Lost: Dark Golden Brown Hungarian Vizsla Male In South East (TN6)

  • Dog ID 71181
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 30 Jun 2014
  • Gender & Breed Male Hungarian Vizsla
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour Dark Golden Brown
  • Marks & Scars None
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 30 Jun 2014
  • Where Lost garden in Crowborough, TN6 2XB Believed STOLEN
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN6
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Sussex Police CRN 47140076061 Call: 101 There is a REWARD FOR SAFE RETURN. If you have any information please call Doglost Admin IN CONFIDENCE: 0844 800 3220
  • Listed By DrJ
  • Views 41295


Sightings and Information

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to check now at Manchester Dogs Home. https://www.facebook.com/groups/783270175524950/permalink/1959045794614043/?
Please have a look at this poor chap, Hugarian Vizla, currently 2nd on list as found...

Please have a look at this found dog..FB post is by a Joshua Hempshall .


Tried sending to your mobile number but would not deliver. LouiseB x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details shared to DogLost.co.uk Facebook Group X
Heartbreaking to see this little one is still missing from home. I know how clingy, sensitive and loving this adorable breed is - I have a 9 year old and a 5 year old. Someone must know something. Hoping and praying Rembrandt is found safe and soon, and returned to his rightful owners. xxx
DogLostSandra Watt
Ricola thanks ..I have bumped Rembrant's post.
Thinking of Rembrandt and his family today the 7th anniversary of when he was stolen. He came up in my memories today. I often think about him. Last edited: 2021-06-30 22:27:17 by Ricola
just to check https://www.facebook.com/VetSpecialists/photos/a.130987606969418.23756.109434669124712/1719454834789346/?type=3&theater&ifg=1
could this be him?
Male sighted near St Mary's bay. Not that far away. Fingers crossed x
Haven't forgotten Rembrandt and hope one day he will be scanned and returned to DrJ and his family who loved him and did everything they could to get him back. So many people here worked so hard to find him at the time with Clarkey as very active Co-ord. He was stolen around 7am on the 30/6/14 whilst eating his breakfast on the front porch. His owner went indoors for two minutes to fill water bowls and the pup had gone by the time he returned. The collar was removed and found, probably throw from a vehicle. Private detective and tracker dog employed but no sign.

Rembrandt was only 12 weeks old when he was stolen. He will be about 2.5 years old now.
charlie and sooty
This one has been found....Could it be? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208454443751966&set=gm.1808584046037551&type=3&theater
I click on here every so often in the hope that there is news of Rembrandt. Will always keep him and his family in mind until that day when he gets lucky and a vet scans him.
I have been keeping Rembrandt in my mind, whenever I see a male V found. I would love to learn that he is returned. May I suggest that the puppy picture be removed and replaced with a picture from one of his male siblings assuming there is one.. a picture of Rembrandt as a puppy will not assist anyone surely??
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks kezzaq. We are still looking into the Vizla 91136 but it does not seem to have a microchip whilst Rembrandt does have one.

I have now had it confirmed that the Vizsla found in the Mansfield area is a female. Last edited: 2015-08-26 17:02:49 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=91136#.VdteM43lvIW could this be Rembrandt? x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Majorjet.
There is some confusion on a post on Lost and stolen gun dogs Fbk page as a kind helper thinks Rembrandt is home. If this is so we have not had it confirmed so perhaps DrJ could comment to let us know.
Until then we will continue our search for young Rembrandt.

Thank you to all who are keeping a look out for any found Vizsla dogs
and still following Rembrandt's page.
We won't give up and hopefully he will be found by his microchip.

DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks to those for the alert re the FOUND 90778 and cross checking, pleased to report it has now been REUNITED.

The search for REMBRANDT goes on. x
Could the newly found vizsla boy be Rembrandt? they haven't found a chip, but he is undocked and is around 16/17 months...
Still think about Rembrandt and his family. Can't believe it's nearly a year.
We are still watching, Rembrandt has not been forgotten.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Great to see that you are all still posting on this page. We haven't forgotten Rembrandt. Today we have had a couple of dogs reunited that have been stolen and away from their homes for more than a year, so it goes to show you should never, ever give up.
I check on here often in the hope there is good news. Somewhere he will eventually be scanned. Hope you and your family are ok Dr J.
Angus fife and Tyneside I think is the branch tel no 03000999 999
Urgent! There's a vizsla in a rescue in the Scottish highlands SSPCA they have called boue I think. Says he is eleven months old BUT he's reserved so need to ring fast. Has a photo of him so worth checking out. He would be the right age for Rembrandt nearly. Owner has given him up but don't know how long he's had him for.Last edited: 2015-04-13 22:42:35 by sophiesuds
There's a dog that could be a visla which they say is a young dog listed on yorkshire animals lost and found facebook page, worth checking out.
This Gumtree ad. has been posted in Lost and Stolen GunDogs on Facebook.
I posted Rembrandt's link to the page & here is Gumtree link if owner is able to check it out ? says 9 mnths old
http://www.gumtree.com/p/dogs/hungarian-vizslas-/1102936801Last edited: 2015-03-09 11:42:50 by #stoppettheft
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Sea down vets has just had a stray handed in 023 8084 2237
still for sale http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/861439-brownie-professionally-trained-obedient-hvizsla-stone.html
sharing again
http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/861439-brownie-professionally-trained-obedient-hvizsla-stone.html this one is the right age and has eyes like Rembrandt . This is where they can make serious money when you look at how much they are asking for this dog!! x
Have you looked at this ad http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/853272-hungarian-vizsla-penwortham-lancs-preston.html
There are a few ads for older pups at the moment. http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/832909-beautiful-hungarian-vizsla-guisborough.html
Could he be one of these -
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Please check found 78847 just in case. J. xLast edited: 2014-11-25 11:16:48 by Julie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Sorry there is no news...sharing again
There has been a police raid in Aveley where 75 dogs were seized. This is the police tweet for contact @PcLeighMunden: Should you have any queries regarding the animals that were recovered please contact 03001234999 RSPCA Inspector Landthorpe.
Will check it out. Not sure he's Rembrandt. Different face / skull. But will check out anyway. Thanks. DrJ
.Last edited: 2014-10-08 20:54:45 by DrJ
Sorry to hear your news. I had hoped it was Rembrandt.
Dog is sold. Ad has disappeared from search. But still there as link. DrJ
Any news?
Yes. I'm on it! Thanks. DrJLast edited: 2014-10-04 16:39:59 by DrJ
Have you looked at this?

Young male, no papers
The Hungarian Vizsla dog found yesterday (http://www.doglost.co.uk/poster.php?dogId=75856) has been reunited DrJ. We'll be carry on looking for Rembrandt and keep sharing his posters. Hope he'll turns up very soon. Thanks x
I have called the number many times. Always no reply. Am I right in thinking that this dog has been claimed, and cannot be Rembrandt? Was he chipped, has he been scanned? Please. DrJ
Might be an early picture or a picture of a different dog
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Good spotting! He might be a bit too young to be Rembrandt as he was about 3 months old at end of june so around 6 months old now. Deffo worth Dr J looking into though.
Young male, no papers
Delighted if the dog has been reunited with owner...but at the same time...so very gutted it wasn't Rembrandt. I and all my viszla friends will keep looking...
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Council Offices Priory Road
PE11 2XE Spalding, Lincolnshire

Closed until tomorrow 8:30am - 5:00pm

Phone 01775 761161
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
According to the facebook page of south Holland district council, there is a conversation on there saying that the found vizsla was reunited today via chip. this will need verifying maybe if Dr J gives them a call in the morning. The search for Rembrandt will continue.
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Good luck
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks tavasz
Sent text to DrJ earlier and explained I am travelling to Wales so I am unable to look into this for him. The only information about the dog is, I believe, on the 'found' page.

Have literally stopped off at service station .. I have just found yr text DrJ asking where the 'found' dog is but obviously I am not in a position to find out. This is link to the 'found' dog page
Sorry I could not answer your tel call as I was driving on motorway. Please email or ring Admin for any further details.
Thanks and Good Luck. Last edited: 2014-10-01 21:43:31 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
75856 in found section please check xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Tavasz,,,have forwarded to DrJ and Clarkey the local co-ordinator.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Fingers crossed here!
I have downloaded the photo of the found dog near Market Deeping and sent it to your doglost admin email.
Just heard that a young male has been picked up near Market Deeping and going to South Holland dog warden
Contact number for dog warden appears to be 01775 761161. Regards Pam
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum

Thought you might be interested in my latest bid to get my two little dogs back that were stolen on june17th. Tinker and Hemp 71080 and 71081. Just click on the above link. Thank you. Elaine
The way we are following leads is as follows. We use a structured process. First, we establish if the dog in question could be Rembrandt: gender, age etc. Then we screen for puppy farmed dogs by asking a series of questions, including whether we can see the parents or not. Then we screen for siblings. Then we interview on the phone. Then we visit and scan. Generally this means that for every hundred ads or leads we are visiting around five dogs. There are a lot of fake ads out there. Alot of noise. DrJLast edited: 2014-09-07 12:39:42 by DrJ
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Was this lead St13 7 lb link followed up and any news xxxxxx
tavasz. no problem. glad you are still looking. we will bring him home one day! best. drj
so sorry..owner has been traced through chip :(
Young male found in chichester, chip being checked, waiting on answer. Has Rembrandt got a full or docked tail and does he have any white? Don't want to get hopes up.
Often I wonder if the person who has stolen or perhaps bought Rembrandt ever looks at this website. If you do, and if you are reading this, then I would like you to know just how much we want him back. He is very special and super-connected to me. But, he also loves my partner, and will sleep comfortably in her lap - upside down, all fours in the air, if you please. We miss him SO SO much, and we just want him back. So, if you have him, please bring him home to Crowborough. There is a significant reward, which, once Rembrandt is home, will be paid with no questions asked. If you want to speak to me, call +447500929282. I love this little guy, and, if you have him, you are hurting us all - perhaps not intentionally. Please bring him home. Best. DrJ.Last edited: 2014-08-14 19:39:03 by DrJ
I have been away on vacation in the Scilly Isles, but will catch up on all the leads and progress in the next few days. The private detective that I have hired has been monitoring all along. Many thanks to all. Best. DrJ
http://www.freeads.co.uk/uk/buy__sell/pets/dogs/vizsla/26736949/hungarian-vizsla-male-5-months-for-sale/view#.U-kqJfldVZs usual excuses for sale given. Says 5 months at top then further down says 4 months? make their minds up! xLast edited: 2014-08-11 21:44:58 by angi
Comment awaiting moderation
sorry i have been away and not been able to check up on things...I agree the Maidstone one was a little strange...will keep eye and ears open. the 'fully trained dogs' may be worth keeping an eye on..they are currently advertising for suitable youngsters to buy in for training and which they then sell on for stupid money...
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Hi. Can u please send me the list of websites. That would be really good and may give me new places to look. Thank you Elaine
Shared again, Surrey. My FB contacts are all over the UK so hopefully plenty of coverage.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I'm very glad to see so much activity on here still. Be assured we will NEVER give up on Rembrandt or any other stolen / missing dogs.

Elaine .. I agree that you must be very insistent with the Police. Some areas are much better than others so please persist. As DrJ says .. some police forces do not take dog theft seriously .. until there is an sudden epidemic of theft in their area or a lot of publicity in the national press regarding multiple thefts locally, like all the gundogs taken in Hampshire.

I do not comment on here as often as most pages (although I do read it very regularly) as I know that DrJ is very proactive in all things to do with searching for his pup and has his detective following up all the ads mentioned on this page. DrJ also knows that he can contact me at any time should he wish to do so.
>>> DrJ If you have any new confidential information please would you let me have it so that I can forward it to our Police Co-ordinator. There are several ongoing investigations re stolen dogs in the South East at the moment so any extra or new information would be of great importance. It's the small pieces of information that often make all the difference to the success of these operations. Thank you.

>>> Re the ads that you see .. one suggestion for anyone who sees such an ad is to copy and paste it (like Happiness does .. thanks for that H) as they are often removed very quickly.
Many of the ones on Pets4Homes and other big sites seem to be the same sellers. As previously mentioned the photos in the adverts are often not of the dogs that are actually being sold.
I sent DrJ a long list of sites that sell dogs/puppies some time ago so I expect that his detective is checking those daily .. many of the ads will be posted on several of these sites at the same time (or staggered over a few days/couple of weeks) .. they're easy enough to spot as they use the same photos of dogs and/or same contact details regardless of the area they say the dog is for sale in.

>>> Elaine: Thanks for mentioning that website. Dragon Driving is on the list I sent to DrJ. If you want the list let me know and I will send it to you.

>>> I would ask everyone who is watching and helping with the search for Rembrandt to continue sharing on Facebook please .. as well as tweeting if you are able to!
>>> It's very important to keep Rembrandt fresh in everyones mind .. we did that for Lizzie the Collie stolen with her new born puppies and, although it did take a long time, she did eventually get dumped and was thankfully reunited with her owner. She was found in an area where other stolen dogs have turned up. So lets keep Rembrandt TOO HOT TO HANDLE.

If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of Rembrandt please contact DrJ or Doglost in TOTAL CONFIDENCE on 0844 800 3220. Thank you.
Last edited: 2014-08-06 23:58:59 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Thank you. I have just received it. I will take it in to the police station tomorrow. Elaine
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Leek Staffordshire ST137LB male for sale same age as per our conversations Dr j this is the info 07581136244 hope you are lucky and someone can check this out apparently this post code will lead to the neighbourghs farm good luck xxx
Elaine. By email I have just sent you a copy of Rembrandt's Crime Number. This is a standard police form. Print this, and say that this is what you want: to register your dogs' theft AS A CRIME. It is a crime, so IT IS A POLICE MATTER! Why are some police forces taking it seriously (like mine) and others not (like yours)? Be a thorn in their side until they give in. Would they like the press to hear about this? If necessary, I will drive up and help you. Best. DrJLast edited: 2014-08-04 22:52:18 by DrJ
Elaine. Don't give up on this. Dog theft is a crime. The police have an obligation to take it seriously. I have been lucky. The police in my area have been terrific. I really cannot complain. But, some police forces are driven by statistics. If they can't see a way of solving it, then they would rather not book it as a crime. This is wrong. Dog theft is a crime, as I said. They have an obligation to book it. The police cannot decide what is or is not a crime. That is a matter for the law. Best. DrJ
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
After our telephone conversation last evening. I went into the police station today and asked them for a crime number for my missing girls Tinker and Hemp, again I was told it was NOT a police matter!!! I refused to leave until I was taken seriously. I finally got someone to take a report. They said once it had all gone through the computer I would receive a phone call with a crime number. 2 hours later I am still waiting! I won't give up and will return to the police station tomorrow.
Fiona. Because I am getting so many leads from so many different sources, I need to filter them and have others do the visits. So, if you post here on doglost, then the private detective that I have hired will filter them and arrange visits from his team as appropriate. Thanks. DrJ
I posted that site about 3 weeks ago Elaine but got pinked out for mentioning it! No idea why x
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
You are here : Home » For Sale » Dogs » Hungarian Vizsla » London
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London, North London
Pets4Homes member since Jun 2014

Tel : 020 8815 9242 or : 07988876160 Pet Insurance ▶ Email Seller ▶

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Full Advert Details
Pets Age : 4 months, 24 days old.
Advert Description : I have a Hungarian vizsla who are ready for a new loving family. Very friendly,playful with children and other pets.This pupie have all vaccinations,fully vet checked and they have been chipped.If you have any questions please contact me. Thanks
THIS IS ALSO ON PET4HOMES £600 Last edited: 2014-08-03 21:48:20 by Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Thank you for the information over the telephone. Just to remind you of the other website I told you about dragondriving.co.uk it is a sight used by all the travellers. Elaine
this one where they rather bizarrely show a picture of the sister and not the dog that's actually for sale is re posted. Again right age and very odd excuse for selling. http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/702425-hungarian-vizsla-dog-leek.html
I agree the gundog syndicate theory is very possible but I know they can bring these dogs over from Hungary with good breeding very cheaply. There doesn't really seem to be a market there in the way there is for Labradors or spaniels. The stealing of already trained dogs is organised crime these days. I feel their best chance of maximum gain seeing how much these dogs are selling for is to pass the dog off as a 'change of circumstances' dog. the Maidstone dog certainly fitted all the criteria and very suss the dog was sold 10 minutes before. This forum is open so maybe that's just me being paranoid! XLast edited: 2014-08-03 13:52:33 by angi
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Yes it is fine for you to phone this evening. Please use the number I text you from last night. This is our home number. No mobile reception where we live. Thank you
The ad for the dog in Maidstone has disappeared from search results. Which is strange. Although if you put the url into your browser, sometimes you can find the page still.

I should say that this dog looks uncannily like Rembrandt. But, this could be just a cluster of breed traits and my desire to find him. Even so, I am struck by the resemblance.

I called the number, only to be told the dog had been sold 10 minutes before. Also strange, no?

Paddy. Thanks. Yes: I saw this on pets4homes. I will investigate. DrJ
Hi Dr J - Have sent you an email privately - xx
Elaine. Apologies. Spell checker corrected my email address! It is drj@drjwhiteman.com. I have your number, and will telephone tomorrow evening, if that's ok. Best. DrJ.
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Thank you. Email sent
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Elaine: email address is drj@drjwhiteman.com
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
I have text a message to your mobile phone from our home number. I have given you our email address on that text. Elaine
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
I have just sent you an email to the address you gave me but it has been sent straight back?
Elaine. Drop me an email on drj@drjwhiteman.com. I can then tell you what the police have told me, including some highly specific information that they do not wish to be made public. Or, call me on 07500929282. Best. DrJLast edited: 2014-08-02 21:48:28 by DrJ
I couldn't find that ad paddy? ...could you post a link please x
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Do you know what workmen were working in your area when Rembrandt went missing? Although we live a long way from you in North Yorkshire, we have men working in this area we saw them the day after my girls Tinker and Hemp went missing. It could just be a coincidence , but who knows? We have people looking for gas and oil in this area but they are a huge company so could be around you also?
My girls went missing on 17th June. I.d numbers 71080 and 71081. Just seems strange.
We are like you. We will NEVER give up. Let's hope we all get some good news. Xx
Also just checking pets4homes - there is for sale a 15week old male Vizla fully trained - walks to heel etc!!! But in Morpeth Northumberland - There are some pics - Might be worth a look - Good luck Dr J
Mmm very strange coincidence it should have been sold only 10 minutes before! I'm probably over suspicious these days but that does seem a bit suss x
I called. Apparently puppy was sold just ten minutes before my call. Sounds strange? DrJ
Angi. Tavasz.
Thanks. Maidstone is close to me. Just 45mins. I will arrange to go across tomorrow.
Best. DrJ
the dog in that ad is certainly the right age and Maidstone is not that far away . Also the old chestnut of change of circumstances is rolled out again. x
http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/711841-gorgeous-hungarian-vizsla-puppy-for-sale-maidstone.html.....is this worth checking out?
I'm with alikat on the tradesman link. There have been other cases where a tradesman of some description has had connections with dog thieves or stolen the dog themselves. Also I would agree the person could obtain info from the breeder without her knowledge by hacking her database in some way or more likely posing as an interested puppy buyer and managing to steal info.It is possible someone could have followed when he was being walked and got the address that way. We will continue to monitor ads and share his details. The vizsla community is not vast just needs one person to suspect something and make the call x Last edited: 2014-07-31 23:51:09 by angi
Dr. J, I think I can safely say that everyone who has looked at this page knows you have done absolutely everything you can to find your lovely boy. I believe you're right in your view of what has happened to Rembrandt. All dog owners will know how you are feeling without him around the house. Thinking about your views on how the thieves knew where your puppy was, have you considered other tradesmen who might have seen him? The postman, for example, could have mentioned in a casual conversation the new puppy at your house........ he could have been seen out and about with you and someone followed to find out where you live..... Like you, I would hate to think that such information had been hacked from institutions like the Kennel Club. Whatever happened, he is now far too hot to handle and, as he is microchipped, sooner or later he will be scanned and the truth will come out.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
DrJ, You are doing everything you can to bring him home. It is horrible when this happens, the not knowing, but I'm sure you will have him back. He is far too hot to handle as you say.

Great idea about the programme. Keep us informed!
It's now a month since Rembrandt was stolen. Everyday I wonder where he is and how he is.

My own belief is as follows: Lifted from Garden Cottage at 7am 30/6/2014 by someone (possibly connected with road works). Sighted twice independently at road works 3 miles away in Eridge at 2.20pm on the same day. One sighting was stationary at traffic lights, and is convinced that the dog she saw is Rembrandt. When Green Lane re-opens at 4pm, likely he is driven down Green Lane (where his collar is discarded, unfastened), up to the A26, and down to Maresfield. Likely he has been moved from Maresfield, and is now with a gun dog syndicate in either Wales or the North Of England.

I am told that several gun dog syndicates exist across the country, and that they ask for dogs to be stolen to order. My garden is so private that likely the thieves knew Rembrandt was there before coming to the house. This means that whoever stole him likely had the address and details beforehand. Only three databases hold this information: the Kennel Club, the Kennel Club's Insurance Company, and the Microchip Co. The breeder too: but I know his breeder, and she is a darling. Either the information was hacked or sold.

I have a private detective working on the case. He is making Rembrandt too hot to handle and is posing as a buyer across the country. So far, no luck. But, his instructions are not to stop until Rembrandt is found.

I would like to commission a tv programme on systematic dog theft, and I am looking into the matter with an independent producer. Hopefully we can get it on the BBC, and raise awareness.

Most of all I just miss him. We had bonded really well, and he never left my side. I miss the fact that, quite of his own thinking, he used to take cushions from the sofa and move them to his den / crate in the evening - for extra comfort. Cheeky little bugger! I miss him!

DrJLast edited: 2014-08-02 17:47:35 by DrJ
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
angi .. Thank you for the link to the advert and some good points you've mentioned there.

DrJ .. Thanks for updates and the photos you sent me. I'm still hoping that Rembrandt being in Countryman's Weekly will bring some news of him for you.

I'm hoping everyone will be able to see these recent photos of Rembrandt's sister which will give an indication of what he will look like now.



I have put new posts on my Fbk page, Official Doglost.co.uk East Suusex Area and Doglost South East pages.
Please would everyone share as much as possible far and wide so we can keep Rembrandt TOO HOT TO HANDLE.
I have recent pictures of Rembrandt's sister. They are very similar in physical character, although he might be a little bigger, being a boy. I will try to upload. DrJ
Posted at thesame time Angi...will make local co-ordinator aware...tx
Had several calls to HQ about this post they had seen on FB...assured them we have looked into it and not the dog...but just goes to show how widely publicised he is...just waiting for the right call....which after being featured in Countrymans weekly..I am sure we will get...keep strong owner...I started up this website after my dog was stolen....took me 6 weeks to get her back...
this one may be legit as this advertiser buys and sells gun dogs but don't know why if you are selling a dog you show a picture of his sister! and how you could possibly know at 4 months the dog will be no good at gun dog work. Being involved myself with my dogs you need to train a while before you would know that...just struck me as very odd. http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/702425-hungarian-vizsla-dog-leek.html x
it's a shame the dog wasn't little Rembrandt but it's good that people all around the area are looking for him. xLast edited: 2014-07-25 19:14:36 by angi
I too called the vet on 01444. They were very kind. But, the Vizsla is a girl, and probably 18 months old. Her chip is registered to an address in Greece - which I thought was a little weird. Many thanks to the lady in Brighton who called me. Even though it wasn't Rembrandt, it could have been. One day such a phone call will bring him home. DrJ
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I have spoken to Oathall Vets and they have assured me that the Vizsla they had handed in was not Rembrandt. That dog was collected by the dog warden and taken to Hammerpond Kennels & Cattery. However, someone has said on the Oathall Vets page that there was another thread where it is said that the dog has been reunited with it's owner.

Zoe ..Thanks. If my calculations are right I think Rembrandt will be 4 months old in a few days time so the dog you saw was probably a bit older than him. By the way, I like your new 'helper' badge!!!
Please may I ask all of you to continue sharing so that Rembrandt is kept TOO HOT TO HANDLE. Thanks. Last edited: 2014-07-24 16:31:30 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks for your call Jayne. I will ring the vets immediately to see what the situation is.
there are two threads running on fb re the found vizsla..apparently female and she has been reunited...sorry for getting hopes up. However the local coordinator could just ask the vets why they don't seem to use this site...a common issue I see regularly. Apparently the dog was chipped in Greece and details either not logged here or not updated.
Thats Hayward Heath area not too far away...will inform local co-ordinator.
That sounds very promising - ok, they don't say puppy but they do say it was playing in the road, which doesn't sound like an adult dog. Got everything crossed - one would hope the dog warden concerned will have already scanned it. If it is Rembrandt, then it follows that we have made him too hot to handle so he has been dumped..... can't wait to hear more.Last edited: 2014-07-24 15:44:21 by alikat
just seen the following post: 'Oathall Veterinary Group
We have had a beautiful Hungarian Vizla brought in to the practice having been found playing in a busy road. If you or anyone you know has lost this dog please call us on 01444 440224 to confirm details.
Please share this with as many people as you can so that we can re-unite them with their owner. Thank You.' apparently the sog is with the dog warden, sorry I have no idea how old this dog is, may be worth contacting them. They do say 'dog' as opposed to 'puppy', so not optimistic but worth checking out.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
I saw a young Vizla being walked at "Long" car park on the Ashdown Forest yesterday. She said he was 6 months old so thought he was too old and then the more i have thought about it was nearly two months since Rembrandt was stolen which would make him nearly 6 months old. I'm really sorry i didn't ask more questions:-( To be fair the lady looked perfectly genuine but i wish i'd asked now how long she'd had him. I'd guess she walks up there quite regularly - it was around 10am and she was walking back to her car.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Angus. Let's hope it brings the news that we need to get Rembrandt home.

Thanks to all mentions of adverts .. DrJ has said previously that he has someone following up on all the adverts. I have had no news from him so he can't have found him yet.
Advertised in this weeks Countryman's Weekly Magazine - I hope that it brings some news
i did think that angi but no harm in enquiring about them. if is bournemouth its on our doorstep.my friend is well up on vislas and ive got gsps,so we might as well go see if that is possible.
the problem with these ads is the pictures are probably not even of the pups that are for sale but those pups shown are too young to be Rembrandt x
my guess with the bournemouth ad konner is these are definitely eastern European imported pups. Some of the pictures I'm sure were not taken in this country as you rightly point out Baydogs .you can tell from the building and the phone although has vodafone uk is in an eastern european language. For some reason they always have a boy and a girl wherever in the country they are selling!x
my friend is going to ring them after work she has vislas so will know breeding,if any known.we are in poole so can go round to view if in bournemouth.dont need to say it gentle gently and will take my camera.
Does anyone else think that those photos look like they have been taken at different locations? Are these more google images angi?

The phone number is a mobile. Therefore could be anywhere.
maybe nothing but ad for hv pups gumtree bournemouth today.exact ad======= quality hungarian vizsla puppies hello dear visitors!!! quality hungarian vizsla puppies!! a beautiful girl and boly!! loving pets home only!! the parents are both fantastik friendly!! the puppies will make excellent pets!! they wormed/flead and have fully injections and microchip!! if you have any questions or request please dont hesitate write me!! does have phone no.just an odd ad will try ringing tomorrow even just to say, pet home not really.
the ads where the spelling is rubbish are usually eastern Europeans who import the dogs legally or otherwise. Puppy farm dealers in other words. They use the same ad over many months for different litters they bring in and some of the pictures I have checked are google images taken from elsewhere and not the actual pups. Still need checking though as they may also deal in stolen dogs. x
This ad. is for 'girl' but the 'owner' also uses the word 'they' & pupie - age of pup is about right
http://www.friday-ad.co.uk/london/pets/dogs-and-puppies-for-sale/other-breeds-of-dogs/i-have-a-KV0893816Last edited: 2014-07-21 08:56:02 by #stoppettheft
sophiesuds, I note the Newcastle-on -Tyne ad is email only. Reason for parting with pup is moving away with a new job. Wow,life can really change direction in 4 weeks can't it.

The north London ad has come up here before posted by wensmum on the 5/7/14. Thes are the advertisers that spell puppy as "pupie". Same pics are used, age increased.

Added later- Have just noticed that the Newcastle pup ad says he is three months and twenty nine days in the full description underneath.Last edited: 2014-07-21 01:28:51 by Baydogs
Both of these pups are on page three of pets4homes but in search engine on the side I put Hungarian vizsla for sale and under distance put national. The second puppy was put on there seven days ago. So it would make him the right age as when yours was lost/stolen he was 3 months but now nearer four months as stated in advert. Their tel no is 020 8815 9242 or there is a mobile no too.
On same website is another hv says four months old, it's nearer to you in London does look very similar to yours.
Been looking on pets4homes website where there is a 12 week old vizsla for sale. Looks right colour but in Newcastle upon Tyne. Advert posted 6 days ago I think. Maybe worth a look at, as I know certain types can relocate dogs easily, as well as relocating themselves. There are three photos so see what you think. Fingers crossed.
Clarkey - re my earlier post please ignore - the fb post by Tanbridge Police relates to the Saluki
Clarkey - tagged you into a fb post - might be worth checking with Surrey police - https://www.facebook.com/TandridgePolice/posts/886851934661554?comment_id=886854621327952&notif_t=comment_mention
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Will tweet this.....someone must have seen him walked by now xx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I have just had a message to say that there's an article with Rembrandt's Doglost poster in The Worthing, Adur and Littlehampton Herald today. (Bumping page .. publicity)
Many thanks to Vet Peter Brown of Northdale Veterinary Surgery who wrote the article. This is a photo of the article (thanks JP!) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=262576247269893&set=pcb.262576733936511&type=1&theater

Over 17000 views of this page now. To all of you who are looking .. thank you for your interest in this young pup.

We will NOT be giving up on little Rembrandt .. it just needs that one telephone call.

PLEASE keep sharing and tweeting for Rembrandt so he stays TOO HOT TO HANDLE.
Rembrandt is microchipped so if he is handed in to a vets or rescue centre they will be able to return him to his home where he deserves to be.
Last edited: 2014-07-17 10:13:35 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Happiness yorkie lover xxx

Come on little fella let someone see you and get you back home to your lovely family xxxx it only takes one kind hearted person to be brave and make that call xx you know who you are if you are reading this page please please make that call and get this puppy home xxxxx
Last edited: 2014-07-17 01:25:02 by Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Sorry DrJ .. I think that was one of the websites that I had previously mentioned to you in an email.

PAW .. Thanks.
I am following up the info in this comment .. just waiting to hear from the person who we think posted it originally.

I'm still sharing this page to Fbk and asking everyone to keep doing the same. We have to keep Rembrandt too hot to handle. Any one who tweets .. please keep doing so! Many thanks to all who are helping with this.

Please remember there is a reward for this young puppy ..
If anyone has any information that they wish to share CONFIDENTIALLY please contact Doglost Admin on 0844 800 3220. Thank you.
Angi. Thanks. I did not know about this. I will place an ad tomorrow. DrJ
Comment awaiting moderation
Clarkey - I have PM'd you with Caroline's fb details -( PAW aka Peter Williams for further info )
Clarkey...I put in https://www.facebook.com/caroline.reynolds.370/ and this brings up a fb page for a caroline reynolds...if that's any help...she is pictured with a mastiff. In that area possibly Viking Oak, Seven Mile Lane..they take pound dogs and rehome dogs.. would be close by...but they don't list all their animals you have to ring them..but you probably know that already.
Paddy. Thanks for the thought. I have done that. On the Monday when Rembrandt was taken, we made the road crews (which included travellers) aware that there is a £1000 reward. Happy to pay it. But, so far no similar reaction. DrJ
When Meera the Saluki went missing - Somebody put word out to travellers in the area - plus mention of a REWARD - wasn't long after Meera was handed over - just a thought !!
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
PAW Thanks for letting us know. However, I tried to look at it and it says 'page not found' Have you got a link to Caroline's page please? Or maybe it mentioned which homing centre the dog came from? Last edited: 2014-07-12 21:54:45 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I have been circulating Rembrandt via my fb page - as a result of on of the shares, this comment has come up
' I met a lady in Meopham the other day with a very shy one of these that she has just got from a homing place. Might be worth this lady checking with Meopham Vets'
The link to the post is https://www.facebook.com/caroline.reynolds.370/posts/10203020351164377?comment_id=10203022776425007&notif_t=comment_mention
Certainly worth following through , even if it turns out to be genuine
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Hah, very funny gio! We're sadly aware of how long the lists of dogs are that you deal with .. you do a great job. Keep up the good work.
Sorry Cara! yes too many dogs coming in! I have now heard the CMW colomn is fortnightly...so maybe 10 days to publication...Ciao
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
gino .. you beat me to it! Although I think you have been workng too hard or too late at night as it's Peg!

I did mention that case to DrJ recently so hopefully Peg's return to her owners should at least give some encouragement and hope to him.
Rembrandt is due to be in Countryman's Weekly on 23rd July.

We just have to continue to keep Rembrandt in the news and 'too hot to handle' so that it's him that goes home to his 'dad' next. So PLEASE KEEP SHARING and tweeting. Thanks everyone!
Last edited: 2014-07-11 19:45:14 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Keep up hope! Jet stolen from Kent the week before your dog has just been found dumped in Lewisham...after being featured in our weekly colomn in the Countrymans weekly...Rembrandt is appearing in next weeks issue...Its amazing how many dogs suddenly reappear when they are featured!
tweeting for His safe return x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks pickle. I'm sure DrJ will have this one checked out.

I have shared this on lots of Fbk pages tonight so that we can keep Rembrandt 'too hot to handle' If everyone who's looking at this page would help us by doing the same or tweeting it would be brilliant. Thank you!

I can't imagine how hard this must be for DrJ. We need to get this puppy home to him as soon as possible please.

If you know anything at all about his theft please call Doglost in total
confidence on 0844 800 3220.Last edited: 2014-07-11 00:55:16 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Longshot but single puppy about that age advertised....http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/675508-hungarian-vizsla-for-sale-london.html
still circulating on twitter.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks to everyone who has posted their comments on here.
Special thanks to tavasz for letting the Vizsla online community know .. that's a big help. I had already posted the link to some Vizsla pages, but I'm certain you know more of them than I would have found.

Initial thoughts on theft was that it was someone who knew Rembrandt was there so possibly planned, but discarded collar seems unusual if that's the case.
We are definitely not going to discount any scenario and that's why we are so grateful to everyone who is helping to make this little pup 'too hot to handle'

If anyone has any information about Rembrandt's theft or saw anything suspicious on Monday 30th June please call DrJ on the number above or Doglost Admin in confidence 0844 800 3220
Thank you.
My own feeling is that the thieves knew he was here and were watching the house and our routine. Rembrandt sleeps right through the night now, and wakes up at 6.30am on the button. He's been doing this since he was nine weeks old or so.

The police seem to think that he may well be in a different part of the country by now. But, we are speculating. So, we have to follow every avenue, I think.

It feels like a waiting game now.

DrJLast edited: 2014-07-09 17:01:59 by DrJ
thanks tavasz that info helps a lot when we are looking at ads. Explains some of the dodgy spelling aswell! I can't understand though if you can get a whole litter for £30 why you would bother going to all the trouble of stealing here. makes me think all the more that this was just a chancer who saw the pup and grabbed him. The discarded collar suggests panic to me and not something planned by 'professional' dog thieves.
We have the best part of the vizsla online community on the lookout for any 'new' pups appearing on the scene.. all over the UK. I do hope he will pop up somewhere.
A lot of the puppy ads are eastern europe imports...both legal and otherwise.They have to say they are 12 weeks otherwise they could be arrested for importing pups without a rabies jab...that is the minimum age they are allowed to travel. They may be offered with papers...but mostly they are no good because although technically pedigree they may not have the correct FCI paperwork; without that you can't register them here in UK with the Kennel Club as you need an import pedigree. They still ask for the same type of money though..even if they probably paid the equivalent of £30(yes £30) for a whole litter. There is also the preloved site which is worth watching too for dodgy ads. Very sad that no leads so far on this little lad.
Posted to our vets Facebook page, fingers crossed he is found!
the pets4homes ad I sent the office because I couldn't post it and Lucybaa also posted below needs checking as the picture showing someone holding four puppies is a google image from a foreign advert x
It's really good the police are on the case and are now starting to take dog theft seriously. A few years ago it was a different story. There has still been a lot of dogs returned by eagle eyed ad spotting so still worth checking them out. I've engaged every person in conversation I've met with a vizsla pup while out walking my dogs this week to see where they got him from! We also have vizsla owners in our gun dog group who are keeping their ears to the ground x
Just had a visit from the police. They are checking the companies and crews of the East Sussex Highways Department who were working both at Green Lane and Eridge on 30/6. This process could take some time, but they are on the case.

Many ads on Gumtree and other sites advertise the dogs for sale and when you say you are interested they will offer to bring the dog to you. Once you have paid of course. The thing to do to see if they are genuine is to say you are in the area and you would like to come and see the dogs. Guaranteed you dont get a reply. Have done it a couple of times (as have others I know) and strangely enough you dont get a response. The only saving grace is that these con artists dont actually have any puppies.
I don't think you can ever be too suspicious when looking at these ads.! I always look further than what I see.. I've emailed some other info I've found about this ad to the office x
Just to say that the case is now in the hands of the police (who have been fantastic) and a private detective.

If you piece all the evidence together, then here's one scenario for what happened. Taken from my garden 7am. Moved to a car or lorry by the Rugby Club, connected with the road works that morning. Possibly travellers among the road crew. Possibly moved to Eridge for the remainder of the working day. (Two independent sightings). If he were close to my home, he'd be crying - and I am so sensitised to him that I would hear him. So moving him up the road makes sense. Then driven south at the end of the working day, and his collar unfastened and discarded in Green Lane: likely thrown from a car or truck window. Returned to me the next day. Here the trail goes cold. I suspect he was with his captors for the night, but moved to another part of the country once the search became hot - which it did very quickly - thanks to DogLost and other sites and media, like Facebook. I don't think he is still local, because either my neighbours (who were all fantastic too) or my family & friends would have found him. Also Jenny's tracker dog, Tiga, searched for hours and found nothing conclusive regarding a trail. All this suggests that Rembrandt was lifted. Possibly stolen to order.

So, in terms of getting him back, responding to ads, alerting vets and dog clubs nationwide, following any and all leads seems to be the way to go. As soon as he goes to a vet (which he will have to do sooner or later), we will get him back.

DrJLast edited: 2014-07-08 13:39:45 by DrJ

This add seems to keep being reposted
Looks very basic with spelling mistakes not much info about the dog says he's 3 months and 30 days old am I being too suspicious? Xx
I've trawled back in google and found expired ads for this seller on other sites showing pictures of more puppies at a younger age so although they may be dealers in puppies are unlikely to be the ones that took Rembrandt. I'll keep searching x
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
All that is needed is the ad ref number from these ads on gumtree and police can retrieve all info on this person ie address and name via gumtree xxx and check it out rather than anymore waiting it's too suss xx
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
I agree Angi...these ads are very suss ( I don't know if they have been looked into, but they have been mentioned further down the thread ) The puppies are always 12wks and not the usual 8wks. Never a litter, first 2 boys, then a girl, then boy girl and now just a boy and all in a short space of time! The ad for the girl is still up and the no for these ads has been posted below xx
Now they have just put the ad back on saying they only have a boy! Very very suss. Will email the ad to the office as My ipad won't let me post it here x
I've spent a lot of time in recent years looking at ads for stolen dogs and you get to know which ones stand out as suss. A lot are probably puppy farm dealers but some could well be selling on stolen pups. If they have access to his details they will know date of birth and kennel name. Visla pups are popular and sell well so you don't see ads on gumtree for them when they are 12 weeks old for £499 with no info on parents and the word copied exactly from a previous ad they had. The ad doesn't seem to be on gumtree anymore but I have a copy in my browser and a phone number from an earlier ad if the investigators need it. I will email to the office later. X
Springer sharon
In light of this story is there anyway we can have an alert to all areas? It may draw more peoples attention to him and may prevent it happening again
As an attempt was made on his sister but I have heard of no other litters being targeted recently I would say someone has access to the breeders database. The advert I posted was for a boy and a girl but the photos were definitely only one dog so maybe the ad was posted before the failed attempt at his sister? Worth investigating x
3 month Vizsla puppy for rehome £600 pets4 homes in Northumberland?
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
So much is being done to find little Rembrandt and I have every faith that he will be found soon. If I can help in any way please let me know xx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thank you for the update DrJ.
A fantastic amount of work by you and your friends. Well done!
As there has been considerable publicity for Rembrandt I am 'bumping' the page.

The campaign to make Rembrandt 'too hot to handle' will continue thanks to all the people following this page and sharing the Doglost page in the social media.

We will all continue to do our best to help find Rembrandt so that DrJ and he can be reunited. Last edited: 2014-07-07 23:20:04 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
DrJ - You have done absolutely everything possible so far. Fingers crossed there will be a lead coming from this.
Rembrandt is a Hungarian Vizsla. A gun-dog, although I bought him for outdoors walking.
He’s 13 weeks and two days old today (7/7/14).

It seems that there is an increasing amount of dog theft in the UK, especially pedigree gun dogs, especially trained ones or puppies.
I suspect Rembrandt is no longer in the South East, and has been moved across the country somewhere.

Rembrandt’s sister may have been targeted nearby in Kent - unsuccessfully, thankfully. So, it looks like the thieves may have all our details off a database somewhere. Possible hacked databases would be Kennel Club, Pet Insurance, Microchip Company.

I think it is going to take quite a while to find him. But, we will see.

Timeline seems to be:
1. Taken from my porch while eating his breakfast on 30/6 @7am. (I was away for just two minutes filling his water bowls for the day).
2. Two possible and independent sightings with workmen at entrance to Eridge Park on 30/6 @2pm. Police investigating.
3. Collar recovered in Green Lane, near Poundfield. Returned 1/7. It had been unfastened, and perhaps thrown from a car window.
4. Possible attempt on Rembrandt’s sister in Kent. Not sure of date. 1/7?
5. Tracker dog fails to find trails after many hours of searching.

Rembrandt is not the kind of puppy to run off. He sticks to me like glue. (Breed trait). He is never very far from me. Just a few feet, if that. If I leave a room while he is playing or cuddled with someone else, Rembrandt will follow. After extensive searches, I no longer believe that Rembrandt is lost. I believe that he has been stolen. So, the matter is now with the police, and I have hired a private detective to find him.

Here’s what we’ve done so far, and a list of who we have contacted
1. The police: as an incident, and now as a theft (crime). Rembrandt has a crime number now.
2. The Kennel Club.
3. The Pet Insurance Company.
4. Microchip company.
5. Half a dozen lost pet websites.
6. Extensive neighbourhood search.
7. Extensive community search via schools. Mothers have organised search parties.
8. Tracker dog: no local trails found.
9. Hired private detective.
10. Every vet in the British Isles.
11. Every dog club, irrespective of breed.
12. BBC Radio.
13. BBC Local South East News.
14. Facebook: multiple sites.
15. Twitter.
16. Police publicity. website. radio. tv. crime-watch. K&S Courier. Friday ad.
17. Posters (Own + DogLost) in pubs, shops, lamp posts, bus stops, through doors etc.

DrJLast edited: 2014-07-07 14:01:45 by DrJ
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thank you wensmum and angi. I will make sure that these are checked out.
I have also emailed DrJ to let him know about these advertisements.

There has been a fantastic response to our 'too hot to handle' campaign in the social media and we will continue to keep this up.
As far as I know there have still been no sightings of Rembrandt.

A local radio station has shown interest in broadcasting an item about Rembrandt .. and that's thanks to Annette, the owner of Meera the Saluki (stolen but now reunited) efforts. They were very helpful when Meera was still missing and raised awareness of her recent theft.

I have been in contact with a lady via Brighton Dogwatch who had some ideas of how to help find Rembrandt ..thank you.

I would like to thank everyone who is still watching the page and helping share the link to it in the social media. Your help is, as always, much appreciated!

I am not sure why there have not been any updates from Rembrandt's owner on the page but I have asked for one to be added if possible.

Last edited: 2014-07-06 23:09:50 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Is also male pup on pets4homes - http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/675508-hungarian-vizsla-for-sale-london.html
This is what it says
Pets Age : 3 months, 26 days old.

Advert Description : I have a Hungarian vizsla who are ready for a new loving family. Very friendly,playful with children and other pets.This pupie have all vaccinations,fully vet checked and they have been chipped.If you have any questions please contact me. Thanks
There are several pictures
found this ad posted only 9 hrs ago. Says boy and a girl but only shows pics of one dog and the age is right x

If there is a good reward could I suggest an advert on 'Dragon driving'. if travellers may be involved at any stage they all look at this x
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Have made a report at BDCH, will contact you if we have any news. the report remains open indefinitely until the dog is found.
Posters are now up in Rotherfield woods, the Ghyll, Country Park & Tesco community board.
I will ask caws to have one in their shop window and try all the other supermarkets & community boards tomorrow x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks PAW.
Unfortunately I am not familiar with the area so I did ring DrJ to double check as you said it was in Pales Gate Lane but he assured me that the poster board was the one near to him.
The poster board was put up by one of DrJ's near neighbours and the tel number written in red is his. We did wonder if it meant pup had been found so checked it out but sadly not. Thanks for mentioning though.

>>> Annette, Meera's owner has spoken to Uckfield FM and they will help with Rembrandt when she has sent the details to them. They were already aware as they have been inundated with people telling them about little Rembrandt.

>>> Nearly 8000 views now!
Thank you to all who are following this page .. if You all put a poster outside your house or in your car it would be brilliant!

Has a neighbour got a new puppy?
Have you seen someone walking a new puppy this week?
Can you hear a puppy in a house where there was not one before Monday?

>>> Please help us get this very vulnerable young puppy home to his 'dad' who is missing him so very much.

There is a reward for the safe return of REMBRANDT .. no questions asked.

If anyone knows WHO HAS REMBRANDT or has ANY INFORMATION (however insignificant it may seem)
~~~~~~~~ PLEASE RING DOGLOST on 0844 800 3220 IN TOTAL CONFIDENCE ~~~~~~~~

Last edited: 2014-07-04 20:34:07 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
PAW - are you 100% sure it was a puppy found sign and not a puppy missing sign. Was it on a large piece of cardboard?
Link for my post on fb - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=799166826770927&set=a.101662736521343.3750.100000328510890&type=1&theater&notif_t=photo_comment
I shared Maggie's poster for Rembrandt this morning - as a result of the share I have had this post
- I saw a puppy found sign near pales gate lane.. Near the roundabout where they have resurfaced???
Google mapped it there appears to be a Palesgate Lane in the vicinity of Crowborough but is a long road - hoping the description helps someone more local
Link for map https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Palesgate+Ln/@51.0615418,0.1813428,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47df432a0f9cdd57:0x6f37356484269f34
So hope this little puppy is found or given back if stolen. To the person who may have taken this puppy, it doesn't belong to you, I bet no questions asked if you just give it back, please do the decent thing. X
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Riverlady!
.. and thanks to you too Hazel.
We are making Rembrandt a hot, hot, hot little puppy!
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
Tweeting for Rembrandt ...hope Police /Community find him soon as well as the hideous, heartless thieves xx
circulating on twitter...REMBRANDT Vizsla Puppy STOLEN http://bit.ly/1j3hTel #Crowborough #EastSussex #TN6 #Plz RT
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
There is now a CRN for this theft.
If anyone has any information please contact Sussex Police quoting the CRN

OR please contact Doglost Admin in TOTAL CONFIDENCE on 0844 800 3220

>>> Thanks Dawn .. that's very kind of you.
>>> Putting a poster in the car window is an excellent idea.
If everyone who is looking at this page did that it would be fantastic!

I have spoken to a close friend of DrJ and have given advice to her. She is doing all she can to support DrJ and will organise postering in the area. I will leave it to her to let you know all the other things that have been done already.

I've suggested publicity would really help and I'm sure the Kent and Sussex Courier will be interested in Rembrandt's story.

>>> Meera's owner Annette is going to call Uckfield FM as they helped her when Meera was stolen last month. Thanks Annette.

Amazed to see that there have been more than 6 and a half thousand views of this page in the last 4 days!

Now all we have to do is get little Rembrandt home safe and sound. Last edited: 2014-07-04 00:25:46 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I will print posters off tomorrow and put them up in the Ghyll, Country Park & Rotherfield woods on Saturday. Will also put one in my car window x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks CJ, ravanette and Pam.

>>> Annette .. owner is not on any of those but his friend who is trying to help him is. There have already been lots of tweets and shares. I went on Fbk all morning sharing to loads of pages including Hungarian Vizsla ones. Hope you and Meera are enjoying the sunshine (sorry did not make it to see you yday .. was too late by the time I got back fm seeing Rembrandt's owner)

>>> When I met DrJ yesterday I got the impression that he is finding all this very hard to take in so I think he is going to need a lot of help from us to help him get his lovely puppy home.
I have advised him that posters (A5 size are good) need to go through all the houses letterboxes just in case anyone saw something suspicious on Monday morning. We think Rembrandt was taken around 7/7.30am but it may have been earlier.
Apparently Green Lane was being resurfaced that morning and there were lorries queuing up to deliver the tarmac. I have the names of the companies working there and will contact them to ask if they saw anything suspicious.

>>> Dawn .. thanks so much for your offer of help. If you are able to put Doglost posters up it would be brilliant. Owner has put a couple of his own up but no more that I could see. I only had a few laminated ones and used those up .. I did give A5 posters to a few people that I saw when searching.
Went into Ghyll Park (?) where the playpark,field and lovely cool woods are. However I'd run out of posters by then so that would be a great place to start please.
I gather that the Rugby Football Club is having a 'do' on Saturday so a big poster there please!
Please let us know where you have put posters so no-one does the same place.

>>> If anyone is going to the big HD Festival (at Eridge Park?) please would they ask them to put a large poster at the gates and maybe some A5 posters to give to people???

Thanks everyone. Let's make this little pup TOO HOT TO HANDLE!

Last edited: 2014-07-03 18:07:50 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
The same ad is now on Pets4homes Doesn't say whether male or female & posted around the same time as the amended Gumtree one.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Yes, this is the same people C.J. The original ad didn't mention whether male or female...so they must have taken it down and replaced with the current one. I will keep sharing and checking sites xx
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Comment awaiting moderation
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Has anyone checked the ad out as it has now been removed? Bit odd that he had just one 12wk Vizla puppy and a puppy of another breed for sale if you ask me. All paws and fingers crossed here that dear Rembrandt is found very soon. I have shared on my fb groups and will put a poster up on the car xx
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Did someone check out the one for sale I have been in contact with seller and defo same age he is selling two puppies of different breeds x
If the owner isn't on fb perhaps he's on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I agree but unfortunately Rembrandt's owner is not on Fbk. So it's up to us to try to make him too hot to handle.
We are also going to need help with posters please. Annette we did not have time to go to the places you suggested today but I will ring you to ask where you meant as I don't know Crowborough at all.
No sign of Rembrandt today .. now sightiings either.
I can confirm that his collar was found about a mile away .. unfastened on a verge at side of the road.
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Just got a reply dog still for sale and seller confirmed it's 12 weeks old xx
I know exactly what the owners r going through and of course would be only too happy to talk to them and help in any way possible . Have already shared and shared but gabby was on fb for about 2 hrs each night updating face book to all rescues, dog wardens etc .
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Facebook really is the way to make this pup too hot to handle as Meeras owners will verify!! It does take a lot of time and determination as sadly he could have been moved anywhere by now, and unless he is circulated and circulated via the internet, it is very difficult to know which areas to target to poster. It might be worth Rembrandts owners conferring with Meeras owners for tips as I'm not great on facebook. I just feel so sad that we now live in a society that your own dog can't even be out in the garden safely without being stolen:-(
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Still no reply from the gumtree ad x maybe suspicious x
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Hi Dawn, thanks. If you have facebook then it would be great to link this page to any friends that way. Also the posters can be printed from this site, even if you stick a couple up somewhere like a school, bus stop, doctor, supermarket or anywhere else would be great. There is a lot of activity going on there today with regards to search and posters, so any small bit of help in postering or raising awareness would be brilliant.
I live in crowborough, let me know if there is anything I can do to help!!
I have been informed by a reliable friend that the breeder has e made aware that the owners have found his collar which has obviously been removed..so this pup would definitely have been stolen. Let's hope he gets taken somewhere that will scan him. Have the owners remembered to update the microchip details to read 'stolen'..this can be picked up when using a halo scanner if the database is tied into scanner angel system I believe.
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
No it's a PUUPY picture that's on I have emailed just waiting on reply x
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
I couldn't see on the ad that he was 12 weeks old. Only the picture is of an older dog. Or has someone rung to check?
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Happiness. That's the same ad that Harvey boy commented on. However, please let us know what response you get. Thanks!

>>> No more news on Rembrandt tonight. Hoping DrJ will be able to give us an update soon. However, I do know that there are a lot of posters out there already, but there can never be enough so if anyone can help please do so .. it would be much appreciated.
Maybe put one in the window of your car so everyone can see it wherever you go???

Searches have been going on all day and let's hope tomorrow brings some good news. Come on young pup .. show yourself or make a hell of a din to let us know where you are. Last edited: 2014-07-01 22:18:31 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
This dog is already 12 weeks old the date that was put up is wrong this boy is ready to leave its looks like your boy I would go to address and see before it's too late x
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Reply to this ad or 07988876160
Date of birth
Ready for rehome
I have a beautiful Hungarian vizsla who is ready for a new loving family. They are very friendly,playful with children and other pets.This pupie have all vaccinations,fully vet checked and they have been chipped.If you have any questions please contact me if I'm not answer leave me text or email.

Ad ref 1071751298Posted 5 hours agoPosting ads since November 2011
See other ads from this advertiser
Please check xx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Harvey boy .. we always welcome input re ads or anything else you spot that is of interest on lost dogs for that matter! It looks like the person may breed them and that photo is prob of one he had previously. However, we will keep an eye on it.
I think DrJ is having problems logged in to this page so no posts yet .. Ihave asked him to update the page with today's progress though.
Harvey boy
No problem just thought it was worth a look to check rathwr than not mention it, only stood out to me as the pup in this advert was on its own, fingers crossed your boy is home soon...... Will keep looking and let you know if I see any other adverts x
shared and hope this little boy is found very soon x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks for that Harvey boy.
VickiP .. I've had a look. I don't think it's Rembrandt as it says pups will be ready on 26th Aug. I can see the tel number .. top right just click on reveal. The English does not seem very good so maybe, as Springermad says, that's why it sounds odd.
Luckily we also know that Rembrandt is chipped.
Last edited: 2014-07-01 19:30:48 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Clarkey - any advice on phoning the Gumtree advert listed below? Advert is very suspect, dates strange - but no phone number unless you're registered and I'm not - I don't want the seller to be scared away in case it is a stolen pup :

I have a beautiful Hungarian vizsla who is ready for a new loving family. They are very friendly,playful with children and other pets.This pupie have all vaccinations,fully vet checked and they have been chipped.If you have any questions please contact me if I'm not answer leave me text or email.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
That is an odd advert Harvey Boy. Says pup born today. Only one pup. Microchipped. Does look like the person who advertised it is not english speaking possibly. A bit weird though.
Harvey boy

Saw this on gumtree maybe worth a check ..... Hope he's home soon x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Have been sending tweets to local people.
Riverlady .. Please would you do tweets for Rembrandt too?
We believe that this lad may well have been stolen.
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I have just spoken to Rembrandt's owner who is obviously very distressed. Searches are going on for this little chap who is only 12 WEEKS OLD.
I have shared to C Cabs, Wheatsheaf Crowborough, C Community Centre, C Tennis and Squash Club, C Social Club, C Hub Community, C Life, C Offers, C Runners, C Leisure Centre, Crowborough Children's Centre Fbk pages.
Lots of sharing going on .. let's hope we can find this little chap quickly.
Last edited: 2014-07-01 12:42:35 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Springermad. Can we have help with posting please? Anyone in the area that would be able to do a few? We really need to get the word out there asap. This puppy is very vulnerable and I would so like to see him home quickly. Last edited: 2014-07-01 11:07:05 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Spreading the word with family and friends in the area. Hope he is found very soon
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Thanks Alison!
No reply from owners yet .. I expect they are out searching or maybe Rembrandt has been found already .. wouldn't that be great!
Have asked them to update this page when they can.
Extra alerts sent to postcode TN21. Alerts already been sent out to TN22 by Jayne
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Admin .. may we have email alerts for TN21 and TN22 please? Hv emailed owners to ask for a few more details and an update on this lovely pup.
Have advised to put lots and lots of posters up in the area and anywhere that a lot of people will see them.
as I live in kent am sharing with all friends in the area...hope he is found soon.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
It might be worth emailing out to TN21 as well as that is the Heathfield area which is not a million miles away.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Have shared on facebook. Its really important to get plenty of posters up and as many shares as possible on FB as that is how Meera was reunited with her owners. Really hope he turns up safely. x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TN3,6,7,20,22.
Sorry to see that REMBRANDT MISSING 7 YEARS is missing.
  • If your dog is microchipped please let the microchip company know that your dog is missing and check that all details are up to date.
  • Owners targeted by a malicious hoaxer demanding money for the return of their dog should phone the police on 101 immediately and contact admin@doglost.co.uk
  • A photograph of your dog is essential for the website. If you have not already uploaded one, please do so by clicking on Update details. Alternatively you can email it to admin@doglost.co.uk quoting the dog's DogLost ID number: (71181)
  • Obtain a missing poster by clicking on View poster above. Posters are very important so start postering now!
  • You will need to be logged in to upload photos, edit your dog's details, or add comments. You can add comments by clicking on Click here to add a comment.
  • Contact dog wardens, vets and local rescue centres, and in Scotland, the Police. Give a detailed description with any distinguishing marks/scars or send them a copy of your DogLost poster. You can find vets in your area here.
  • If your dog has been stolen inform the police immediately and obtain a crime reference number (CRN). Send an email to stolen@doglost.co.uk.
  • If your dog is picked up and taken to rescue kennels, it can be legally re-homed after seven days. Visit rescue centres in person and do not rely on checking by phone alone. Other people may not recognise your dog by your description, so give them a DogLost poster.
  • Keep us updated by keeping your dog's page up to date and check for posts from helpers who may have suggestions and possible matches or sightings
  • DogLost is free and anyone asking for money to find or return your dog is not volunteering for us. If you are concerned about an approach you have received, please email admin@doglost.co.uk

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