Reunited: Dark Chocolate Labrador Retriever Female

  • Dog ID 42248
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 19 Aug 2012
  • Gender & Breed Female Labrador Retriever (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Dark chocolate
  • Marks & Scars She still has marks and shaved areas from where she was spayed.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 19 Aug 2012
  • Where Lost Lost on Sunday the 19th 9.15 am at rotherhill nurseries, Stedham, midhurst, West Sussex. LAST SEEN: Monday 20th 11.30am on minsted farm. No sightings on Tuesday.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area GU29
  • Date Found 26 Aug 2012
  • Where Found She was hiding in the timber yard in Stedham! A gentleman walking his dog noticed her and came strait to the nursery and let us know! She let mike put a lead on her and as soon as we got to our own wo
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area GU29
  • Date Reunited 26 Aug 2012
  • Other Info Choco is a very nervous dog, she is very slim as we have just rescued her. She is scared of humans as before she was with us she was badly treated. She knows 'lie down' and 'stay' but is unlikely to cooperate when scared. She was last seen running towards the Elsted inn from Iping Common. If seen, she is most likely to come towards people with other dogs, as she likes saying hello to other dogs.
  • Listed By Vonderz1
  • Views 4819
  • CHOCO SIGHTED Poster Image
  • CHOCO SIGHTED Extra Image


Sightings and Information

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So happy to see this little girl home .... you stay safe now xxx
Welcome home Choco this is wonderful news.
The road was my biggest fear arround this area but what a clever girl you were to cross it at least twice and safely at that.
Thanks for your text Hannah and keeping us all updated and after speaking to you I know she will have a lovely future with you.
Well done to the gentleman for doing all the right things a HUGE PAT ON THE BACK FOR HIM
I am so so pleased for you.

Stay Safe Beautiful Choco xxxx
Brilliant news. Welcome home lovely Choco - stay safe now xxx
Really pleased to see the lovely Choco home safe! Have a safe and happy life now Choco!x
So so pleased Choco is home lets hope she now settles down to a happy forever home.
What fabulous news - so pleased she's safely home. xx
Claire and Jasper
So pleased that she's home and safe with you. You must be over the moon. Brilliant that she was so close to home too - clever girl.

Hope I'm not being too cheeky, but can you tell me where you got her lovely big bed in the picture. My Jasper (Golden Retriever) would like one of those! x
Am so pleased Choco is safely back home with her owners. I hope the people who mistreated her before her rescue soon get their comeuppance. Welcome home Choc, and no more running off. Stay safe now Choco:-)xxx
What wonderful news after a week on the run - WELCOME HOME xx
Thank you all so much! She was noticed by a dog walker who came strait over to the nursery! She was barely a 3 min walk from home! She was so good a listened to mike, lay down when he asked her too and stayed like he asked her to. She pulled a lot some of the way home, however once we were in our own woods she just trotted by mikes side with her tail out! She seamed happy to be home! She now is having a nap in her bed with our other dog, after drinking lots of water and having had some food!

Thank you all for helping! The posters have really helped as the gentleman had seen a couple around!

Many many thanks to all!

DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Excellent news! You must be over the moon to have her home and safe xxx

Thank you so much for keeping us updated.

I fully understand what you are saying.

Dont forget if I can be of any help in any way just text me if I am able to do it I will ok

Stay Safe Choco until they find you
Hello all who are being so lovely in helping us,

This is an update to all,

She has sadly not been spotted today, however we are still holding hope.

We have been up and down the river through all of the fields and couldn't see any signs either this morning or this evening.

Any sightings of her will be so so much help as we need to confurm the area she is staying in.

We are now asking that if anyone see's her, please don't attempt to chase & catch her as she has no trust in humans and will most likely just bolt! (unless it's a case of shutting the door if she's got in to a shed or barn or in the case of her coming up to someone with a dog and there being a possibly slipping a lead on her if she is that hungry) Sadly it seams that we are going to have to trap her, so we would like to try and keep her in the same area as if she gets spooked and moves on she could go ANYwhere!!! Just please contact us asap if you see her as we are trying to get a few sightings in the same area to set the dog trap.

Thank you to you all we are so greatfull to all of your help!

Hannah & Mike

I'm sure admin could advise further, but if she seems to be staying around the same area as she's so nervous and has no real bond with anyone yet it might be a case for using a trap? There may be a rescue in the area who could lend you one but it seems as though she'll be very difficult to catch even if she's spotted x
Any more news re Choco. I have sent details to friends who live very close to Minsted Farm and others nearby - thinking of you as I know exactly what you are going through. Good luck -
I remember her from the Many Tears site. Hope she is caught soon.
I went out at 4pm with Misty as promised (just got back in) and I see the roads are well postered well done.

I spoke to a lot of dog walkers in fact one gentleman I spoke with was at the nursery yesterday morning apparently and was told about Choco then.

Misty and I have walked miles driven miles gone through woods foot paths ect then I drove further along the road stopped and searched but nothing to report this really is a vast area of woodland and there are so many places she could hide up in the day there is so much common land.

Come on Choco be seen again lets get you home.

Stay Safe xxxx
Hello to all who are so lovely to be willing to help!

Here is an update with more info about her!

Choco was spotted today twice around minsted farm, we've been and seen if we can spot her, but she had already shot off down the river towards diddling however you could see where she had been drinking from the river down there, we think she will come back as she was startled while licking milk off the parlor floor then later on annother part of the farm. She was also spotted just behind the fenced off part of Stedham common at about 8 last night (down the rodidendron walk for those who know where that is) She seems to be staying in that area which may not be so easy for us to find her, but great at the same time as she's not going near the A272! We are going back down there this evening to see if we could catch her as 6 is her supper time, and this will be day 2 she's missed it so she'll be hungry!

She is a Many tears dog, she was called Aldine with them, however she point blank did not respond to it, she had begun to respond to Choco, however when she's panicked she doesn't really respond to much. As we've said before, she does know lie down and stay, as that was how we were combating her panicking as it let her have a chance to calm down, however we have only had her a week and 3 days! So it's not had a chance to 100% stick. She got free from her harness on our land at rotherhill nurseries when a gate was being opened in to the nursery on the way to work. She is scared of gates because of her passed we think however she had been doing really well, had begun to walk through the gates really nicely as we pass them all several times a day.

What happened on the day she got lost was we were opening the galvanised gate rimmed with chicken wire to stop the rabbits getting in to the nursery, she herd the click of the padlock and she squeezed herself under the gate some how to get away from it, at this point she was on one side of the gate, and mike was on the other side with the lead stuck underneath, the only option was to continue opening the gate, at this point she completely freaked out and faught her self out of her harness despite it being done up very tight. It was only my other 1/2 out with her (as I was with our other dog at home as the long walk to work is a bit long for her little legs) he did his very best to get her or even to get her to lie down and stay, she did lie down, however she bolted when mike got that little bit too close for her, she's fast as anything!

We would very much like anything, even just a possible sighting of her to try and work out where she is hanging about to try and catch her.bshe is very clever, however she is such a nervous dog she will be very difficult to catch. We would like it if as she is so scared, for people to not scare her by trying to catch her, just use a very gently voice and ask her to lie down and try keep her with you and give us a buzz, we are both by our phones 24/7 so we will be with you near enough immediately, she will be hungry, however she is scared of hands, so if you try keep her with you with treats don't hand them strait to her, just chuck them on the ground and she should take them, however do bare in mind that we will probably be using her hunger as a way to catch her....

Thank you all so much, you are all so kind!

Hannah & Mike
It would be helpful to know how long the new owners had her and also whether she was lost from near that home or from somewhere she had been driven to.
Hi I am not on FB so Please Owners Keep Us Up To Date On Here (or text me you have my number) as the last two dogs that went missing in this area had been already got back home while I was still Postering for them.

Stay Safe Choco I will go out later this afternoon with one of my dogs I am only a stone throw away from where Choco went missing.

Put a poster in your car window as well.
I have emailed Chichester Dog Warden with details will I will pop posters into the Vets today as well.Last edited: 2012-08-20 07:11:22
Not my area but on the Many Tears Animal Rescue Forum (of which I am a member) it asked for help so I have posted to FB on sites that have a wider audiance than my local area. I have also noted on the MT forum that if Choco responds to more than one name they should put it here? She was referred to by another name on the forum so as she is likely to be nervous it might be worth the owner clarifying if she will respond to more than one name.
I am not sure if Choco was lost near home or was driven to this place? I lost my MT (very nervous Westie) more than once when we got her - but she ran back home and hid near the house. So make sure a gate / door is left open or go back to where the car was parked. Good luck x
Hi just seen this one I am in Midhurst please let me know on here what has been done as I can poster Midhurst Common Vets Pet Shop ect and mail the Dog Warden if not already done also I am free to help search after 4pm tomorrow just let me know if I can help in any way.
I will text you on the number above so you have my mobile number.
Stay Safe Choco until you are found darling xxxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent out to helpers in GU27,28,29,30,31.

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