Reunited: Black And White English Springer Spaniel Female

  • Dog ID 30170
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 04 Jun 2011
  • Name UNKNOWN
  • Gender & Breed Female English Springer Spaniel
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour black and white
  • Marks & Scars 6 weeks old.
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 03 Jun 2011
  • Where Lost Hurst, Nr Reading , Berkshire
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area RG10
  • Date Found 07 Jun 2011
  • Where Found Handed into vets after being found dumped in Guilford
  • Date Reunited 07 Jun 2011
  • Other Info STOLEN along with a littermate
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 37289
  • UNKNOWNPoster Image
  • UNKNOWNExtra Image


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This will carry on happening as long as other people are stupid/wicked/greedy enough to buy dogs offered for sale in suspicious circumstances. Who in their right mind would believe a dog offered for sale by someone like this was on the level?? Beggars belief!
Hhhmmmm. Ditto everyone else's feelings on this matter. Hope the pups are doing well though!
They are just scum of the earth and sadly to many evil gits like this in it.
OMG I can't believe what I've just read. He must be laughing his bloody socks off?
What is wrong with this magistrate/JP or whatever she's called. He didn't even get a slapped wrist - just a roof over his head and bloody benefits!! I'm surprised they didn't award him a brand new shiny car so he could carry on his thieving ways!
I'm so glad the puppies were found safely - what a lowlife!!Last edited: 2012-01-26 20:32:37 by jobadger
OMG! I can't believe what I have just read. Completely discraceful that he is getting away with it. What have we got to do to make authorities realise that excuses don't count. Disgusted!
Well we all know the laws today: Slapped wrist and the naughty step. Pleased this dog has been found though and reunited. Grrr... to our idiotic laws
SHARED!!!!! THIS IS DISCRACEFUL!!!and the evidence was all there!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Sadly...despite video evidence...and lots of hours work from Thames valley police,Dogwarden extreme ...Beezle....and doglost...this low life got away with feel free to cross post on any network you have...the name is in the press so public knowledge...lets just get it a bit more VIRAL...before he nicks your dog...Cause he is still on the loose and probably feels invincible....
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done, Sky! Dog Lost needs lots more lovely people like you. X
JRT now scanned and returned home.
Can I hijack this thread as Im told a lot of local people are still reading, Ive found a very scared and hungry male Jack Russell in Yateley Hants and wonder if anyone may know who he belongs to, it took me two hours to coax him into my garden and Im sure someone is missing him as he's been seen running around for days.07973 368090
What a fantastic result and a lovely reunited photo! Really hope this guy is caught, how evil! Hope these babies are ok, stay safe now, well done again dog lost x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Great news that you have them back. You are a pretty pupxxx
So glad you got them back x
well look at those two little darlings, lovely pic and human mummy looks so relieved xx have a happy happy long life pups xxx
Ah, thank you for sharing reunited pics. So glad these babies are safe.
So pleased these babies are home safe and sound. What a relief for you. I hope the search goes on for the thieves - they may well try this again otherwise. Good luck little ones - have a long and happy life!! xx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Love the photo, thanks for sharing it with us. Jan x
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Ahhh!!! Lovely reunited photo. Glad they're none the worse for their ordeal xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
thanks watch the share part go mad again....everyone wants to see the re united pics...
Lovely reunited piccie of the babies
Ditto,fantastic news.Now those thieving scumbags have to be caught!!!
Like everyone has said - great relief and thankful these two babies are safely back home where they belong. How true was CJ's comment about the thief not realising the might of DogLost. Just hope this trio are found and dealt with accordingly. Perhaps that will come with the help of the Wokingham Times which has a large front page coverage of this theft and assault.
Taygen - Area Volunteer, Milton Keynes
Thank god for that, i wish them and the owners all the best for the future and would like to say once again speaking from a recent expereience, some people will never understand how valuable this site really is, this site was my lifeline when my dog went missing, if it had not been for the vollenters that helped me search, the daily blog, with behind the scenes help, and the free psoter service this site offers, i would never have got my baby back! i think i speak for every owner here when i say THANK YOU. and i cant wait to pay you back when you next need equipment and or funding but the reward money i put out for him and or the money i would have payed from the dog warden is yours when im called upon for it to be used.
Berties Family
so glad these are home...well done to all those poster-ing and all the people on Facebook, I hope they catch those involved
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
we want a reunited photo of you with the girls...when you have a moment....well done owner....
Sorry, it has taken me so long but I had a he'll of a day yesterday, and the best nights sleep I have had in 4 days, that's to dogs lost and to Facebook, my girls are back something that would never of happened without you guys and for that I can't thank you enough.

I had a call yesterday morning, telling who had the puppies and where they were being kept, the police have all that information, then around 1pm I got a call from a vet in fleet saying they had the puppies, the were taken to fleet because the person who found them knows someone at that practice, while driving to fleet I got another call from an man with a thick Irish accent ( thick as in strong, not thick as in stupid) telling me not to worry my puppies would be home today, I think we made these puppies so well know he had no other option but to dump them and this is down to you guys, thank you all so much, w
Will post a picture in a few day of them back in the family but the have to be kept separate for a few days, in case they have picked anything up, a BIG kiss and hug to all, thank you for helping me find them X
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done all of you - and this just goes to show how perseverence pays off. Amazing result! God bless the little ones, their Doggie Mum and Human Mum, who never gave up! x
So glad to see these 2 little ones back home where they belong - well done everyone. After they get the all clear I bet mum will be delighted to have them back.x.
Fantastic news !!!!

Echo what everyone says, this is brilliant news and owners have worked their socks off finding there babies .

I hope the pups were not dumped anywhere to nasty and not for long... Just goes to show the power of the posters and Internet .. Well done everyone for all mucking in and helping.

A friend of mine is looking for a cocker spaniel to home herself so I got her spreading the word incase she happened upon these stolen pups for sale.

Hope the pups are settling back home ok xxxx
That is great news, just shows how valuable DogLost and Facebook are as the word is getting out. Hope the pups are ok.x
I am so so pleased for you and of course the gorgeous little girlies!!! Will let my followers on twitter know. Love to you all xx
so pleased these two gorgeous babies are at home safe and well :-) xx
Brilliant!! I'm betting they were just too hot to handle with press, posters, internet etc. The amount of support on Twitter has been phenomenal - I'm still getting RTs, am now spreading word that they've been found. Let's hope it makes these thieves and a lot of others think twice before they attempt anything like this again.
So pleased these little ones are back home with their just shows what people can and will do to get these pups home... well done for sharing and posting everyone xxxx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
FANTASTIC NEWS the pups are HOME where they belong. They have been made TOO HOT TO HANDLE and everyone has done a FAB job spreading the word. Owners have been so pro-active and it has paid of. So pleased to see them in the BLUE. Welcome home girls.

Thanks for the text earlier Angus :) just updating Facebook. Jan x
I just heard via Jan .. great news so pleased you have the pups back safe and sound xxx i hope this horrible man will be caught xxxLast edited: 2011-06-07 18:22:29 by Scarlet
Just come in to this fabulous news! Sooooo pleased for Sue, mum and pups!
Congratulations to all concerned. xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
and well done to vets for being helpers and checking on have made one owner very happy...and may I say owner SUE has done a magnificent job at spreading the word and has achieved the desired result....and all you helpers have really pulled out the stops...thank you all so much...
Brilliant news. Hope the little ones are ok.
Well done everyone involved & owners who have been so proactive in trying to get these little ones back
So pleased! Now to catch this man! Xxx
Yipee woo woo!!! So pleased they are home safe. Fantastic work everyone, hope these horrible people who stole these babes are caught and prosecuted...
Welcome home little ones xxx
Fantastic! Well done everyone! xxx
Thank heavens for that. I have been like everyone on DogLost disgusted by this theft. Well done finder for your prompt action. Welcome back little girls.
Great news - welcome home pups - Liz xx
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Yes!!!!!! Obviously far too hot to handle. Hope the Police still manage to catch up with the thieves. So pleased for owners and, of course mum and littermates!! Last edited: 2011-06-07 18:29:37 by Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
Brilliant news! Well done to everyone xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
great news....
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Sue has confimed they are hers. pups are well making a noise in back of the car after weeing all over her jacket LOL.

They will need to be kept seperate from mum and litter mates as dont know what they may have come into contact with but they are safe and on the way home.

Vets was sleet or fleets i am sure Sue will update when she is home in a while .

WooooHooooo!!!! Well Done Everyone!!
I'm from the vets where the puppies were handed in, the owner has just been and they are her puppies!!!!!!!!
Praying this is the 2 little babes, everything crossed xxxLast edited: 2011-06-07 14:35:50 by BBKM
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
*************** BREAKING NEWS*****************

owner on way to vets to check 2 pups dupmed this morning at Guilford. sounds like them but not going to reunite till they are seen by Sue and she rings to confirm.

DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Come on litttle ones, keep strong, you are nearly home! Bless them and keep them safe. x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
in the press today.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
It might take time but we will get there. Need to just wait and see how things develope dont really want to say too much at this point.
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Fantastic!! Can't wait for updates, but at work so unable to log on again until lunchtime!! Fingers, paws, etc etc crossed for you xxx
What a fantastic way to wake up, I had a message via Facebook, things are moving
Bless these babe`s and get them back in there mothers arms soon.Love CJs post"theif didnt know the might of the doglost and its band of helper`s".xx
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Putting on my face book page - have some friends out that way.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
All photo/s grouped together last night and second image of the theif now added. Details shared on NW Facebook pages. Rooting for these puppies to be back home with their family soon. Good luck. Jan x
Hi, sorry I don't know why it wouldn't work, please see the below and thank you for your support
Facebook info
Page name: Help find these puppies
Link info:
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
no full registration it was an r or s reg. National papers have picked up on the story so hopefully loads of publicity tomorrow, also radio berkshire are doing an appeal....thanks everyone for sharing...together we will make them too hot to handle...please also twitter and share for dog 30201 believed also to be stolen from Guildford...this mum has laeft 7 hungry 3 week old puppies behind and its urgent we find her quickly....
Sorry what is the title of the group on facebook ??

For some reason the link will not work
Just seen this, and disgusted what has happened here.. so so sorry for the owners. I will now go on and share the facebook link, and cross post to other rescue sites..

Keep looking on the free ads, like Gumtree, preloved, epupz etc.. incase they are selling them on there..

let's hope and pray these babies are home so soon. xx
Did anyone get the full vehicle registration??
Hope the puppies are found very soon.
Shared on facebook, I like everyone else wish for the very speedy return home x
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
THANKS LINDA- i had seen this before but did not think to use it. Have now registered DOGLOST and its now on site . seems you must have a CRN to put things on site.
Dont know if you v'e heard of this site but two puppies were recovered using it, i think it's a police site and you can add your two on it
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
jackie murdock from thames valley police has sent alert out.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
I have emailed both main TV companies news desk plus CC to the ONE SHOW & LONDON TONIGHT who have both featured doglost cases before.

if they will take up the story it would maximise the publicity.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
have just spoken to Caroline from the Wokingham Times who are doing an article on the theft...more coverage....
Hi all, please send the below facebook link out and add as many people as you can
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
WEll Mr theif your face is all over the net and very soon we will find you. Why not give up and bring the puppies back now??
Hi all, is 6 am and I have just finished feeding the other puppies, we had a good night, they only woke up for milk once around 3am, this is the time I get really upset, seeing, knowing and doing, what these need and know my 2 little girls won't be getting it, I truly can't thank you enough
shared on fb too, we have to make these babies too hot to handle, they need their mummy.x.
Shared on facebook too...
Have shared on facebook,
Lets hope these thieving lowlife is caught soon and these poor babies returned safely xx
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Support has been amazing from everyone So thanks for checking out adverts and sending details around especially with this link ( see views to date !!!) so these pups will be the hottest ones to sell!!

I think this is one theif that has not realised the might of doglost and its band of helpers !!!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
update from owner...police have been back in touch with her and have got the cctv footage...they will be speaking to the kind person who noticed the poster and remembered the incident to narrow it down to a time scale so they dont have to watch hours of footage...tomorrow.

unfortunately no cctv outside of pets at home...BUT...intrepid owner noticed the garage oppositte has cctv cameras covering the pets at home she told them what had happened and they are more than willing to look through their footage when we have the approximate time and as such will hold the tape rather than erase after the usual 1 week...I cannot praise this owner highly enough for being so pro active...and she cannot praise you enough for the amazing support...owner and her husband say this is an omen that when the puppies get back they have a forever home with them and no one else.
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
I agree with Jennysmum that the local press should be informed. Hopefully someone will then name and shame this piece of low life! As far as checking sites are concerned, please leave this to the police/council's traveller liaison officer as you could find yourself in a dangerous situation. If possible, just watch for cars going in and out.
Tell the police they are very valuable property. That is what interests them and makes it a crime Worth solving. If someone had come to buy an old car and driven off in it they would be on the case.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks everyone with all your help its only a matter of time till we catch up with them...
I have put on my facebook and twitter. This has made me so angry, I hope they catch the theiving scum who have taken these puppies away from their mum and their family. Have the local press been contacted, our local radio and press were very good when our dog went missing. I am very far away but the internet knows no bounds so I will spread the word whenever and wherever I can so that we can make these puppies too hot to handle.
Like everyone else has said, I too am horrified at what has happened. Have already passed on details to friends in and around the area. Have you or someone checked out the Shurlock Row area? I tried last night but, apart from it getting dark, husband was driving too fast! I'll be going that way again this week so will drive slowly and look but, hopefully, your babies will be home before then.
definately 'hassle' police, ALSO contact Traveller Liason Officer at your local council. Postmen also useful as they visit all areas & notice 'changes' - eg cute puppies that appear at surprising addresses & may recognise the person. May be worth showing your person picture to local housing officers (local authority & housing association).
PS - is there any way you could put the extra image so that it could be enlarged like the poster image? I am having difficulty seeing it well xx
If I were you I would chase the police daily - to keep it at the top of the list. Nag about the footage at Pets at Home. This is hugely important to you and us dog lovers but may not be so for the police. Good luck - I have posted it on facebook and I live locally so I am keeping a look out. I agree checking certain "sites" out for the car may be a very good idea xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
And look at the tweets and the scale....thanks everyone...we will get him...
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
We WILL find your babies sramallo. Just look at the number of "views" this page has had in the last 2 days!! I have been a helper on here for a couple of years now and have NEVER seen so many and in such a short space of time! Keep strong, there are hundreds of us out here looking for your girls xx
Again, thank you all so much, I am sorry that I haven't post that often, I am looking at other ways of tracking this scum bag, the pets at home information is looking the most promising so far, I currently have mum and 6 puppies running around playing, well cause carnage and I can't hold back the tears thinking about the our 2 little girls and where they are, I will keep everyone up to date with the outcome of the scum bag in pets at home and god willing, it will be him and we will not only get my babies back but we will be able to find the puppy he went into the store with last week, thank you all once again x
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Are the police also checking local "places" for cars of this description, as dog theft seems to be one of "their" favourite pastimes?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
yes we have mobile number...but police have told owner not to ring....owner is a waiting police to get back to her re petsathome siting of what we presume is the same man in WOKINGHAM BRANCH...they have ctv at the tills and this guy did buy some dogfood....keep tweeting and sharing...
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but if the ******* was stupid enough not to notice the camera, was he also stupid enough not to withold his phone number? (here's hoping!!)Police/phone company could then put a trace on it. Hope your babies are back with you soon x
I'm sorry but I'm finding it very difficult to put into words how I feel about this without using a he'll of s lot of expletives. I am so sorry for you and cannot believe what absolute.........'s there are in the world. Facebook shared xxx
Hello, we lost our dog in the forest last week and know what you're going through. I've tweeted and facebooked this page to help spread the word. Hope you find this 'man' and the puppies are returned safe and sound.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
the call came after owner ...who is incredibly lucid under the circumstances...put up posters..they always work... at pets at anonymous caller informed her that a similar looking man came into the store last saturday with a puppy that could not even lift its head...the person was so concerned...they asked why the puppy was not with the mother...the reply is unprintable...

So guys twitter...share...anyone in WOKINGHAM...NOW...our police contacts in THAMES VALLEY HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED.... also we have our wonderful dog warden for the area on our side....WOW...HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MANY TWEETS OR PAGE VIEWS ON ONE DAY ON SITE BEFORE....these puppies are going to come home...thank you every one....please put link to this dogs page on the social I GUESS we should not be pubicising peoples photos....the image will probably be removed from the mainstream wont be from ours..we willl find this scumbag...with your help..
Poochie Freak
Thanks for confirmation that they're black and white, have passed this info back. Really hope they are found safely soon. The details are being crossposted all over the place. Angela
Hi, I can not thank you enough for your support, I can not believe that such low life scum bags exist and I will not stop until my little girls are back with their mum, I would just like to clarify that the girls are BLACK & WHITE the have had their due claws off but still have lovely wagging tails.
We have had some very positive news re Pets at home in Wokingham, someone went in last week with a very young puppy, we are now waiting for the CCTV image to see if it is the same guy that is on ours, what a good job the scum bag was also an idiot, who didn't notice our cameras, fingers crossed, once again thank you so much for your support
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
spoken to owner and definately black and white
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
will check with owner.
I'm in Scotland searching for a little dog who has been missing for a week and is missed by two little girls and a mum (human) can't believe that three humans sorry sick humans can sink so low!! be ashamed be very ashamed
Also tweeted this afternoon, it went viral, nearly 300 re-tweets at last count, lots from local area (I'm near Henley). Hope it helps in some way.
Barney 'n' Ozzie's mum
Surely there's CCTV in the area that might have picked up the number plate? Will share on facebook. Also, where were they advertised? If, for example on a supermarket notice board, the store should have CCTV...
Poochie Freak
Hi DogLost, I presume these two puppies are definitely confirmed as black and white? There's an email from a lost dog list which says brown and white, so I'm confused. Thanks :-)Last edited: 2011-06-04 18:25:51 by Poochie Freak
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Taygen - Area Volunteer, Milton Keynes
this is disgusting, my sympathys go to the onwers, i have circulated on facebook, hope it helps and will spread the word to help prevent profiting from these cuties
Have put on Twitter + will circulate.
Have put on twitter and will keep doing so!!!
Hope it is not too long before they are found, pups and thieves.
I have posted to FB and NESSR. Hope these babies are back home safe very soon. I can't print what I hope happens to the thieves.
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
This was a pre mediated theft!!!
Phoned to view pups then said could not come as wife had broken her ankle. Then re phoned to say not a break but bad sprain so will still come. Arrive ask if can take pups to car as wife cannot get out. Car had been turned around one man in drivers seat - a lady on back seat with car door open- man in photo pushes owner out of way throws pups into car and speeds off. This is an R or S reg green VW passat.

Please face bok twitter this as much as possible. Lets find this ****

DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
poster e mailed to helpers in RG 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,12,41,42,40,45 AND SL 4,5,6.
have cross posted to labrador forum as lots have spaniels as well and connections in the gun dog/working areas. x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Photo/s of puppies grouped together and other photo cropped to bring it closer. Both puppies have a distinguishing spot on their heads. Hope they are found soon. Good luck. Jan x
looked through all my list of ads this morning this one is the only ad for springer pups matching the description posted today and fairly local in slough. It says a 'litter' but they all say that! worth a look no photo either which always makes me wonder.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
photo of theif is in extra image box...please circulate.

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