Reunited: Sable - Tan And White Shetland Sheepdog Female

  • Dog ID 28527
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 13 Mar 2011
  • Name TALLIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Shetland Sheepdog
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Sable - tan and white
  • Marks & Scars White ruff, white feet
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 12 Mar 2011
  • Where Lost Thornton Recreation Ground
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area LE67
  • Date Found 28 Mar 2011
  • Where Found OUTSIDE OUR HOUSE! She's wandered all the way from Thornton, to Markfield, to Staverton, to Woodhouse Eaves and back again!
  • Date Reunited 28 Mar 2011
  • Other Info Thankyou so much to everyone who helped - we couldn't have done it without you!
  • Listed By J
  • Views 5177
  • TALLIEPoster Image
  • TALLIEExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Looking forward to reading my copy of the newspaper tomorrow!
Local paper - Leicester Mercury - are running an item about Tallie tomorrow. Story was too good not to tell them!! We've asked for Doglost to be mentioned and to thank all the people who helped us.
Absolutely brilliant news!! Welcome home Tallie!! Fantastic to end the day reading this!x
Had a lovely chat with Tallies owner last night and she has kindly given me permission to write a small bit about Tallie in our local Dog Club newsletter which I shall entitle Tallies Tale. Prior to Tallie going missing I had organised a sponsored down stay at Club for Doglost and also a small stall at our Club Show in July to promote Doglost and also raise a little bit of money there too. Thank you for your help Tallie and stay safe now.
Welcome home Tallie xx
Finally got to see Tallie today after 2 wks of searching along with so many others. It was fantastic to see her with R waiting to meet her sister off the school bus. The kids were so thrilled to see brought a tear to my eye. She is quite a 'celebrity' now! So glad she is safely home and will look forward to seeing more of her. Will finally get a decent nights sleep!
Really pleased to see Tallie back home safe and sound! She must have got bored with her adventure and decided to come home, clever girl finding her way back! :)
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news! lots of blues today (reunited dogs)
Wowee!! Fantastic result! What a clever girl to come back and allow herself to be 'collected'. I'm so pleased for you all! xx
Thanks for the text Spindle with the great news Tallie was home, Yes brought back memories of searching for Rowan, these little dogs are very clever. Welcome home Tallie. xxx
DogLostJackalee (Kathryn) - Area Co-ordinator - Greater Manchester
Woo hoo! I've been following Tallie's story. You must be so relieved she is home. Welcome Home Tallie, stay safe little girl xx
Oh such excellent news. Welcome home Tallie. I am so glad you are back safe and well!
Oh my goodness im soooo pleased for you and Tallie of course! Was a little worried there were no sightings yesterday but that was because she was on her way home!! What a clever girl Tallie is! Much love to you all xxxx
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Fantastic news, what a clever girl. Wonder if she got fed up finding it's not such fun wthout mum. We're lal over the moon. xx
Welcome back Tallie. Thought we had another Rowan for a while!!! So pleased she is safe.
Oh My goodness!! No wonder Snowdrop, JG and myself didnt see her this morning walking around Old School Lane and Polly Botts! Silly as it might sound I put on my angel talisman necklace before I went out willing her back! Sending all our love to her owner Julie, previous owner Laura who has gone into hospital today and of course Tallie herself. I can sleep tonight now!
yahhh!!! have been following her story and willing the gorgeous little minx home.welcome home Tallie. Stay safe now beautiful girl xx
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Owl has just called and i'm so excited moving Tallie over to the BLUE. what a clever girl going home on her own!! welcome home beautiful Tallie xxx
BRILLIANT NEWS! Tallie is safe and well back home, lying at my feet playing with her toy! She is a little bit muddy and quite smelly but a bath will sort all of that out! She was seen quite a lot this morning close to home, then we got a call saying someone had managed to pick her up right at our back door! Its the vets ASAP to check for any ticks, fleas, injuries (although we cant see any, its good to get their opinion) and also to see if she could have been mated with while she was wandering, as she was probably in season. Now to get in contact with everyone to say Tallie has been found. Thankyou so so SO much to everyone whos helped and supported us - it was incredibly hard but made much easier by everyone who rang us, gave advice and helped to look. Lots of love, J,P,R,C,C and ...Tallie! xxx
We have been out for most of today, and with the help of the previous owners, we did some more wandering around and calling as well as a barbecue in the afternoon - the guest of honour never arrived despite the menu of bacon, burgers and sausages..! There have been no sightings today of Tallie, and although we managed to get hold of a trap this morning we havn't put it out as we want to make sure there is a large chance of Tallie being in that area. We want to avoid catching a fox or a badger (both of which are common in this area) because of the distress it would suffer, but then again there is always a chance Tallie will wander in ... any advice on trapping would be appreciated. No food was taken last night from where it was put out in previous nights, and there is a chance Tallie has moved on. Thanks again for everyone's help, particularly the last owners who had to travel a long way today. xx
the sheltie lady
Typical sheltie behaviour - they do tend to go deaf when on the run and will not even respond to their owners - the worst thing to do is to chase her - she will go further away. Owl, you are a Godsend , bless you for all your help . Really hope you can get a trap soon and that we will all hear good news soon.
So near and yet so far. She was only a field away from us but had no intention of coming to us, even with her previous owner there, indeed I think she saw us before we saw her. Stay safe now Tallie until you are back with your people.
You are welcome! we want Tallie home safe after following her story! If there is any thing else we can do let us know! xx
Thankyou so much to everyone who has been out looking for Tallie today, it's great when people will give up their time to help us all out, especially when we have sightings! Tommorow morning we should be getting a trap, so that can be set up where she has been fed/sighted. Owl told me that Tallie has probably gone into "feral" mode, where she wont recognise any of her people, basically living on her instincts. We have to hope that Tallie will stay around the same area now! Thanks again xx
Some more news:
1) a lady has been feeding her for a couple of nights on Old House Lane, near Markfield, so ideally we need a trap to place near this location. We had a phone call earlier and we were being sent two traps for wednesday but we are looking at contacts now to see where the nearest available one is, at the moment we are driving down tommorow to get one in Hathern
2) She has been seen today by the previous owner but will still not come to call. She hesitates so she knows she's being called, but just wanders away again!
3)if anyone sees her the best idea is to stay quiet, dont move suddenly, call us and possibly throw a little food to her. This way people might be able to build her trust to get her closer.
Will keep everyone updated on here!
Hi we had a sighting of Tallie this afternoon i was with her old owner! she was in the old house lane area, ive rang her owner and informed her of all the details. Come home Tallie xxLast edited: 2011-03-26 17:48:05 by Snowdrop
If anyone can help in the search, please call owner. Best thing if you see Tallie is to stay quiet, sit down or move parallel to her, and call owner.
Hi Im in the Markfield area this afternoon and will keep an eye out for Tallie. Any suggestions on location? If we are lucky enough to see her what would you like us to do? I dont want to approach her if its going to scare her even more. Im praying that we see her!
Thank you, she is a clever girl and I am lucky to have her ... but this time we have definitely met our match! Trust a sheltie to make fools of a GSPxlurcher and a human LOL. Tallie had certainly been in that area but she was way ahead of us and had continued westwards to the other side of the M1, using minor roads which go under and over. She has been hanging around stables on Little Shaw Lane to the west of J22 for a couple of days, but appears to have crossed back eastwards as there was a sighting on Old House Lane at 5 pm today. I am bumping Tallie's page to the top of site because of the new sightings. There is quite a bit of water around the whole area, both streams and ponds, so Tallie will not have to look too far for it.Last edited: 2011-03-25 19:58:38 by Owl
We've had a positive sighting tonight at 5.15pm much closer to Markfield again on Little Shaw Lane in a field with horses and stables. She ran off up into fields and a farmer thinks he then saw her on Old School Lane. Its such a relief to hear she's still OK but it doesnt get us any closer to catching her! We'll be out tomorrow doing a leaflet drop on those lanes and Copt Oak road which joins them. Going to try and see if we can put some food down to establish a feeding place for her.
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
What a fabulous dog you have there, Owl and you really know your business working with Wispa. I notice my shelties drink out the base of chestnut trees on walks, so presumably Talie will be doing the same thing, but down here they're drying out through lack of rain, so that would flush a dog out. She's a real survovor and yes, it does bring back memories of Rowan all those months ago. Wishing you lots of luck, but you've got her pinned to an area now. Sylv xxLast edited: 2011-03-24 23:01:55 by Shelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
We have been back on the trail this afternoon, and although we didn't see Tallie we do know a lot more about where she has been. We parked in a layby on Benscliffe Rd near the most recent sighting, and at once Wispa headed towards the place where the witness saw her cross the road. We followed the trail, 5 days old but still strong because of the dry weather, all the way down to Priory Lane which leads back to Tallie's original territory. There are some private woods which Wispa indicated she had gone into, but we could not go tramping about in there without gaining permission so we headed back to the car. But on returning to the point where we went into Priory Lane, Wispa switched back to working mode - she had another trail. This led towards the village of Woodhouse Eaves, where a sighting at 2nd hand was reported last week. Wispa showed us where Tallie had gone into a farm where there is a field full of root vegetables with sheep foraging among them. We remembered Shelties Mum's post about the turnips. Then Wispa showed us a big house with tall iron gates, and pointed out where Tallie had slipped through between gate and gatepost. So we left Tallie's people with 3 places to follow up: the private woods, the farm and the big house. It seems that Tallie has not left her territory but simply extended it.
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
That's great because Owl's dog seems very hot on scenting. Everything's crossed for an early reunion. xx
Yes, our other dog is walked there three times a day and we always keep a lookout, although the last place she was seen is about 7 miles away from where she went missing. Hopefully Owl and Wispa are coming down again tommorow afternoon to see if we can get any clues as to where Tallie has wondered off to now! xx
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Are you still checking the place she went missing from? xxx
I spent this morning searching the area Tallie has previously been seen, Inc Polly Botts, Ulverscroft Lane and Benscliffe Rd. After speaking to a resident on Priory Lane I was told he nor any of his neighbours in the area have seen her since Saturday. He did tell me she had been seen in Woodhouse Eaves last wk so I took a drive down there. (I meant to look if any posters have been displayed in the village?) Sadly I drove home feeling very disappointed at having no sightings or good news for the family. Will keep checking this page.
There's been no sign of Tallie today or yesterday, we're hoping she hasn't moved on from the area. The previous owners travelled over today (because we only had her for 3 and a half weeks before she ran off, so theoretically she should respond much better) but again, no luck. We have located some traps, but everything seems to have gone mysteriously quiet on the Tallie sighting front for the time being. Thanks for all the comments everyone xx
Come on Tallie - time to come home. Checking every day for some good news.
I have been following Tallie's page. She is the image of my sheltie girl. Too far away to physically help but am keeping everything crossed for her safe return very soon.
Jessie 28634 is home! lets hope Tallie is soon to follow xxx
Yes Owl your right as remember Rowan 16250 he gave us (Spindle & his carer) the run around and eventualy just walked over to his carer who had her Sheltie there ,,,and he had gone through really bad winter weather for weeks, so Shelties are very capable of looking after themselves, if you get the chance read his story may help and give comfort to you J x
NB: We also have another Sheltie on the run in Wiltshire Jessie 28634,,,, so any help appreciated Thanks xLast edited: 2011-03-20 13:12:23 by Reynard
Too far to come and help but I have everything crossed for you. Being a sheltie owner I know what they are like and as everyone has said you need to be patient and do all the things that you are already doing. Looking on here every day to read the good news WHEN you find her! xx
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Good luck catching the little lady. Yes they do give you the runaround and have selective hearing. They are also very tough little dogs.
Sylv xxa
Tallie's family have been doing all of these things. They have been dropping to the ground, calling softly, scent marking, leaving food, barbecueing at all hours, taking their other dog with them, the lot! What we have now is a little sheltie playing a game. I used to have one and I know how wilful and mischievous they can be. Tallie has found herself an area where she is safe and away from main roads and has places to shelter, and she has the food which is being left. She has a lovely fluffy coat so not worried about the cold nights. I am awaiting the arrival of a trap which may be our best bet now.
animal lover
A raised voice will never help it just frightens the baby further. Gentle words will encourage Tallie to come to you. xxxx
Well done Owl & WISPA & J.x
Just a thought,,,its possible name calling to Tallie is just noise to him ie raised voices and Tallie may very probably think he is being told off, best to keep voices low key, sit quitetly , scent and BBQ sauasages, walk another Sheltie or small freindly dog which looks like to Tallie all very normal and not a thing to worry about,,,
However Owl will be the best person to advise you.
Good Luck! xLast edited: 2011-03-19 21:24:05 by Reynard
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Well the various organisations aren't very helpful are they? I agree with a previous posting that a good fry up with sausages might do the trick. Shelties also like you singing quietly even if it's out of tune. It relaxes them. This not heeding the owner is a classic lost dog one, so it's patience now. A family member sitting down just taling about anything to the world at large is also a good idea to get her to slowly edge in with of course something really tasty in your hand. Usually a markie or gravy bone biscuit. Wishing you all the best and will keep looking at the posting. xx Last edited: 2011-03-19 21:13:19 by Shelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Tallie seen and tracked at a distance (30m) by family member this morning but lost her in woods. Did not recall to her name. Appeared fine and well just walking along. Then seen on road otherside of woods at 1.30pm (last sighting) walking back towards where she had been. Have been in touch with RSPCA, Vet and kennels who act as dog wardens here and none able to help - no traps, nothing.
Another sighting this morning in fields where we were last night. Family members gone over there now and being shown exactly where seen by man who's seen her (and has spotted her at least 2 times previously around).
please go to the field and just sit around,if you see her do not call her just all sit and talk and try to avoid watching her. Any move to her or calling will make her wary, she is living on her nerves and is ready to flee. Hopefully your voices and smell will reach her and it will click. leave some smelly socks etc and food if she does not appear. Go back again.
animal lover
My heart goes out to you I so hope that Tallie will be back home very shortly. I have shelties. I would be tempted to go back to where she was last seen and maybe set up a B B Q with lovely sausage smells. I would also just lay on the ground and make whimpering noises, shelties are very responsive to anyone who is upset. I hope that helps, wish I lived nearer. Good luck. I am wishing Tallie back home very quickly. xxx
Just returned from place of sighting where Tallie was sat in a field watching a woman about to feed her horses. No luck for us seeing her though despite a good hunt around pitch black area for more than 1 1/2 hours. Dont know how we're going to catch her - any ideas anyone?
More sightings today in same area.
Sightings by members of the family this afternoon and early evening, in fields in the same area which Wispa showed us yesterday. Tallie saw her people and started towards them but then ran off. Local people have also seen her, she appears to be sleeping in a stable. This is going to be a question of patience. Trapping could present a problem as the area is full of badgers and foxes who would probably get in first.
I've just been looking on the map, and the area around Polly Botts Lane, Ulverstone Lane and Priory Lane where we followed her trail is only a mile and a bit across the fields from the snack bar. It seemed much longer going round by road.
Wispa and I went there today, and got a message on the way that Tallie was seen last night in a more rural area well away from the A50. We are all very relieved about that. It was a clear sighting, witness was close enough to see her collar and tag, but she was running around a small crossroads and it was unclear which way she went after that. Wispa got a scent right away, nice and fresh, and followed it round a circuit of country lanes with fields and woodland in the middle, back to where we started which is where Tallie was seen last night. Then she started to do the circuit again but led us up a drive to a house. The man there was very helpful and said he had seen a dog yesterday on the edge of the wood. This was a small dog facing up towards him and some distance away across a field, and he thought it was white. Tallie does appear mainly white from the front, so it may well have been her but we can't be sure. Wispa was very keen on this area, found a very fresh trail and was looking down the field to the woods. We did go into the woods after that, no sign of Tallie but again a lot of interest from Wispa. We do have access to a trap but can't do anything until Tallie has settled and is feeding regularly in one place.
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
I had a little smile there thinking of the family outside frying sausages in the dark. Sounds as if you're all in control there and using a lot of good sense.
Praying you're successful very soon. Sylv xx
The family are out frying sausages now hoping to attract Tallie, and I will go down tomorrow morning.
I've just bumped this page to top as tehre have been several sightings. Wispa and I were going there this morning, but since there have been more sightings we are holding off. If Tallie does not reappear we will go and see if we can find a trail. Meanwhile I am trying to source a trap, a fox trap would do. The Doglost traps are either large or way out of the area, so if anyone knows of a trap within the area please contact owner or text me on 07772 432366
the sheltie lady
Thats great news that she has been seen. Why not try a big cage and put hot food in there to try and catch her - maybe behind the burger van ? Really hope there will be good news soon . If others help to look, please remember that shelties can be easily spooked so go easy. Good luck !
Thankyou again for all your comments - they mean a lot as sometimes the whole situation seems impossible. The past hour has been manic - we had two people call in one after the other with sightings of her right by the A50 - a main road which is busy throughout the day - near a burger van. It seems she is attracted by the smell of food cooking so we are going to cook some sausages around that area ASAP. P is out there looking for her now but there is no sign. Messages coming in from other people volunteering different search and catch methods including various tracking hounds and a catch pole from a nearby sanctuary. I am heading out that way now to carry on looking and distribute some leaflets as this is about a mile from where she was seen last night. xx
the sheltie lady
Have there been any more sightings since last night ? I have posted the details on the relevant forums in the hope that local sheltie people etc, could be able to assist in the search . If anyone does spot her and can get near, please do not chase her as she will run further away - try to entice her with food and if you do get close, try to pick her up slowly. Wish I could help more, but I am miles away .
Sorry to hear that Tallie is missing but good that she has been sighted.As shelties mum says, shelties are amazing tough little dogs who are very resourceful. I live miles away but have everything crossed that you get her back soon. xx
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Yes poster there and ahead of where you think she might go and keep checking that spot she went missing from. Could still return there. Shelties can survive on turnips if needs be, truly. Might be an idea to go to neighbouring farms and ask if they could put a little food out to entice her into returning to their barns or try a fry up with sausages at the farm she was nearly caught. Dogs can smell for miles. I may be in Kent but supporting you all the way. xxx
Just come back from Markfield where she was spotted running round Little Markfield Farm. Farmer nearly had her but she ran off. Do we now leaflet and poster Markfield? It is worrying as she is getting further away from us but at least she is now nearer people - she must be getting hungry by now! (not fed since friday night) fingers crossed we have more luck.
Thankyou so much for all your helpful comments and post distributions. We are continuing to look for Tallie around our area and where she was lost. We have postered many places around our village and leafleted houses where we think she may be near, and had some luck because two people have told us they have seen her, unfortunately she was out on the road and apparently was quite distressed. Today we have revisited that area, put food down and called her name - havn't seen her yet today but we are waiting on phonecalls and emails. DogLost have phoned and told us about scent marking so hopefully we will try that out ASAP. Any news or info please contact us through the details above,
Thankyou very much, J xx
Have just been speaking with owner. There were sightings at 11 am yesterday but when her people got to the area she had moved on. Everyone on the search knows about not approaching, dropping to the ground etc and I have now advised on scent trails. A house to house leaflet drop has been done. Will stay in touch and will help further if I can. Shelties Mum, I have passed on what you said about coming back to the place where she got lost.
the sheltie lady
Thanks Shelties Mum - I have cross posted to the sheltie & collie forums .
DogLostShelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
Please keep checking the area Tallie went missing because Shelties generally come back to where they got lost. Can't stress that enough. They're very clever and resourceful and can survive and more often than not will not be caught as spooky. Get people to phone you if sighted. Wishing you every success in finding your baby. Am about to contact Sheltie lady to widen the search net xxLast edited: 2011-03-14 09:49:11 by Shelties Mum - Area Volunteer, Kent
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed to helpers in LE1,3,4,6,9,67 CV13.

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