Lost: Wite Wth Tan Markings Jack Russell Terrier Cross Female In South West (SN15)

  • Dog ID 51858
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 01 May 2013
  • Name NELLIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Jack Russell Terrier Cross
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Wite wth tan markings
  • Marks & Scars None
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped No
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 30 Apr 2013
  • Where Lost Chittoe, Near Chippenham , Wilts SN15 2EL
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SN15
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By advrectec
  • Views 3511
  • NELLIEPoster Image
  • NELLIEExtra Image


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There is a female dog unchipped picked up as stray in Hereford. From the description they say about 7 yrs old but she does have similar colouring. if you want to look at the photo which is front facing so hard to compare with yours, here is the link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=550217271683317&set=a.279232215448492.65288.279209305450783&type=1&theater Was posted by Hereford and Worcester Animal rescue. It does sound from comments though that Nellie is chipped but above says no hence my posting.
Hi - lousy pic but there's a similar dog in Leigh, which is miles away but worth a click to double-check. :)
It's the Bowood Dog Show June 9th and Spye Park Lurcher and Terrier Dog Show June 16th. Great poster/flyer opportunities for event & for your car if you're popping along. If so would you kindly remember Poppy terrier, still missing... thanks.
Posters at Countrywide & in store gun shop, local pet shop & Sainsburys Melksham. Also at the Westbrook, Bromham. Met some good people there who knew of Nellie, have seen posters about, they and their friends all on the look out.
someone on this site recently found her JR stuck inside a pile of tyres! Please think of anywhere similar she might be stuck, however ridiculous it seems. Good luck
Am sorry the little dog on found page was nt Nellie , I wish you all the luck in the world finding her xxx
Is there any possibility that she has got stuck in old outbuilding somewhere on the estate. Maybe ran in after something and got shut it? Hope she appears soon.
Thanks for the comment spindle, that is reassuring to hear, but we are coming to the conclusion that it is unlikely she is stuck anywhere, firstly she is very small and fit, secondly the reaction of our other two dogs, particularly her 'partner I'm crime', and lastly the area has been covered by an experienced terrier man and there are no signs what so ever. Thank you for all the help we've received, its amazing, we keep searching and our fingers crossed.
If Nellie has gone to ground good chance she will drop weight and get out around 7-10 days after going. Fingers crossed. She may come out in different hole/area she went though. Everything crossed.
Thank you Jayne.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
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Sadly no update. The terrier man joined the search yesterday working his terriers in area with nothing. Nellie is such a friendly soul, loves people, it is a consideration that she has taken herself off towards Chittoe Heath a popular dog walking area.
Sadly the found dog not Nellie. Walked with owners in woods, so many fresh workings. Word is spreading, local terrier man helping this afternoon.
Owners are convinced that if Nellie could get home she would. Following up on advice given.
Thanks Carol, the owner is ringing the contact on 51834. Although many miles away says she looks identical. Owners & their dogs continue searching for Nellie. The dogs have the freedom of the estate, it's difficult to know where Nellie last sighted on the grounds to help concentrate a search.
I emailed it to them Carol, ta
It's 51834 good luck xxx
There is one identical to your just appeared on the found page they haven't said the sex but they have a pink lead on it it was found on 30th I think xxx
Nellie has been missing since 10am yesterday morning 30/05 on grounds/wooded area close to home, an area she is very familiar with. This is private rural estate with no public access. Nellie is small, 5yrs, white with tan face/ears, very pretty, no collar. She is described as intelligent, very friendly, known to all in area. Nellie had been out walking with owners two other dogs, one in particular her ‘partner in crime’ when she disappeared. Owners are practical, out searching for Nellie with a good support network around them. They appreciate the support of DL but for now appear to have it covered. Have placed posters surrounding Chittoe, local farm shop, dog walking areas etc. Owner will update with chip no & possibly a further photo. Thanks for chat & advice Sammie.
Lilybear has been to visit owners and has put up posters locally. It is thought (by owners) that Nellie has gone down a hole, they and their estate workers have been searching for her.
Comment awaiting moderation
Have posters and have printed of advice sheets that Sammie has shared with me to pass on.
On my way to meet with owner now. He fears Nellie maybe stuck down a rabbit hole. Sharing.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alert sent to helpers in SN11,12,13,14,15,16.
Sorry to see that NELLIE is missing.
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