Rainbow Bridge: Tan, Black "mask" On His Face Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) Male

  • Dog ID 27930
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 10 Feb 2011
  • Name MAL
  • Gender & Breed Male Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Tan, black "mask" on his face
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 07 Feb 2011
  • Where Lost Manxman Road in Lower Darwen area of Blackburn, Lancashire. Seen at the dog walking area at the back of "Uncle Jacks" public house going towards the railway.
  • Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Lost In Post Area BB3
  • Date Found 14 Feb 2011
  • Where Found Fatal accident on the rail tracks.
  • Date Reunited 14 Feb 2011
  • Other Info Mal is 11 Months Old, he went missing while being walked in an area he is not familiar with. He maybe mistaken for a GSD or GSD Cross. MICROCHIPPED ** MAL IS VERY NERVOUS IF SIGHTED PLEASE RING NUMBER BELOW **
  • Listed By Chez
  • Views 9177
  • MALPoster Image
  • MALExtra Image


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Aw no, such a sad time for everyone. Run free at The Bridge with my Becky and Bunty, they loved pups to play with. Night night x
So very, very sorry to hear about Mal - RIP beautiful boy xx
This is so very sad. Run free at the Bridge beautiful boy xx My thoughts are with his family.
Sandra R
So sorry your boy didn't make it home, My thoughts are with you.
Another baby lost to the railway, thinking of Mal's family at this sad time; run free handsome boy.x.
Sleep tight gorgeous boy xxx My thoughts are with Mals family X
My thoughts are with Mal's family, run free at the bridge little man xx
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Oh no, i am so so sorry to hear this really sad news. Run Free at the Rainbow Bridge beautiful Mal. Thinking of you Chez and Adie xxx
Beautiful boy run free, I am so sorry for your loss xx
Im so sorry to hear Mal has gone to the bridge,Run Free Gorgeous Boy :(
Thining of you Chez and Adie at this terribly sad time.XXX
Thanks for info Chez.
I'll cross post to agility forum too as they have details of him.

Thinking of you
N xx
Nicola he was up near sough tunnel. Think it's quite far up the track?
Thank u so much for your help and time spent looking. Really appreciated xx
Chez I am lost for words. I'm so sorry. I checked near the railway but didn't see him..... :(
So sad :((
Sorry we couldn't find him Chez.
Run free at Rainbow Bridge little lad. Xxx
I am so sorry for your loss.Heaven has another beauty.Sleep well little darling xx
Oh no, this is what I had been dreading. Another lost to the railway, and only a baby too. How absolutely heartbreaking. My neighbour has two of these dogs and they are really beautiful. My thoughts are with Mal's family at this terribly sad time. Run free at the bridge, gorgeous Mal xx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Chez and Adie our hearts go out to you both, these are the reunited's everyone dreads. Chez when I read your text I could not believe it after all the work you have put in and everyone else, a MASSIVE THANK YOU from everyone on DL to everyone for your continued support.

It is with very sad regret to be moving Mal over the RAINBOW BRIDGE. Thinking of you Chez, Adie and Mal at this very sad time, sending you a big hug.

Run free at the Bridge lovely Mal and sweet dreams. Jan x
Chez - it such sad sad news, Adie emailed me earlier to let me know. Everyone here has gone really quiet, we were all hoping for a happy ending. My heart goes out to you both. My message comes with a 'hug' - am thinking of you. God Bless the little beauty.
I am so, so sorry to read that poor Mal had been hit by the train, absolutely heartbreaking, bless him, his life was only just beginning! I had a 'horrible' feeling which wouldn't go away, right from the start that he was at the railway line, which is why I mentioned it, but God I prayed I was wrong!
thinking of you xx
run free handsome boy xx
Jack Russell 4
So sorry (he was just a baby) thinking of you all, I am heartbroke for you. Run free Mal. Nicky xxx
Oh no!! I am so sorry - he was so young I do feel for you. Run free Mal at the bridge. Liz xx
Thank you everyone for your kindness & support. Mals body was recovered from the railway line today. A train driver recalled hitting something where he was last seen & Adie has been down to identify n pick up the body.
We are both completely gutted and devastated beyond belief. Thank you all for the support in helping us look for Mal xxx
Bonnies' mum
Radio Lancashire do a 'Lost Pets' section every afternoon. Perhaps it would be worthwhile contacting them
Hi Chez, that is good news about the tracks. Janet
Just to let everyone know my contact at BTP has checked all their logs for anything hit on the tracks, nothing has been reported hit. He has sent around the posters to all the train stations in that area and a bit further afield for them to put up. Also has sent it to the drivers depot for them to look at n make sure they haven't seen him wondering around the tracks.
No problem Chez. Will be back on again tomorrow. x
I am so worried about him and PRAY with all my heart he is ok and that someone has found him and will phone DW tomorrow.
Hi Chez, It will be difficult for you and Adie but I would check the railway line again to put our minds at rest. Heaven forbid. I will speak with someone tomorrow at work to find out about our English Regional Papers and be in touch with you. Mark & I feel so helpless up here in Scotland.
We have put 2 posters up in that McDonalds in Ewood on Friday in preparation for the match on Sat, and i have been doing evening drives the back end of last week.
He has to be somewhere either in someones house or wondering wild it's been a week tomorrow now, i just hope he's safe.
Thank you
Chez, I know another day has passed and this isn't getting easier. I'm happy to help. Have 3 dogs of my own and cannot imagine how it would feel- I just hope I can bring some news however small to help make this unbearable situation better. My sister works at the hospital and she says she can put some posters up there..... Lots of visitors everyday into her department and main reception.      
I am down in the area and surrounding places as often as I can be.  I am off work next week so will take to walking in the more remote areas around there. I'm wondering whether a later evening drive may help? When there's less traffic and more opportunity for him to scavenge. Will do that later..... Will pop by mcdonalds in ewood tomorrow- it's only a short distance and has bins at the back! A poster there may help? 

Will keep working on this from my end to bring Mal home. 

Deb we checked the train tracks the night he disappeared haven't done since though, I have however emailed a contact at btp and asked him to spread the word in that area and look for any animals on the tracks etc. Heaven forbid but I need to check it out. X
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Chrissie for clarifying it, great that there is now two numbers for anyone to contact, especially with your Team being more local than Chez. So frustrating for poor Chez and Adrian being so far away. Jan x
Hi Jan - The number quoted comes direct to my team who are all trained to deal with Dog Warden enquiries. I supervise that team. Lines are open from 8am - 6pm. We are ready and waiting for someone to ring with news of Mal.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Great to see the continued support in the search for Mal.

Chrissie, I've added the land line number you have quoted to the details so it shows up on the DL poster. I'll update the various sized ones. If anyone rings this number does it go through to a switchboard or directly to your office?

Nicola I have your mobile number and if there are any reported sightings you will be notified. I am not always online myself all the time and do work full time but can keep a check as I have a Blackberry.

With everyones continued efforts we have got to see Mal back home soon or at least sightings of him. Come on Mal your mum and dad want you home. Jan x
Fingers and toes crossed that there is some news on this young fella very soon, I keep checking!
as you say, somebody, somewhere must have seen him, he can't just vanish! Hope the newspaper article does the trick! :)
I'm concerned about where it says he was seen heading to the railway, have lines nearby been checked....God forbid!
c'mon handsome boy, home time! x
Nicola & chrissie you are both angels. It's so nice all the support we've had I am just overwhelmed at the kindness.
Jan..do you have any connections with the Citizen? Could perhaps get something in there?
Nicola good shout I will get our colleague who lost him to have a search around that area.
Chrissie I know you will ring us as soon as you hear anything, and thank you for your continued support, it rly means so much.
Nicola thank you for your continued efforts I really cannot thank you enough!
So grateful everyone is trying to bring home my Mally.
Hi Jan - I work for the local council covering the BB1/BB2/BB3 postcodes. One of the services my team deal with, is dog warden section. Any sightings of Mal would usually come through to my team. We have everyone here keeping a look out for him. I do hope that when I go to work tomorrow we get THE call that reunites him with Cheryl and Adrian. Our dog warden has vast experience and is a real expert in catching dogs of all kinds from the scariest characters to the more timid ones like Mal. I would just like to say that I wish more people would report their missing dogs to the council. All too many of them just report to the police. We hold records on system of the owners and descriptions of dogs so that any the warden catches can be matched up. They are all to few though because owners dont notify us. It may be worthwile adding to the article to contact us to let us know about any sightings of Mal - we are out on site daily so will be able to get their quicker than Chez if he is seen - our number is 01254 585397. All my team would notify me straight away - every time a call comes through of a stray dog - we wait with baited breath for the discription hoping it is Mal. He has touched all our hearts. As a dog owner myself, my heart goes out to them, I cant imagine how awful they must be feeling. Mal is really tugging at my heart strings. Come home soon Mal xxLast edited: 2011-02-13 13:35:09 by ChrissieD
Hi again- decided to go and have another snoop about. There are some garages behind the terraces where ewood joins lower Darwen. I wonder if it may be worth adding to article for people to check- someone of them dont look used very often but they have wood doors- with gaps a dog could squeeze through. Just a thought seeing as though he was last seen behind here. X
Thinking of you Chez.... we'll keep looking. Thinking positive thoughts.
If anyone reports a sighting Jan and it's local to me please email me as I have access to emails all the time on iPhone. Can't always get online. I'll head straight there if I can.
I have some more time free later- I will have another drive round and a wander in the area. Fingers crossed. X
Thanks Jan for emailing those out.
Nicola I will get onto the Citizen thank you!
Liz I want him home so badly it hurts. Thanks for Everyones continued efforts, he must be out there somewhere, a dog cannot just disappear off the face of the earth :-( x
What about The Citizen? Free newspaper that goes to every house in Blackburn with Darwen. It's delivered every Wednesday to my house. Could get something in for then (although I'm hoping every minute that I check on here he is home safe and that a Wednesday article won't be needed!)
Early walkies this morning- sorry no news.
Come on Mal - home time. Liz xx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Various size posters and details emailed out to Rescues, RSPCA's, Dog Training Clubs, Merseyside Pet Ambulance, DL helpers in area and NW areas further afield, also Co-ordinator's Goldenfrodo and RileysMum.

If anyone is able to help with the postering and spread the word please let us know and posters can be emailed to you. Thanks. Jan x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Chez that is brilliant news. Jan x
Hi guys I have been intouch with a reporter from the Lancashire telegraph and she is putting an appeal in for me, have sent her some pictures to put in.
Thanks Christine you have been an absolute star. Xx
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Chrissie I wondered where you worked. The word is spreading, I've been speaking to other owners today of missing dogs who are also from the BB postcodes and they knew about Mal and said others in the area are on the look out. I also deliver a free local paper after work which is printed by the Trinity Mirror group. When speaking to Chez it was stressed the importance of trying to get coverage in the papers especially a photo; more people will see the photo/s than actually read the paper, also not everyone uses the Internet. If anyone has managed to take him in we want them to see Mal's picture. If any bordering papers will put something in that is even better we need to go as far out as possible. Come on Mal we want to see you back home and in the BLUE. Jan x
Hi Jan - just thought I would let you know that I work in the borough where Mal has gone missing. We only have one paper and its the Lancashire Telegraph. That is the one which will get the most interest.
Hi Chez - I work for Trinity Mirror Newspapers and wondered what your local newpapers are? I maybe able to get a better spot in the paper(s). Anything is worth a try to get him back. Janet
Hi Chez - just to let you know that i have checked my emails today for the dog warden section and we have had nothing reported. I think once its in the paper it will make all the difference. People in the borough are pretty good at giving information out. I will continue to stay in touch with you both during the week when I am in the office. I am convinced that someone has got him if he was still roaming we would have had sightings and someone would have reported it to us- but i can guarantee that someone will come forward with info when its in the paper, try and push for a column rather than the lost and found section tho. Will let you know if we hear anything, all the crews and staff here have really taken him to their hearts and want to find him. (Its the first thing they ask me every morning). The crews will have the best chance of spotting him because they do every house in the borough. Fingers crossed he is back with you both soon. Thinking of you both. Last edited: 2011-02-12 17:38:54 by ChrissieD
Thank you Nicola, as Jan says you are a star. Unfortunately with us living over an hour away from the area it is difficult to get down early mornings and quiet times, we are both still *trying* to work full time too so it is very difficult.
As soon as we get a sighting it will make things a hundred times better, and give us a bit of a starting point.
Thank you so much for all you are doing Nicola it really is much appreciated from both myself and my partner.
Have been onto all the local radio stations and newspapers today, have had replies from one and just awaiting to hear back from the others.
Hopefully this will bring him to the attention of someone who has him, if they have him!
Just hope he is safe x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks Nicola you are a star. I've just emailed UPDATED posters out to the ones who have posted offering to help, hope to do a mass emailing out a.s.a.p. When speaking to Chez the other night I went through the best times to possibly see Mal especially with him being nervous. He could well be hiding up and only coming out when it is very quiet, also explained to Chez how to behave if he is seen and this is also explained in the Scenting Instructions. We need some more sightings, hopefully now the word is getting out they may come in. Thanks again to everyone who is helping spread the word. Jan x
Hi again, I've been down to the walk area he was last seen at twice this morning. No sightings unfortunately, I did manage to speak to a few dog walkers- they will keep a lookout as they are there most days. I also saw some young lads on bikes who said they often play around there so will look out for him. I have had to come away as the rovers traffic was starting to build up. I wonder whether, if he is still in that area, early morning when its quiet might be best time?
Thanks Jan for emails- have printed some updated posters.
Thinking of you Chez.... will keep doing what I can at this end. x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Chez great the papers have been contacted and he is on the rovers website, they do have him on there as a GSD but having a photo will really help if anyone sees him. I'll update the various size posters with the reward. Jan x
Local Radio station contacted, Local papers contacted - just awaiting a colleague to put in an advert.
He is also featured on the Blackburn Rovers website


There is a match today so hopefully everyone will be checking and reading it.

Am doing some research now about the local "free" papers and will get something in there.

Hi Chez, I can see you are doing so much to bring your boy back home, is there any way that Local Radio and the Local Papers can put something on air/in print for you. I think this would be a big help in finding him, the more the merrier. Janet (Scotland)
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
I've emailed the various size posters to helpers who have posted on here saying they live in the area or have forwarded details onto others they know in the area. Great to see everyone supporting Chez in her search for the lovely Mal. Jan x
Thank you Nicola, I have put a poster in that newsagents and also the pub. There's one on the post to the entrace of the dog walking bit too.
I just want my baby home, he must be so scared :(
Think the pub is called Uncle Jack's. I can take a walk round there tomorrow. I think there's bins etc at the back as there are a few shops- including a takeout- so he may return if he has found food there before.
Chez I'm not far from there- literally 5 mins. Those fields lead to the canal. I'll get some posters up there too. I drive by here everyday. He is very close to the service station then too- so I'll get posters up.
Let me know if I can help with the field search. i know the area relatively well.
I'm off out now to put some posters in key places. Lets hope they bring in some good news.
Just heard from the officer who attended the M65 incident it wasn't Mal, so the last confirmed sighting is of him in the dog walking area at the back of "Uncle Joes" pub.
Hi Nicola, there is an unconfirmed sighting of him about 300 yds from the jnction 4 slip road towards Preston. Upon seeing officers has just legged it back up the embankment over towards fields. Have been up there today searching fields - there are just so many of them that is the only problem! Have also been plastering Darwen with his poster so hopefully someone will rinf in with some news soon!
Thanks Jack Russell much appreciated
Hi, I live in the Blackburn area and am about 5 mins from Darwen. I live between Jct 3-4 where he has been sighted. There is a canal close by which he would be able to get to quite easily from M65. I'll print off some posters and put in some key dog walking places too.
Chez, I'm in tockholes every day- will go up and get a poster in there and at the entrances to the resevoir walk.
Jack Russell 4
Have just emailed with an attached poster friends, colleagues and family in Blackburn, Accrington and Darwen. I have asked if everybody can email, facebook etc to people they know. Emailed contacts and friends in NHS (so lots of people to keep an eye out).Last edited: 2011-02-11 14:09:55 by Jack Russell 4
Thanks for that Sandra i will get there asap.
Have put on twitter + will circulate.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&ref=ts&gid=362175273467#!/group.php?gid=362175273467 DOGLOST NORTHWEST

http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000892692484 Majorjet Doglost

Details and photo/s are also on DL NW Facebook group and my majorjet FB profile page. Jan x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Chez thanks for posting in an update and the email with more photo/s of Mal. I've grouped two together for his poster and will email you the various size posters a.s.a.p. Once the posters start getting circulated someone may recognise him, as I said to you tonight not everyone knows they should report found dogs to Local Council Dog Warden. Jan x
Sandra R
A good place to poster would be the cafe at Tockholes, lots of dog walkers go there. Hope he is found save and well asap
Today i have put some posters up around Blackburn, i don't know the area AT ALL so hopefully will have put them in the right place!!
I have added Mal to every databas i can possibly think of or find.
I have searched through all the "found" and "for sale" dogs on the various websites sent thorough by Jan.
Still no news.
I am a member of police staff so am checking the police logs everyday. We have contacted Highways agency and the council are aware and have photographs as do all the dog wardens in the local area.
With all this out there why has no one spotted him?!
I am beginning to think someone has him inside their homes. I just hope he is safe and well, he is my baby and i can't eat/sleep or do a right lot until i know he is safe. Thank you for your help everyone.
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
I've spoken to Chez and updated the details. Mal has been with Chez since he was a puppy and he would stay with the family until he is 12 months old, I've emailed SCENTING INSTRUCTIONS in case they are required. He is MICROCHIPPED to his breeder and Petlog have been contacted. Chez is going to send more photo/s of him and I'll do various size posters a.s.a.p.

I've stressed the importance of checking for GSD Crosses as not everyone will recognise his breed. Jan x
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Thanks everyone for helping spread the word. I've updated the details to show up on his DL poster, will add more info when this has been found out. Will try and contact owner a.s.a.p. but will email info/advice which includes contact numbers to try in the area/surrounding area. Keeping everything crossed we see him back home. Jan x
Think it should read Blackburn instead of Burnley
Darewn is in Blakburn!Police was out on tuesday night looking for a stray dog running in and out off traffic near Winfields at Acre.plus hynburn dog warden been around this area for last couple of days.
I will forward this to all my frinds in the BB3 and BB5 Areas hope Mal is found safe and well
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster alerts sent out to helpers in BB1,2,3,4,5,6. BL7,8. PR 2,6.
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
Darwen is BB3 postcode area, will ask for email alerts to be sent out to this area as LA1 may be postcode area of owner and is not where Mal is missing from.
ESSJ - Area Co-ordinator Rutland
have rotated and cropped photo, i really hope this lovely looking lad is safe and well and home really soon, stay safe Mal xxx
Have posted Mal on facebook, hope someone in the area has some news.
Alertssent out to helpers in LA1,LA2,LA3,LA4,LA5
This dog is a puppy police dog who has been taken for a walk by a colleague in the Darwen area. The colleague didn't have him on a lead and he has made a great escape. I have bought this puppy up from 7 weeks old and am heartbroken! Please help me find him.

Drone SAR

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