Found: Mastiff Female In North East (TS3)

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  • Dog ID 43200
  • Status Found
  • Registered 20 Sep 2012
  • Gender & Breed Female Mastiff
  • Age
  • Colour
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Where Found please see facebook page "help desperate stray dog near a66 middlesbrough"
  • Found In Region North East
  • Found In Post Area TS3
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By janegee
  • Views 5311
  • MASTIFF CROSSPoster Image
  • MASTIFF CROSSExtra Image


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DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
She is a lucky girl having such caring people to look after her Thankyou for sharing the photos she is gorgeous.xx
What a lovely Girl.Xxx
What amazing pics - she really has come into her own - she's soooooooo happy. I'm so pleased for her. What a difference...........says a lot for her personality to come through this so well. Last edited: 2012-10-16 10:04:14 by jobadger
You have just got to see the recent pictures of this gorgeous girl !!!!
They are wonderful.....get a tissue.x
Just seen this, what great news. Please keep us updated on how she is and if she finds a new home x
How is she doing today?
Brilliant work....well done.
So very very pleased to hear that this girl has been caught and is now in safe hands. Long may she either find her owner - always remembering that they are worthy of her - or that she finds a loving and more comfortable home to share with! Stay safe. xx
Fabulous news - well done to all concerned - so pleased she's safe before the winter. Another one out of the 'worry box'. xx Good luck gorgeous.
Hooray!! Was so worried about her, especially with the winter months ahead. Hope she has a good temprament and finds a new home.....or maybe she is microchipped?? Looking forward to more updates. xx
Brilliant news - well done everyone. What a beautiful dog! xx
Fantastic news - well done all! :)
Wow wee! Yippee! So pleased to read this news. Well done everyone, can't wait to log on to FB and read all about it. Brilliant xx
Thrilled to receive the message from Jumanji just now! Well done everyone!
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Brilliant news. Well done to everyone involved who helped get this lovely boy safe.x
Just read the fbook remarks absolutely fabulous - well done to everyone who has worked tirelessly to reach this fantastic ending. Don't think she will be long before she gets her forever home xxxx
Excellent, well done all!
lost and found huskies and mals
Oh my goodness that is fantastic news x
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
OMG !l just had a text to say this dog has just been caught in the trap !!!! I am just over the moon ..... this is just such brilliant news ! Will update further but the important thing is this dog is now safe and on the way to the safe hands of the rescue xxx Last edited: 2012-10-01 22:13:21 by Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Forgot to add that he came with more than a few nasty social habits and required a lot of understanding - but we got there eventually!!!
From my own experience of trying to catch a Lurcher in the past I can only say it takes a lot of time and patience for the dog to accept help! It took me some 5 months and in the end he gave in and lived for the next 10 years with me. Good luck xx
Thank you xx
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Its okay Mathers 22 no offence taken and I know how frustrating it is when notihing appears to be happening. But Jane is trying to get this sorted ASAP xx
Last edited: 2012-09-25 14:55:25 by Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Sorry I tried to delete what I'd put because I didn't want to offend but I tried and it wouldn't delete!!! The remarks about 4 people carrying the crate is true it's on the facebook page I might add that I do think Jane the lady is doing a wonderful job.
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Mathers please be assured the people feeding and helping this dog ARE trying to get matters sorted and if nothing can be resolved soon they know that we at doglost will do our best to help. I have been in daily contact with the lady that is feeding him since this page was made on doglost.
I don't know where you have seen comments about 4 people needing to carry a crate I can't see any comments like that on doglost but looking at the size of him he will need a large trap and if caught will need to be carried away in it so he can be released from the trap in a secure environment. That's if he goes in a trap ....lmany dogs just won't go in them no matter how hungry they are.
NOT HAVING A POP AT DLOST JUST WORRIED AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TO JENSON !!!Last edited: 2012-09-25 12:33:19 by mathers22
So very pleased to read this. I hope so too bazil - good luck to all concerned....Maxi - we're not all bad...........
Brilliant news, about time too. Fingers crossed this lad just thinks 'hey these people are nice' and he has had it with being out in the cold, wet and hungry......'if only'....wishing xx
That's the first bit of good news I've heard on this poor abandoned dog. One kind lady goes and feeds him regularly from a distance. Can't wait for him to be caught taken to Vets and re-homed when he's sorted out. Good luck to all concerned xx
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Post taken from a Facebook group for this dog as follows ....
just spoke to dog warden service. They are now working with a dog behaviourist who has been down to site. They are making this top priority and whatever the behaviourist recommends the dog warden sevice will follow. so they are asking for everyone to keep away from the site so they can work to get Maxi caught safely. i am still going down to feed him as he's allowed me to be near him and they are hoping he will trust
No surprise at all from the RSPCA. They don't seem to care unless there is a TV camera present and many of my friends have stopped supporting them in favour of the smaller charities who do so much good without much funds. I know someone who left RSPCA after she had seen the office refurb they had done and allegedly squandered £1000s. That said I know there are many dedicated animal people who do work for them and they have my greatest respect.
I wonder what this poor dog is finding to eat as he's a big chap. I hope it's more than pizza, chips and chicken bones. Good luck Mr Mastiff.
Really hope this poor man can be caught soon the weather forecast for the week is diabolical - awful to think of him out there sleeping rough.
I am like minded about cancelling my monthly contribution but am expecting a call of them soon to increase it - then I can have my say!!
I am devastated about the reaction of the authorities towards this boy. What the heck are we paying taxes for with regard to local services. And as for the RSPCA - I have recently cancelled my (small) monthly direct debit to them over their attitude in another case. It's a shame because some of the local branches work their backsides off!
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Many thanks for getting these new photos on site Sue !
I spoke yesterday to janegee who registered this boy with us and have offered support from doglost if the local authorities do not loan a trap.
New photos now on. Refresh the page to see.

Link to FB group
pixies peeps
There are some great closeup shots now on the facebook page set up for this dog. facebook is HelpDesperateStrayDogNearA66Middlesbrough. Perhaps someone could put one on here
Well that is absolutely disgusting if anything happens to this dog then we will all know where the blame lies. Think I will cancel my donations to the RSPCA!!! Surely someone somewhere can loan a trap. It's no use feeling sorry if anything happens to this dog - TOO LITTLE TO LATE. This is not a poke at anyone on here but somebody needs to get their finger out and fast!! xx
Copied from his FB page, it seems there is still no trap in place.

RSPCA - official (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Hi, if the dog is sick or injured you should call our national call centre - not your local branch - call 0300 1234 999. If the dog is healthy then it is the dog warden's responsibility - legally. Hope this helps :)

Response -

Help Desperate Stray Dog Near A66 Middlesbrough i rang up after spotted him again. message says a suffering animal so when i said he was suffering they said they couldn't help. they will if he gets hit by a car though she said!! how caring they are. i was really annoyed with them as its been 9 months and although legally its dog wardens job when does compassion come in and the willingness to help this poor suffering abandoned dog. so if anyone wants to ring anyone you won't step on my toes at all. thats what i wanted from this page help with pressuring those that are trained and have the equipment to go and help. only thing i wouldn't want is people actually going down as might scare him away.

RSPCA and local Dog Warden, Animal welfare officers, you are seriously letting this dog down. You and the police have all known this dog was there after several reported sightings over the past 9 months.
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Thanks Ashmark and Glynafon !
Have heard back from janegee with the correct number for her and have amended this page accordingly. Will hopefully speak with her later today x
I've cropped the photo to try and get a better look at him. Hope he can be caught soon.

I am following this poor boys page on FB, it says he is Male and has been in the area for a long time. Fingers crossed he is caught in the trap very soon. I have offered to help if any needed and also have a friend who was very much involved in the search for Kip who is willing to try and track him. Just hoping lots of well meaning helpers do not rush to his area as this may scare him away. It will be brilliant if it is Murphy. Good luck to those who are involved x
Thank you Jumanji
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
The contact number given has a digit missing !
Will try emailing janegeeLast edited: 2012-09-20 19:50:13 by Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Thank you janegee for registering this mastiff and enquiring wether it could be Murphy. ID 34356. Hope he/she can be brought to safety soon.
Thank you for taking the time to list this found dog and ensuring the safety of the dog.
Please ensure that you notify your local Dog Warden and the local Police Station - in Scotland you MUST inform your local Police Station and if possible contact the Dog Warden also.
The found dog may have a Microchip or a Tattoo - please have the dog scanned and checked for a tattoo at a vet's so that owners may be contacted as soon as possible.
Please check on our Missing pages in case the Found dog has been registered as missing with us.
If possible please add a photo as this greatly assists our work in matching Found dogs with Missing dogs.

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