!! Last edited: 2014-07-05 18:04:33 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Huge thanks to Annette & Gabby with Meera & Malik without whom I don't think we'd have caught Ruby/Woody. It has to be said that he didn't make it easy for us but we got there in the end with a lot of patience!! Sean and Vanessa were amazing, going out at every opportunity to search for him. I also want to say a huge thank you to the owners of Gracelands Stud who allowed us all free range over their land to search for him and where he was ultimately found. It was nice to leave him safe in the confines of his new home where I've got a feeling he's going to be spoilt:-). Thanks as always to Gina, who made the journey over to help the owners today....not exactly on her doorstep.
We are so pleased to have him back.
I can't thank you all enough!!!
This is an amazing site with amazing people who offer help , support and advice..... THANK YOU!!!!!!!
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Shared with folk in the area. fingers crossed he will be home shortly x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Twitter alerts requested.
Thank you everyone for all your help. It's just amazing!
Sean and I will be going back to where we saw Ruby/Woody last night at about 6.30 to leave a scent trail.
Sean has already left a blanket that has our dogs scent on it , as they have already met.
More posters are being distributed to allotments and surrounding areas.... Fingers crossed.xx
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Have made a report at BDCH, will contact you if we have any news. the report remains open indefinitely until the dog is found.
Timi will be walking down there every day with G, we will set up a bbq in the picnic area or the field, see if we can Lure him out later if we can, will keep an eye here for any more sitings or let us know on fb, Trees x
Red Alert
Added to fb page
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TN20,21,22. BN8,27.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
I am up at the kennels until mid afternoon today but will head straight for the area Ruby went missing in when I get home. He is obviously staying in the area which is great. Clarkey, as I understand it, ruby was picked up from the rescue on Thursday I believe and escaped when they opened the boot when they got home so I don't think he'd even stepped into the house.
Tallulah, it may be worth trying to contact local farmers as there is obviously livestock grazing in those fields where he was last seen?
I will speak to Annette at a more reasonable hour....will see if she could maybe walk her two dogs down that way or meet up with me later.
As I say, I will head out when I get back from the kennels but hopefully he will be safely back home by then.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
That's a good start Tallulah. I'm trying to send you some email advice but having probs with sending anything at mo. I will keep trying but am putting my advice on here for you.

What I suggest is that you go to where he's been seen in the early hours .. first light and taken stinky sausages, bacon or sardines (sardines are easy to carry, can be opened when need and stink to high heaven!) Most dogs love sardines too.
He may run away as he's frightened .. when you get my email perhaps print it off and read the 'catch your dog' bit carefully as you must be careful not to scare him off.
Try to stay very calm and as quiet as possible. Prob best not to call his name. do not look directly at him. Crouch down so you appear smaller to him. When he is near to you drop food on ground keeping your back to him, let him come to the food, drop more still turning away/even walking away from him .. keep doing this and hopefully he will get closer to you. Make the distance smaller but stay crouched and quiet. You will have to be very patient.

If you go back this evening .. if you have a blanket or something that has a familiar smell to him, then put that down somewhere he could lie down on it with food there too.

How long have you had Ruby?
As he has Dogs Trust collar on I assume he came from there. Is anyone from there who knows him wel able to come out to help you? He is more likely to come to someone he knows, and/or another dog that he knows/has played with.

Good luck! Last edited: 2014-07-04 22:30:35 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
We have been down the cuckoo trail this evening around 8.30pm to the place where he was seen this morning. We actually saw him in the field but he ran off. I took tuna and some bread and have left some out ( hope he gets it) He seems to be hanging around the area behind Graceland stud in maynards green.Last edited: 2014-07-04 22:11:36 by Tallulah
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I have shared to my Fbk page, Official East Sussex and Doglost pages.
Zoe already aware and she says "this particular dog escaped when it got to its new home so no suspicious circumstances with this but obviously he is very frightened, in an area he doesn't know - we just need to get him back to his new family. I spoke to the owner a bit earlier and she said she'd registered him on Doglost"

I suggest owners keep checking place he went lost from (armed with some very smelly food like sausages/sardines!) Hopefully he will come back to that point.
Remember if he is very frightened he may go under cover .. especially as hot .. so look under bushes, undergrowth, sheltered places and also near to any water as he will be thirsty if he has been out for a while.

>>> Maybe person who had Ruby before (foster home?) can come over and help as he's more likely to come to them than new owner.

I will send out emails as soon as I can.Last edited: 2014-07-04 18:20:42 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex

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