Reunited: Chocolate And Beige Labrador Cross Male

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  • Dog ID 42605
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 31 Aug 2012
  • Name SONNY
  • Gender & Breed Male Labrador Cross
  • Age Adult
  • Colour chocolate and beige
  • Marks & Scars Labrador x Doberman.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 29 Aug 2012
  • Where Lost Bradford on avon. Sighted in Trowbridge area.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area BA15
  • Date Found 03 Sep 2012
  • Date Reunited 03 Sep 2012
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 2809
  • SONNYPoster Image
  • SONNYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Toby and Billy
Wonderful news, so pleased for Abi and Sonny. I hope the injury to his leg is nothing too serious. Big hugs all round. Thank goodness for the power of Dog Lost and the lovely people who care enough to respond and search.
Wonderful news welcome home - well done everyone xx
Owner and her friends worked so hard to get this boy home. So glad it's a happy ending. Here's to poster/pester power - it really does work!
Great news to see this gorgeous lad is home safe and sound! :)x
Bounty the Dog Hunter
I take no credit for this, i merely helped look. it was a kind soul who spotted one of our posters that called the rspca. Big thank you to Jayne and all at Doglost, this site is amazing and a great help to all who have lost their dogs. Bless you all x
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Was so pleased to hear, had a little tear! Well done Bounty, where did he surface? What a journey he's been on! Welcome home Sonny x x
Fantastic news! Hope he is ok. Welcome home Sonny :-)

(thanks for the info MillieVW, we were looking at going over later. Very pleased we don't have to :-))
Bounty the Dog Hunter
Sonny is home (-: big thank you to all who helped find him x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news bounty...
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
everything crossed here!
Bounty the Dog Hunter
we think we might have Sonny, owner Abi on her way to meet rspca folks in Trowbridge (-: fingers crossed folks x
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
What about scenting the area of the last sightings? I don't know enough about it, can someone else help?
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Hi, I have text his owner and he should be fine with other dogs and would hopefully respond. My mum is going to try and walk up Green Lane with her collies, fingers crossed he shows himself x
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
I would say Paxcroft Mead or Green Lane areas would be a good place to start. It seems Sonny is timid, he ran from people trying to catch him in Bradford and he has been startled and run in his latest sighting so I would say that its probably best not to call him but if he is spotted then call the number and get someone familiar to his location asap. Its very tempting when searching for a dog to call out but I suspect he will hide more or even run. I would quietly walk and keep an eye out for him, keeping some distance. I don't know how he is with other dogs, may be worth a try x
So is the Paxcroft Mead area the best place to search for him, currently? How is Sonny with people? Would he approach someone trying to help? Is he ok with other dogs? Hope he's found safely very soon x
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
I went over between 9 and 10 and had a look round, everyone I spoke to was aware and had seen a poster or someone else had stopped them already. Think I was fairly close behind a man searching today as someone said a man had only just stopped them to ask. Spoke to the lady on the new builds and she said she has a poster and will be alerting the site team just in case he has taken cover in one of the houses, must say its very quiet and he could get in the dry there, thats where I would head! I drove down to Green lane but it was so busy with kids being dropped off at the rugby ground, think he would have stayed out of sight. Obviously lots of posters on Paxcroft Mead, if its not already been done then I would poster the shops on paxcroft way, the rugby club, the schools and the petrol station on west ashton rd. He could be anywhere now so we really need another sighting, fingers crossed he shows himself today!!
Nicky - free to help with search today. Which area would you like us to focus on?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
email from owner...
Hi Jane,

I would just like to say thank you so much for all you are doing to help me find Sonny. Im sorry I dont know if I have a log in or if I have to register to comment on the page itself.

Sonny was spotted at 10.30am Friday 31st August on Parsonage Road, Paxcroft Mead, Hilperton, Wiltshire. He was sleeping under bushes and when the homeowner approached him it startled him and he ran off through a hedge into the Green Lane area. She said he had injured his leg and was limping so I am desperate to find him.

I have been searching the area non stop but have had no more sightings since.

I have visited the Bath Cats and Dogs home, all the local vets, all surrounding villages and fields, put up posters everywhere I can think of. Overwhelmed by everyones help, just really hope people dont give up helping me find him and bring him home.

Many Thanks
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Just a thought, which direction did he run in? Presumably he went some way from Parsonage Rd or did the dog warden decide not to go after him?

School starts back this week, can you get some posters up to The Mead school, maybe they could put up a poster outside/on a notice board. Kids are great at spotting dogs, esp ones as handsome as Sonny! A poster on the door of Just Learning, be good if all shops in Hackett Place would agree to display one.
Fingers crossed it won't be long before Sonny is home :)Last edited: 2012-09-01 23:17:35 by Maggie
Sorry he was spotted yesterday at 6am on a door step asleep in Parsonage road.Paxcroft,Hilperton, then again at 10.30 4 doors down under a hedge.The dog warden was called but Sonny ran away.He is limping :( Local farmer in Steeple Ashton has been contacted and is displaying a poster at the car boot sale tomorrow
Thank you all so much for looking out for Sonny.Tonight posters have been put through the doors of vets in melksham and Trowbridge.No sightings today :( Please keep looking for him his Mummy is beside herself with worry x
All xd for the safe return of Sonny.
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Poster in pets at home, the girls there are going to share on Facebook and have suggested sharing this page. The poster says missing from Downs view in bradford, not wearing collar, is chipped and is timid. One of the customers of pah is going to share with someone they know in bradford and steeple ashton on the off chance he is travelling in a fairly straight line. I've suggested not chasing and maybe sit still to see if he approaches. The customers son walks often between 12 and 2am with a PAT dog so he will be on the look out for Sonny. I'm assuming dog warden, vets, bcdh have been contacted?
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Sorry, couldn't do anything on foot last night but did drive around. Drove down to Semington roundabout, round Paxcroft Mead, into Hilperton, drove into Whaddon Lane and all the way down to the big farm, think its in Whaddon but will check. Drove on through Hilperton, went down Horse Rd and it occurred to me that theres a large green area between Hilperton and Hilperton Marsh, would be perfect for a dog to hide in if he is up that way. There were so many people walking dogs in all the areas last night, I think one of them would have spotted him if he was in the area. If the dog in Hilperton was him then he looks to be travelling in a fairly straight line? and would possibly have gone through Staverton. If he stays in that line then he could end up Steeple Ashton way but would have to cross a very nasty road.

Are we sure the sighting in Hilperton was Sonny and does he have a connection to Trowbridge, somewhere he could be heading?
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
In devizes rd now, just stopped a lady and girl and they saw sonny on Wednesday they think, but running down Bath Rd in bradford! I showed them his photo and they are 100%. They said he was running scared with lots of people chasing to catch him. He headed down Mount Pleasant without being caught.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
TX Emma and Millie...
DogLostMillieVW - Area Volunteer - West Wiltshire
Damn, just come back from vets and would normally go that way but not today! Will post on my Facebook and head up that way to have a look. If he's down on paxcroft mead then could have easily headed into green lane.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
circulating on twitter
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
last seen Devizes Road, Hilperton, Wilts. he could be anywhere around there/Paxcroft area.
If he's been spotted near trowbridge was he lost from widbrook wood way?
Not that close to me but can search over the weekend if needed
this area has lots of train lines, roads, and canals :( need to get him asap!
stay safe sonny x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in BA2,3,11,13,14,15. SN12.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Had a sighting of what would appear to be this dog phoned into HQ last night...same area. Have given owner the ladies contact on its way.

Drone SAR

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