Lost: TRI Border Collie Male In South West (EX23)

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  • Dog ID 26029
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 06 Nov 2010
  • Name TODD
  • Gender & Breed Male Border Collie
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour TRI
  • Marks & Scars Smooth Coated
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 05 Nov 2010
  • Where Lost Jacobstow, Cornwall on the Devon Cornwall border
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area EX23
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 3134
  • TODDPoster Image
  • TODDExtra Image


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Male tri colour found on A38 outside Bristol on 12/5/11, no collar, not sure if neutered, on Animal Search website
thank you Doglover1 have texteed owner to check this out and also to remind we have no photo of Todd.
TRI Collie found Helston Cornwall on Alfies -


sorry if this has been checked already. Good luck & I hope you have news on Todd soon.
Maybe be clutching at straws again........but without a photo it is not easy.
http://www.dogsfriends.co.uk/homeLast edited: 2011-01-08 08:58:30
ah thanks Jules for letting us know, i didn't notice Todd was tri coloured just thought it was such a coincidence that a border collie was missing from the same area at around the same time the found collie started appearing!Natalie
Hi all, I put the other dog on the website which we found but don't think it is Todd as the dog that we have around here is only black and white NOT tri coloured and he is quite an elderly dog ?
Please look at found collie on this site, only about 10 minutes away from where Todd went missing. Natalie
Thanks Bestdogs. I have sent an email to Todds owner along with a copy of the ad. Fingers crossed.
I dont know if anyone has seen this dog on another site..........he is running loose and has not been able to be caught but is being fed.
Not Todd, Have requested photo again.
E mailed owner and texted re found dog on another site.
Have heard back from owners that Todd is still missing.
I have crossposted the link to Facebook and several email groups I am on .. hopefully that will mean more people on the look out - I have all fingers crossed that he is found safe and well very soon indeed. Stay safe. I have also posted details on website ~~~~~ http://lostandfoundbordercollies.weebly.com/lost-collies.html
further request for photo & update ..
Text sent for update.
Our Cornish co-ord has made contact with his owner & " disappeared on Friday morning. He was working the cattle on the farm, and is described as being there one minute, and gone the next. A search of the immediate area proved fruitless. There are no known shafts or workings. They think something either spooked him, or maybe he got the scent of a bitch in season on the wind.He is described as usually very friendly with those he knows, but may be nervous of strangers,There was a possible sighting around Marhamchurch, but it is unconfirmed as to whether this was Todd or another collie".Owner needs help with postering please as this is a wast area Thanks
The photo above that says 'Awaiting Photo', (which we are) would look a bit like TODD as he is a TRI Collie!Last edited: 2010-11-07 16:31:21 by Reynard

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