Reunited: Red Grizzle (Brown, Tan, Black) Border Terrier Female

  • Dog ID 56939
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 04 Sep 2013
  • Name BETTY
  • Gender & Breed Female Border Terrier (Neutered)
  • Age
  • Colour Red Grizzle (Brown, Tan, Black)
  • Marks & Scars Grey moustache
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 30 Aug 2013
  • Where Lost Close to Alexandra Park, Bath, BA2 4PS, Beechen Cliff School and the Lyncombe Hill Allotments just under the Park. There are some fields just below the Park and Allotments and this is where she went
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area BA2
  • Date Reunited 08 Oct 2013
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Laura
  • Views 5017
  • BETTYPoster Image
  • BETTYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Brilliant news. Hope she is soon back to full health.
Absolutely delighted x
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Brilliant news So glad you have found her. I wonder if she had gone down a rabbit hole and got stuck. As they lose weight they sometimes can get out again
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Brilliant news!
Inkie's Mum
What wonderful wonderful news, so so pleased for everyone concerned in the search and those worrying for her safe return from afar, wow, brilliant, hope she recovers well, lots of love x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Wow hope you feel better soon little Betty.xx
Well done to all involved :))
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Fantastic news!
5 1/2 weeks? Where has she been?!
Wonderful she has been found. She had lots of followers and supporters on the DL SW FB page and everyone is so pleased :)
Fantastic news, over to the blue. Stay safe little one x
I am just overjoyed at this news.Poor Laura has been so distraught at the loss of her beloved companion - welcome home darling Betty.Lots of TLC will hopefully get you back to health again.Just so pleased - and borderfan thanks so much for all your help searching for her too.
I can hardly type for tears! Laura her owner has informed me that she is home. She has been found, emaciated but alive and is now at the vets receiving treatment. She must have been living rough all this time and was found near to the spot where she went missing. The vet is sure she will be fine but will need lots of love to bring her back to full health. Laura is very grateful for everyones support at such a stressful time for them. Betty is home! Bless her.
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Just a thought but does anyone have a tracking dog near to this area that might be able to help find where she went
Sharing, hoping Betty soon safely home with you.
Laura the owner has contacted the Residents Associations in the area where Betty went missing. They have kindly agreed to circulate Betty's details to all its residents via email so we are hoping this might bring some news of a sighting. It is two weeks today since she went missing.
Comment awaiting moderation
Dog WardenDogcatcher
Betty is still missing, Unsure as to why there is a deceased posting on log, this may put people off. Please keep looking and posting
ID 57112 found deceased . Just best to check :( x
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
twoDs - thanks, the dog's sex was updated after my post, although still worth checking I would think (see Moogie's update). Also he was found on 31/8 the day after Betty went missing.
Emmalouise, not sure if its devils drop.. there are allotments at the park and if you follow a path there is a kissing gate which leads on to fields (these fields eventually lead to the field alongside Beechen Cliff which exits on to Greenway Lane). Been round there today for a look and no sightings unfortunately. Everyone who I spoke to though were aware of her.
Anyone from the bath area, do we know if this was around 'devils drop' at the back of Alexandra park?
I think that the owner has two border terriers
The dog found in Launceston is male - and was found before Betty went missing sadly.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Please see Found 56851. This dog was found very dirty and thin at Colliford Lake,nr Bodmin, with a blue collar and black lead still attached. The police did a search of the area, found nothing and have no missing person reports. It was picked up by a kennels (out of hours) from Launceston Police Station, who seem to think it went to RSPCA Longdown (Exeter). I tried RSPCA Little Valley Kennels near Longdown who say they don't take strays. The Dog Warden Devon say Launceston is Cornwall so would not come to Devon. The Cornwall Dog Warden will not give any information, even the sex, of the dog to anyone other than the owner. So the only option is to post this to all Border types lost. PLEASE register as lost with the Dog Wardens (and remember they have it listed as a Border Terrier) for them to release details of where it is. Cornwall DW 0300 1234 212. East Devon DW 0845 241 7253. Exeter DW 01392 265155
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Sammie now that photo does look like a BT...the one below did not....
I've circulated on my facebook page. Hopefully some of my freinds go to Beechen Cliff or know people that do. Hope she is found soon, it's been a hot day here today.
Also the picture and description and info are a little confusing. Is she a red grizzle or a balck and white?
Have resized photo and uploaded :)
Not sure who second photo (the original one) is of? Unless its her a while back?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Betty photo shows black and white dog certainly not border terrier and certainly not red grizzle...will await new photo..tx
I have tried to load new photo but the file is too large so I will resize it later and reload tonight when I have access to a proper PC!Last edited: 2013-09-04 16:39:25 by Sammie
I have changed her to Terrier Boarder which is the only other option other than Boarder cross.
I have emailed some general info to the owner, not my area but it might be of some help.
Also requested side photo or one looking down.Last edited: 2013-09-04 14:43:32 by Sammie
Betty is full BT - can details be change please.She's being circulated round BT groups on FB
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Has owner tried Bath Cats and Dogs home
Alerts sent to helpers in BA1,2,3.

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