Rainbow Bridge: Brown And White Jack Russell Terrier Cross Male

  • Dog ID 37231
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 20 Feb 2012
  • Name RILEY
  • Gender & Breed Male Jack Russell Terrier Cross
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Brown and White
  • Marks & Scars Extra dew claw on back right leg, has an overbite jaw
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 16 Feb 2012
  • Where Lost Bobbitts Lane Sewage Works, Ipswich, Suffolk. SIGHTED HADLEIGH AREA.
  • Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Lost In Post Area IP2
  • Date Found 07 May 2012
  • Where Found Received a phone call from a guy who worked for Anglian Water, sadly they retrieved Riley from a tank, they very kindly kept his collar for me, and buried him in more or less the spot I last saw him.
  • Found In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Found In Post Area IP2
  • Date Reunited 07 May 2012
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Lorna
  • Views 6268
  • RILEY Poster Image
  • RILEY Extra Image


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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I am so very sorry. Some really awful things happen to some of our dogs. I can only assume the good ones have to go back to heaven quickly. This is very tragic, but Riley is now safe from harm and is waiting for you, for an interval, until you are together again. I really believe this. Riley has earnt his little wings. God bless you. x
Jack Russell 4
Run free at the bridge little man xxx
So very, very sorry to hear about Riley - RIP beautiful boy xx
Oh, poor baby.... I'm so sorry...my thoughts are with your family at this very distressing time. Sleep tight - sweet dreams. xx
Oh no, how terribly sad. This was the news I had feared, seeing that Riley had been lost near to a sewage works. I am so very sorry and my thoughts are with the family at this sad time. Too young for the bridge, but run free, dear little Riley xx
So sorry. My thoughts are with Riley`s family, who one day will be reunited with him at the bridge. Night, n ight sweet one, sleep tight. RIP+++ Now in the care of God. sending your family hugs and healing prayers for their tragic loss. Until you meet again; never to be parted. God Bless
So very sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you
Too many Rainbow Bridge dogs today....So sorry that Riley didn't make it home XX
Oh no, Sorry Lorna. RIP Riley xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
So sorry Lorna xxx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Oh Lorna I am so, so sorry, run free Riley and play hard over Rainbow Bridge, thinking of your family at this very sad time xxx Sleep tight xxx
I am the owner of Riley and I would just like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all those kind people out there who REALLY helped me look for my little mate, MY HEART goes out to everyone that has experienced this, its one of the most painful things I have ever had to deal with. Much love to all the lost animals, and special wishes that you all get home safely.xxxxxx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Sadly the found terrier is not Riley...
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Terrier found yesterday in Ipswich...numbers not answering...will get hold of Helen after lunc.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you Daliman x
also my son and friend has just shared Riley on facebook
I have just shared Riley on my facebook as I know people in Ipswich
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thanks Anita x
I have shared him on facebook as have friends in Ipswich area
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thanks Jayne.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster sent out to helpers in IP7,8. CO4,6,7,10.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thank you Riverlady x
Twitter alerts gone out.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Can E-mail alerts go out for Hadleigh and the surrounding areas IP7 please
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Comment awaiting moderation
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I have spoken to the owner and sadly Riley is still missing. He is featured in the local paper for the next 3 days so will bump his page, hopefully this will bring some news xxx
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thanks Riverlady
Have put Riley on twitter + will circulate.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Thanks Jayne.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in IP 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Posters and flyers now made up and E-mailed on to the owner.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Photo now on ready for E-mail alerts thanks.
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
I have spoken to the owner and Riley went missing on a walk close to where he lives.The Dog Warden and local vets in the area have been notified and alerts have been put out on the local radio station.
A photo will be with us very shortly.
I will E-mail general information including contact numbers for vets in the area. I will also add Riley's details to Dog Lost Norfolk and Suffolk facebook group.
Stay safe Riley until you are found xxx

Drone SAR

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