Reunited: Sable And White Shetland Sheepdog Female

  • Dog ID 52228
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 11 May 2013
  • Gender & Breed Female Shetland Sheepdog
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Sable and White
  • Marks & Scars white face and collar, recently had a small operation on tummy so scared.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 10 May 2013
  • Where Lost taken from kennel at home during the day in Cupar.
  • Lost In Region Scotland
  • Lost In Post Area KY15
  • Date Reunited 26 Nov 2013
  • Other Info
  • Listed By leandadegallo
  • Views 7277


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Most dog rescue transports are now arranged via The Animal Team on Facebook - they have a nationwide network of volunteers and set up runs all over the country, daily. All of us volunteers have the necessary - extra collars, harnesses, leads and crates etc.
There's a gmail addy at the top of their page:
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Article in todays Daily Mail :)
What brilliant news...I have just received an email in admin and asked to post this on Annah's page,,,

Hi, thought it might be good to give you an update on Annah.
Perhaps you could post it on her site for all who have shown support.
Annah is happily curled up with my Shelties in the lounge with me. She is a bit chubby and needs a good groom but otherwise appears ok. She's a real sweetie who someone has cared for recently, all very strange and I doubt we will never know the true story of her very own 'incredible journey 'She will be staying with me for a few days before returning to a very eager Leanda
Brilliant! Keep us posted.
Fantastic news. xx
Leanda has just phoned. She's found someone she knows already, through shows, etc, who has Shelties and lives near will be arranging for her to collect Annah tomorrow. She'll stay there for a few days/stability until she then has someone who will take her up to another Sheltie person in Birmingham, who is not far from the NEC, and Leanda will collect her when she goes to a show at the NEC soon afterwards. So it should all work out fine, with no risk to Annah. Her friends will be able to take photos and show Leanda how she's doing :) (I said I'd post the update as she was having trouble logging in)
Fantastic news Cant wait for the reunited pictures x
Such wonderful news that Annah has been found! this gives so much hope for those owners that are still searching for their beloved dogs that miracles do happen x
circulating on twitter
Leanda said she would call me back when she's checked for someone in Midlands, and also checked her emails, etc...she was just on the way home when I spoke to her. She thought she would need to give my details to the council. All really depends on her locating someone in midlands....Last edited: 2013-11-26 20:13:12 by SandyW
WOW! Fantastic news. Am thrilled that Hannah has been found. Keep us posted please.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Sounds great. In the morning I will speak with council to see what they need in order to release her to a 3rd party.
SandyW I will get your contact details from admin and let you know what they say once I speak with them.
RSPCA Local VolunteerKookie
am I assuming you would go M1 to midlands or M6 to midlands, if M6 I could help
Animal lifeline have a network of dog movers, although they do try to help with the petrol costs as they are all volunteers who do the moving.
Have spoken to owner and offered to pick Annah up and take as far as midlands area, so she could drive down and pick her up from there. She's checking the Sheltie club listing for someone I could take her to. It would be a straight run from Kent to midlands, so no need to stop, etc.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Wow, glad she is soon to be reunited with her owners. Just goes to show that some dogs do turn up in far away places.
RSPCA Local VolunteerKookie
Try Rescue Helpers Units, and ask for a transport run, great organisation, I would be more than happy to do a stint in my area, I did one last week for a labradoodle collect Birmingham drop off Cheshire usually works really well
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Timmys mum agree it would not just be a lift but via people that do this sort of transport all the time.

It takes time to get everything organised as such a long journey.
Such a breed is a nervous dog and will require careful handling.
Timmy's Mummy
It is not that easy to get this poor doggie back home by giving her a lift. You would have to be so careful - what if she escaped in an area unknown to you and her? You would have to stop a few times to let her relieve herself. Only an expert dog mover should be used or her real owners. Please don't let just anyone move her - IT IS TOO RISKY! This poor dog has been through enough. We don't know what state she is in either! xxx
Fantastic news after 6 months. Well done everyone.
I am in Surrey so could maybe bring her part of the way - have small hatchback car with dog guard. On state pension so would need some help with petrol if possible.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Twitter alerts requested...
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
TX Kent and Scotland co-ordinators....and Joan and Bcking...willput alert out for helpers for transport on DL...may have a better response if you use twitter and Facebook...or dogpages.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Safe in the kennels where I thought she would be. Need to speak with council in the morning re getting her back.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Amazing and no way got there on her own!!
I presume dog is in kennels used by Ashford council so would be safe there till can be collected.
Often volunteers do dog transport in stages so need to make contact with a group that has a system already in place with people that might be able to help.

I will try a couple of people I know may have contacts then contact owners direct.

If something is already in place please advise so we know to look no further.

Brilliant brilliant brilliant :) apparently handed into the DW as a stray.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
That is unbelievable- but fantastic news. Wonderful !!!!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Amazing news! Will forward to our Scottish co-ordinator Linda AKA Sable...tx for letting us know.
Annah has been found!!! Leanda got a phone call from Ashford City Council in Kent to say she was in the "pound" there. They'd ckecked her chip. If anyone can help Leanda to fetch her home from Kent could they please phone her on 07599 466318 or Doris on 01334 653485. Leanda has an exam tomorrow or she would be on the way already. Please help.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Can you send us the link please?
Just seen a report on another site that she might have been found in Ashford Kent and is with the City Council. The post there says owner needs help to get her back to Scotland? Can anyone help to get her part of the way?
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Sorry- no news.
any news on this little one ?
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Annah is still missing. Please spread the word.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
As far as I know.
Maudaxi BGV
Is this dog still missing ?
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Spoken to Annah's owner. edited: 2013-05-11 12:37:17 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helprs in KY6,7,8,9,10,13,14,15,16.

Drone SAR

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