Reunited: Apricot Poodle: Toy Male

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  • Dog ID 44416
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 26 Oct 2012
  • Name PONGO
  • Gender & Breed Male Poodle: Toy (Neutered)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Apricot
  • Marks & Scars Pale creamy apricot colour with a dark apricot tail and ears, also a dark spot of fur on his bottom
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 26 Oct 2012
  • Where Lost From my house in Lyneham, Wiltshire, last seen on the morning of 6th November in Hilmarton on the A3102, between Lyneham and Calne"
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SN15
  • Date Reunited 08 Nov 2012
  • Other Info He is a rescue dog and is one year old. He has had a very rough start in life and we are his forever home. He is getting used to his name and is a timid and shy little boy with a high pitched bark. He is nervous around people but does not bite. He is wearing a green Wainwrights collar which has a silver stag containing my contact details. Please contact us if you find him or hand him in to a vet who can scan his microchip. We are very worried.
  • Listed By Lyneham
  • Views 13276
  • PONGOPoster Image
  • PONGOExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Found Toy poodle on found page 45150 found in Wootton Bassett now gone to Bath Dogs and Cats home ,,,the sighting in WB of Pongo maybe was this little dog?
So pleased to see little Pongo safely back with his loving owners. Hope hes recovering ok and well done everyone :)xx
I had a shock this morning to discover my mobile phone bill for this month was £103!! It is normally £22.50. But you were worth it little Pongo as we spent hours contacting and liasoning with the Team Pongo network to help bring people together at the most appropriate times. You are famous little darling and our next project, while we collect for Many Tears at our local Pets at Home on Saturday and Sunday, is to promote doglost with both your and Mungo's wonderful happy ending stories. Stay safe little darling and huge hugs to all the doglost team who worked so hard, travelled miles at their own expense and sacrificed their free time to find one little lost dog for Luke and Tracey. Special thanks to Jenners, Raynard, Mollychops, Jane, Paula, Kim, Joy, Sharon, Phil, Sammie, Marion, Nicole, Daisy, Val, Julie, Matthew but the biggest thanks must go to Matthew for his role in finally capturing Pongo and jenners who devoted so much time to this successful ending. xx Last edited: 2012-11-09 17:23:57 by 4bichons
I am so happy to read this. FANTASTIC!
brilliant news this boy has been found safe and well. I hope he is soon fit and well and enjoying his lovely new life with people who love him so much xxx
Fab. news. stay safe now Pongo, and no more running off okay?:-)xxx
Welcome home Pomgo what an amazing liitle boy you are, as you have survived two weeks in Rain, Snow, Frost with a thin coat and what must you have thought of Fireworks and fast roads ,living on your wits & able to find food ,,,as I have said Dogs are amazing even little dogs can and do survive so never give up! Thanks to the Team Pongo & the brilliant Matthew,,,we can all relax now and glow in the Fact that Pongo is at his home and will begin to enjoy his little life once again xLast edited: 2012-11-08 21:07:08 by Reynard
This news is just SO SO amazing.

John, my hubby, set off last night with blankets, flasks, VERY strong garlic chicken, sardines, a trap and a monitor. It was a lonely night for him though I rang several times to make sure he was safe. The garlic chicken was for Pongo as John had beautiful cheese, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, made by my own fair hands. There was no sign of Pongo though he MUST have been in the same area when John walked quietly through the bridle paths at 6am, listening, watching and waiting. He and Jenny travelled well over an hour to be there for the vigil last night and I think we would all say a HUGE thank you for that dedication. Who wants to be in a car, in frosty weather, with only the radio for company, badgers and foxes prowling and a luke warm cup of tea for comfort
Although they didn't directly catch Pongo, they were very much in the forefront. Everyone on the 'Pongo Team' has given so much of their own time and as Pongo's ex fosterer, we want to say an enormous thanks to everyone who was involved. Please be happy little baby xxxxxxx
Wonderful news. Well done everyone. Thanks for great update KimWilts, and no horses & nets. Time for a big pat on the back to all who travelled and helped in any way. Nice post from John who was up all night, and Jenners too who set traps & did all she could. I know the feeling from when Mungo was re-united. Poster, poster & poster. Pongo is home again Brilliant!Last edited: 2012-11-08 20:21:56 by roscodot
This has been such a great day, my husband and I have been working closely with Kim and Joy to search the area Pongo was last sighted and we got the breakthrough and result we were waiting and hoping for. Pongo has a number of vets appointments over the next few days and is well on the road to recovery. He is exhausted as (as are we) and is currently snoozing away cuddled up with Bella.

We would like to thank everyone for your messages of support and to all those who selflessly gave up their own time to be a part of this search (some very dedicated and hardy dog lovers!), we are incredibly thankful and will gladly do the same for others. Again a huge thank you. Truly.
Fantastic news. What wonderful people out there that made it possible. God Bless you all.x
Fab news - so very pleased to hear that Pongo is safe and sound. Well done all!!!! :))xx
Little Pongo where have you been hiding all this time....
Just shows how important it is to poster and get the word out when you have a missing dog. The immediate update of the sighting was key here. Well done Matthew for calling it in and saving the day. Tremendous effort by a lot of people who searched for Pongo x
What a finale !! Thanks for updating us .
Wowee, thanks for that, KimWilts! What a great story, brought tears to my eyes! Especially well done to the quick-thinking farm workers for heading off to the end of the path to block him in....and to Matthew for the eventual capture! Hope Pongo now stays safe in his new home. xxx
The update everyone is dying to have..... Mum & I arrived in Hilmarton this morning and Lyneham called to say a farm worker had just sighted him. We called the worker who gave us directions to him (a field and wooded area off the Compton Road on the way to Bushton) We met the farm worker who explained he looked well but dirty and where he saw him and the direction he was heading. We parked up got the dogs out and just climbed the stile into the first field when the farmer called again to say he could see Pongo in the next field along the hedge row. He explained there was a ditch and stream the other side so we were hoping Pongo didn't fancy a swim. Further on in the direction he was heading was a fast busy road. We quickly decided to walk up towards the road and back down towards Pongo.... I kept a good distance. He was roughly 150 yards within sight so everytime he looked at me i got down & crawled forward then he decided it was time to head off.... i ran after him, but along the hedge row out of sight. He was heading back towards the wooded area which has a footpath running through it. LUCKILY the farm workers who were observing (and probably chuckling at my antics) realised where he was heading and unbeknown to us ran to the end of the footpath in the wooded area. We had him in sight but not near enough to catch then all of a suuden the farm worker was there (my hero) and Pongo stopped dead in his tracks. He turned to come back, but we were there to block him... so there's 3 of us and a dog standing still like statues..... who's going to make the first move?!! I motioned to the farm worker to grab him as he was literally stood at his feet. He moved very slowly bent down very gently and scooped him up into his arms. Matthew, you are a superstar..... thank you is simply not enough - the kiss i planted on his cheek left him as stunned as Pongo!! Lyneham contacted the vet and arranged for him to go straight in, so we took him to the vets and into the arms of a very happy Lyneham.... i will leave Lyneham to update you on the rest.........A million thanks to everyone who helped search, postered, spent hours walking muddy fields in the cold.... just everything, you are wonderful people x ps.... Red marker pens in pocket to write "FOUND" on the posters as there are literally hundreds of local people seraching for him!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done all concerned...
Brilliant!! Well done to all concerned in bringing him home.x
welcome home pongo!! the best news i have heard all week. Well done team Pongo! I look forward to reading the update on how he was caught. xx
What a relief! Welcome home Pongo (MT Martini). Sorry Jenners about the misunderstanding over trap watching duties. I was alternating between them every few hours through the night until 0700. Hope you recovered them both safely - thank you. Had either been activated? I hope we hear the details of the repatriation SOON from his family or anyone else with information. A big thanks to EVERYONE who has been involved in this operation from the bottom of my heart. Thank God for dog lovers everywhere! JohnLast edited: 2012-11-08 14:55:45 by hjm
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
That is fantastic news. I was actually in Hilmarton talking to a lady with a black poodle that lives there and had also been looking for him, when I logged onto Dog Lost and saw he had just been found. She is telling evewryone in the village the good news She was so pleased that you had found him
Well done everyone for not giving up! Clever Pongo for staying safe, can't wait to hear more details of his capture....was it the trap?
Indies mum
Fantastic news! We are thrilled for you all! Welcome home little boy! Hope he is ok.
So glad to hear Pongo has been found
Well done to who ever was involved in the hard work in catching Pongo...would be very interested in knowing how?

Welcome home Pongo...stay safe now.Xxx
Saw Pongo was missing when on Many Tears website. Have been following on Dog Lost and am so pleased to hear the good news. I hope he is okay. Well done to everyone concerned. You are all amazing.
This little darling has been brought back to captivity and we will spend the rest of the day celebrating. Thank you Lyneham for your support and please have a lovely evening with Bella and Pongo. Big hugs to you and Luke. xxLast edited: 2012-11-08 13:18:20 by 4bichons
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Brilliant team work from Team Pongo.xx Hope he is ok.
Jane Dee
That is such great news :) where and how was he found? Awesome work everyone. I am certain that the constant searching and solid targeting of sightings stopped him from going to ground. Hope he is well xx
Brilliant - looking forward to the update - well done everyone - loads of really hard work put in here x
Thank God. Thats fantastic . Great Result !!!!
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
Well done, and welcome home Pongo !!! I hope he is none the worse for his adventure :) x
That's fantastic news well done cant wait to hear
hear all the details :)
That is just wonderful and please ring with the details.
Last edited: 2012-11-08 12:32:11 by 4bichons
WE'VE GOT HIM!!!!!! Will add more details soon.
Mum and i are heading over to Hilmarton now to search. I am co-ordinating with Lyneham and have been advised to search the hilmarton area where he was last sighted. One of my clients based in Lyneham will also be joining us, so hopefully we can cover a fair amount of ground today. Will update accordingly.
Great work going on here, Jenners is on her way back now to the area
Very disappointing. John has been in the car in Lammas Close and Beacon Hill Barn all night watching and checking two traps regularly but Pongo wasn't around. He's been out since 6am walking, listening and waiting for a sign and again there was nothing. So the traps are laid and we just hope and pray that today the smell of garlic chicken and sardines will lure him in. Come on Pongo, Bella needs and misses you.Last edited: 2012-11-08 12:34:55 by 4bichons
Good Luck! x
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
So hope you catch him tonight but if not I have free time tomorrow, providing I dont get a call out,if you want anyone to just sit and watch anywhere
Indies mum
Come on Pongo sweetheart, it's time to go home, everyone loves you so much x
Have been watching this thread closely and hope tonight is the night this litle man is back safe and warm with his family. You have been amazing searching for him.
good luck jenners. i dreamt the other night that pongo was asleep in straw in a corrugated iron shed with no doors and was shocked the next day to see this description of a shed in the area he has been seen! I hope this is the same shed and our little man can be caught and home soon safe with his mum and dad x got everything crossed
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
Trap is set in shed he could be sleeping in, come on little man, show yourself :)
Come on pongo you need to come home I hope you've found somewhere warm and dry to stay come home pongo! Xxxxx
Keep checking for up dates for Pongo but none so far,
Come on little guy u need 2 come home lots of people
praying for your safe return x
Praying that today is the day Pongo is reunited with his family. Lyneham, stay strong; there are always some people who have nothing better to do than be critical. To the 'Find Pongo Team' - it's amazing what you've done already. xLast edited: 2012-11-07 09:58:13 by lab
Sorry to hear this Jane, take care of yourself. is it possible owners can be there dawn and dusk. I will contaCT them
Indies mum
Keep strong and positive. We have just been through this awful experience with our own gorgeous dog. We got everyone putting notes on Facebook and twitter, that can be updated quickly about not to chase him, perhaps. Please forgive me if I am telling you what you already know, I am new to this. I just want to send my best wishes. It's amazing how many shelters there are around. Our dog hates getting his feet wet, so seemed to keep to dry/hard ground on most sightings.....they are very clever and resourceful:o). Please stay safe little Pongo x
Jane Dee
The plan was for me to go back this morning very early to see if Pongo was squatting in the shed then call Jenners. I am really sorry but I wasn't able to go, after my fall yesterday my knee is now completely seized up , I had to go downstairs on my bottom so no way can I drive today. Is there anyone else who can get down there this morning ? Again, so so sorry
Hope tomorrow brings greater success and Pongo is back safely and we also hope that your sore leg is much better Jane. Last edited: 2012-11-06 21:15:48 by 4bichons
My main concern as is "Lyneham's" is to catch Pongo and return him home to Bella and the family, where he is much loved and much missed. If we can get close enough to him (as Lyneham did last week) and we throw a coat/towel/weighted net, what’s the problem?? There are hundreds of posters out there which do not state "do not chase' so the general public will be trying to catch him if they sight him. Is the priority here to catch him? Currently he is exposed to the elements/foxes, has little food and the temperatures are dropping by the day. How much longer do we try to trap him... without the little man putting in appearances this makes the job of the wonderful Jenners and co very difficult. Personally I own all rescue dogs and my family own ex breeding dogs so we do understand the backgrounds, trauma and experiences they have suffered in their short life’s and absolutely do not want to add to that. But how traumatised is he right now? I feel we are losing sight of the objective, which is to return him home, alive. If that means we throw a net on him..... so what? There are services and people to help which i know Lyneham would seek if this method were to have any negative effects on him. Please lets focus on the objective here, which is to bring Pongo home... and support Lyneham as they are absolutely devastated and are pulling all possible resources together to bring Pongo home safely and quickly.

There has been good news today, and bad, with Jane hurting her self for the cause. Yesterday I too was in the open shed with straw bales and corrugated roof at Hilmarton, at the time I thought little of it as I have seen lots of similar likely places for Pongo to hide in. But lets go for it. See what Jenners thinks?
There is lots of good advice here about too many cooks and no nets etc, and we must respect the owners wishes.
Tied up with poorly dad at the mo. 1 Hr away and still happy to help when free again. Please keep focused (I think I lost some focus yesterday). It's extremely hard and appologise for mentioning the futile word. Phil

Last edited: 2012-11-08 20:36:00 by roscodot
Thank you truly to everyone for your continued and unwavering support – it really is valued and appreciated and we would not have made it this far without it. We are overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity of spirit.

I must stress here that we are dealing with a very timid dog who is hand-shy and doesn’t want to be caught. I can 100% guarantee that he will not come if you sit down, offer him food and talk to him in a very friendly way – he simply will not.

Whilst we appreciate and will consider ALL ideas and suggestions as to the best way to apprehend Pongo, we must ask that you kindly respect the decisions we make as his owners as to the best way to do this, because we only have his best interests at heart.

We have received some very hurtful and unkind messages, which have been shared with Many Tears. These have caused us much distress and should they continue, we will alert both Dogs Lost and the police. We – like so many of you - are doing all we can to bring home our dog and malicious and hateful remarks will not be tolerated. This is a very hard time for us right now and we just want him home.
Jane Dee
I am still at home resting my leg, if Jenners or anyone else needs my help this afternoon, please call me 07921150959 . Just for info, it wasnt me talking about weighted nets :)) xx
Yes, please leave Jenners to do the job. If Pongo is there, there is a real danger of too many cooks etc.
I was extremely alarmed this morning to hear that weighted nets are being considered again. Does nobody listen to the very important advice to stay away from him and to refrain from trying to catch him. Some people think they know better than the experienced team. Jenners is closing in now and any major disturbance will mean that Pongo could bolt to a different area.Last edited: 2012-11-06 12:47:16 by 4bichons
Oouch thats sounds nasty, Hope you feel better soon Jane. This sounds like where Pongo is holedup, somewhere warm and dry . Clever boy. I will alert Jenners to this
Jane Dee
Sadly had to come home for a while, took a tumble on slippery uphill path going back to my car - stupid woman ! will be back out when tablets kick in. So, I have spoken with the lady who saw him, and have been down to look for him. No sighting of him but ... there is an old corrugated shed with no doors on front in middle of the wooded field area where he was seen. In it are some bales of hay etc that look like a bed has been made, he woud have been very warm and cozy in there. I left a halful tub of natural instinct chicken in there, it may get eaten by others furries but you never know. Sighting at : back of church in Hilmarton. On A3102, if coming from Lyneham turn left by Hilmarton church, if coming from Calne then turn right. On Church Road you need to keep going left, narrow quiet roads, lots of cottages. There are 2 signs for public walking, both on the left, just a 100 meters or so apart. Both lead down to the wooded field area where he was seen. Good luck and I will be back out later
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
Great news ! I have a lot of work on today, but will try my best to get there if we can pinpoint him in an area.
This is great there is another sighting!! Come on Pongo we need you you home, its too cold for you now XX
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Bumped due to todays sighting.
Jane is kindly getting organised to go. Will speak with Hayley fab spotter of the day! Will update when I can. Upon good advice, we just need the sights, if seen again, just watch what he's upto. Not to scare him off.
* Positive Sighting * Hilmarton 05 mins ago... Have all the details, at work, will update as soon as I can. Pongo was safe, off road in a pathway...the lady witness is calmly walking area so as not to spook Pongo. I have all her details.. she said he looked fine, just a bit scruffy!
Good luck for today x
Keep safe little man!Last edited: 2012-11-06 18:29:11 by Lilybear
Phil, I understand how you feel. I did 5 hours walking Saturday and ankle deep in mud at times and climbed many gates and fences. He wasn't in the areas we/you were in so it just means we haven't found his hideaway yet.
Little bugger though, I reckon he must have been watching us all weekend then decided to come out when the coast is clear!
There is a lot of haylage and straw being stacked up in the area. I searched all that I saw on my hands and knees but he if he craws right into the middle if would be very hard to spot him. Remember if you do see him pretend you haven't as face on he will probably bolt again.
John and I are finding it bit difficult to pinpoint the places where Pongo has been seen. As we are not locals some of the place descriptions seem a bit vague and don't mean much to us. We have found that you can easily access OS maps online by googling ''. You can search for say 'Hilmarton' and then navigate around to find the exact map location of the sighting. At the bottom of the screen the 12 figure coordinates precisely mark the spot for anyone to follow. Any sightings could be posted by just using the map coordinates. Do you think this will be helpful?
That is a wonderful suggestion Jane. Now that Luke, Pongo's genuine and original adopter is back from the States, I'm positive he could make this, his mission tomorrow. PLEASE ring me Luke xLast edited: 2012-11-05 20:21:48 by 4bichons
Jane Dee
Now that half term is finished can we target local schools? Speak to the mums that wait by the gates and ask the school to talk to the kids in class.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Tx Jane...
Jane Dee
Spent most of the day covering back lanes and fields around Foxham, Hilmarton, Goatacre, New Zealand and Dauntsey. Went to the farm where he was sighted this morning several times. On my 3rd visit this afternoon I swear I heard a poodle bark coming from a field at the back behind the farms perimiter. My old toy poodle Biscuit was white and had the same high pitched bark. I am not fit enough to climb fences etc so tried to drive to the noise. It was coming from the area towards Corton Kennels but I was almost certain it wasnt from the kennels themselves. So much area to cover would be easier if it was a built up area ! Will be back out tomorrow ... if anyone gets even a tiny sniff please can someone call me 07921150959 as I am only down the road.
Thank you Team Pongo !
Just to let you know that I have been in touch again with the lady from the farm Pongo was seen in this morning. At Jenner s suggestion she will put out some tasty smelly food on her property this evening and monitor. We will speak again in the morning.
Thanks so much Phil for your committment today even though the fields and roads were flooded and you got wet and very muddy. I know you are disappointed that you didn't see Pongo but I think we need to wait for another sighting. Just wondering Tracey what time Luke is back from the States today and will he be around and available to help tomorrow if a sighting is reported?
Thanks also to the local church rectors who so kindly made an announcement about Pongo at the services, morning and evening. There are just SO many locals to thank, Val who is continually on the lookout and helped spread the word at church, Jane who is driving around most days hoping for a sighting and the complete Team Pongo who worked so hard over the weekend. If you don't get the vibes how much we all love you Pongo, you should now. Come back baby. xx
PS I'm grounded with an ulcerated eye and had to have an emergency appointment today at the JR eye clinic. Hopefully in a few days, things will get better and John is prepared both physically and mentallt to shoot off when required.Last edited: 2012-11-05 17:37:04 by 4bichons
My last post was done by oh as I have been out in the field, literally. Not certain what time Pongo was seen by the stream today. I was a mile away and changed my direction to go there. 3 posters put up today, but no personal sightings. Walked from Hilmarton almost to Littlecott, then had the call to Beacon Hill. Walked from here to Goatacre and returned via Catcomb. Got a bit lost in the fields heading back to Hilmarton. Found an old trap(not Jennies) and electric fence across right of way. Got back to Hilmarton about 12:30(4 hrs). Sat for a while behind bus stop opposite the Duke pub wondering where to go & what to do. Decided, sadly, to call it a day. I do not know how you volunteers can stay focused when all seems futile. I can't help feeling that I want to help but don't know what to do. Phil
have you found pongo yet? i remember seeing him on many tears poor little man been through alot in his life. i hope with all my heart you find him!
Pongo has been sighted to-day on the drive of Byre's Farm Beacon Hill about 6ish, Julie from the farm emailed Tracey the owner at 9.15 to-day to let her know. Come on Pongo its time to come home now.
Am trying to get some people there
Just had an unconfirmed sighting of him on farmland at the bottom of snow hill on the right towards foxham, heading towards a stream that will take him back in the direction of goatacre and New Zealand. Phil is in the area now....
I have a free day today so going down to Lyneham. Spoke to jenners last night to discuss best place to start. Not taking Mungo now I am expect it will be too mucky for him. A choice Pongo dosn't have.Going to park up at Hilmarton, search towards Goatacre lane then East to Model farm, South to Highway and back towards Hilmarton. Then widen the area. Hoping to see him along the way. I expect to start at Hilmarton about 08:30
Phil 07967315490
Very well done team Pongo, yep little man is taking care of himself alright , good luck for a show this seems to be his pattern lots of sightings no sightings then he pops up somewhere else within 3 miles or so , come on Pongo we want a sighting PLEASE!
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
No sign at all today, I set the trap just after 7am as the food I left last night had gone, but nothing came to take it all day, when the rain stopped I cooked garlic steak but that didn't tempt him, or anything else. I have left it in the hollow tree, along with sardines for whoever to munch on tonight. A friend of Lilybear is going to check it in the morning and hopefully find a stuffed Pongo sleeping off his feast. The area is surrounded by flooded fields and roads, I almost got stuck coming home, the Seagry/Dauntsey road is almost unpassable in a normal vehicle, a 4x4 would have come in very handy today! I think all we can do is wait for a sighting, we need to know where he is, as this weekend we've just been guessing. Everyone in the area I've seen is aware, there are posters on bus stops, telegraph poles, trees, if people want to keep going out looking be armed with posters incase any need replacing. Tomorrow is supposed to be dry, so he may start to move around again, if he is seen just watch him and see where he goes, I have to be here in the morning but can be there in the afternoon if we get a sighting. The lady who saw him on Friday said he look well and was running around, that was after a week on the run, so he is obviously taking care of himself, eating and resting, he is a tough cookie, he knows how to survive, we just need to outwit him. It was lovely to meet up with Sammie yesterday and Jane and Lilybear today, absolute stars. Lorna and John I know you wanted to be down this weekend, but I am sure you are feeling revitalised and ready for the final straight, if the weather is dry then I think it is worthwhile coming and looking, the more eyes looking for him, the harder it will be for him to hide. Thank you everyone for caring so much about this little lad, TEAM PONGO will win in the end :)
Jane Dee
I am the lady with the gold Freelander, I have bumped into some of you over the past few days. H e been out again today the posters are help ng as all the dog walkers I spoke to are on the lookout. I will be back out tomorrow. I only live in Calne, just 5 minutes away so if you get news of a sighting or need urgent help, you can call me on my mobile anytime. 07921 150959. Jane
Thanks Yorkieange. thats really sweet of you X
I think Jenners and Lily bear are still out there searching,Ive just had a text. What amazing lovely fab peeps they are XXXXX . Its soooo cold too , we need to get Pongo home
I am happy to come and help search but am unable to drive that far and the nearest station is 7miles away. if anyone else is going from the southampton area i am happy to come with you to help find dear little pongo.
I also agree that Pongo is tucked up somewhere Poodles are bright if he has found a food source and dry comfort he will stay put and a farm is a likley place. Thanks Guys you are doing a fab job :)
I agree that he is probably tucked up somewhere in the hay/straw but could be on a muck heap somewhere as these get very warm. Good Luck Jenners x
Local churches targeted this morning asking if announcements could be made at the services and appeals for news of sightings. More posters are being distributed this afternoon by lilybear further past the farms incase he has moved on. However, jenners is sure he's holed up at the farm, possibly tucked up asleep in the hay in an outhouse. The weather there is atrocious, rain and snowing further up the country.
Jenners arrived on the scene just after 7am this morning (after over an hour's drive) to find the sardines from two of the hollows gone. However, there were pheasants in the area so who knows. She has set up a trap and is now sitting in her car waiting and will check every 2 hours for movement. Are we another step nearer to finding dear little Pongo? Jenny is a lovely selfless lady who will stop at nothing to help bring him back. However, don't be tempted to race to the bridle path where the trap is set as we would want as little disturbance as possible. Will keep everyone updated when news comes through. Lilybear can you please ring me? Last edited: 2012-11-04 08:48:03 by 4bichons
.Last edited: 2012-11-03 22:07:13 by Lilybear
Does anyone want copies of the blown up picture of Pongo to print and post tomorrow? If so ring or text me with your email and I'll send as an attachment.
I am sure Jenners will update later, but in summary today I searched 99% on foot of widened areas he had been seen in on the 1st. Jenners concentrated on further afield by car and some on foot. We decided this as at that point there were no new sightings that told us he had either gone to ground, had moved to a new area not posted, or had been picked up by someone awaiting scanning. As the last possiblitly was unlikely we focused on the on the other two. Sadley the information we got that he had been seen twice on the 2nd in the same area was too late. It was almost dark (we were using a tourch at the time) and were already walking the farm buildings next to where he had been last sighted and had checked the sardines Jenners left earlier.
So althought no sightings to day, lets take it as a posative that he hasn't headed back towards Goatacre (as would probably have been sighted) so must still be in this new area. Jenners has requested more posters there as the only reason we didn't get the lead sooner is the lady that saw him only saw the poster when she went to the Tesco Shop!
Sorry I can't be there tomorrow, new foster dog arriving! Jenners is on the case x
It's so wonderful to see peeps pulling together looking for Pongo. Good luck Jenners you are the most likely hope of trapping/catching him. Lorna & others have made huge contributions we should be so grateful to them. My dad is home now & I shall be helping with the hunt next week if Pongo's situation has not turned blue (re-united).
Just heard that someone sighted Pongo at 11am yesterday at Hilmartin, Lammas Close, and past the church. Lyneham may add to this as she has the phone number of the lady who sighted him. Jenners is on the case as she is around that area now.
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
I have found 3 hollow tree stumps in the bridleway where he was seen entering yesterday, they look used so I've put sardines in all three, will come back later, if the food has gone I'll set the trap, itcould be hidy holes for foxes or badgers but as it's at the back of the cow field that leads down to Snows Hill where he was seen Thursday there's every chance he could be sleeping here. Fingers crossed x
Thanks for updating Laura x
No sightings yet today. Four people searching and jenners senses that Pungo is possibly on the farm with the beige cows. A baited trap has been set up and we are desperately waiting for a sighting.
Well said Lorna, Its got to be a softly softly aproach . Good luck today everyone, I willl be there in spirit.XXX
I so appreciate that all the suggestions are well meant. But again, please don't pursue Pongo in ANY WAY, either on foot, horseback, with poles, with nets, pots, pans or baseball bats or by shouting and screaming at him. Nearly all ex breeding dogs are more terrified than you can ever imagine and unless you have dealt with and cared for one, you must listen to Jenners, our doglost expert.

We fostered both Mungo and Pongo and the first day we were both bitten wherever they could find something to grab. This was through sheer fear and not aggression. Gradually they came to trust us but a huge step backwards will happen when out of their comfort zone. For most of their lives these dogs have been abused and led lonely lives with little human contact.

So please no more suggestions of pursuit, otherwise all the good done so far will be lost. The plan is to set up a kind dog trap and we have to be patient until his routine is determined. Reports of sightings are the very best way to help now as we have posted possibly in the region of 100 posters and flyers in the area.Last edited: 2012-11-03 20:32:35 by 4bichons
lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
I know he is now neutered but if he has spent his life as a stud dog would he perhaps be lured out by a bitch in season if anyone has one. I have a dog catch pole if you think it may be useful At least if caught with that he cannot bite you. I also have a smaller cat sized one.I am in Swindon so if you get a good sighting I can be there real quick my phone number is 07738594067.Last edited: 2012-11-02 22:00:57 by lmoore - Area Volunteer, Wiltshire
Just got in from work and worried for this poor boy. He does not need people on horses chasing him , jenners is right it could kill him. Please listen to her advice .She caught Mungo let her work her magic with Pongo too. Thanks Jenners X
Will travel to area tomorrow and help if I can 07771923510
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
I have updated the map and there are no patterns emerging yet :( but one thing has crossed my mind, when I was in Goatacre Lane, by the poo bin, I could hear dogs barking, like a sound you'd hear by a kennels, but it was too loud to be coming from Corten Kennels. He may be laying low / resting close to there as he feels safe being able to hear dogs, as that is really all he has known. I think chasing him on horse back would literally scare him to death, yes the horses can out run him, but like a fox he would run for his life, and his little heart might not take it, up till recently he was a puppy farm dog .... NO exercise, now he is running around, you don't want to push him to the limit. I had a camouflage weighted net that I used to cover the trap for Mungo, he chewed right through it, volunteers need to be aware that if he is caught that way he most probably will bite, obviously we are all doing this as we want him home safe, but a member of the public may react differently if bitten, and as the law stands biting in a public place is an offence under section 3 of the DDA, regardless of circumstances. I would keep advising the public to call if seen, not to chase or approach. I am rehoming a dog in the morning but then I will be down, hopefully there will be more sightings, if not I am happy to cook smelly food and set trap in the lane where he was seen this morning. There is a lady close by who has a fox trap in her garden, I have asked Lilybear to ask her to bait that. I know it is frustrating, but he is a terrified dog, getting sightings and noting patterns is probably going to be the only way to get the trap in the right place. It is the weekend, people will be out and about more, so there is a better chance of sightings. He will get tired and come home soon, we just need to keep focused xxx
For team Pongo that are out if area if you want a hot shower/warm bed or both feel free... i have a spare room.... I am in Chippenham which is about 15 mins from Lyneham
KimWilts, This morning I met a very helpful lady who lives at Beacon Hill on the Foxham Road. A real animal lover. She knew of Pongo being missing, rides her horse out daily. She is carrying our contact details with her and will make a call call to report any sightings. Fingers crossed! Owl, just read your update, thanks. Yes the lady said she would report sightings only as aware of his background. Last edited: 2012-11-02 19:45:30 by Lilybear
Searching on horseback is fine but as lorna.milton says, don't pursue him as this will scare him. The last thing you want to do is to run him out of the area he has settled in, or into traffic. Any rider willing to help should observe only and call owner if they see him.
Circulating on twitter
Great suggestion KimWilts. but Carol's idea will scare Pongo out of his wits. He's had such a hard life that his capture needs to be as gentle as we can possibly make it. I'm thinking how the fox must feel when being chased by a pack of hounds. Horses to Pungo would be just too overwhelming. A net sounds a better idea but beware as he's certain to bite if caught that way. Thanks for all your help Carol and Ben.
Guys... you are ABSOLUTE STARS.... I'm overwhelmed and its not even my dog!! I couldn't join the search today due to work (I run a dog grooming business and a bit tricky to switch diary around at short notice) however i put a plea out and Carol of Many Tears and her son Ben drove over to Goatacre this afternoon. Carol & Ben drove the area for several hours and walked the bridleways where he had been sighted this morning. They took a large weighted net i believe to throw on him if they got near enough. Carol tonight called with a FANTASTIC suggestion as we can't chase him on foot... and i appreciate trapping is a tough one if he keeps movings and then no sightings.... All around the area are horsey people, stables, centres etc. Lets speak to them and see if they can go out tomorrow on horseback. Has lots of advantages.... elevated so they can see more, can canter and keep up with Pongo, can follow through area's we may not be able to access on foot and a horse will eventually out run him given that he been on the run a week he has to be hungry and tired. If we can provide a group of riders with weighted nets??? I am sure they would be willing to help, they locals have been sooooo friendly and helpful there and its an excuse for them to go out on a hack! I will call Tracey and give her the contact number for the local stables there and suggest she maybe goes and has a chat with them tomorrow.
Posted lots of flyers through doors in and around Calne and Lyneham. Spoke to several sympathetic dog walkers and peeps out for walks. We looked carefully in the field of beige cows and calves. We called for Pungo and all the cows looked round. An awful lot of Pongos in one field but the wrong shape!

Nichole, thanks so much for travelling all the way from Fareham with your lovely daughter Daisy.Between us and Reynard we covered miles today but very frustrating that there were no further sightings since 9.30 this morning. But Reynard and Andy came back at 12 and you are so amazing Reynard, having been searching since 7am this morning. Bless you.

Please please Pongo come back. Team Pongo is working so hard to find you baby.Last edited: 2012-11-02 18:44:42 by 4bichons
Corton Kennels fab! I popped in yesterday. I've postered up on the top field back of camp where you walk your greyhounds in hope of catching your eye!
Sadly I have no further news of sightings, the last being at 0845am between Goatacre and Hillmarton.
This afternoon met with lovely Lorna, John & their gorgeous gang, three legged Dennis with Daisy and their mum (many tears all the way from near Portsmouth!)and my good friend Andy. Between us we covered the area. The lady in the house where Pongo last sighted has all details and is looking out on walks etc. The only thing to mention is the shoot was actually taking place in the fields the Foxham side of the A3102, close to Beacon Hill.
Just waiting for phone to ring! Thanks to you all for your support today. Please let us find you Pongo x
Come on Pongo give up!! I work up at Corton Kennels just up the road from where he is! We all have our eyes out when out and about.
Thanks for all your updates Lilybear , Im sure itwont be long now !
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done Lilybear, reynard, lorna wanting to see this one go blue...
** Update from Lyneham ** the wonderful lady I met in Hillmarton, owner of toy poodle has walked in close to field adjoining A3102, btwn Snow Hill and Hillmarton. This field has beigy coloured cows with calves in it, no public access. The lady heard a high pitch yapping/barking. Pongo not seen but she has contacted the farmer who is returning in 30 mins to walk field. I spoke with this farmer this morning so he knows about the search, very helpful. Heading back now.
p.s. very muddy!! The farmer I spoke to this morning is joining the shoot which is running in the fields at bottom of Snow Hill to left prior to crossroads. Started at 10am, he will be spreading work.
I've spoken to locals, very helpful, have poster etc. I have spoken with the landowner & have details. Have driven to the opposite side of field village of Hillmarton. Turn in from A3102, opposite the Duke PH at end of road turn left and follow narrow road around to the end. The byway, footpath visible on left near to thatched cottages. There is a further footpath further ahead on the left... nr to some terraced houses, turn left and it is upahead, leads down to a brook. Posters up. Have spoken to locals. Have a local couple on the case, owners of a black toy poodle, amazing support. Meeting with Lorna & co shortly. So far only the one sighting this morning but fingers crossed. So many supportive people out there. Have postered Calne to Goatacre and in btwn. Have run out again! Have spoken to the locals on Snow Hill who are checking gardens etc. Saw the couple who we saw yesterday out searching at 8am, what stars! Two guys at RAF Lyneham inside, working on perimeter fence, New Zealand, Foxham side have my number, are there all day. Just need that phone to go again soon. Last edited: 2012-11-02 11:41:17 by Lilybear
** SIGHTING ** as previously posted, travel A3102 from Lyneham to Calne, at bottom of Snow Hill at crossroads turn left signposted Bushton, leads to Compton Bassett. Drive along (flooded) road, past first farm on right. Shortly after two brick built cottages side onto road on right. Trampoline in back garden to one closest to road. ** behind it is a byway ** local saw Pongo cross road and go into this footpath, field at 0845am this morning.Last edited: 2012-11-02 11:37:21 by Lilybear
Reynard, on my travels spoke to some workmen in Calne who were on their way to Malmesbury, they knew about Isla so fingers crossed.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Bumped and requested local twitter alerts. GO TEAM PONGO....
On our way down with a trap and remote monitor. Fairly sure he is sleeping in that area.Reynard there on her own so ring me if you can help 07843263441
Another sighting just now!!! We need help on the ground in the area!!! At the bottom of snow hill. Go left and past a farm house on the right, he went in that field. His area is next to goatacre!!
If a trap is needed one is avaliable in W Bassett over the w/e. Owner has my number and will put in touch.
Sending email to owner also.
Please also note Isla 44443 Norfolk Terrier is missing from Malmesbury SN16
Thanks so much for the kind comments about dad, he's off to Bristol tomorrow for plastic surgery on a leg injury. I have a lot of loose ends to fix at home so can't help, as promised, with tomorrow's search.
I fear about this shoot taking place tomorrow. Julie, the farmers's wife is very cooperative & friendly but poor Pongo might be right in the middle.
Marion & I searched Goatacre, New Zealand, Snow Hill & Beacon Hill Byre Farm today but must have kept missing him. Met up with Tracy & went to hers for tea & stratagy. poor Tracy has a lot to deal with right now. Met up with Lorna & John too.
I'm not a DL volunteer but a recent lost dog owner with lots of advice. Mungo was frightened by traffic today so not sure if he'll come again, dad getting better permitting.
The way forward, I think, is more sightings and to let Jenners do her thing with steak & garlic in the right place.
Another concern is the RAF base. Friendly enough but will not let us on the base unacompanied.
Good luck peeps. will help when I can.
Seriously goodwork going on here . Good luck for tomorrow, lets hope its the day he is caught, and Jenners can work her magic on him. He has surely got to stop soon!
All xd for the safe return of Pongo.
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
Forgot to add the map link LOL,-1.970673&spn=0.028377,0.084543
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
I have made a Google map to track the sightings of Pongo and try to piece together his routine, this will make finding a place to set a trap easier. I think anyone can add to it, if not please let me know sightings and I will add them. It's just tacking today's information at the moment. There are lots of places he can hide in, and the cattle and rabbits are providing a food source. Thankfully the local people are helpful which is half the battle. He has been very visual today, hopefully tomorrow we may start to see a pattern, if we do I will come early on Saturday and set a trap in a favoured area. I would suggest if he is spotted by anyone here tomorrow, do not let him see you, just watch what he does and where he goes, if he is paying attention to a particular area that would be a good start on finding an area to set the trap. If there are multiple "interesting" spots we'll set multiple traps. I have a feeling he'll be home very soon :) Well done everyone, the sightings so far are promising, and he's still running like the wind so obviously not suffering too much from his adventure. I missed Mungo cuddles today, praying your Dad makes a speedy recovery Phil xxx
You guys are doing a brilliant job and great updates Lilybear. You have so many people on board helping I hope he's home soon. I can still travel Saturday to help search if needed. Sam
Well done Kim and Tracey. We drove home in the pouring rain, hoping that little Pongo was safely in a sheltered spot. So near yet so far but tomorrow is another day. Thanks jenners for your quiet reassurance and support and it may not be long till the dog trap is set. Roscodot's father was rushed to hospital tonight after a nasty fall and may need plastic surgery to help his injuries. So he can't, as planned, be with the search group tomorrow. Don't worry roscodot, you really need to be with your elderly Dad and we will be there to help the other searchers but thanks so much for travelling down from Gloucester with Marion and Mungo to offer support.
Great idea Reynard, we need another positive sighting before we engage the expertise of Jenners, since he fled he raf base we simply do not know for sure where he is.

Lilybear, amazing job today, thank you so much for all your fantastic support!

Kim, Lorna, John, phil, bob and RAF staff, thank you so so much for your suppt and efforts to get our little man back. Genuinely heartfelt x
Just had a call from a police officer who saw Pongo after he escaped us earlier and said that he saw him run down snow hill and turn LEFT by farmers fields which take you round to lower goatacre and back into that area. So he could be lurking around there! Please keep your eyes peeled and let us know if there is another sighting......
Well done every one, if possible set up a feeding station where you thnk he is most likely & safe place to be, so as to try and keep him in that area. Good luck for tomorrow guys ,,,,,xxxxLast edited: 2012-11-01 19:48:40 by Reynard
The weather is shown sunny for tomorrow! Am going to head over first thing to catch any early birds and hopefully Pongo! Hope to be there just before daybreak. Stay safe Pongo, where do you get all your energy?!
Update: Pongo is back in Lyneham! He was sighted going into melsome road this morning and then onto he base. We came within touching distance of him, but he ran off again out the crash gate closest to goatacre and New Zealand and to snow hill. He is likely to be in goatacre (close to coombe lane?) or over towards foxham. He clearly is t going down without a fight! Need to wait for another sighting now.

If anyone is able to get over to the area please let me know
Tracey & I postered Goatacre tonight (bus shelters, post boxes, doggy poo bins, telephone boxs, pub and car garage. Spoke to the people that had sighted him running across the road in Goatacre. We checked the cricket ground and the sheds.... it was suggested he may be hiding out in Combe Lane (?)/Combe Hill (?) as wooded area with dense overgrowth.... lost of hidey holes but was too dark for us to search there tonight. Postman also has a poster now. There is a pheasant shoot taking place in the Goatacre/Foxham area and Tracey has spoken to the landowner who was going to inform the organiser and we postered the entrance to the fields that we believe the shoot is taking place.Last edited: 2012-11-01 18:07:43 by KimWilts
I ran out of posters, will poster Calne, Hillmarton, Goatacre, Foxham, New Zealand. Lyneham petrol station, cafe etc need one if anyone about. Thanks everyone.. On a brighter note MET MUNGO!!! Yay!!Last edited: 2012-11-01 19:34:54 by Lilybear
Having real problems trying to update... so quickly....
Last sighting traffic had slowed due to separate incident, Pongo seen running in road, not known where he went, at a guess - Foxham, narrow country roads lead back to New Zealand, back of RAF Lyneham.
Technical failure so sorry to say that I had only just received this text this afternoon but this was the sigting from earlier this morning. Tracey has just rung me to say she and Phil are still searching for the next hour while light. Good luck, we are all wanting him to come home. Janey
Thanks janey, rang Tracey, last sighting is unconfirmed, may have been an earlier sighting but Jenners checking now.
This is what I've gathered.
0800 seen outside Goatacre nursing home, Goatacre Lane.
0900-1000 seen Melsome Rd, into Old Park Close running along side camp perimeter fence. (old married quarters)

Lyneham had sightings from within camp seen running towards New Zealand, Goatacre direction (Calne direction)
Approx 1300 seen A3102 running across road to The Green Goatacre.
Then seen A3102 (Calne Rd) down Snow Hill.
Last seen around 1300 bottom of Snow Hill at Cross Road Junction for Compton Bassett/Foxham.
News from Tracey hes been spotted going in to Melsome Close in Lyneham in the last 15 mins. Anybody living near there to go look if free please. Come on lets get him home. janey
Fab there are sightings of Pongo , sorry but at work today but with you all in Spirit, good luck!
I have updated Face Book SNDogs & Doglost Wilts & Glos
Last edited: 2012-11-01 14:48:52 by Reynard
Another sighting at 12.45pm at Goatacre on the A3102, between Lyneham and Calne
Bump! This is fantastic there are more sightings today, the weather is a bit drier and warmer, so hopefully , he will get seen a lot more. Thanks for going over Roscodot, lets hope Mungo draws his friend out !. Thanks Lilybear for updating. Good luck everyone today. Come on boy give yourself up X
Thanks rosodot and Mungo. Just spoken to lilybear and a further sighting by a workman on the RAF Lyneham site.
On our way to latest sighting with Mungo
Just had a message from owner pleading for people in the area to help on the ground now that Pongo has been sighted. We are printing more posters and going down later.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Good luck....
*** SIGHTING **** Have just had a call from owner. Delivery driver had a positive sightings - MELSOME ROAD, LYNEHAM, SN15 - just off of the A3102. Just passed RAF Lyneham as if going towards Calne. Delivery driver described Pongo as if sleeping rough. On my way there now. My number 07970 090521 if anyone local to help with search or bring me more posters, I have only a few. Thanks so much.
As there hasn't been any sightings since Monday morning :( would it be a sensible decision to look at some tracker dogs? I have found this link but maybe someone on here knows someone? sometimes Terrier Groups track? What do you think?
The weather is awful so will dampen any Fireworks and Pongo will be sheltering somewhere, would help to know which direction he was headed when sighted.Last edited: 2012-10-31 20:31:32 by Reynard
Thank you SO MUCH Jane Dee. You are right to suggest that because of this awful weather, Pongo is sheltering somewhere dry. Poodles are extremely intelligent and he will have a plan to trace and retrace his steps. But someone may have captured him or he could have holed up in a garage/shed etc. Our next move is to appeal to anyone with a comfortable sleeping place, behind or in front of their home. Come out little Pongo. You are our world and we can't function properly until you are 'found'. Many Tears have put an appeal on their home page. They get up to 2000 hits a day so ALL fingers crossed.Last edited: 2012-10-31 18:07:51 by 4bichons
Jane Dee
I spent about 3 1/2 hours this afternoon driving at a snails pace across the back villages between W.B. and Lyneham. It was pouring with rain tho so Pongo would probably have been sheltering unless he has been taken in. Will start again tomorrow.
GReat suggestion from Lorna to add Pongo to Gumtree as a missing pet. this has ben done and will hopefully be activated shortly (but can apparently take a couple of hours).

No further sightings today or calls :( which is very frustrating. I am aware of a couple of people in Wootton Bassett again today searching - thank you very much. I have been calling dog wardens, rescue centres and vets again to see if any news and to keep it top of mind for them.

If you are in the Lyneham, Wootten Bassett and surounding villages, PLEASE could you (and your neighbours) check your gardens, sheds, garages, behind your bins and underneath your cars JUST IN CASE the little fella has crept in looking for shelter and a warm place to sleep. If you have family or friends in the area, i would be very grateful if you could ask them to do the same.

Trying to stay positive and optimistic.....

Come on little man, we miss you!
Pongo was in last nights Advertiser. It states he has been sighted in Wootton Basset and gives a good description of him, and contact details . Thanks Lilybear for organising this
I will bump anyway ,and just pop to the shop incasehe is in
I see this on the website, sadly does not mention Pongo missing from Lyneham, it maybe his photo and further information is in the local newspaper? Fingers crossed for some calls.
extra image added to box 2 - you may need to refresh browser to see
Just sent a lovely photo just received from Tracey to replace the Extra Image which is misleading. Pongo is the dog at the back
Thanks Sandie xx
multi pic uploaded - you may need to refresh to see the new image
We must have postedat the same time Kimwilts, hopefully Im getting one from Lorna
Ive just spoken with Lorna, who fostered both Pongo and Mungo, if we get sightings today , Lorna has had the brill ideea of bringing Mungo up from Gloucester to make see if he can lure Pongo out. They were very friendly when they were in foster together. We will have a clearer photo coming soon of Pongo. Thanks Lorna XX Last edited: 2012-10-30 08:01:05 by Mollychops
i have another picture of Pongo available which is a close up shot without his partner in crime, Bella..... I can't figure out how to upload on this site, so if someone can email me i can forward on. Cheers
Hello Mollychops. We are ready to travel back to Lyneham again today if needed. If Pongo is sighted again, and maybe in a different area, we will go back, post and talk to people again. It takes at least 80 mins to get there so we can't be on the scene immediately if Pongo shows up. All fingers and paws crossed. I wondered if a larger photo of Pongo, would have more impact? We have several and could provde another one. Just a thought. My mobile number is 07843 263441
I have just posted on the MT forum - if he is not sited or found by the weekend I can travel up from Hampshire to help on either Sat or Sun providing no urgent dogs need my help in my area.
Wow Lorna thats fantastic work in an afternoon .Thanks so much x You got7 dogs ?? Thought i was greedy with 6 !!
Well done Lorna & everyone surley he will be sighted or picked up as all of Wootton Bassett should know about him by now,can someone get access to the Old Town Local pub and look in side? ,,stay safe little one xLast edited: 2012-10-29 19:30:13 by Reynard
Just arrived home after a busy afternoon posting and talking to ANYONE who would listen. Had our 7 dogs in tow and so many people came to ask about them so we jumped in with the poster picture and story. People who were interested in our dogs must be dog lovers we had previously decided.

Here is a summary of where we posted so that this won't be duplicated another day. In Wootten Bassett ....... Pubs; The Angel, Royal Inn, Cross Keys? (something keys!) Red Lion, Prince of Wales. The Post Office, Co-op, a paper shop, the Blue Cross charity shop, Park near the school, bollards, posts and lampposts. We spoke to council workers, a PO worker in his van and asked him to mention Pungo at the main depot,and members of the public who asked for posters to take away and post in their own localities.I had a spare lead in my pocket, hoping against hope that we could find that little sweetheart, but it was not to be. We love you little Pongo. PLEASE come home to your Mummy and Daddy.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done team Pongo...
Had a call this morning regarding the sighting... unfortunately being at work i couldnt go to search, but managed to get my parents there by 10am. They searched the "Town Local" area where he was sighted. Nothing. They were there about 3 hours, apparently there is quite a big housing estate and new construction, they spoke to the workers nothing seen but they've taken a poster and out up in staff room for all the builders. Also spoke to the postman and showed him picture and gave contact numbers. They spoke to all dog walkers - no further sightings. We were rushing to get to the area so didn't have time to print off more posters but everyone spoken to was shown the picture and given contact numbers. Mum drove back towards Lyneham cross country as we think thats the way he must have come via the fields, otherwise he would have had to literally walk down the high street! He would have crossed the railway line if he went the way we suspect. Client of mine was off to Bassett this afternoon by which time i had more posters printed so she took some with her.Last edited: 2012-10-29 17:30:25 by KimWilts
At the Wootten Bassett library on the computers. Posted several posters and talked to lots of people.Will have a coffee then carry on till it's dark. Thanks Reynard.
Thanks for alerting police Lilybear, well done Lorna for helping poster.
Not in area now but go down Wooton Bassett high st and turn left at the old town hall by HSBC and co-op that is station road,,, I have put up Posters but can always do with more in and out all routes and shops I have done The Drove & George Vets , thanks Lorna x
Last edited: 2012-10-29 14:01:33 by Reynard
ok Mollychops. about 7
mins from the area. is anyone else in the area
Lorna & co will be in Wootton Bassett within the hour if anyone is local to call her, thanks. Local Police/switchboard have posters and will report any sightings. The Swindon Adver will kindly do a press release for either tomorrow or Wednesday.
Please could some postering be done between Broad Hinton and Station Rd in WB,and along the road from Lyneham into WB .any shops as well please. Thanks for this Reynard
Iv e asked Reynard to let me know Thanks Lorna
Printed off latest poster with new sightings and on our way to Wootten Bassett to put them up. Tel 07843 263441. Please can someone ring me if they are in that area right now
done thatLast edited: 2012-10-29 11:57:16 by Mollychops
Is it possible to edit the poster to include his last sighting area? 'Lyneham' has asked us to poster the new area this afternoon
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Further alerts sent to helpers in SN1,2,3,4,5,25,26.
Bumped page due to sightings. this is great he is getting seen. Well done Reynard good luck postering, and huge thanks Lilybear for alerting and helping
If this is Pongo then he has possibly travelled across country from Lyneham, Tockenham/Clyffe Pypard to Wootton Bassett. Can anyone poster the Wiltshire Bassett Golf Club please off of the A3102? Pongo may have then taken the Marlborough Road (Broad Hinton Rd) into Wootton Bassett - crosses the main intercity railway line. I will keep spreading the word. Have put poster on my car but sadly not local to area.
Further information from 'Lilybear' confirms that the pub is called 'Town Local' at the junction of Station Road and Nore Marsh Road, postcode SN47ED. He has already travelled about 4 miles.
I believe the Old Town Local (now disused/derelict) is at
51 Station Road, Wootton Bassett, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN4 7ED It is at a T Junction Opposite Nore Marsh Road.
Just heard from 'Lyneham' via my wife that Pongo was sighted at ~0830 today near The Old Town House Pub? at Wootton Bassett. Can't find any reference to this on Google so name may not be correct. If anyone can confirm that they know this pub please post its exact address. He has obviously moved away from the RAF base so we now urgently need volunteers to put up posters in this new area and talk to dog walkers etc. Please help if you can.
Reynard thank you so much. Have spoken to a very helpful lady at Wootton Bassett Town Council, she is taking poster now to the town CCTV. I do believe they cover down Station Road... Please let there be good news.
Have alerted Mollychops and local Vets will get over ASAP and poster
** POSSIBLE SIGHTING ** 0830am this morning ROYAL WOOTTON BASSETT SN4 postal area. The owner has just called me frantic to share news that she has this morning received calls of two sightings of a stray dog matching Pongos description, even down to the green collar and silver tag. One by the Old Dairy, the other by The Old Town Local, a disused pub on Station Road. The Owner is appealing for anyone that can assist searching this area, also with ** posters for the Royal Wootton Bassett area **. Any help appreciated. Thank you.
Hello Jenners. If you need help at any stage just get in touch. We bought a video monitor screen and remote, with a 300 meter range to use with our trap. Can also be charged in the car. If a second trap is set up we will have the facility of two remotes ..... as you have one too. We will keep our fingers crossed that Pongo makes an appearance soon. I'd be very very surprised if he was caught by a member of the public and it would have to be the owners, us or a trap as he is a very very scared dog, possibly worse than Mungo.
Good luck for today the weather is warmer and there were lots of dry places Pongo could find, I suspect in the area a 'no mans land' where 'Lyneham' and I saw the Woodpecker which was behind that burnt shelter thing and rubbish bin and near to where last sighted, there are two high green fences either side of this no mans land & lots of cover,,,fingers crossed for today x
A BBQ in one of the houses near by is good advice JennersLast edited: 2012-10-29 08:04:34 by Reynard
BTW: i also have A5 flyers of the missing poster arriving in a couple of days and will start dropping them through letter boxes in the village and out to Bushton, Tockenham and Clyffe Pypard also. Keeping the faith here!
Hi DogsNeen48, thanks for your post - we could definitely use some more posters at that part of the village, it would be great if you could help with this! :) thank you!
Hi I'm in Lyneham, at the other end of the village, Chippenham Road way. Haven't been out today - has this end of the village been postered? If not I can do this in the morning for you.
Happy to help in any way possible.
Come home Pongo x
Still watching in hope of good news for Lyneham & Pongo.
Took the back route into Lyneham via Bushton, Preston Lane. Saw posters up and about. Spoke to all we passed. Parked up in married quarters before checking where Pongo last sighted. We walked perimeter of the playing field and neighbouring stubble field other side of the stream. Stayed til dark checking with torchlight. It was very quiet as we left, no one about. Those we spoke to were very helpful and have said they will keep looking. Lots of dog lovers about. Keep safe Pongo.
Thanks to Reynard and jenners for their expertise , Im sure he will pop up in this area soon , Im sure he wont have gone far . Good work going on Lyneham and Kimwilts . Lets hope tomorrow brings another sighting
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
I am sorry there have been no sightings but this is normal, they are scared and tend to move about when they think no one is around, he is probably hiding out somewhere, but he will get hungry, so a small food supply is good, as I mentioned to Kim earlier, to find out who is taking the food you can put a layer of sand down first, that way you'll hopefully get footprints. He may have moved on from the area so I would poster a mile diameter from where he was seen. Keep an eye out for food sources, such as bins, cow / sheep / horse dung, crops. Maybe if there is a friendly house nearby the par with a gate opening into the garden, could they light a BBQ and cook smelly food, this drew the attention of a Boxer we lost last year, if he did show an interest we could put a trap there. Reynard is right, traps can not be left unattended on public land, but I along with others will be happy to set and watch a trap if he is sighted somewhere. Come on Pongo put in an appearance little man x
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all for your concern, support and advice at this very distressing time. we are drawing a lot of strength from this and very much hope that our little man will show his furry face tomorrow. I have left a small amount of food in the place he was last sighted and hope he is still in the area and in a bid to keep him in the area so that he has a better chance of being seen by someone. This is now the 3rd night without him and the house just doesnt feel the same and our other dog is clearly missing him :(. Will keep you updated and thank you all again! x
Hi everyone.... just to update. We have searched the area today he was sighted twice in yesterday, nothing. No reported sightings today. We have knocked on houses surrounding the playing field he was sighted in to bring awareness. Posters are up everywhere. Everyone in village we approached talking about it, so word is out. Now we just need sightings to effectively plan a trap! Reynard - unfortunately RAF Lyneham was closed earlier this year, so a lot of the housing surrounding the field is empty. We have checked the gardens and postered where the few remaining tenants live and walk dogs.
Tracey/Raynard (is this the same person) if you need yet another platform style trap, we have one to lend and will arrange to watch over it. However, the more sightings we have the better before the trap is laid. When we fostered Pongo he would bite if cornered. Mungo was the same but after learning to trust humans, Jenners had no problem picking him up when he was caught. We won't settle till he's caught and will be there in a flash if you need help or support. You have my number and I'm sure that little poppet will be home with you before long. Praying for you xx Last edited: 2012-10-28 17:02:05 by 4bichons
Hi Jenners Janey again, So glad they have you on the case. My word we have got new trap just in time. Pongo is smaller than Mungo. I hope everybody follows your advice as you caught Mugo so quickly for his owners. They really will be benefitting from your expertise and I know how wonderful you are and have faith in your methods. Good luck, I really am fond of this small poppet and want to re-assure his owners that these little poodles are true survivors and very brave.
If any RAF personel can help look out for him as Pongo was seen near the married quaters of RAF Lyneham and that is near to the gurarded fenced of area of the actual RAF base THANKS!
Sorry to say I could not leave the trap as no where suitable,,,there are so many dogwalkers , who have been fab and have been spreading the word but you would have a dog in there in an instance and also the trap can not be monitered 24/7 :( but have given advice on scenting and feeding areas and that Postering and leatlet dropping will hopefully get more sightings if Pongo moves to another area or there is someone that can watch the trap then we may be able to set the trap, so am happy to do that if needed. Pongo will be looking for food possible Dawn & Dusk so thats our best hope to feed and keep him safe in that area.
Last edited: 2012-10-28 16:02:52 by Reynard
I thought he was a MT dog when he was first posted but as he wasn't on any MT threads I thought I must have been mistaken!
Good luck everyone x
Thanks for that Phil, Im sure it will encouage Pongos owners x
Hi. This is Phil, Mungo's owner. I know your life will be on hold right now. Stay positive as you know he is around.

Trapping WILL get him.

Mungo was lost for a week and Jenners caught him a week ago. He too, was a rescue poodle.

My heart goes out to you. Come on Pongo, go to Jenners.
Ohhh, I thought there might be a connection Yvonne !!
Thanks Yvonne and Mollychops..... we were desperate to try everything so contacted everyone with traps. We have one thansk to Reynard. AS i understand it Jenners (who has expertise in trapping) would like more sightings to ensure he's still there first.) Im heading back over to the area now. THANK YOU to everyone for your help and advice. Lets hope the next post confirms Pongo has been re-united! x
I work for Many Tears and strangely Pongo came in from the same place as Mungo and they are possibly related. These dogs were all very nervous. Jenners thank you again for offering the traps which Lorna and Janey provided. They will be a big help. mollychops is right about the cat trap. Too small for a dog and there were problems trying catch Mungo with one so I wouldn't recommend it.Last edited: 2012-10-28 09:48:51 by Yvonne007
Thanks Jenners x.Great Kimwilts, thankyou also for helping I think a dog trap will be more suitable than a cat trap. Its larger and the dog will feel more comfortable going in a bigger one, also the cat trap may not activate .We had this problem recently with another dog identical to Pongo If you need another please contact Jenners. With 3 expert trappers on standby hopefully it wont be long now, Good luck for today everyone xx
Hi Jenners, have been helping in the search for Pongo and have a little experience in trapping when i lived abroad. Unfortunately i do not have the traps here so if you are able to bring the traps that would be FANTASTIC! We have one trap on way from Reynard (THANK YOU REYNARD) and i am tryinh to secure a trap from a local cat resuce group. Pongo has been sighted twice yesterday in the same vicinity which is where he was taken for his walks. Its a large playing field so if we can get 3 or 4 traps we are hopeful that we can catch him. Given his background he will not approach people and now unlikely to approach another dog. He has been missing since Friday night and with 2 positive sightings yesterday we feel confident with enough traps today we can hopefully return him home. We have to try! Thank you Jenners & everyone helping bring Pongo home!
DogLostJenners - Area Volunteer, Gloucestershire
I can come over if needed, I have 2 traps now thanks to Lorna & Janey MT volunteers. What is the area like where he has been spotted? Can you put a small amount of food there to keep him coming back, will make trapping easier to have a place he visits frequently. You can get hold of me on 07971 489168, I'm not home so Internet access is only via a phone.
Ive emailed owners advice sheets. This is a Many Tears dog,ex breeding dog so is really scared. Only been there 5 weeks or so
Thanks Reynard you are a star xx
I have a trap and am taking it over tomoro am.Last edited: 2012-10-27 21:53:06 by Reynard
Trap organinised wil email out advice sheets
Wil contact owner
Hi, Pongo is a rescue poodle with a very complex background. we have had 2 sightings of him in the same place, 6 hours apart. I am worried that he is so spooked that he will not come to a person and possibly other dogs.

A vet has recommended that i look into trapping him by luring him in with food as he will be very hungry.

Please help - does anybody URGENTLY have a trap they could loan me to try to get our little one home? Please contact me.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
I have share this on facebook with my family in Swindon. I'm sure Pongo will be back home soon. Good that he is tagged & chipped.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
email from a helper....
will be going out later - I will have look around - there is a large play area behind the married quarters where people take their dogs so he might make his way to that.
photo rotated
DogLostMandy (Wiltshire)
Have put Pongo's details on the "Doglost - Wiltshire & South Gloucestershire" Facebook page to help spread the word locally.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in SN10-16.

Drone SAR

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