Rainbow Bridge: Collie Cross Male

  • Dog ID 57818
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 28 Sep 2013
  • Gender & Breed Male Collie Cross
  • Age
  • Colour
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Lost In Post Area GL7
  • Date Found 28 Sep 2013
  • Where Found cirencester water park thrown out of a car a old type silver corsa
  • Found In Region South West
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Reward Link http://www.gofundme.com/4n7h40
  • Listed By zen
  • Views 24997
  • JUSTICE FOR JIMPoster Image
  • JUSTICE FOR JIMExtra Image


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Hi I still think about you, and how your so called owner treated you. At least your are well, and happy now. I still hope that one day that evil person who dumpoed you is caught. It is never too late. (HUGS) Last edited: 2019-12-13 11:04:00
As there was so much publicity at the time, maybe they were not from the area and travelled quite a distance to dump Jim, sad isn't it. Theres so many more sad stories since as well so sad
I still wish this low life piece of trash could be found.Last edited: 2015-10-24 21:46:48
Carterk3 Thanks for your post. Am really pleased that the "Justice for Jim" reward money is going to Doglost. Am sure Jim will be pleased too.
Good idea Karen, sadly the coward was not caught but it has bought awareness to the amount of dogs abandoned I hope. Thank you for trying so hard xx
Hi just to let everyone know that I will be donating £492.97 to the doglost charity which are the total of the donations from the "Justice for Jim" less the money deducted by Gofundme. I'm so sorry that we never managed to find the person who was responsible for this terrible cruelty but for me it has been an incredibly heartwarming experience. I cannot believe the number of people who contacted me and gave money so generously. I am sure Doglost will be able to put it to good use in the spirit for which it was intended. Thankyou to everyone for all your hardwork and efforts in trying to find this person and I believe that even if what we did made them stop and think for a few seconds we will have achieved something.
Perhaps the publicity for Jim gave his so called owners some worrying days hoping they would not be caught. I hope so anyway. Thanks Karen for all your efforts. janiejewel I am sure Jim wont be met at the bridge by his owners, he will be with those who cared about him.
PS I am going to light a candle for you Jim. I hope that the scumbag who made you suffer like this will not be the on who meets you at the bridge when the time comes. They will probabably be in hell.Last edited: 2018-04-03 12:09:47
Hi. Karen. I think it is a fantastic idea to donate the "Justice of Jim" reward money to DogLost, as it is a very worthy cause. Thank you so much to the dog charity who paid for cremation; you are all STARS****. It is such a pity that the "SEWER RAT" (This is an insult to the sewer rat for they know not what they do. This one did) responsible cant be brought to justice because of lack of evidence. But at least we do know that Jim is out of pain, and having loads of fun with his pals at the bridge. Whoever did this is beyond contempt. Sending Jim lots of (((HUGS))) to his forever home, and cuddles too.
Is there any progress for Jim
That is also a reason to keep trying to find this person.
So do I Janie xxx
So do I Janie xxx
We can all find comfort though, that Jim had cuddles, love, and food in his final hours, which must have made him very happy, before he went to the bridge. RIP+ sweet Jim.

I hope the scum responsible for Jim`s so called care doesn`t own any other animals.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Comment awaiting moderation
Safe journey Jim, loved and never forgotten by so many of us who would have loved you in our life and would have treasured you right to the end. I cannot put on here what I feel about the vile creature who made your life a living hell but rest peacefully knowing they won't get away with it. Nite nite sweet boy god bless you. Xxx
Goodbye Jim xxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx team Jim...
Your at peace now dearest boy, flown by the angels to a better world than the one you left behind. No more suffering no more hunger or pain & free from the sad excuse for a human being that owned you. They never deserved one second of your life that they abused & all I wish is if only they'd of let you go sooner & your dear life may of been saved instead of it being so sadly to late. My heart go's out to you Jim & here the wonderful people that all care & they would of given anything to of saved you thank you so much for the most peaceful end for him. God bless Jim I will never forget you & this photo on here says it all about your sad & neglected life. I hope you are playing with my two that went to the bridge & broke my heart when they left me & all the rainbow babies xxx
Ps. Thrown out like a piece of garbage. Have fun with Honey at Rainbow bridge. Last edited: 2013-12-08 17:04:22
No worries Moillychops. I am sure that the person to whom the wooden bench was put in memory of would not mind sharing it with a dog that was thrown out by an evil low life, and is now probably looking after Jim in his forever home. Perhaps the people who attended Jim`s send off could sometimes sit on the wooden bench, and think of Jim, happy in the knowledge that he is fgar away from the scum who abandoned him. I can understand that the photos should stay on that people can see how this poor animal was treated, or should I say mistreated? Sending you lots of ((((((HUGS)))))), and kissesxxxxxx. JIM? I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU. Run freex
Thanks for all the lovely comments, we cant post the photos on here as the ones on here are vital to information coming forwards . I will ask Karen to post on the just giving site . We didn't find a tree in that area janiejewell , but a wooden bench that had been put there in someones memory , and that is where Jim flew from.He soared into the wind above the common and on to a better life than what he had here
Bless you mollychops and flaggbag hope you were able to snap the tree and maybe put a photo of it on here instead of the sad one of Jim , by Jim wish we could have saved you , the witch that did this will have no luck in life I hope , rest now boy forever xxxxx
Thank you so much Mollychops, and Flaggbag for giving Jim a lovely send off: he deserved it, and I hope he got his "Memory tree" so he wont be forgotten.. I lit a candle for Jim today, and said a prayer about 10 this morning. I know he is at peace now, and free from pain; happy, and content with a big smirk on his face, now he is far away from that evil monster. RIP+ Jim, and God bless youx Run free sweetheart (((HUGS)))
So sorry I couldn't come today but at least no more pain and suffering for Jim. Thank you to you all for all your help and support. One day whoever did this will be found.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Thanks so much to Mollychops & Flaggbag for such a wonderful send off. Run free at the bridge Jim.
jim had a lovely send off today, his spirit is now free with the wind, no more harm can ever come to you now dear jim, you are at rest in a beautiful place ........if only you could have known love in life, you have touched so many people hearts...... sleep well dear boy
Last edited: 2013-12-07 17:27:22 by zen
Nearly 10am thinking of you Jim finding your last resting place and the Dogslost supporters that are able to make it, lots of tears here whilst typing so so sad xxxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Thank you to Mollychops and Flagbag and everyone else involved in making sure Jim has a lovely send off. I shall light a candle at 10 and thinking of you Jim. Run free lovely boy. We will not forget you. You have gone to a far better place.xx
so pleased that Jim will be having his own tree ("Jim`s" "Tree). Carol that is a great idea to take a photo of Jim`s tree. I have lit a candle for you sweetheart, and will be thinking of you at 10 this morning: you will be having all the love, and attention today, that you were denied in life. Sorry too far for me to attend, but I shall be with you all in apirit. Have a safe journey to the bridge Jim accompanied by the Angels. God bless you, and RIP+ One day I, and others hope to meet you at the bridge. Your tree will make sure you will never be forgotten, and you will always remain in the hearts of all those who helped you. Run free sweetheartx (((HUGS)))
I'll also be thinking of you at 10 Jim.
Thank you to everyone who cared and made this possible.
R.I.P Jim now safe and protected from the evil of the world. x
Thinking of Jim so much today, especially at 10. Thanks to all who have tried so hard for him. If you had had one happy day for each tear shed for you, your life could have been so different. Till we meet at the bridge Jim, run free and happy x
Thoughts will be with you tomorrow Jim......Be free and happy...Thank you to everyone who has cared for him.Xxxx
Great idea Janie as always maybe we could have a photo of the special tree of Jims , will be thinking of you all tomorrow sending loads of love xxxx
Paula Griffin's Mum
Great idea Janie, 10am tomorrow I will light a candle & have quiet moment too in memory of this sweet boy xx
That's a wonderful idea Janie, you always seem to come up with them XX
Imoore. Here, here. I totally agree with all you have said. I am sure someone is protecting this evil, low life piece of scum. Sorry I cant be there Jim, but my spirit will be. Have a nice journey to the bridge Jim, where you will have lots of fun with your new pals, where no one can harm you again. I will be thinking of you at 10am tomorrow sweetheart. JUST A THOUGHT: if Jim`s ashes are scattered near a tree or trees on the common, perhaps we could call it Jim`s tree in his memory? RIP+ Jim. Sending you (((HUGS)))
Like Ash I have followed Jim's story with a very heavy heart but just wanted to add my thanks to all for organizing a decent send off for Jim.I truly hope justice is served for the low life that did this to him. I will be having a quiet moment for Jim at 10 tomorrow morning and saying a heart felt thank you to everyone who has helped. You are all wonderful.Play well and long at the bridge dear Jim.xxx
I have followed jims story from the beginning and have been overwhelmed at peoples kindness. One day Jim your evil owner will be traced as I know that all your friends and dl will never give up. I have cried buckets for you for the rubbish life you so obviously had but at least now you have peace knowing you are loved. I live many miles away but tomorrow morning I will think of you as you make your final journey. I never knew you Jim but I along with many others will hold you in my heart forever. Thankyou to your wonderful saviours you are amazing folk with hearts of gold. God bless you Jim, remembered always. Xxx
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Sorry I cant get there on Saturday as have already booked jobs in and also going out postering for Conker. Run free Jim and come back to haunt the bitch that dumped you.Your a free spirit now she can no longer hurt you so go get your own back on her.
Here here Teddys Mum-JW xxx
Teddys Mum - Area Volunteer, West London
Tears every time I look at this poor little boy. He is safe, no one can harm him now. Have a great life in spirit little boy with lots of new loving friends. I take my hat off to the helpers who have done so much. Sorry I am not nearer to have been of use.
Thank you too Karen for all you have done, and caring too:-) (HUG)
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Will be thinking of him. I hope his spirit will be happy. Thanks to everyone who tried to help him in life & those that have done so much since.
Thank you Karen for all you have done xxxxx
Sadly I am too far away as well but will be thinking of all of you who will be attending. So pleased he had become part of the dogs-lost family just so sad he didn't know about it. Thank you to Karen and all the others for doing all you have done for him RIP Jimbo xxxxx
I shall be with you in spirit too, as a beautiful Angel takes you to your forever home. Thank you all at DL for caring, and making this possible.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thank you every one...tx to Mollychops and Flagbag for organising a decent send off...If we cannot make it a few messages of support for these lovely caring co-ordinators....tx
Very many miles from us, but I will be there in spirit. I will say a prayer for Jim and light a candle. A lovely dog I never met, but will always remember.
Much too far for me too. I will be lighting a candle, and sauing a prayer for Jim on saturday. At least Jim you were shown love, care, affection, and given food; all the things you were denied by your so called "Owner" God bless all the kind, caring people, including the fisherman who gave him love, and showed him kindness. At least towards the end, he did know what love was: this must have given Jim much comfort in his final hours. Jim, you have stolen all our hearts, and you will never be forgotten. I know DL will keep fighting on to try, and get justice for you. Have fun with Honey at the bridge. RIP+ God blessx Run freex Sending you lots of ((((((HUGS)))))), and kissesxxxxxx
Is this on the B4066 Flaggbag. Just to make sure. I don't want to be late !
Sadly to far for us to. But we will be thinking of him and will light a candle at home. Sleep well Jim, free from pain, run free with all the other little furbies which have been loved and lost but never forgotten. Heart held thanks to all that have cared. Lots of love to you all. xxxxx
Sadly too far for me but will be thinking of him. Thanks to all who have cared for him.He is free from pain and suffering and will run free with all who have left us with voids in our hearts. I know he will meet my Copper who always cared for the weak and sick dogs. You and Honey will never be forgotten.
jims ashes will be scattered off the end of selsley common in stroud at 10am on saturday morning.... if anyone would like to attend please meet us in the middle car park on the main road towards nympsfield (the flat bit to locals)
i have his contact details and will let him know dont worry
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
I have seen a post somewhere on facebook from the fisherman that originally found him saying he would like to be there when the ashes are scattered. If anyone still has his details could they please contact him.
Thank you for keeping us informed flaggbag, unfortunately I am too far away to attend, buy am sure others will want to pay their last respects to Jim. I shall be lighting a candle though, and will be sending SPIRITUAL ROSES in the shape of the "GATES OF HEAVEN" You are getting all the attention Jim that you didn`t get in life. RIP+ Run freex
when a date has been set for us to scatter jims ashes we will let you know, it will probably be next week end.... everyone is welcome to come or light a candle to help him on his journey he will be scattered on the edge of selsley common
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
In the end when it was too late, Jim was loved so well by so many and that love followed him to the gate, at Rainbow Bridge he turned to look - at all the humans who wished him well and fight for justice in his name. With a little nod Jim crossed the Bridge to run free from pain and hate, with all the other dogs that are there. Jim is free now without a care. Probably the most loved dog in the meadow, we will be there when his remains are scattered and off he'll go once more to bask in perpetual sunshine with his new canine friends. Our love to bouy him for evermore. x
I also would like to offer a prayer for Jim when his ashes are scattered. I would also like to include all the other dogs abused like Jim, who are still suffering.
I said that too Carol; far away from where that vile person dumped him. Run free Jim. We will continue to find the evil person who abandoned you. RIP+ Jim
Please don't scatter him where he was found as he will never find peace , love you lots Jim xxxxxxx
jim you may not have been shown love and respect in your sad life, and we may never find who did this too you, but you can be sure of one thing we will never give up on finding the scum responsible, and we will send you to your resting place with the love and dignity that you so deserved. we will scatter your ashes in the wind facing away from the place you were found... run free lovely boy you deserved so much more....jims ashes will be coming to me tomorrow and he will be part of the family until his ashes are scattered
RIP Dear Jim, free from pain and suffering. So many people have done such wonderful things for you even though you are only with us in spirit now. I too would like to say a prayer for you when your ashes are scattered in a beautiful resting place. God bless you Jim xx
It breaks my heart when I look at this photo & I wish to God you had belonged to someone that had loved you. RIP dearest Jim I pray you are now in a better place. Run free now sweetheart xxx
Thank you for the update Mollychops, and also to the Forget Me Not Crematorium; yes he has been shown dignity in death, whcih he didn`t get in his life because of the low life who abandoned him in his hour of need. I find it hard to look at his photograph watching him scavenge for food. I hope they find the scum responsible soon. When you decide to scatter Jim`s ashes, perhaps you can let us know the day, so we can all say a prayer for him. Let`s give Jim a great send off.
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Thank you Mollychops but we were both only too pleased to be able to show Jim some dignity in his final journey. We could not bear to think of him ending his time on this earth the same way he appeared to have spent most of his living life. Run free now Jim .

We are still looking for the scum that did this to you and I hope she is reading this and just remember Karma will get you. Not today nor maybe tomorrow but he will get you.
I just want to say a huge thankyou to lmoore and the amazing team at Forget Me Not Pet crematorium for everything you have done for Jim , Im sure he has had more kindness shown now than in the whole of his life .Its heartbreaking and just to say he is here now with me until Flaggbag and me can scatter his ashes which will be one day soon
RIP dear Jim xxx
you have touched so many peoples hearts jim... run free at your final resting place
Jim - you have touched more hearts than you would ever have known, sadly it was too late for you to be free from such a horrid life, sorry existence.
Enjoy your final resting place with all of the other Dog lost chums that have sadly passed xxxx
RIP and out of harm's way Jim xx
Will think of you always lovely Jim , justice will prevail I am sure Jim xxxx
So happy he will be laid to rest in a beautiful place. Sending Jim a spiritual wreath of red roses. When the time comes for the low life who starved, and abandoned him, let`s make it thorns. I am sure you are having loads of fun at the bridge knowing we are thinking of you still, and that you were shown love in your final hours:-( Still hope we can get justice for Jim.
Still have tears streaming down my face for Jim. He will never be forgotten. Run free at the bridge x
Rest in Peace lovely Jim. So sad you weren't loved whilst you were here but you will never be forgotten .
Just a thought but would it be a good idea or even possible to have a CCTV cements installed at entrance /exit of where Kim was found in his memory so that this could never happen again to another beautiful baby without it being caught on camera?.
Jim is now on his way back to a lovely beautiful place near to here where he will be remembered for ever I will update soonLast edited: 2013-11-24 21:46:52 by Mollychops
Carterk3 Thanks for update.
Hi all, sorry am working away from home at the moment and haven't been able to access internet too much. Thankyou all so much for your support on this. I'm hoping my life may return to normal in a couple of weeks. Will chase up lady from BBC.
With you there janiejewel. Wishing him well.
According to the Daily Mail today. Paul O`Grady is in hospital undergoing heart surgery. Get well soon Paul
Oh that's lovely , poor Jim I always think of him xxxx
Imoore. That is a lovely idea. How nice for Jim to have the send-off he deserves. As long as his ashes are scattered far, far away from where that evil, vile so called human abandoned him. Thanks for the update.
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Animals at Home Swindon together with Forget Me Not Pet Crematorium have offered an individual cremation for Jim and his ashes can then be returned to a co- ordinator to arrange for them to be scattered somewhere peaceful.
Last edited: 2013-11-16 21:21:44 by lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Im bumping due to coverage in the local paper again, all thanks to the fantastic Megan Archer who has been very supportive and writing great stuff, Ive written to Paul O Grady yesterday, the first email which I sent to the address below, came back, the second one I sent to paulogrady@channel4.com or something like that. I ve not heard back yet. I will chase up tomorrow .Thanks all for ypur ideas and support, and Karen, you are a fantastic lady XX
Bonnies' mum
Paul O'Grady show back on ITV. Would it be worth admin contacting him for a mention for Jim? They gave his email tonight : paul@itv.com
Hi all - still no word from the BBC but people are still kindly donating. I think we need a bit more publicity so will write to Jilly Cooper's publisher as soon as I can.
I am sure they will xxx
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Have just seen that Heart FM have done an interview with the owner of Sybil... missing west highland terrier, due to be broadcast today, do you think they would do one for poor Jim.....?Last edited: 2013-11-09 22:56:51 by TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Yes you are right, Id forgotten , a terrier ages ago.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Sorry Mollychops, I don't know the area,but it was your comment below on 29/9 that made me think about it.
That's a good Idea,Fergals Servant . This is the first dog /animal known to me abandoned there, maybe you could find out more for me Thanks xLast edited: 2013-11-09 12:16:12 by Mollychops
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just a thought on the raising of the reward. Animal Friends Insurance donate every month to a charity chosen by one of their employees I think. Is this worth a try? Also someone mentioned that this road is known to be a hotspot for abandoned animals. Is it worth creating some research on these hotspots and then publicising them, perhaps using this fund if it grows into a large amount and unable to be used to find or prosecute the person/s involved in these two cases.
We will get the evil piece of garbage if Jim is kept bumped xxxxx
Brilliant news, well done all for keeping Jim in the news
Megan has said she would like to do another articlw which is fantastic.
Bumping as Jim has gone right down again. Ive just spoken with the RSPCA Inspector dealing, and nothing more to report, very sadly, We are able to collect him at any time, and will do so soon, and give him a decent burial. Keep spreading the word everyone, Karen you are doing an incredible job. I will see if Megan the reporter from the Wilts and GloS might do another article .
From here Poppy http://www.gofundme.com/4n7h40
How do we donate to the award please
Also Daphne Neville lives in the area she is an avid dog lover
.I am going to repost this again and fingers crossed someone new may see it.
ok - I will try that. Not heard back from the BBC so no progress on that front.
I think her publishers are The Random House Group. They seem to support various charities and looking at their website they give their employees a day off paid every year to work at a charity of their choice. Could try and contact her through them. Just a thought x
That's a great idea re: Jilly Cooper and she was on the radio today. Any idea how we contact her?
RIP lovely Jim xxx
Well done Karen xxxx
DogLostClaire Gresty - Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - North West
Brilliant, well done everyone :) x
Good idea Poppy
What about Jilly Cooper ,she is a dog lover and lives in the area not far from the WATER PARK
Yes well done Karen, hope it gets a good response for Jim
I agree with k9chum. would be a good idea to keep Jim on page 1, would help all of us who are no good at facebook to keep informed.
Please,please can we bump Jim to page one so he stays in everybody mind. Really important he does not get forgotten.
What good news Karen, lets hope that a bit more local interest might eke out the low life that put Jim though hell.
Hi being useless on Facebook have just discovered some more people who were offering to donate towards a reward!
Well done Karen, that`s fantastic news. Keep us posted please.
That is great news . That might make all the difference. Well done
Thats great news Karen. Well done. x
Hi everyone - good news. Had a phone call from BBC Radio Wiltshire this morning who are keen to run a story. I need to email them some details which I will do as soon as I get a few mins. Karen
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just a thought, but what about Crimewatch or crimestoppers...? or the local news for your area .. ?
£500? Brilliant Yes thanks to Carterk3, and also to Karen for updating via e.mails. So pleased that the RSPCA have agreed with Doglost to allow Jim to be buried with dignity, in a lovely peaceful resting placde. At least no one can hurt you now. RIP+
Well done Carterk3 for organising this fund. Has anyone thought of asking Annette Crosbie, actress from One Foot in the Grave for help. She is keen on greyhounds.
Fantastic that we have reached £500, I was thinking about the Radio Wiltshire? Does anyone have anyway of contacting them?
Ive spoken to a friend who is an ex BBC reporter. He said its not a big enough story for them as it is and suggested maybe nearer Christmas a story including actual facts and figures of the number of dogs abandoned each year and including several stories of abandoned dogs rather than just Jims. I agree the way forward is to try and get a dog loving celebrity involved.
I sent a message to Paul O,Grady a couple of weeks ago for help with catching this "person" but no reply from him perhaps admin could try as you say
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Maybe worth trying ITV as they broadcast the Paul O Grady programme? The BBC are very selective of what they will do ( examples are springwatch, & how they wouldn't allow Chris Packham to mention about the badger cull)...
ITV or a local regional news programme may be willing to help.. ?

Not quite sure why my previous comment was deleted .. ? I don't think I put anything I shouldn't of in it ..? I only put that maybe Supermarket Delivery Drivers could maybe be asked to keep an eye out when delivering, they cover wide areas ...
Whoop whoop £500 has been reached with a large donation from Stuart Smiles, thank you xxxxx
Paul O'Grady loves his dogs maybe he can help?
No response from BBC email. Does anyone have any contacts we could use?
Good idea k9chum
Any chance this could be bumped to page one so we can keep track of him.I would hate to see him disappear from view as he still needs all the help we can give him if JUSTICE is ever to be served. Thanks
following miss marple theme - could the lovely nearby doglost supporters show photo to dog wardens and vets in the area just in case they have met this dog?
Carterk3 Great idea. Paws, and fingers xd.
Well done Carterk3 we are with you on this , otherwise it will die a death and be forgotten and Jim needs justice now xxx
Hi - just to let everyone know I have sent an email to the BBC asking if they would cover this. Not heard anything back as yet but lets wait and see. Not prepared to give up yet!
shared again xx
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Comment awaiting moderation
Just to amend TKs posting...the witness said it was an old type silver Vauxhall Corsa (not Astra). I too can't believe neighbours didn't know these people had a dog at some time even if Jim had been hidden in a shed for past few months. Perhaps Jim belonged to an elderly person and the young woman who dumped him was daughter/granddaughter...?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks everyone....keep spreading the word...the possible info given to us is being looked into...by the best possible people on Doglost...But we need more....so keep spreading the word...
Hi all, just to let you know I've added to spotted in Malmesbury and Tetbury. I gave a poster to our local post lady who said she would put up in sorting office. Please can everyone else do the same?
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just wondering if the local police would help, is it possible for them to look up silver astra's on the vehicle record database....? can they look up a type of vehicle, surely with todays technology if they typed in silver astra,, it would list ones in the nearby area....?
Also just a thought, but the local police may know of this person, if she can do this to a poor dog, maybe she has a record for other criminal behaviour....? Bit of a longshot I know, I'm sure the local police are already involved arn't they? Would be good for them to have a poster displayed in the police station, for all their staff to see...
Ps perhaps posters could be put up in nearby post offices to prompt postmen and dust men come to that xxxx
Yes janiejewel1649 I also cannot believe that someone doesn't live next door to this person or close by and look out of there upstairs window into neighbours gardens as that's where the poor thing must have been , can't imagine him inside a house unless he was in a shed or something similar and couldn't be seen , the only other explanation is that she lives in an isolated area but even then a postman would see him , THAT'S IT A POSTMAN can t we get in touch with post offices in the area to alert postmen to the car for one thing and then the dog or dogs being kept in that way , I have changed my name from Carol to miss Marple , perhaps the police could go down that route ???!!!!! xxxx
Carol. Hard to believe that nobody knows anything or has any information. Someone must be protecting this person. I know several dog owners, and am sure I would notice if something wasn`t right. I just wish an arrest was imminent.
Unbearable janiejewel1649 I have thought about Jim everyday and any others she may have I do hope they find her xxxx
Carol. I was thimking that too, but she may have other animals too, not just dogs suffering; i hope not.
I am worried incase the woman has more dogs in this state :-( xxx
Lets hope others come forward with more info as well
Hoping to hear some news ASAP justice will come Jim sweet boy xxx
we still need people to continue to poster.. and if anyone has any information how ever insignificant they feel it may be, it will be treated in the strictest of confidence we still need to piece this jigsaw together Last edited: 2013-10-11 21:36:11 by zen
I really hope that this evil individual/s are brought to justice SOON. Paws, and fingers xd.
I am pleased this evil person may now be recognised let's all keep our paws crossed xxxxx
I`ve been following this heartbreaking story & what I would have liked to post would not have been printable... but now I hope and pray that this info turns out to be instrumental in bringing about justice for dear Jim, if the courts don`t deal a hard sentence then I hope this evil person will eventually be named and shamed in public. I hope he/she/they rot for all eternity.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Doglost has just had a call in from a reader of The Standard re poss info on this lady...am Liasing with Shereen and then she will liase with others...obviously cannot put front of site.
Sorry I haven't been able to post anything for a few days but totally maxed out at work. Have spoken to RSPCA who say that their press office is still receiving a lot of interest on this. Sorry Molly Chops will ring you when I get your number.
ive emailed doglost pr team hoping they could linke 2 horror stories and get it nationwide in express mail sun etc.as you say someone out there beside the owners must recognise this dog - but of course not if they done use computer and don't buy local paper. a national paper or several nationals would hopefully make a big difference. would love to trace owners
Carol. I also hope, and pray that someone will come forward too.
Lets hope they have a concious and split on the person who did this to Jim xxxx
NickyB Thanks for update. Surely someone must be protecting someone else? If so they are just as guilty.
reward for honey sick dog left in Cheshire canal is £500 but up to now unfortunately no new info.
Carter K3 please can you ring me, my number is with Admin at head office. Thanks
I have added the link in the reward section
Come on people share on ur Facebook page too ,do it for Jim xxx
I know some people have struggled to find how to donate. I managed by going to google and putting in doglost justice for Jim. You can use pay pal.
duffs54 Thank you for the update, and information.
janiejewel1649 yes I also asked if there could be dual campaign, maybe because I think that there is already a £500 reward offered, but still no news on either .
Posters started to be distributed in Swindon. How are we doing in other areas?
No words here, just tears and anger.

RIP sweet Jim, you were loved at the end. Run free sweetheart xx
It`s great that so much coverage is being done to find the evil person who dumped Jim. Though Honey 56885 ("Canal dog") seems to have been forgotten, as I have not heard anything more about a reward for her too.
Jim darling you are at rest now no more suffering.
This story is truly so heartbreaking some one must know something please come forward if you know any little thing that might flush this evil person out.
Just made a donation for you Jim we have bring this evil person to justice.
RIP Little boy you were so lovely xxxx
Just donated for Jim , another step closer to catching the evil cow that did this to you Jim , run free and safe at rainbow bridge my man , I shed tears for your suffering love you lots xxxxxxx
Just so everyone knows I've now put poster's in Tesco's in Cricklade, left one in On the Run on the A419 (have to ask manager if they can put it up), One Stop Shop in Purton and the Vale pub in Minety.
if anyone wants the PDF printable version of the above poster ,please email me c.s.lloyd1@btinternet.com ....subject line... 'Justice for Jim'
Mollychops would it be possible to put the new poster here instead of this photo so people could just print it off from here. If you need it sent in a different format let me know (my husband made it)and we can send it to admin. Well done everyone keep up the donations however small. Every penny counts x
Thanks Ciren and everyone . This page will stay bumped as we need donations for Jims Reward. We need to find who did this to him and bring them to justice
TK It`s not important how much you donate, it all helps, and it is the caring that matters. Have managed to donate through gofundme. If you google Doglost "Justice for Jim" it should come up; even I did it. Well done Karen.
Posters left with Tesco Extra & Tesco Metro (they don't usually allow posters but they are asking permission from Manager), also Forum Vets and Toomers.
Hi all - is it possible for people to post where they have left pictures of Jim so we don't double up our efforts? Thanks Karen
Thankyou all so much for your donations. I'm sorry you had problems - that's technology for you.
Timmy's Mummy
Hello Jim, I have made a donation to your fund. When they get the persons (and they will) who did this to you I will make sure they suffer more than you did. They will be named and shamed and their lives will be hell. God bless you Jim, I wish you hadn't been pts and that you could have come home to me where you would have been cherished. Night God Bless Jim xxxxxxxx
Niki. THANK YOU. Looks like I will have to do the same. Thanks again.
had problems donating so donated to dogslost instead in jims memory,hope this helps.
Am trying to donate but having problems. I do have a paypal account: help please/
All, thank you so much for all your kind donations. Its just a shame that poor Jim didn't know that so many people cared about him.
Well done Karen for setting this up. Ive just donated. Lets get Justice for Jim !
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Thank you Karen, have just donated, sorry it is not more... RIP dear Jim x
Well done Karen, just donated to Justice for Jim xxxxx
Carter k That's really fantastic, thanks sooooo much XX
Barney n Ozzie`s mum. I do agree that another person must have some knowledge of this terrible deed. I wish they would come foward, inform the R.S.P.C.A. or Doglost, and clear their conscience if indeed they have one. Carterk9: Great idea!
All I have been inundated on Facebook with offers of financial help for a reward for Jim so I have setup the following:

I have said that if the person is not found then the money will be donated to doglost as everyone has worked so hard on all of this. Thanks
I so agree with you Barney and Ozzie's mum. You could have written those words for me.I hope it comes around sooner rather than later because I would hate to think that they could treat or are treating any more animals like that. R.I.P.JIM. Safe in the hands of God.
Well said Barney n Ozzie's mum xxx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Been logging on and reading all the comments on Jim's page for the last few days. Haven't felt able to leave any comments up until now because I have, and still do, feel so very angry about what this evil person, and most likely persons, have done to poor Jim. There has to be more than one person involved - they must have family who know exactly what's been going on the last weeks/months and not done anything about it! Well SHAME ON YOU and just remember - what goes around comes around...........
Mollychops. Have left message on your phone. Thank you.
janiejewell please can you call me number at head office thanks X
lovely poem for Jim Janie, tears are once more flowing for this lovely dog named Jim xxx
Jim is on the front page of our local newspaper the Wilts and Glos Standard today! Ive asked the MAIL and the DT if they will do a piece too.Last edited: 2013-10-03 08:51:20 by Mollychops
Thank you for your kind comments. I wrote the tribute to Jim on belalf of all of us involved in the "Jusitce for Jim camaign" Last edited: 2013-10-03 09:00:56 by Mollychops
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
TX Mollychops and others for spreading the word and hopefully ...with your efforts we can make a difference....its hard I know but together we can help!
Poor Jim - you deserved much better. RIP
I hope the people responsible are found and suitably punished ...
Like alot of people I follow this story everyday. It's amazing how far this has come and am all for the justice for Jim and honey campaign. It's brill that Doglost is getting coverage it rightly deserves also. Janiejewel your poem is so touching well done
I'm so very sorry to read this...rest in peace lovely Jim xxx
I have just emailed a friend who works in media (ex BBC journalist) to get some advise who to contact for nationwide coverage. Asked if he knows anyone of his contacts who would help run this story.Fingers crossed. Can we maybe put the poster on this page to replace the original picture so people could print it off without having to email and get it ?
What a lovely poem and thank you so much for creating the poster.
NickyB I think that is a brilliant idea to combine the two cases, concerning Honey, and Jim.
That's a good idea NickyB to maybe combine the 2 stories. Mollychops we would be more than happy to change the poster to include the other dog too or create a new one. More than welcome re the poster, we were glad to have helped. Lovely poem janiejewel x
now doglost is famous and has the recognition it deserves pls could you contact the national press/tv with the 2 stories of the sick dog left in canal in Cheshire id 56885 and this dog seen to be abandoned and subsequently dying id 57818? with 2 such cruel examples perhaps the double story would impact with media and help in our search for the monsters involved?
Beautifully wrote janiejewel1649. Rest in peace sweetheart Jim, no more pain. We will fight for you now and get justice. Sending hugs to the bridge. xxxx
no words just tears for this poor boy. run free from pain Jim xxxxxx
I said below about the poster to download if anyone would like one sent, My email address is with head office. They are brilliant, and have just been finished. Created by the husband of a helper who is graphic designer. Thanks VERY much for doing this , we really appreciate the time and effort that went into it
Hope the advertising brings some news. If anyone out there has any suspicions about whom the perpetrator of this wicked crime then please, please either contact the R.S.P.C.A. or perhaps you prefer to contact Doglost. As someone has already said this person may have other pets also being mistreated. I know from experience it will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Oh that's really lovely . Thankyou Janie XX Bumped due to the massive publicity. Ive thanked the papers who I contacted, they have done you proud Jim XXLast edited: 2013-10-02 14:17:17 by Mollychops
We were all very saddened to see your poorly state
In spite of the care you was given a cure came too late

What you went through must have been so hard to bear
All caused by a heartless person who didn`t care

You are now at Rainbow bridge under God`s watchful eye
As we raise up our heads to the Heavenly sky

The person who caused this has committed more than a sin
But dont worry sweetheart, we have started a campaign called: "JUSTICE FOR JIM"Last edited: 2018-04-03 12:15:37
Thanks very much for this. I will find out more
Hi I have been inundated with offers of money for a reward on Facebook. Does anyone know how we could start a fund for this. I have tried just giving but that won't work as Jim isn't a charity. I saw someone mention Paypal below. Is this possible? Thanks
Jim has now had coverage in the WDP and the Swindon Advertiser, ss well as the other papers !!. We are in the process of producing aDog Lost flier, spreading awareness of Jim and asking people to come forwards with any info, and the fact a REWARD IS OFFERED
Such a dreadful thing. Jim, you're now pain free at rainbow bridge, enjoy xxx
jim has been in local papers today lets hope someone brings some news soon
Poor sad Jim now with Honey 56885 at Rainbow Bridge another cruelty case, these people can't be allowed to get away with these horrors. Talk about a paypal fund to help towards a reward to find these people will be a great idea, can it be a generic fund do you think?
Hi Shereen Ive emailed you back but you can ring me anytime.
Clare..I left you a VM..please can you get back to mere your offer x
Yes absolutely agree reggiemollieros guilty by association. Please think of the years of pain and suffering this poor dog must have endured. It didnt get in that terrible condition over night. Someone must have a conscience out there. Please do the right thing and report this woman.
I have shared on my fb wall and twitter account. how can I donate a little bit of money towards a reward to catch thosr who done this.
Shared the article and this page on twitter. Someone must know who she is and if they don't come forward then they are equally as guilty.
Now in the papers, come on dog lovers she WILL be caught.....
There are sick people in this world today x hope she gets what she deserves x r.i.p JIM x
Did the finder report this straight away to the dog warden and police?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
If you need to contact please email attention Jayne re justice for Jim admin@doglost.co.uk ...or text 07734 759154...all messages will get passed to CO-ordinators dealing with this very sad case...name and shame is what I say.....as stated all info is in total confidence......
May the angels comfort you at the bridge. As for the person who did this to you may they be haunted by the eternal damned. Thank you to those who cared in the final part of your life.
Admin have agreed if anyone has any information that will find the owner responsible for this they can be contacted, and it will be IN THE STRICTEST CONFIDENCE. For all we know she might have more dogs at home awaiting the same fate !!!
Carol. I also agree with what you have said. Those who would like to throw this piece of scum from a car, may I suggest you form an orderly queue. Hayley. That is true, I knew of someone once who moaned about the cost of fruit for their children, but happy to but cigarettes for themselves; selfishness personified. Hope we will soon get justice for Jim.
RIP Dear Jim.. no more suffering or pain handsome lad xx
I agree with everyone else, lets hope justice is done. Poor Jim, R.I.P. poor boy. I too have tears as i type, how can people do this to a living animal, words fail me!!!!!!!!!!
Well said Carol, that's certainly how I feel and probably all these people too. Justice for Jim is a brilliant idea for this poor dog and all the others that suffer this way, through sheer neglect. These people still find money for booze and cigarettes and food for themselves. But for some cruel reason think its ok to starve animals?????? R.I.P Jim run free with your furry friends.xxxx
Please please catch the vile evils person that did this and send her to prison forever without food or water then every month throw her from a car , pinked or not I have said it , poor Jim suffered terribly starving and unwell with a tumour on his leg, she is a vile vile creature utter scum
RIP Jim lad we will never forget u and hopefully justice will be done as someone will recognise this dog god bless Jim xxxxxx
Evil Shite. No further harm can be made against you poor lad. My husband and I were actually going to offer him a rescue space as well. However you will have now found a far better place beyond all our dreams I'm sure. RIP sweet lad xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Mollychops.
Ive emailed the story to the following papers. The Wilts and Glos Standard, The Swindon Advertiser, and the Western Daily press. Justice for Jim !
Well done to the kind people who took Jim to the vet. At least we can find comfort knowing that he is now out of pain, and in God`s care, and free from pain. I hope this vile peson never finds peace, and hope she rots in hell. RIP+ Jim; have loads of fun at the bridge with your friends:-)
In tears here. Poor, poor Jim. What kind of life has he had? I do hope that the heartless scumbag responsible for this despicable act of cruelty is traced, locked up and the key thrown away. Run free at the bridge, beautiful Jim - no-one can hurt you now xxxx
The woman who did this should get a prison sentence. How very, very sad poor 'Jim' had to be a victim of such ghastly cruelty then be discarded like this ......dear god, this is a living creature which breaths our air, loves with open heart, and only asks for a kind human to care for him - RIP Jim and know you are definitely in a better, safer place now. No-one is going to hurt you ever again. God Bless x
RIP at the bridge free from pain xxxxxx
Paula Griffin's Mum
Sweet dreams brave Jim, at peace now xxx - so so sorry for your pain & suffering at the hands of some cruel & heartless people, may they suffer daily & never ever know peace, may they never sleep soundly ever again & be haunted every second of every day, SHAME ON WHOEVER YOU ARE, SHAME ON YOU!!!!
Post from finder on this link. RIP dear Jim and I hope the vile person who let you get into this state and then threw you out like rubbish rots in hell.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
At peace now over Rainbow Bridge, no more suffering Jim xxx
Run free at Rainbow Bridge Jim - you touched so many people's hearts dear boy.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Run free at Rainbow Bridge Jim, free from pain :((

May the scum bag who let this dog suffer like this never know peace.Last edited: 2013-09-29 21:38:08 by Millypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
it has been confirmed that this poor poor dog was put to sleep by the vets he was taken to by very kind people as he had cancer and other problems and was given peace from his suffering .... RIP DEAR JIMLast edited: 2013-09-30 11:12:17 by Mollychops
Karma will come back on this 'lady'. You cant be cruel like she has been and not expect to pay for it later on. Lets just send love and healing to Jim if he has passed to Rainbow Bridge to help him on his way.
The "Justice for Jim" campaign is a great idea. Am willing to donate to the cause too if necessary. People who trreats an animal like this should be given a lkife ban on keeping pets, not just a five, or ten year ban. Makes you wonder how she treats her children if she has any. Really hope someone can identify this low life. Keep us posted please.
just shocking! poor poor Jim, he must have suffered for so long. fingers crossed that this person is caught and punished! disgusting!
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
i am disgusted and heartbroken that this poor dog has suffered. Run free at the bridge Jim, no more pain & suffering.
May the person who did this to you get their just desserts.
So upset that I can hardly type....Dearest Jim.I agree with all the comments below. No excuse for dumping this poor boy.Tears again....God bless you Jim.Rest well now xxx
Observant Citizen
Has Jim crossed Rainbow Bridge Beyond the Lens :( xxx
Beyond The Lens (Pet Photography)
Was sooo sorry to read the latest news from the finder :-(
Run free now Jim...so glad you had some love in your last hours :-(
Nanni Byron
Put owner in a room with a few genuine caring owners!!
words fail me,if you need a donation to the campaign for jim just tell me when and where bless him
I had already shared Jim earlier both on Facebook and Twitter as soon as there is confirmation I will share and share again. She has to be found and dealt with. I am devastated as I hoped so much he could have the life he deserved.
Thanks Mollychops Great name the Justice for Jim Campaign. Unfortunately until these people are given a prison sentence not just a slap on the wrist they will keep treating animals like this. All she had to do was drop him at a rescue to be cared for. No excuse at all. At least he has had some love and care from a person even though it sounds as if it was too late for him.
Clare Thanks so much XX we are already planning this . I thought of this earlier this morning , just need to sort it . Hopefuly a reward will do the trick. Someone must know the dog and the owner . Im sickend too. Justice for Jim !!
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Words fail me, truly disgraceful an innocent animal can end up in this way.... poor love, he must of suffered so much for so long...... so sad he may already be at the bridge....but my heart goes out to him...
I truly hope this woman is caught and the punishment is severe
Mollychops would it be possible to set up a paypal account or something similar for donations towards finding this woman (i dont even want to call her owner as she doesnt deserve to be anywhere near an animal) and helping to get justice for poor Jim. I would be happy to donate as im sure many others would. I feel sick to think of the sort of life this poor dog has had.
Yes but we are waiting to hear for sure from the vets who he was taken to, ive left a message with our PR lady , asking for help. I want this to go in as many papers as poss . This person needs naming and shaming . The more I think about it the angrier I get .
seems tht this dog has been pts according to another site
Westie and everyone Thanks for your concern xxx we havent heard back from vets yet and probably wont now til tomorrow. One things for sure, We WILL seek out the owner and make them pay for what they did to Jim. She is guilty of not just dumping him but clearly letting him suffer through his life , If you look at the photo there is a massive tumour on the right front leg . This is disgraceful, Im sickend by the actions of this woman. Hopefully we will find her soon ....Last edited: 2013-09-29 16:32:07 by Mollychops
IsHow sad is this. I echo everyones feelings. There's just no excuse for neglecting animals. Hope these owners are caught and severely punished. If Jim has gone over the bridge he can be assured a happier life x x
Observant Citizen
Is Jim still with us DogLost ? x
Another poor dog given the boot because he is either poorly or just plain badly treated, happy to donate to a reward if it means the owners will be prosecuted.

Hope you are still with us Jim xxx
I hope Jim hasn't gone to the Bridge he's fair tucking into whatever it is they've given him xx
Claire. I meant to say Me too.If you are at the bridge; A~~~Candle~~~will burns for you Jim RIP+ God blessxLast edited: 2013-09-29 13:04:40
Claire. Me oo. Good idea Spindle to put in paper if possible. These people are low life scum, and should be severely punished, as someone has alrready said, not just a slap on the wrist. Would there have been cctv around where the dog was dumped? I remember about two years ago a man was caught on cctv abandoning his dog, not sure if the piece of scum was found: dog was rehomed I think. Personally I would like to use the birch on this rat. At least we know he had love, and attention at the end, is most likely having fun with Honey at the bridge. You would think that the partner of the scum who abanoned him would know something? Today too much crine, too little punishment. And this is a crimeLast edited: 2013-09-29 13:00:05
just waiting for confirmation but it seems that this poor poor dog did not make it
I would be pinked out if I were to put down in words on here! Just so very very pleased that this poor dog has been found and will now get the humane treatment that he will need. Fingers crossed that the authorities find those responsible for this dog's condition and dont just get a slap on the hand.
Looks like it is the owners that did this sandymal as they were seen dumping him. What a pathetic excuse for a human being she was. Onwards and upwards for this boy now, he's been found, he is safe and can now continue to get the treatment he deserves and then go on to a forever home xx
I just hope its not the owners that have done this to this poor dog xx
I cant believe people can be so cruel. Hope this poor boy finds a new home with owners that can give him the happy life he deserves. Please keep us updated x
Just seen this on my facebook page.How heartbreaking....But lets pray that his owners can be traced.As for the scum that have done this well...words fail me. Please let us know how he is doing.XXX
Thanks Spindle, Im sure someone will recognise the dog, very distinctive as you say. We just need to alert as many people as poss. The local paper is the Standard here, and Swindon Advertiser. I will contact them and hope they will run the story
Very distinct markings. How about getting article in local paper with photo, someone, somewhere will know who owned this poor dog.
This is close to the A419 Cirencester to Swindon Rd. There are cameras along it. Dogs have been dumped before in this area and my guess he is from Swindon. Ill run this past the DW and Swindon vets.
OMG Poor lad how can anyone do this?
So pleased he is safe now.
this poor dog is safe we need to know who left him in this state to die
Is someone looking after him poor boy xxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Poor little love. Good that witness saw the car type hope the scum bags can be caught.

Drone SAR

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