Reunited: Black & Brown Cross Breed Female

  • Dog ID 28340
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 03 Mar 2011
  • Name MINNIE
  • Gender & Breed Female Cross Breed
  • Age Adult
  • Colour black & brown
  • Marks & Scars none
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 27 Feb 2011
  • Where Lost The bottom of Bromley Street, LYE nr Stourbridge
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area DY9
  • Date Reunited 16 Mar 2011
  • Other Info After having a serious operation I can not walk far so I have been letting her off lead for a run about. It is n a pleasant grassed dingle with trees and water. she went round a building and didn't come back. I looked for her for 3 hours. Hace been back every day and put up posters with her picture on but have not heard anything. I am lost without her, we went everywhere together.
  • Listed By Minniesmate
  • Views 2848
  • MINNIEPoster Image
  • MINNIEExtra Image


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Brilliant news. Welcome home Minnie xx
Fantastic news! Big cuddles for Minnie xx
Woooohoooo!!! I am so pleased Minnie is home ~ knew she would be alright. This has really made my day as I had been checking every day for news. Welcome home sweetheart xxxx
We are pleased to say Minnie is safely back home with her owner after being handed into a local vets practice. Owner and his friends wish to pass on their thanks to everyone who helped achieve this result.
Dog was handed in to a vet and is now home safe and sound
minnie has been found details were on k9searchuk today
Any update?
Spoke to owner today. She is still missing. He will poster shops locally to him. He has been to Stoke and Birmingham Dogs Home and she was not there, he will also visit Barnes Hill. He is concerned because she will bite children but is convinced someone has her. I said we need to make her 'too hot to handle'.

I have phoned 'Animal House' 'K9' and will contact 'Sunnyside' and 'Rosedene'.Last edited: 2011-03-08 18:22:16
Thanks a lot Nina. I hope Minniesmate will give us an update soon.
I am such a long way away from Lye, Stourbridge. Anyway I googled Lye area and emailed anyone I could find with an email address. Good luck in finding Minnie
Any news on this little girl?
Just spoke to owner, apparently she was seen the next day on Bromley Street. He spoke to DW, who has told him the dogs that are found get taken to Stoke. He is going there tomorrow. If no joy, then we need to step up postering etc. Liz xx
Any news yet Minniesmate?
Thank Lizzy. Owner, make sure all the industrial estate is postered and ask people at the units to check all their premises in case she has snuck in one and got locked in somewhere.
Lye Valley Industrial Estate is on Bromley Street, wondered if she could of made her way upto there. It is quite big. I am not too far from there. I am back of juntion 3 M5. I know Lye so will try and have a look up there later today.
Minniesmate, what is at the bottom of Bromley Street? Is is woods, overgrown land, rabbits etc? If so is there anyone who can help you search in case she's got tangled up and can't get free or gone down a rabbit hole.

If someone has picked her up, as she has no ID on her they can't find you, you have to find them so keep plenty of posters up so that everyone knows about her. There's a lot of advice in the first post below and I hope there's some news of her soon.
Stay positive Minniesmate these little dogs are hardier than we give them credit :o)
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed to helpers in DY2,5,6,8,9. B63,64.

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