Reunited: Brown Terrier Cross Male

  • Dog ID 29840
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 16 May 2011
  • Name DAVEY
  • Gender & Breed Male Terrier Cross (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Brown
  • Marks & Scars He has a white patch on his chest. He is wearing a blue collar. He has a microchip.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 15 May 2011
  • Where Lost On the West Highland Way Route between Kinlochleven and Fortwilliam. Roughly 4 miles from Kinlochleven after an old ruin cottage.
  • Lost In Region Scotland
  • Lost In Post Area PH33
  • Date Reunited 04 Jun 2011
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Ash
  • Views 23993
  • DAVEYPoster Image
  • DAVEYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Re-united story in the Press and Journal today.
They were still great pictures... stay safe now Davey, enjoy your life and don't run off again xxxLast edited: 2011-06-10 21:18:50 by Angus
Lovely pictures of Davey, he is so cute, love him xx
Comment awaiting moderation
In the top picture he looks like he's thinking 'mmmmmm now this is more like it!!!!' Welcome home little man xxx
DogLostLostdogs Scotland (external site, opens in new browser window/tab)Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
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Great to hear this. Welcome home Davey. Am so pleased for you and your owners. Great pics. Stay safe now Daveyxxx :-)
Wonderful pictures - thank you for sharing them. Love and hugs to Davey XX
Fantastic pictures! Typical terrier- they're survivors!
Fabulous pictures - and if I wanted to get lost anywhere, it would be here. Fantastic scenery, superb wildlife and caring, sharing people. xx
Wow, amazing pics!!!What an adventure he had, glad of the happy ending.
Great to see the new photos of cheeky Davey being caught on camera. It would be great if dogs never got lost or went missing but when they do it would be brilliant if they all had a camera in there microchip so we could watch and see what they get upto haha!! or better still a tracker...hey that could make me millions if i could invent it..a microchip/tracker/camera.
Take care Davey little man xx
Thats amazing! Thank you for sharing!
DogLostLostdogs Scotland (external site, opens in new browser window/tab)Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Comment awaiting moderation
AR - sometimes you need to refresh your browser to see the updated photos - depends on which operating system and browser that you are running
Welcome home Davey, lovely reunited photo and great to see you back home, well done everyone x
I cant see the new photos either this has happened to me before though :(
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
These are the new photos Bazil
Looking forward to seeing the new photos of Davey. So happy this boy is home xx
So good to see him home and happy! xx
Aw Davey so sweet you wee rascal dont want to ever see you on lost dogs again. X
Lovely to see you back home Davey and having fun in the garden. Please stay safe now. Lots of love and cuddles for you from me and the Scottish Terriers XXX
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Here he is - the wee rascal.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Was going to go and have a coffee with Helen today and get some re-united photos of Davey but just have run out of time. A photo will be on here soon though.
What absolutely fantastic news. Well done to everyone who helped catch this boy xx
Welcome hom Davey xx Stay very safe now x
Helen Troup
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to all who helped and supported us through the last 3 weeks! Miracles do happen...we can hardly believe it! Apart from being on the skinny side, Davey is in good shape and enjoying being back with his family. He had a great sleep last night and is currently in the back garden playing with his tennis ball! : ))))
To all the locals in Kinloch/N. Ballahulisch/Onich/FortWilliam.....(up that way) you are all amazing, Mike, and I will always remember the kindness you have shown to us all. Thanks again Helen and Mike xxxx
FANTASTIC NEWS!! I've been following Davey's story and am over-the-moon that he's finally home. It gives me real hope that my Cocker Ollie will come home soon, this is day 7 of his escapade x
Delighted that he is home. Well done to all concerned.
Wonderful news, I have been checking on Davey a few times a day, he certainly has had an adventure! Stay safe little man, and well done to everyone for getting this beautiful boy back home with his mum and dad xx
Fantastic news. have been watching and hoping he would be caught.......Well done to all involved ........and you little man, enough of being a runaway now stay at home and enjoy your comforts....xx
Fantastic news. have been watching and hoping he would be caught.......Well done to all involved ........and you little man, enough of being a runaway now stay at home and enjoy your comforts....xx
Great news!
Fiona Hutton
Oh what a relief!! Well done Alistair! Helen and Mike must be over the moon...and exhausted! A good nights sleep will be had I'm sure. Well done to Colin & Karen and all the locals who helped too x
still can't believe it. To think of wee Davey at his home now and not by himself in the dark in a strange place is absolutely amazing and can go to bed with a smile. was thinking about him every night out there. He is a lucky boy to have such determined owners. Sleep well wee Davey. xxxxxxx Last edited: 2011-06-04 23:54:15 by Viv
Whoopee!!! What an adventure Davey has had - just goes to show how hardy little terrier's are. No doubt a good night sleep will be had by all. Welcome Home Davey.
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Fantastic news. So pleased to see this little one in the blue :)
Wonderful news that wee Davey is now back home, very well done everyone you never gave up on him xx
Wonderful news that wee Davey is now back home, very well done everyone you never gave up on him xx
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..... Davey is home..wonderful news, tears from me.. just had to log in before bed and so glad I did. Thankyou Alistair for setting it up and many thanks to Colin and Karen who I know have worked so hard... Now Davey you be good now, no more going off on your travels, it's not all it's cracked up to be... Enjoy your life now with your mum and dad... so happy for you all xxx
have been following Davey's story and logged on before bed to see if any news. Over the moon he is safe and back with his family.:-) sounds like a fantastic team're all stars! stay safe now sweetie xxLast edited: 2011-06-04 22:19:49 by angi
fantastic welcome home x
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
I keep coming back in and looking at him in the blue- re-united list..Just cannot believe it. What a great result by all the fantastic people up there in the community.There are not enough special words to describe the great and continued efforts applied to catch Davey, keep him safe, and get him back to Helen and Mike.You all deserve a medal, especially Colin, Karen and Alistair.
Good result, well done all involved, sleep well x
Well done everyone. So happy he is safe and sound, was worried this afternoon. Look forward to hear how davey is getting in next couple of days! Welcome back to aberdeen davey! Last edited: 2011-06-04 21:52:13 by Donalda
Just in from a wedding in Oban and first thing I did was check on wee Davey - I was so happy to see him in the blue - wonder you didn't hear me cheering in North Connel. What wonderful people in Onich and Alistair what a man. Mustn't forget all the other lovely people who gave up such much time to look for wee Davey and for keeping their eye on him when he decided to stay in Onich. Welcome home you little monkey, stay safe now and NO wandering off again. I must admit I do have leaky eyes now. This has made my weekend!! Big hugs to Helen and Mike xxx
Oh Thank goodness, just checked before bedtime and saw Daveys name gone off the lost list and hardly dared look! I am so so pleased, although live miles away I have walked the WHW and knew the whereabouts described. Welcome home you little tinker Davey and stay safe now. Made my week!
Welcome home Davey. liz xx
bev & steve
Great news!! met Helen & Mike a couple of days after davey went missing, we were walking the last leg of the WHW to Fort William with our border collie, have been following events since returning home to Stratford upon Avon. Just goes to show what team work can do, well done to all of you, especially Alastair.
it is such great news my friend at work was out looking for davey a lot celebrations all round Meg
Millys Mum
I'm miles away but still ABSOLUTELY THRILLED to hear this wonderful news!!! Welcome home little Davey and a huge, HUGE WELL DONE to everyone who helped and gave support/words of encouragement.

Alastair, you absolute legend! I hear they're auditioning for a Scottish remake of McGyver...

This is wonderful news for everyone involved, and absolutely the right ending to a heart breaking tale.

Sleep tight everyone!
Fantastic News - owners have worked so hard for Davey and what can we say about the wonderful Alistair and his invention to shut the door without disturbing Davey THANK YOU only goes a tiny way xx
WOWEEEEE!!! What fabulous news to come in to!! Congratulations to all concerned. I look forward to reading Davey's memoirs at some future date!!:) I am so pleased for this lad, for everyone involved and particularly for Helen and Mike - I've felt for you all through this ordeal - don't forget you promised the lad black pudding Helen!! Take care - all of you! Jo xxxxxxxx (the last 3 are for Davey)Last edited: 2011-06-04 20:27:26 by jobadger
Wonderful news, so pleased he is now home x x
Absolutely delighted for everyone involved in getting Davey home safely. Well done Alastair you are a STAR...Davey stay safe precious boy and have a wonderful first night home with your family....well done everyone xxx
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Just gave Helen a wee call and she is so happy it is unbelievable. Everyone up there has just been so brilliant in everything you have done to get Davey back home. I suggested to Helen he may have to be on extended lead now instead of off lead but she knows this now, I am sure. Everyone will either not sleep tonight with the excitement or sleep in the knowledge that wee Davey is safe in the arms of him mum again. What a love in tonight there will be eh? Wow !! Alistair -excellent work.Last edited: 2011-06-04 20:16:17 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
As soon as Davey was able to smell Helen, he knew her straight away. Last edited: 2011-06-04 20:04:03 by Colin&Karen
Aw have followed this and must admit the silent forum this afternoon and the busy road had me so worried for Davey. What a happy ending i would also luv to n how davey went to helen did he remember etc so happy. And u folks what a team heros the lot of u. Gona miss u all. Davey stay safe enjoy your bed tonight. X
cant beleive it, am so so delighted. alistair your a star and all your neighbours and everyone that has been thinking of wee davey, vivien just phoned me in tears,there will be a lot of wet eyes tonight, helen give him a big hug from us all,i am delighted for you and little davey. YEAHA!!!!!!!! XXXXX
Colin said - Davey went into Helen's arms within minutes - tail wagging :-). Colin took a lead, but Helen didn't need it. He looked very content.Last edited: 2011-06-04 19:56:33 by Colin&Karen
What a great result - so pleased Davey has been 'captured' and is on his way home. Everyone who has worked so hard for this to happen should be very proud. Now you can all get back to normal, although I guess Davey's adventures will be talked about for many a long time. Look forward to hearing more news once Davey gets back home and has settled down. Well done each and everyone of you. Keep safe now Davey - sending you big cuddles from the Scottish Terriers. XX
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
I'm ecstatic. Beside myself with joy XXX
John fae The Fort
Brilliant news ,was getting a bit worried about him going near the busy main road and well done Alastair ,and great work Colin and Karen with your hard work must have cost a fortune in fuel
Would like to hear if Davey just came to Helen or got into the car like normal as if nothing happened
Great news sleeping in a comfy bed the night
Julie B
I have been watching Daveys page since he went missing. I am so glad he is now safely on his way home. You should all be so proud of yourselves - you have worked so hard together to get this cute little boy home to his Mum and Dad. Stay safe now Davey - you dont need another adventure like this again. xx
That's fantastic - well done Alistair. I'm sooooooo pleased for Davey and Helen & Mike. Wish I could of seen the reunion. xx
Success ....

Davey is on his way home with Helen .... hurray :-)

He was "caught" mid/late afternoon by Alastair at Camus House. Helen has just driven from Aberdeen, re-united herself with Davey and is now on her way home.

Excellent result.

Alastair, from Camus House, didn't want me to mention his name but, sorry, I have to. After narrowly catching Davey the other morning (remember - Davey ventured into his garage but darted out before he closed the door), Alastair engineered a contraption from his garage door into his kitchen. This meant he could activate his garage door to close without having to run out of the house to do it - stopping Davey from taking flight. All the while, he had been leaving food out for Davey to entice him into his garage. Well done Alastair. In our opinion, an unsung highland hero.

So many local people have also given their time to help .... Helen, Mike and Davey's plight has touched many of us. Also, not forgetting, this forum, website - it has enabled vital information to be shared and provided much welcomed advice. From me and Colin - thank you.

"Tenacious D" (as I like to call him) - Davey - is now safely in the car with Helen driving home.

Can't wait to hear from Helen and Mike as to how Davey is doing once he's back home.

What a huge relief :-)

Have posted on Twitter and Rescue Remedies forum ( includes Terrier rescue)

He is obviously a very resourceful little chap.
Have posted on Twitter and Rescue Remedies forum ( includes Terrier rescue)

He is obviously a very resourceful little chap.
I agree Davey is a born survivor, he'll be home soon ;-)
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Terriers are hardy little rascals.
The lady couldn't tell what was barking - and personally, I don't think it was Davey. We'll know soon enough once we get another sighting. After all Davey's recent escapades, I think Davey is becoming quite a wee tenacious little mite. The terrier side of him is certainly coming to the forefront - he jumped over a five foot hedge the other day!!
I believe if Davey was barking the foxes would most likely run away. A fox won't take on anything it knows would beat it. Foxes don't risk getting injured x
has anyone checked this out?Last edited: 2011-06-05 08:44:31 by Viv
Barking reported in the fields in North Ballachulish (near the Old Town) approx 1.30am this morning. Not sure if it was a dog/fox etc.
so dissapointed to hear Davey not spotted today:(
If he is getting fed too much he may not feel he needs to reach into the cage/trap for food. Maybe an idea to keep food in trap only for a couple of days.
He is a very clever dog and he will stay away from noise and will probably rest more after eating. Hope the trap floor is covered with leaves etc or even a blanket like Sable advised and a secure cover draped over it will make it look cosy xx
The road (A82) is quite busy and noisy today (probably because of the World Mountain Bike Championships in Fort William) so Davey could possibly be keeping away from it and settling to be in a quieter place locally. He definetly knows where to go and get food in the area as he's been making repeat visits to a number of places.
Was reading dogs re united pebbles story - on the run for a month. they used another friendly dog.! Which led to the capture.
Unfortunately, the last sighting we know of was from "Vivien" (see below) saying Garage House owner had seen Davey yesterday afternoon. We've not had any phone calls or blogs of sightings since.

If anyone sees Davey, please post a comment on here or text/phone to let us know - so we can ascertain if he's still in the area.

Thank you.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
any sightings this morning?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
hopefully it wont be long now....
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Just wondering if the metal floor of it has been covered with something inviting for Davey to step on,like clothing or blanket, as he may not fancy going in there, stepping onto the metal.
The dog warden has set up the trap in the garden at Garage House. The owner has been leaving food out (for badgers) but Davey has been feeding from it!! Hopefully, he may find his way to the trap. He has been there for two or three days and was seen this afternoon.
Come on davey theres nothing better than your own bed. Your are all fab folk doing this for davey and his family really hope he gets caught soon. Now that he is feeding in the garage house garden are there traps there as well? Good luck from your many well wishers in glasgow. X
Come on Davey your family want you home, you have been on your travels far to long... don't think it will be long now before little Davey is caught... stay strong at least he is seen regulary and he looks well xxxx
speaking to a lady from Garage House (next door to Camus House)said Davey was in her garden this afternoon. She is also feeding Davey - says he is looking not bad at all considering what he has been through. Fingers crossed he will go into a trap soon.
hi,any word yet,everyone in onich is doing a great job,my sister viv has been out looking for davey since he went missing, and i joined her last night for couple hrs, but no sign of the wee darling, keep up the good work
As long as he's in the area, I think it will only be a matter of time. He's obviously finding the food left out and there's lots of hiding places for him. While he's here, it's "relatively" easy to keep tabs on him because everyone knows about him. Most of the sightings are between 6.30am - 9.30am then again late afternoon/evening.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
He may have had plenty to eat yesterday and was not as hungry as had to head towards Camus House for the food smells.He is leading us all a merry dance isn't he?
Davey was seen near "Oak Cottage" (same area as yesterday in Onich) at approx 8.45am then again approx 9.15am crossing the road from "Gollanfield" towards the Onich Stores. This means he's stayed in the same area. Hoping he will head towards the trap or the garage!
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
No sightings this morning?
It won't be long now. Everything crossed, hope this gorgeous boy is home safe tonight. Come Davey son take the bait,your family need you home xx
Forgot to say earlier - through the sightings, we've been told that Davey looks really well (no obvious signs of anything untoward.) Given that he's feed on black pudding and a bowl of dog food today, (to our knowledge) he's probably gone under the radar for a couple of hours to let it all settle - lol. Weather is excellent this afternoon and forecast to be the same tomorrow, so hopefully wee Davey will be out and about.Last edited: 2011-06-02 18:32:49 by Colin&Karen
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Well said Karen.
Just back from the shore and no sign of Davey - good sign - means he's staying in a particular area. He was spotted wandering around at Camus again at 4.00pm.


There seems to be very little chance of Davey being "caught" or going to someone - other than Helen or Mike. This makes it imperative that he doesn't feel threatened and feels free to roam around - hopefully straight into the garage!

It's still vital to report sightings please - to make sure he's still in the area. Thank you.
Come on Davey - time for you to go home now. We have been following your story from many miles away. We know from experience how kind and caring the folk are who are trying to help you, so put your trust in them and they will take good care of you. Two Scottish Terriers here telling you to 'get a wriggle on'. Please stay safe. XXLast edited: 2011-06-02 17:02:59 by Badger
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
One of these days very soon he is going to be caught and home in his mum's bosie.
oh I hope so - everything crossed down here in North Connel even The Spangles have got their paws crossed and are sending come home thoughts to Davey x
It's going to happen very soon - you'll have him home in no time now!! All fingers, paws, fins and legs crossed here for a result very soon - especially with the weather forecast! xxLast edited: 2011-06-02 16:37:53 by jobadger
Come on Davey time to give yourself up and come home. Hope it is Stornaway Black Pudding that you have been eating. Promise I'll send you some if you give yourself up. What a grand bunch of people in Onich - there should be a write up and photos in The Oban Times of a grand reunion xx
Helen Troup
Just had phone call to say that Davey just been spotted at the pier opposite the Onich shop.
Davey just spotted near the Onich Stores crossing the road - onto the shore. Colin isn't here at the moment (in Fort William). Will pop over to the shore to see if I can see him.
Another neighbour just phoned to say that she left a full bowl of food to entice Davey mid/late this morning and she's just got back home to find at least half of it has been eaten! Must be Davey! Hopefully, the food being left out is enough to keep him within this area. She's just popping for a walk up the track/mountain behind her to see if she can spot anything. When she gets back, she's going to fill the bowl to the top again and leave it slightly more inside her garden. (This morning she left it by an open gate to her garden.) If she see's Davey in her garden and is able to close the gate in time, he'll be caught because her garden is very secure. Weather is good this afternoon and is forecast to be good again tomorrow.Last edited: 2011-06-02 16:11:49 by Colin&Karen
Helen Troup
Davey = promise we will feed you black pudding every morning if you just come home! Thanks again to everyone for all their help I just hope that all the hard work pays off soon and our wee Davey can come home! x
John fae The Fort
I'd walk to Onich for free black pudding as long as it's fae Stornaway , hope Davey feels the same time to come home 3 weeks is long enough
Ive been following Daveys story and checking every day hoping hes caught!This sounds hopeful news. Home time now Davey!
This sounds good, lets hope he smells that black pudding/food again either today or tomorrow morning and goes into the garage. Good luck hoping to see Davey in reunited when I log back on xxx
Thank you. Looking for Davey is very much a team effort from so many local people - for and on behalf of Helen, Mike and Davey. Also because it is the link between sightings and updates and unites all involved parties - including much needed advice. I think Davey's story has touched us all and we desperately want to help as much as we can. When Helen and Mike have been in the area they have worked tirelessley to find Davey - day and night. It's hard to imagine the emotional and physical rollercoaster of what they're going through, and in particular, being so far away. Davey's story has touched many local people - it's very clear that Helen, Mike and Davey have stirred the hearts of many, many people who are only too happy to help in anyway they can. Hope we can give them some wonderful news soon xLast edited: 2011-06-02 13:22:03 by Colin&Karen
Fingers crossed today's the day Davey is caught. Good luck xx
Thank you sooo much to Karen for keeping us upto date with Davey. I've been helping look for Davey too and your upto date news is great. Thanks Again
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Wow - excellent. Everything crossed for catching him.
The owner at Camus House left some black pudding near his garage - from his kitchen window, he saw Davey go to eat the black pudding then wander into his garage. He quickly, but quietly went to close the garage door (from his kitchen, through back door to garage). Colin has just been to see him and both of them searched the garage but Davey wasn't there - he must have heard the owner open the back door and darted away from the garage. The dog warden will set up a trap nearby. So, so close this morning. Not only do most of the residents of this are know about Davey but guests/visitors do to! (Many B&B owners are asking their guests to kindly keep a look out and report any findings.) Fingers crossed xx
Last edited: 2011-06-02 22:50:56 by Colin&Karen
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Davey must be smelling the breakfasts cooking there as he is starting to appear at that time. Food trail good idea Karen, as if he can feel safe in the outhouses he will be contained and easier caught.Even if Camus can put out food regularly there, he may keep going to get it.
Davey has been spotted near/at Camus House at 7.30am and again approx 7.45am. Unfortunately, we're in the middle of breakfast so can everyone please keep a look out. As soon as we finish breakfast, Colin will pop down the road. We've alerted the dog warden - who'll be coming shortly. She's thinking of moving one of the traps near/at Camus House. We'll speak to Camus House later (they'll be serving breakfst too at this time) and see if we can leave a food trail to one of their outhouses.
any more news of Davey?
is there maybe a slight pattern to sightings in that he is usually seen between 7 and 9am the 7'ish and 9pm this may be around his home feeding times!
are the traps still out?
Shared on f/b page, i hope he comes home soon...
Helen Troup
Hi everyone, thanks again to everyone who has been looking out for Davey today....please continue : ) Not sure the bitch on heat will work as Davey never shown much interest since he had the snip! Please come out soon Davey...we miss you so much xxx
Helen Troup
Hi everyone, thanks again to everyone who has been looking out for Davey today....please continue : ) Not sure the bitch on heat will work as Davey never shown much interest since he had the snip! Please come out soon Davey...we miss you so much xxx
I personally don't know of any bitch dogs on heat - but I'm asking around! (maybe I should re-phrase that last sentence! lol). We've got a net on a pole from the dog warden and we're asking to borrow some netting tomorrow from the fish farm. No sightings since this morning - but not surprising as the weather has been awful.
Any news on Davey yet, praying he is caught soon xx Bitch dog is really worth trying. When lying down low maybe a heavy coat caped over you so you can just throw it over him to stop him running off????
Fiona Hutton
Spent an hour searching the area today but no sign anywhere. Too many hidey hole places that he could be on a day like this! Have to head of to work now so will have another quick search after 9pm.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
The image at the top (poster image) is how Davey looks currently.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
PLEASE NOTE that there is a new contact number for Davey. Please use this number ONLY, if there are any sightings of Davey. 07904 578623 It has been asked that if anyone sees Davey,do not call him, but call Colin on above number.Thanks.Last edited: 2011-06-01 12:05:23 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Sounds a bit 'Jurassic Park' (those who've seen the films will know what I mean) but is there a bitch in season anywhere in the neighbourhood that could be used to attract him. I'm obviously not sure what his reactions would be but may be worth a try near one of the traps - or in an outbuilding in one of the properties - or even in your car with the door open. As Donalda has said - desperate times call for desperate measures. xx
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Gentle and extremely slow movements and none at all until he is sure of you. Softly whimper,and no eye contact.Slowly drop treats or bits of smoked sausage, cheeese, chicken,ham, as near to him as you can and at his level. It will take some time, but be patient. Let him get closer in his own time.If you make a grab for him he will be off. Hopefully he will get close enough for you to make contact and then get hold of him. Does anyone know if he still has his collar on? Are the traps set around there? Last edited: 2011-06-01 11:27:00 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
At the moment, the main problem is that no-one can get near enough to Davey to try these techniques at the moment. And, it's not as if we can do this in an enclosed area so he can't dart away. Davey is being seen in wide, open, outdoor spaces. "Dair's" question is very valid - what should we do if we fall to the floor, with treats in hand and Davey comes to one of us - then what?

Colin is back home now - couldn't spot Davey since last sighting at Camus House at 8.30am. Dog Warden also came but no sign. Between them they've spoken to some more locals - most people in the area know about Davey. He ran across Camus House gardens to the right hand side towards the church.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Sorry Karen. Edited comment above.Last edited: 2011-06-01 11:14:57 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
The 'drop to the ground' advice sounds really good. What should we do when Davey comes over for a sniff? There must be a risk that he will be stratled further if there is a sudden lunge for him? Any suggestions? 'Mon Davey!
Also try falling to the ground as Donaldo advises with smelly treats in hand and try whimpering very quietly, he will hear you, curiosity, i'm sure will get the better of him. Just take your time, lie patiently. Good luck x
Davey seen around the Onich Hotel approx 7.30 - 8.00am this morning then at Camus House approx 8.30am this morning. Colin has gone out to see if he can see him. If there are any more sightings, please call Colin on 07904 578623. If we get within eye distance we will try falling to the ground etc.

Is anyone free to help please?
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Thanks Donalda. I have given similar advice to everyone I have spoken to, concerning Davey, but there are probably many who I have not, so hopefully they will see your post on here. Quietness,no sudden movements, down to his level and no eye contact. Prably Helen and Mike never thought for one minute that Davey could survive and be fine for this long where he is, but terriers are great wee hardy dogs, and one of my favourites.
Thats an excellent idea Donaldo, I used to have 5 JRT's and that worked every time. Sorry I'm so far away so can't help but I wish you all the best xx
Hi all, been following Daveys story from aberdeen. My dad was in kinlocheven the night davey got lost so I have been following progress ever since. I am terrier daft and have spent many many hours chasing them. I have 5 cheeky chaps at home. One suggestion I have is next time anyone gets reasonably close and daveys sees u try falling to ground and lying still and quiet and don't look him. As a terrier curiosity might get better of him if u wait it out. I no it seems a bit silly but desperate times call for drastic action .. good luck everybody in the area tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Thanks Fiona - for the update and text. Great news he's still local and not ventured too far. Colin was around Ardhru around the same time but didn't see him. He'll check again tomorow am. Mike set two traps up in the same area this morning - we're hoping he may snuggle into one of them tonight.
Fiona Hutton
I spotted Davey tonight about 7.45pm in Onich heading into Ardhru Cottages. By the time I had pulled over and gone to investigate, he was heading under a hedge and I lost sight of him. He looked healthy and stoped to look when I called on him, but disappeared under the hedge when more traffic passed. Just back from Orkney and sad to see Davey is still on the run so I will go have another look tomorrow. Fingers crossed x
davey i also follow your story from afar i feel fustrated i cant do more than spread your story and think positive thoughts. Dont give up you good people you are so amazing giving your time. Davey please be safe and go to someone soon. XLast edited: 2011-05-31 21:58:14 by carol
Oh Davey Im following your story from afar, we all know the area around Bunree and Onich is beautiful but its time to go home, give yourself up monkey x
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Traps have been set by the DW but he is not interested and is moving around too much to be caught.
Hya have you thought about getting a dog trap and put food in where he is running?I know some rescues will have them......
Helen Troup
Hi, thanks again to everyone who is helping and continuing the search for wee Davey. He has been so close to being caught by so many people but he is just so scared and wont go to anyone. Mike has just got back to Aberdeen so please can I ask if anyone sees Davey can you phone Colin on 07904578623 who lives very near where he was seen as he has very kindly offered to help us...Colin also has a net to catch him! Davey please stop running and come to safety...we miss you so much!! Helen and Mike xLast edited: 2011-05-31 16:25:03 by Helen Troup
Come on Davy you wee monkey please give yourself up - your family are so desperate to get you home - stay off the road little man its very busy today with tourists.
I'm in North Connel about 30 miles from Onich. If you need help I'm free in the afternoons. If Davy starts heading south along the lochside/road he will have to cross over the Ballachulish Bridge. Give me a shout if there is a search the OBan side of the Bridge.
John fae The Fort
I've been looking at an O.S map and Google Maps just to see his progress (that is one hardy little dug)and if he starts moving North again ,at the Bunree Caravan site junction,on the Fort William side of it there is a fast moving stream or river the only way over that is the path right beside of the road might be an idea watch that area as it looks like he's staying Loch side of the road ,hopefully he gives him self in soon
Come on Davey time to go home to your wee bed and your family they miss you desperately. Go to someone please. x
Come on Davey son slow down and be caught so you can go home with your family xx
Just spoke to Nevis Radio (local radio station) and they are going to ask people to look out for Davey again today. Specifically asked that people do not approach Davey but to call Mike with sighting.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
This is so frustrating, I can only imagine the torment and desperation Helen and Mike are going through.
Report in that Davey has been seen in the same area (near Ardhru/Cuilcheanna house/cottage) at 8.40 this morning. He's still in the same area.
Quite clear, at this stage, he is not circling or trying to get back to the fish farm. He seems to be venturing further afield. He doesn't come from this area so he'll not have a "homing" instinct.
Karen&Colin is Davey going further away or is he maybe doing a circle or triangle back to the fish farm?
From the farm to the Old Town in North Ballachulish it is approximately 2 miles. From the Old Town to where he is in Onich it is approximately 3.5 miles. (Davey was seen in and around the Old Town for two to three days - Fri, Sat and Sun - but it looks like either Sunday or early morning yesterday he went further afield to Onich.) The first sighting of him in Onich was approx 9.30am yesterday morning. To our knowledge there were no reported sightings of him along the road which means that he got to Onich either by the shore or trails along the back of the mountains on the other side. Think it's much more probable that he got to Onich by combination of roadside kerb and/or shoreline late Sunday evening/very early Monday morning.Last edited: 2011-05-31 09:22:34 by Colin&Karen
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Karen, where is this in relation to where he has been recently and from where he went missing?
Davey was seen near Cuilcheanna House this evening (approx 7.00pm). Colin saw him later - in the distance - near the top of the hill at the back of Cuilcheanna (as did two others). Most of the residents in this area know about Davey being lost and are keeping a look out. Search is going to have to be called off now (10.50pm) as the light has gone. Mike staying in the area, in his car.
I believe Mike met with the Dog Warden this morning and she has set a trap in one of the gardens close where he was seen this morning. Mike has also been lighting the BBQ. Weather is quite good today so hopefully there will be another sighting shortly.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
I think food needs to be put out for him now as he is nowhere near the traps and he might stay in the area if food is continually left out for him, giving a better chance of him going to someone and being caught.
Davey is moving around quite quickly now. For a couple of days he had been spotted around the Old Town in North Ballachulish but today he has been spotted in Onich (left after Snowberry Cottage, near caravans and shore). A lady saw him in her garden and called his name and he ran off. I've contacted the local radio station and they are going to alert their listeners. If anyone spots Davey, please can they call text/call Mike immediately (Phone no. 2 listed above - 07855 742663).
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Davey has been spotted in old town Ballahulisch and Mike is a way up to see if he can spot him.Another4 hour drive.
So sorry you've not sighted your little lad. At least you know he's fit and well. I do hope you get THE phone call soon. xx
Helen Troup
Just spent another weekend over looking for Davey. We camped out and yes have left car door open on all the times we have been up with his bed inside but no luck. No sightings today. When we arrive back in Aberdeen we will probably get a sighting knowing our luck! The people that saw davey on Friday said that he appeared in good health and went sprinting past them so at least we know he is not injured. We spoke to lots of locals today and spread the word again so hopefully someone will see him/catch him soon. We really want you home Davey it's just not the same without you! Thanks to everyone for their support Helen and Mike x
Please come home now Davey. I thought jobadgers idea of leaving the car door open a brilliant idea, most dogs love their cars and their familiar smells.
Come on Davey... show yourself.. it's time to go home now, plenty of food and love there, you won't get it on the run... come on laddie, Tia has been caught and now it's got to be your turn xxxx
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
No sightings yesterday or today. You would almost think he waited for Helen to get there,then goes into hiding.She has had to go home again now without him.
John fae The Fort
Is there any word this morning from camp Davey ,was he spotted at all yesterday if so where
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Thanks John fae The Fort. We are all willing Davey to turn up and just give himself in now.
Good luck guys - I've been thinking of you all today - I hope he's with you in the morning! xx
Just an afterthought - did Davey like the car - any point in leaving a door open just in case?Last edited: 2011-05-28 21:57:19 by jobadger
John fae The Fort
I was down earlier on today had a real good look round the storage yard ,seen nothing ,only Helen and her friend good luck to them hopefully there will a wee dug sitting out side there tent in the morning
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Helen is up there camping overnight with a friend & barbecueing again, so hopefully he will show himself again soon and go to Helen this time.
I so hope there's good news for you this weekend. C'mon Davey boy! xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
come on davey time to come home...
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Davey has been seen this morning again between the fish farm and the farm.
Really hope Davey is home with you soon :-) x x
Julie B
Fingers crossed that Davey is caught safely very soon. Julie x
Colin drove along the road again tonight after taking our dog out for a walk and he saw Davey around a metal gate leading up to the "warehouse unit" approx 200 yards from the fish farm on the "land" side (not loch side)- . Colin slowed the car down just to see if he could get an indication of where he might be going but Davey looked towards the direction of the car and turned to walk back into the track. He didn't run away but he turned and headed back to where he had come from and looked around a couple of times towards the car. (Helen - the track where Colin first saw you when you were riding your bike). The sighting was at approximately 6.00pm.
I so hope there's good news for you soon! Thinking about you all. xx
Colin has just been up and down the road in the car and noticed a number of people "patrolling" the area for Davey. I'm sure it will be just a matter of time - hopefully very soon. Just wanted to let you know that everybody is still keeping a watchful eye and have Davey in their thoughts.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
It's good news that he is staying in the area Helen. Spoke to the DW yesterday afternoon and a bigger trap is going into the woods this morning actually,as it is probably a two man job to get it there. It is being loaded with something tasty that has caught dogs before, so hopefully Davey will get hungry and go in there to get the food. Fingers crossed he will be caught soon.
Helen Troup
Hi. Yes davey was seen this morning again near the fish farm. A man tried his best to catch him but again davey too scared and ran away. He ran away into woods opposite side of road to fish farm and there is now a trap inside the woods there. There is also a trap in the fish farm. The owners of the fish farm are kindly checking the traps regulary and have filled them with tasty treats! The dog warden has also been involved so hoping she can help. It's very difficult for us as we live a 4 hour drive away so when we get a sighting by the time we get there he has disappeared again! Thanks again for everyones help and hope Davey makes an appearance again soon and someone catches him! X
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
John fae theFort, I am not sure but Karen and Colin from the B&B will know as they are active in helping also.Davey has been seen opposite the fish farm a few times.Will email you the info to contact Colin&Karen.
John fae The Fort
Is the fish farm mentioned the Marine Harvest farm and any idea which side he bolted to after getting chased ,has he been seen near the fish farm side of the road ,just trying to get a picture of the area he could be also is there someone local that's leading the search
Last edited: 2011-05-25 21:34:12 by John fae The Fort
Everything is crossed here for you to come home soon little man! xx
Davey was spotted by someone this morning on the north side of the road opposite the fish farm. It seems the person tried to catch him but Davey was too quick.
Helen Troup
Thanks to everyone for their messages and to everyone who has been looking out for him. Coming home today was the hardest thing ever and coming home with no Davey is just heartbreaking.
There are 2 traps set up beside the fish farm so I just hope that he finds his way in to there. Keeping positive and hopeful although it's pretty tough especially when we live 4 hours drive away!
Thanks again to all the locals for their support really really kind of you all xx
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Thank you Colin & Karen. I think they are around the fish farm.I hope we get some sightings soon. It is likely he will appear when the bad weather dies down a bit. Last edited: 2011-05-24 16:52:35 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Me and Colin scoured around the area this morning but no sign (it was still wet and windy so no doubt he's tucked away somewhere keeping dry). Colin will be going again later. Where are the traps set?
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Thank you Fiona. Much appreciated.
Fiona Hutton
I searched about the area for about 1hr yesterday but there was no sight of him anywhere, sensible boy will have been tucked away somewhere dry. Hopefully the traps will have more luck today. I'm away on holiday today so I hope you are reunited with him by the time I return! Sorry I can't be anymore help.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Traps have been set now as Helen and Mike have had to go home and back to work, but others are up there still searching and will be keeping an eye on the traps.Wherever Davey was yesterday, it will have been in hiding most likely, from the horrendous weather. Fingers crossed he is caught soon.
I've been thinking of you all in this weather - I hope you manage to get Davey home safe and sound soon. xx
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Could not be worse weather Helen.It's not helping you or Davey either, but agreed - he will not be going far in this weather. Any outhouses or old buildings where he could be hiding out?
Helen Troup
Gale force and winds and driving rain. Making search absolutely impossible. Trees being blown down and the road has been blocked for some of the day. Hoping weather going to improve later tonight as Davey will be hiding somewhere in this weather in a wee hole or something. We are just having no luck!
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
I think the best thing just now if he is seen, is to drop food and walk away from him, and do not make any eye contact, so that he does not think anyone is trying to catch him. I think the more people who do this now, the more frightened he will become.He has to start feeling a sense of security in that nobody is going to harm him, and he does not feel this just now. Everyone is a predator to him, he is so frightened.If we can establish a smaller area that he is sticking to, then traps may be the answer.
Helen Troup
Davey is very scared - there were a number of people trying to catch him but he is very nervous and frightened. My dad was 2 foot away from him and he bolted straight past him and ran off. Davey will not go to humans at all now as he is in a wild state. He was even growling at the people who were trying to give him some food. The dog warden is tomorrow going to set up some traps as we think this is the best way forward. Thanks Helen Troup
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Davey has seen by around 20 people today but will go near nobody, and is even offering to growl - obviously terrified, poor wee man.It is going to be a bit of a job catching him.
So glad this little man is staying around the area. Good luck everyone. I hope he's home soon. xx
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Davey is staying withing a half mile radius of where he has been seen. Can anyone in the area leave out little dishes of food dotted around and check tomorrow what has been eaten? We have to get him pinned down to a smaller area to get a trap set.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
WOW - fantastic news to know he is still out there and surviving somehow. C'mon Helen's dad !!!
At 6pm today Davey was spotted at fish farm on the road. Again they tried to catch him but he has ran away. Helen and Mike have just got back to Aberdeen!...Helen's dad is there are the moment so hopefully he will get Davey dog! Great news that he is alive so lets just hope someone gets him. He is very very scared now and that is why he is not going to people.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
COMMENT BY ASH------------
Thanks to all the kind people in the Kinlochleven and Fortwilliam area who have been helping us. The kindness and support we have been shown by all of you has just been amazing. We know that you will all continue to keep your eye out for wee Davey and we hope and pray that he is found safe and well soon. If there are any updates then I will let you all know. There has been no sightings since Wednesday at 5pm beside the road between north ballahulich and Kinlochleven near to 3 houses 1 being bulit at present.- just after Callart farm coming to Kinlochleven. We have searched all outhouses/ruins in that area and had a few bbq's to try and attract him. Hopefully he will pop out again soon although the weather over the last week has been terrible!
Thanks again to everyone. We both really appreciate it. Helen and Mike - (Davey's owners)
Hope he is just sheltering and decides to appear soon.-SableLast edited: 2011-05-22 16:31:59 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
thank you Fihutton.we all need some news of Davey soon.
Fiona Hutton
I'm on day off tomorrow and will go have a look around the area. I have lots of doggy treats so hopefully he can be tempted. Poor mite must be freezing in all this rain :(
Thanks to all the kind people in the Kinlochleven and fortwilliam area who have been helping us. The kindness and support we have been shown by all of you has just been amazing. We know that you will all continue to keep your eye out for wee Davey and we hope and pray that he is found safe and well soon. If there are any updates then I will let you all know. There has been no sightings since Wednesday at 5pm beside the road between north ballahulich and Kinlochleven near to 3 houses 1 being bulit at present.- just after callart farm coming to Kinlochleven. We have searched allege outhouses/ruins in that area and had a few bbq's to try and attract him. Hopefully he will pop out again soon although the weather over the last week has been terrible!
Thanks again to everyone. We both really appreciate it. Helen and Mike - (Davey's owners)
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Thank you all for trying to find Davey. Most times dogs go back to the area they went missing from in the country, but it is now looking like Davey has left the area and is trying to find his bearings. I hope he goes to someone soon. Remember if you see him, NOT to run towards him, or shout, as he is already frightened and this will make him worse.Best to crouch down to his level and whisper or talk very softly.
John fae The Fort
Hi Holroydgallery
This is a email I got threw Facebook from Helene Troup Davie's owner . He was seen at callart farm near north ballahulisch it's on road between north Ballhulich and Kinlochleven. Wednesday was last sighting at 5 pm past the farm along beside 3 houses one that is still being built. We have been searching since Wednesday around that area and still no luck.
Might see you tomorrow as we're gonna take a look as well cheers John
He is a very scared dog and has ran away from everyone that has tried to get him.
Hi John, from local chat, the farm was Callart, so he has come down from the WHW to the Kinloch road. I'm going up the Callert path tomorrow, and my husband will have a look around the shore. It would still be helpful to know exactly where and when he was last seen...
John fae The Fort
Me and my wife can help tomorrow if needed ,I stay in Fort William ,any more sightings of Davie since the farmer seen him ,also where is the farm he was seen ,
Please let me know where and when he was last seen. I will have a look over the next couple of days off work.
Here's hoping that Radio Scotland may help today, they gave Davey a shout this morning....good luck Helen & Mike today, all walkers today please keep a look out on the West Highland Way - stay strong Davey x
Bless, hope Davey comes out soon x
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Owners have been out barbecueing today and searching, but Davey is still missing. Anyone in the area who can help?
Hi it's Davey's owner here. Davey is still missing. We are still out looking for him. Thanks for all your support. Thanks Helen and Mike
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
I meant found - as in - it is known the area he is at and that is about 3 miles down the hill from where he went missing. He is at a farm there but is too frightened to come out even to the owner calling for him.At least it is known where he is and he can be caught at some time soon.Owner searching but I have advised her not to shout as he is too frightened to come out now.Last edited: 2011-05-19 08:16:25 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
That's brilliant news. Let's hope he will go to his owner and not do a runner.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Davey has been found by a local farmer but the dog is too frightened to go near, owner on way up there now.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Have sent Davey's poster to a list of Scottish Rescues in case he has been picked up and taken out of the area before being handed in. Have added him to edited: 2011-05-18 08:46:00 by Sable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
PLEASE help us find Davey...anyone knows family/friends in that area please ask them to go and look for him.
DogLostLostdogs ScotlandSable - Regional Co-ordinator - Scotland
Have left a voicemail for owner and sent advice and scenting instructions by email also.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
poster emailed to helpers in ph30,33,50.

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