Rainbow Bridge: White & Brown Spot Dalmatian Male

  • Dog ID 54646
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 13 Jul 2013
  • Name MILO
  • Gender & Breed Male Dalmatian (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour White & Brown spot
  • Marks & Scars Small scar above left eye, and missing claw from back paw.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 12 Jul 2013
  • Where Lost Markyate, St Albans.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area AL3
  • Date Reunited 04 Aug 2013
  • Other Info Last seen on south side of Luton, crossing London Road near the Airport way Rounabout, possibly heading towards Luton Hoo estate, could well be in LU area/Beds.
  • Listed By WillG
  • Views 6511
  • MILOPoster Image
  • MILOExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Our hearts go out to Milo's owner's...we have a chocolate and white Dal named Henry waiting at the bridge and know that he will take good care of your boy.....X
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
This is terribly, heartbreakingly sad. I just can't stop thinking about this sweet baby. Owners, you have found him and he is safe. He can now rest peacefully and will watch over you from above. In time may your hearts know peace. God bless you sweet Milo, you have earnt your little wings precious. xxx
Dog Wardendebbi
so sorry to read this news. thoughts are with Milo's family. run free best boy and RIP.
That has made me cry:-( oh dear boy, sleep well , my heart goes out to his owners xxx
Paula Griffin's Mum
so so sorry :( - this is so sad, our thoughts are with Milo's family, RIP gorgeous Milo xxx
Oh no, that is just so sad - such a beautiful dog. I am so very sorry and my thoughts are with Milo's family, who do at least now have closure. Run free at the bridge, darling Milo xxx
Such sad news. RIP Milo xx
So very sorry to read that your boy has gone to the Bridge. Please take comfort in the thought that he will always be with you - watching and waiting........... Have fun Milo - your family will joing you when the time is right. xx
Oh no. I am so very, very sorry for your loss - RIP darling Milo - run happy and free over the Bridge sweetheart xxx
Liz Q
R.I.P. Milo xxx
so very very sad to read this, my thoughts are with you all, take comfort you have your boy back with you to say goodbye to properly. Run free at the bridge lovely boy xx
Nanni Byron
Oh no what a devastating outcome - my thoughts are with his owners. We have two Dals in the family and can imagine how his family must be feeling at this awful time as we too lost another one. Enjoy playing in the sunshine at the bridge with our Marley dear Milo.
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Such sad news. Run free at the bridge sweet Milo xxx
So sorry to see this Night, night Milo, sleep tight, and when you awake join iun the fun at the bridge with the other "Rainbow babies" Sending (((HUGS))) to your family who one day will join you at the bridge, when the time is right. At least you have closure, and lay him to rest. RIP+ Milo, and God blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for Milo:-(
So very sad to read that the lovely Milo has gone to the bridge.

Run free gorgeous. :(( xxx
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry to see this, run free at Rainbow Bridge Milo :((
I'm really sorry for you and for Milo, this is such sad news.
I am so sorry to read this. I was so hoping for a happy ending. As a dal owner my heart goes out to you. RIP Milo, have fun at the bridge :'(
Today Milo was found. Unfortunately in a ditch at the side of a road only a few hundred meters from where he was last seen. He hadn't been hit by a car, he had dug himself a bed in the shade of the hedgerow and fallen asleep. He was laid just as he would have been in his own bed.

Thank you so much to everyone that helped from both of us.
Paula Griffin's Mum
too far away to help, but have shared on FB, good luck, really hope you get your gorgeous boy back x
Sorry he's still missing. I will share and make the Dalmatian Welfare aware just in case. Good luck, hope you get your boy home safe and sound x
Thanks for the heads up Pollyanna, but not Milo I'm afraid.
I now it's a long shot, but there was a Dalmatian found yesterday In Newport Pagnell, although It does say black spots, but thought it worth a mention...

Found Dog
01 Aug 2013 Dalmatian
Location: Newport Pagnell MK16
Gender: Male
Colour: White
Markings: Black spots
Size: Medium
Our Ref: 310937

For further details call 0845 241 7253 (local rate)
to amend, email info@animalwardens.co.uk quoting our ref and full postcode, attach picture if available
Hi All,

Just to update, we have a story and some ads in the local papers this week, and next, to hopefully get his picture and details out there.
I've logged him with Network Rail, but being pretty timid I think Milo would run a mile from a train.
We have posters up as far away as Hemel, and more to come.

I like the triangle theory, but with only 1 (old) sighting, and a possibility of some food going, it's very hard to begin to even guesstimate a triangle. He loves to run (we used to go running together across the fields) so he could have covered a vast distance....
Towards the back of Luton Hoo is there is the River Lea, and I can't help but think he must have stuck near water, especially with the recent hot weather so I am planning on trying to walk that section of the river in case he's near by. But it's a bit of a shot in the dark, but it looks like to only water source in the area.

Thanks so much to everyone who helping with everything they are doing, we really appreciate it, and hope we have some good news soon...
I have also checked Woodgreen animal centre to see if Milo is on their website, sorry he isn't.
Hi, I live in Bedford Bedfordshire I will keep a look out for Milo in the local parks etc where I walk my Dalmatian.

Please join the Dalmatian forum and put an appeal on there for Milo.

Hope Milo is found very soon.

Yes this info was sent to owner. Also the scenting advice was sent, and this def does help. You can put clothing, a blanket or a toy that would def be known to Milo. To know how far a triangle would be you would need sightings to come in to then work out route with a map to tie up. Again railway info was sent and is important. You need to contact Railway network give them the nearest train station to where Milo went missing then ask them to check from the date he went missing. If you have any problems I can do this for you. Yes that brilliant that is the place I was meaning Stockwood Park. Well done for all the hard work you are putting into this. x
Hi Kimmybear, I see, ok, that wasn't passed on to me but I guess it depends how large the triangle would be. I've also heard via a friend who deals with military dogs that placing items of clothing around the area (of the owners) could help. So, if he comes across their scent he will stay with it? Not sure how true this is but poss worth a try?

NickyJ - I think Milo would run from the track if he was nearby and a train went past. It may be worth asking though x
Hi, No luck so far but I've been checking various websites regularly looking out for Milo. One thing I feel I ought to point out, although I'm sure you're already aware, is that right where he was last sighted there is a main line train track, so would it be worth contacting the rail company for any reported sightings along that stretch?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Michs, dogs do a triangle - this info was sent to owner. Once they calm down, they trot around in a triangle shape - not a perfect one, but still a triangle. They need a water source, a place to hide safely to sleep and a food source. It can be anything - rubbish bins, bird tables, even wildlife if they are that way inclined. They will keep to this triangle over and over again, unless something scares them off. But even then, they may still come back. So, never rule anything out and keep a very open mind about where Milo may, or may not be. If the area is good and supplies everything he needs, his triangle may be small and he will stay there, however, if he has come from further away it is likely he will follow his own scent back to to the kennels, eventually. So keep some posters up there too! You have done fantastically well. Brilliant work. x
Hi Hazebella - re the park & golf course you have mentioned, I think you may mean Stockwood Park (& golf centre). If so, then i went there on Thursday 18th and the Discovery centre took details. I also searched Kidney woods and all around the Luton Hoo estate roads using a loud speaker so if he was in the area and prepared to come to me (I was also using a media file of the owner's voice) then I think he would have. We also drove the country road way from Luton to Stevenage, stopping wherever possible to shout for him and waiting for 10mins or so each time. We also went in the other direction into Harpenden. We were there from approx 8:30am to 6pm that day and spoke to people that were very helpful. I find it really hard to believe that now, over 2 weeks on, that he's still in the same area. After all, he made it from the kennel to Luton Hoo overnight...I've also checked as many websites as possible to see if he has been stolen & put up for sale.Last edited: 2013-07-30 10:20:46 by michs1980
Hi Will, really sorry, hoped to have some better news for when you came back. Yes really good idea also ask local radio stations to give a shout out for you. There is a big park and golf course not far from Luton Hoo house have you postered all over there and would be good idea to go to golf club house and ask to put picture up so golfers can keep an eye out. x
Hi Guys, thanks all for your help. Unfortunately it looks like the food being taken is being taken by a deer, not Milo. There is also some confusion over the validity of the Sunday sighting as well.

So really we have little idea where he has been since the Friday he went missing. We are going to run an ad in the local papers to see if this brings anything out.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Jacks, if this is Milo, we have a large trap currently in Basildon area. But someone would need to collect & be strong enough to carry it (quite heavy) and set it up - state of the art one. Needs some figuring out, but is brill as automatic so you can hide a fair way away. Once we can establish if this is Milo, please shout if you need this. MANY thanks. x
Once you know if this is Milo i can help by manning the trap if needed, sadly the trap i used to get Chester won't be big enough i will have a good think and if i can come up wiyh something else i will put it forward
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Hi Debbi, it can still work experience person can do it i.e Appledown staff. Do you think Milo would go to the lady doing the feeding if she gained his trust ever so slowly? I forgot these owners had to go away - how awful. I recall now as Hazel was telling me. Let's hope this is Milo and that will be their best present. Please helpers, keep watching for Milo. We really need this boy home! x
Dog Wardendebbi
take your point kimmybear - good advice. i did explain all this to the lady i spoke to but the reason i suggested it was that the lady feeding the wildlife is there and is experienced with animals so i was happy to suggest the trap as an option. not sure when the owners are back from italy as of course, they will be the best ones to tempt him in, if it is him. i think the family and friends of the owners just want to be seen to be doing something and are hoping they can get milo home before the owners come back. appledown staff are excellent too so hopefully we may get some good news. debbie
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
You will need to be aware of the rules regarding trapping and you do need a trap big enough to catch him. You must not make a mistake or he will never go in it again. You have one chance and that's it. I actually think you may not need a trap - why not get owner to sit close to the area and watch (not right close so as not to spook him). Sit quietly, slightly hidden and simply watch? You have to man the trap 24/7 for both safety of wild animals and also Milo. So why not sit there without the trap? Also, do not run or chase Milo if seen - not even by the owner! You must glue yourself to the floor and wait and let him come to you - he has a lot to process first as he has been living wild for a bit. Owner needs to keep low i.e. sit on ground and call very quietly after Milo has fed so as not to spook him. We can assist or maybe Appledown are up on the trapping themselves so could advise further and I'm sure Debbi DW is very capable with this. But first of all, I think you need to focus on this feeding station. Is it Milo? Slowly, but surely does it. You cannot risk losing him from that site, if it is him, as he currently feels secure enough to go there. It can be done and owner is best to do it. I am bumping for the "tail" sighting. Do not let on publicly where this is though as we can't scare him off with loads of people. Keep looking out for him though - he goes some place else as well when he's not there! Pls let me or hazebella know how you get on? x
Ok, Appledown have a trap, but it's currently on loan already. They are going chase this up for us, and they are happy to loan to us once available, which is great of them.

But in the meantime, if another one comes up locally, that's great too.... Will keep updated.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news...Appledown kennels are brilliant....have copied this info to local co ordinators to assist. TX Debbi dogwarden...
Hi Guys, thanks all so much for everything you are doing. We have this morning spoken with Appledown who think they may have traps they can lend us, just waiting to hear back.....
Dog Wardendebbi
hi guys, although this is not my area i have spoken to a friend of the owners this moring. unfortunately it appears the local warden is not being particularly proactive in this. he has said he hasnt got a trap but it is not known whether he has contacts at neighbouring authorities who may have one he can borrow. Milo may be in the same area, a local resident who lives next to woods has said the food & water she puts out for wildlife is going & in her CCTV there is what appears to be a dogs tail leaving the area.... could be Milo. As Milo is timid and unlikely to go to a stranger, does anyone up in luton area know of a trap that could be borrowed? Debbi TRDC
Berties Family
will share this - if there are any sightings please post and i will bring the girls to try and get him xx forgot to add lost dogs are normally seen early morning and tea time-ish so plan your search around these times if possibleLast edited: 2013-07-23 09:00:59 by Berties Family
I'm digging around dog warden websites and rescue centres online, as Milo could easily be in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire or Buckinghamshire. I'll do some phoning around too to see if he's been handed in anywhere as different councils, like Dacorum for instance, seem to have their own systems.
What hazebella says is correct. You have to know the area a dog is frequenting and also get him taking food in one particular place first, and you also need to padlock the trap to something secure AND have people to take turns at watching it or the trap will be stolen, possibly with the dog in it.
ty for the update such sad news no sightings. Will, Sometimes we have people within doglost that have traps but depend on if they are out on loan which i can find out, but you have to have hundred percent sightings and know exactly where Milo is. Yes def good idea Berties Family. x
Just to update, michs1980 spent all day yesterday searching Luton Hoo and the local area, sadly with no luck. Investigating possibility of getting trap, but struggling to locate one. Milo not been spotted since Sunday, so no idea if still in same area or not....
Berties Family - thanks for the kind offer, any help would be much appricated.
Also wonder if you have contacted local rescues Appledown & Aras also Julia Bonness vet has a lost & found on website
Just wonder as see in other comments that there was another dog would it be worth putting other dogs poo or urine round in area Milo went missing so he can get scent & a trap with food in
Thanks for the offer - I think it best that the owners make the call on whether that would help or not. I was planning to take my dog along as apparently he'll run towards other dogs on walks x
Berties Family
i could help Saturday morning, I know he has been castrated but i do have a bitch in season if it would help
ty Michs1980 will pass your message on good luck hope you get some news real soon x
*Update to previous comment* My dad has agreed to come up with me on Thursday so we will be in the area for most of the day. Please contact me if there are ANY sightings of Milo on 07709 348378. If no further sightings have been reported then we'll be going to the Luton Hoo estate xx
Hi guys, I have just viewed the map of the Luton Hoo estate and it is huge isn't it.

I am off work on Thursday (and go to join Will & G at their wedding on Friday). I have offered to come up if I can be of any help - Milo does know me, not extremely well, but if there's someone I could meet and search with then I'd be prepared to leave very early on the Thursday morning and be there until after rush hour in the eve? xx
Hi Guys, thanks for all comments. Hazebella I did get your email, and I have contacted dog wardens, local vets, police etc. The difficulty is that the wedding, and us, are in Italy! Consequently we can't be there in person, which is very frustrating, but have friends who are when they can, but they will join us in the next couple of days. So any help we can get locally is a massive, massive help. Thanks everyone.
Hi ty for all your are doing to help your friend. I did send a long advice email and contact numbers, so hope he is managing to do this. Aww with a wedding so near, would be lovely to get Milo home very soon. lots still sharing and looking. xx
Hi there - I'm a friend of the dog's owners but unfortunately live in W Sussex so can't be there to help. Just wanted to let you know though that I have emailed all of the RSPCA Branches and Animal Centres within a 25mile radius of LU2 to let them know about this. I have asked them to share this link (though I imagine they get a lot of requests for this)and put up posters in their centres. I really hope he is back safe this week so they can enjoy their wedding xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Further alerts sent to helpers in LU2,3,4.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Bumped for sighting. He will try to get back to place he was lost from or to you. Do everything Hazebella has advised. Come on Milo, let's get you home boy. xx
Hi Will this is positive Milo seen again in same area I will update area of people who helping with search. Have you got someone or yourself that Milo knows to be around that area either early in the morning or the times he is being spotted ? x
Milo has been seen again in same area of Luton Hoo estate/London Road yesterday evening suggesting he has not gone too far.

As mentioned Milo escaped before reaching the kennels, it had nothing to do with the kennels, and in fact they have been fantastically helpful in helping to look for him. Sorry for any confusion.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Milo escaped from the car of a relative of owner delivering the dogs to the kennels...not from the kennels themselves...as such have removed innocent kennels name from the poster.
just speaking with owner, Milo was last seen yesterday at 5pm, on south side of Luton, crossing London Road near the Airport way Rounabout, possibly heading towards Luton Hoo estate, could well be in LU area/Beds. He has got friends out postering but really does need help as he is from Stevenage and is worried Milo may well be trying to get back? Milo is very nervous so have to be careful not chased x Have advised owner to also let wardens know in areas Milo went missing, seen and where he from originally have also told Owner to notify chip co straight away as well as pet log xLast edited: 2013-07-13 19:05:48
Email advice sent also sharing to Luton group also contacting owner to get more info. x
Alerts ent to helpers in AL1-5. HP1,2. LU1. SG4.

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