Lost: Black Greyhound Female In South East (E8)

  • Dog ID 25629
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 18 Oct 2010
  • Name BELLA
  • Gender & Breed Female Greyhound (Spayed)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars Two white back paws, white tummy, Tattoos in both ears
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed No
  • Date Lost 18 Oct 2010
  • Where Lost London Fields in Hackney, E8 at 4.30pm. SIGHTED AT Tower Bridge area at 6pm, then London Bridge Station around 8pm. Seen on platform 8 and then disappeared. Could be in South London, Kent, Sussex
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area E8
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info She is nervous and unlikely to come to people. Very gentle. DO NOT CHASE her. Offer her food, she will come if not chased.
  • Listed By skibubsy
  • Views 13064
  • BELLAPoster Image
  • BELLAExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Sammy how lovely of you to post about your found greyhound. I am Bella's owner and am convinced she died somewhere along the railway tracks the 1st night she went missing. I wwas hoping to find a way to send you a message directly but I don't think that's possible. I have only just found your message because I only rarely visit Bella's page now, it is too sad
Hi I have found a beautiful black greyhound although I don't think it is Bella.
She has a lot of grey on her face. I have posted a pic recently, I am new to helping a lost greyhound any advice I would appreciate. She is lovely and also has tattoo'so in both ears, she is very exhausted. We are taking her to the vets today for a check up and in the meantime do our best to help her. :-) Sorry to hear about your Bella :-( we will check to see if she is also microchipped x
Millys Mum
I've just had a look at Bella's lovely You Tube video again (her daft antics around the garden bench always makes me smile and feel sad at the same time). The images of her at the end of the video show her chest marking VERY WELL INDEED. Having that image on DogLost would really help to identify her. Her chest marking is so very distinctive and needs to be on here for all to see!!!
Millys Mum
claire/skibubsy - could you replace one of the photos of Bella with one that shows her very distinctive chest marking. As I've already mentioned, there was a very good shot of her on the You Tube video which showed the chest marking very well. Have you got this photo or does it belong to LittleAngelsUK's photo collection? It would just make life a whole lot easier for the Rescues are are looking out for Bella.
Thank you very much everybody for your kind comments. Unfortunately I am still convinced she never made it off the tracks that night, but I keep on hoping that by some miracle she reappears some day.
Hi just seen that whittingham kennels are now keeping an eye out for bella I got my greyhounds from them an there great I hope bella turns up soon what a great new year it would be come on bella show yourself we are all here for you waitingxx
Millys Mum
Meant to add - thanks to wickedweims for contacting Bella's family about the possible match as I wasn't around when the information was received.Last edited: 2011-01-01 18:21:40 by Millys Mum
Millys Mum
Thank you to Whittingham Kennels for alerting us to a possible match with Bella. Sadly it wasn't her but just goes to show how Bella remains in people's hearts and minds. I would like to suggest changing one of her photos to show that very distinctive chest marking that's clearly visible in Bella's You Tube video. It reminded me of the leather logo/mark that you see on leather garments and shoes.
Hi Bella's family
any news on Bella? I have been following this thread since I saw posters of Bella. I live near the London Bridge area and I also have a black greyhound that looks exactly like Bella and my heart stopped when I saw your posters. Unfortunately I have not seen Bella around but rest assured that whenever I walk my grey in the evenings and early in the morning I am always on the lookout in case I spot Bella. I also walk in the area with other greyhound owners and they are all aware of Bella.
Fingers crossed and keep your hopes high I hope she will turn up one day when you least expect it. The wait must be devastating.
xxLast edited: 2011-01-01 14:04:56 by Angus
It must be so hard not knowing, that would break my heart.

I had a puppy that died during a routine operation, even though the vet phoned me to say he had died, there was a tiny bit of me that thought there had been a mistake and even after a few weeks/months, I was expecting a call to tell me it was a mistake and I could go and get him.
With Bella, there is always going to be hope until you know for sure.

Some people do find their dog a long time after they have gone missing, I pray that Bella is reunited with you one day x
Hang in there, people are still looking for her and we all hope and pray that she has been found safe and well x
Thanks Kid, not really hopeful that she ever survived the tracks that 1st night but miracles have happened in the past so you never know.
I've been following this from the start as I live near London Fields.
I am so sad to hear Bella has not been found yet and how disgusting that someone seems to be enjoying the torment your are experiencing.

Praying for some news on Bella. Its so hard not knowing, really, really hope she turns up soon x
Agree totally. He then left another text message saying "where's your dog. Ha Ha.". Silly idiot of course does not realise that we have his number and it's dead easy for the police to sort this out. I hope others are not being bothered by this child.
Millys Mum
clair & skibubsy - I'm so very sorry to hear that this moron is still bothering you and that I wasn't around earlier today to speak with you. How dare he claim to be from DogLost... but of course, we don't accept time-wasting idiots with nothing between the ears! It's a shame I can't say on here what I really think but I've left a message for you on your answerphone. I will get further advice on how to handle this one but, in the meantime, treat this thicko with the recognition he deserves i.e. ZILCH! Hoping and praying to see your Bella in the 'blue area' very soon...xxLast edited: 2010-12-11 20:33:04 by Millys Mum
Thanks Racheljane but no, it's not her, we called them this morning
Thanks Racheljane but no, it's not her, we called them this morning
check out this ome cannot see markings properly though - http://www.alfieslostdogs.com/bb/index.php?PHPSESSID=166911855885ce91b83f2d8d238e35d0&topic=29588.msg71626#new
Milly's mum can you contact us? He left us a voicemail yesterday claiming to be from Doglost and offering his services to help investigate our greyhound case.

We recognised his voice instantly, he has a very specific child like voice and a strong Irish accent.

We can take a cruel hoax but taking on someone else's identity from an organisation is identity theft.

Thank you
Millys Mum
I'm so sorry to hear how this vile low life had wasted your time. He obviously lives a very sad and lonely existance without the support of a loving family and a vast network of caring friends, which you have in bundles. Please don't let this affect you as he is just a sad individual with nothing better to do. I think of Bella every day, along with a few others and look forward to the day when that chip does it's magic and we can celebrate Bella's safe return!Last edited: 2010-12-09 23:16:15 by Millys Mum
Can't believe how heartless some people can be I'm really sorry I've got me fingers crossed she is found safe very soon thinkin bout her every dayxx
This evening we had a hoax call from a young man. Pretty convincing so we went to brixton to meet him to collect bell a. He told us she came into his garden in south east London as he was clearing snow. We were in contact with him on the phone right up to when we reached the station and then he fessed up to it being a hoax. Disgusting behaviour and foul language. He texted me that he lives in northern Ireland. Just think we should alert other dog owners as he said he checked dogs lost site and so he may be tricking other dog owners too. Please can we spread the word to be vigilant?

We tried to get the tattoo numbers but he said he was driving with Bella in the back of the car and could not stop as he was on a motorway. And was only a short distance from the station. Depressing that this is some person of low intelligence's idea of fun!
Still thinking of you bella an hoping you are home before xmas what else has been done to try an find her I couldn't stop thinking about her with all that snow I waa reading on violets page about the owners going where she has been spotted an lighting bbq with some nice smelling food when its quite like late evening qn at dawn to try an tempt her out of hiding just a thought as the big black dog that was spotted round the market could have been her as most homeless peoples dogs don't wonder alone around there xx
I have spoken to a nice lady from South Godstone centre, and she assured me that Cheeky is not Bella. As it happened, we had dropped in to their centre on our 1st week of looking for Bella, and they still have our posted on their door.

Sadly it's not her, as expected but now I can stop wondering.
Claire I have to say the face picture of cheeky does look very similar - please call them on 0300 123 0741 to see if she has white markings on her chest and feet - as they are volunteer based emails may take longer to get answered, I know that it is hard to make those calls but maybe just maybe ..
OldGreyMan thank you again that is really good advice, and Samburns, so kind of you, we have had so many supportive messages from people from all over the country.

My head knows she died that night and is probably lying dead in one of the deep ditches somewhere along the South East lines but my heart cannot help but hoping for a miracle...
Claire. Depending on which of the various Dogwardens/Rescues, who find/take in a stray, many will ring GBGB to check the identity of a tattooed greyhound via its tattoo. (ie age/name etc). It says on here that she has tattoos in both ears, so I assume she is Irish bred. The ICC is the Irish Coursing Club in Clonmel where all the Irish bred dogs are initially registered. Their database also lists original owners, though the public may not be told who they are due to data protection. But in the case of a lost/stolen dog, who has been adopted out from a reputable source, they will, if you explain the circumstances, flag up the situation against her name - and would, I am sure, let you know if someone rang about her.

Its a 'long shot' because a lot of people don't check with them. But it's still worth asking them to do it. Ask for Carmel, I think best and explain. Thinking of you.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Jayne, I have emailed the RSPCA branch about Cheeky, she looks a little bit older than Bella but just to have peace of mind and not keep on wondering I have emailed them.
OldGreyMan, thank you for the suggestions, no I don't think we have been in touch with GBGB. They will take it seriously, they love their dogs but I am not sure what ICC is and I can't find them on the web.
Hi I'm still following bella on here hope she shows herself again sion its gettin so cold out now please don't give up hope ive still got my fingers crossed that she is found soonxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Claire if it looks and sounds like cheeky are you contacting the kennels for more info? Or is it tattoo numbers are different?
Claire my heart goes out to you, I've only just come across this. I live in W/stow, my OH works in the City. Have you been able to get down to L. Bridge/ Borough area at dawn? Have you, or anyone else been down there with other greyhounds to see if that might help to draw her out, if she is still around that area?
Millys Mum
Thanks Sue for placing Bella's missing ad in The Shooting Times. Fingers crossed...x
Yes CP eventually I saw Cheeky, she looks and sounds exactly like Bella, the playful behaviour and everything. I hope Cheeky finds a good loving home
Just thought, you may be having difficulty navigating round RSPCA site - I find it hard. If you follow my route by keying in "Northampton" in the search box on RSPCA page and "dog homing", it brings up a selection of pictures over various pages. It's page 13 that you need and the relevant greyhound is "Cheeky" 43938.
Claire, appreciate lots going on for you at present, but did you check out that RSPCA picture in my 24/11 posting?
So much effort has been made so far, that I feel sure you have done this. But if not, check that the GBGB (020 7421 3770) and the ICC (00353 526188503) have her flagged up on their databases as your missing dog, just in case someone who hasn't seen the publicity (can't be many) finds her and rings in to check her identity. Thinking of you.
Oh Sue, that's wonderful, let's hope it generates more response than the one in the Evening Standard or the one in Taxi Globe: no calls at all following the ad in Taxi Globe and only one call regarding that unconfirmed sighting in Borough Market regarding the big black skinny dog.

But a lot of very nice supportive texts and calls from dog lovers we don't even know.
Advertised in The Shooting Times magazine. Good Luck
Sorry Claire, I can't find the page I was referring to right now but, as you say, somtimes they are archive postings. Please would you take a look at RSPCA picture at South Godstone Animal Centre post code RH9 8JB. tel 0300 123 0741. If you log on to RSPCA and key in the above Centre, the dog ref. no is 43938. I know it must be upsetting for you but I couldn't just ignore the likeness.
Thanks CP but the info on the Greyhound Gap Rescue is so out of date, 1 year or 2 out of date. I can't see any pics of black greyhounds on it, black are so beautiful and I will never understand why they are the least popular colour, they look majestic as far as I am concerned.
Have only come in on this sad thread recently but my heart goes out to Bella's family. Could I suggest Greyhound Gap Rescue if not already tried. So many photos of beautiful, black Greyhounds on the web page that came up; please check if not already done so.
Thank you Seafarer, yes we have been in contact with Southward Cathedral staff but to no avail. It has been 5 weeks now and I am convinced she died that 1st night on the tracks. There are a lot of homeless people around Borough Market and that big black skinny dog spotted at the market could have been one of their dogs. If that dog was out there she would cause chaos, like she did that 1st night (Borough High Street had to be cordonned off) so my gut feeling is that she never made it off the tracks that night.
Have you asked in the cathedral? The psychic sounds spot-on - many of the apartments round there are converted warehouses, so not houses! The bit round the cathedral and near the Cutty Sark (next to the converted warehouses along the river) is deadly quiet after midnight. The market area itself (near the Market Porter end) is noisy into the small hours, lots of lorries delivering stuff, so I wouldn't have thought she'd be *too* close to it. Are you able to go at dawn and just hang about? Ever since I read your first post a few weeks ago I've had this nagging feeling that if she's there, she'll be somewhere around the cathedral. Not claiming to be psychic, just seems the most obvious place.
Millys Mum
I spoke to the greyhound folk at Discover Dogs at the weekend and spread the word that Bella was still missing. Interesting to hear about what the pet psychic had to say especially if she doesn't know the area cos it sounds like she describing the area around London Bridge! And yes, she's quite right in saying that Bella comes out at Dawn because so many of our missing dogs surface at first light and retreat before things start getting busy.
Thanks for all suggestions - have emailed all the places suggested with the poster. We were recommended a pet psychic from Ohio USA (!) and had a reading on the phone. She has been tracking lost animals for 20 years with success and said she senses she is nowhere near houses, is near a lot of warehouses and a market and that she will come out at dawn, not nighttime. We are still looking like mad. I will poster those areas you all suggest too. We went back to Battersea just to double check and fell in love with so many dogs. There is a brother and sister there who need a home together - they would be far better off at Hersham Hounds (Denise if you're reading this!) than at Battersea. Chances of rehoming here i reckon slim.
Thanks for all your support - we have so many postings here and so much support it's wonderful!
Hello Ros, I emailed them today with the details of the poster on this site. I don't remember contacting them before so good suggestion thank you.
Also, Hope Rescue who deal with the pounds. hoperescue.org.uk

Thanks everyone again for all the comments and suggestions. We have definitely done Millwall and the 'semi-rural' area round the back: building sites, derelict garages. But will try Charlton next. Blue Cross has been contacted but might be worth phoning again later.
Pebbles mum
Ther are two Blue Cross animal hospitals in London.one in Victoria and one in Merton,have they been informed ?.
Come on Bella show yourself.
Would it be worth contacting the two football stadiums in the area, like Millwall and Charlton, they may be able to do a tannoy over match days.. there are thousands who attend their matches at weekends..
Also poster round the Oval cricket ground ( though i know there is no cricket on at present )
Try postering round the Imax in Waterloo, again, loads of people there to target. london is like a needle in a hay stack for places to hide as well, so so many food outlets, garages, units etc...
Just dont give up the postering, someone will see one and will know where she is.. My dad works in Charing cross and has told all his staff about her, they have seen posters as well, so she is becoming a very well known girl..
There is also so many small rescues around that are not that well known, so get searching the net for those to inform them... have you contacted Many tears ??? they are in Wales, but have hundreds of dogs all over the country in foster care who have been found etc.. Gemini is one in Essex if you not already done so.
Thanks Ros. If someone has got her good luck to them, she is CRAZY POOCH!!! Will wreck/eat their books, magazines, shoes, boots anything she can get her cute little gnashers on...
Still checking here everyday Bella and hoping for positive news, if thought alone could bring you home then you'd be back very soon - 5619 views of your page, your owners and friends are doing a fab job. Claire - my dog was taken in by a kind lady and was well looked after until we got her back, hope this is the case for you too.
Thank you LittleAngels, the Borough Market people are still displaying some of our leaflets, they are very nice about it and are keeping an eye out for her. Last night we put more posters around the Leather Market area at the back of London Bridge. Met a woman who works with all the tenants in the arches and she is also going to distribute some of the leaflets. Someone must have taken her in, and I hope that's the case, the nights are so cold. I can't believe she would just vanish into thin air like this since she has not been found dead either.
I'm sorry we haven't updated in a while, we are still handing out posters and asking everyone we come in contact wih, my friend used to work on Borough Market and now woks just around the corner and knows some of the stall holders so is going to get them to get to display her poster this weekend as we were told there had been a possible sighting of a skinny black dog in Borough Market last week. We are going to Discover Dogs on Sunday and will be taking her poster and flyers with us in the hope that some stands will put her poster up, we know the people on a couple of the stands so hopefully it will get her face out even further but what a great idea to contact the greyhound rescues before the weekend to get her on their stand from the start. We still have faith that Bella will come home to tell her adventure to all her friends and family soon xxxLast edited: 2010-11-11 07:50:59 by LittleAngelsUK
Pebbles mum
Just had a thought,the Retired Greyhound Trust are at Discover Dogs,Earls Court ,London this weekend,so how about asking them to put a poster on their stand.Its usually Croftview Rehoming Kennels that attend shows for the RGT.This show is usually busy and on the plus side it is in London.
Milly's mum thank you for being on the lookout and yes we have put posters and leaflets around Union Street, we have pretty much covered all of Borough, London Bridge, Borough market areas. Still no sighting, nowhere....
Millys Mum
I had to travel into Waterloo East this morning as had an appointment in London and I checked out the approach to London Bridge and the area between London Bridge and Waterloo East. I also saw where platform 8 was situated. It's not part of the two main parts of London Bridge but an area between the two. From the train, it looked like a dog wouldn't be able to access the area beyond platform 8. By looking from the train, it really did make me realise that it was quite possible for a scared dog to double back. As my train left London Bridge, it also confirmed my thoughts that a dog could certainly be lying low in one of the old yards and areas inbetween the old buildings along the edge of the railway lines. There are really so many places that I noticed on the left-hand side of the tracks outside London Bridge and heading towards Waterloo East. I hope this is making sense but, if not, the only way is to get on a train from London Bridge headng towards Waterloo East or Charing Cross. I don't mean that a loose dog would have been able to access that part of London Bridge only that if the dog sighted on platform 8 had found no way out and doubled back out of the station, there are plenty of hidey holes. Seeing it for myself (and I'm quite familiar with the area as I commuted from New Beckenham to London Bridge and/or Cannon Street for MANY years) actually made me realise that a loose dog could have survived very easily. From the train, I noticed a road called Union Street. Have you postered in that area? I'm feeling positive and I hope my observations help you feel the same way. I also wanted to say thank you to each and everyone of you for helping in the search for Bella because the support on here is quite unprecedented. It's a very long time since I've seen so many Helpers getting involved with a dog and it just goes to show how many of us are rooting for Bella.Last edited: 2010-11-09 16:28:22 by Millys Mum
Its definately worth informing all the dedicated greyhound rehoming/rescue kennels so they are keeping a watch for her incase they suddenly get a phone call about a greyhound thats been found or if someone suddenly brings her in. Remember as well that the microchips can move and then become unreadable, especially in greyhounds because of the low amount of body fat they have. Keep going, the adverts will definately help the search. Come on home Bella !
We did some posters in Greenwich today and spoke to some dog owners. I think we should now go for advertising in local papers and change the advert to ask if people have spotted her OR if someone has taken in a new dog recently. Seems that to have NO sightings of her for sure in 3 weeks that she must surely have been taken in? We have covered the London Bridge area late at night, spoken to market stall manager and all bar people who are around late at night - nothing. Same with taxi ranks. Very depressed. But going to put effort into adverts now.
Ambers Mum BS
I have been following these updates and preying Bella show's herself.From one of the comments earlier,-it is possible for a dog to stay in the same area and not be sighted for 2 or 3 weeks.I know as it happened when my dog was missing.I have work colleagues who travel to and from London Bridge,and have asked them to keep an eye out for Bella.Hurry home Bella.
Pebbles mum
It might be wort informing Wimbledon Greyhound Welfare and Croftview Greyhound Rescue who are based in Kent.Also Ckarks Farm Greyhound rescue in Essex.
Come on Bella please show yourself.
I think we needed to take a day off the search and we'll resume tomorrow, I don' think we have contacted Whittingham Kennels, although if she was there we would have been informed since she is chipped but you never know. Will phone them first thing tomorrow morning thanks for the suggestion
Still got me fingers crossed she is found very soon has battersea been contacted also you could try contactin greyhound rescues such as whittingham kennels in waltham abbey as battersea swnd a lot of greyhounds there as they don't do great bein kenneled around a lot of diffrent breeds of dogsx
Sorry...this hasgot long!
It seems to be quite common for a lost dog to travel quite a distance in the first few days, then find somewhere safe to hunker down and settle, then start to get to know the area. BUT whether they can do that in such a built up area as SE London, and not be seen at all, I really don't know.

I'd look at leafleting in areas say at a 3 or4 mile radius from where she was last seen. I'd try to personally check the rescues every week (I guess you need to check Kent ones as well as Battersea?). Staff don't remember missing dogs and some (sadly) don’t care enough to go looking. Dogs do get picked up and moved out of an area by well meaning people (I’ve done it myself) who may not realise you cannot know where they taken her. So you might contact dog wardens in areas on direct road links.

Assuming a dog lover might have picked her up thinking she’s been abandoned maybe you could try leafleting any places people who care about dogs might ‘meet’ eg pet shops, groomers, dog walkers, dog training clubs.

Plus maybe contact big employers or schools to get to the ‘non’ dog folk who might just care enough to take a dog in…isn’t Guys Hospital close by for instance? Library and supermarket notice boards. See if you can make contact with a dog-friendly person in each place who will understand why you care so much and put some real effort into the search. That I think is the difficult thing…non dog folk just don’t understand how important our dogs are.

Whatever else you do or don’t do…DO continue to leaflet. It is that, and the continued interest from local dog walkers and friends in the area, what saved my dog (Winston the German Spitz…went missing for more than 3 weeks 5 years ago almost to the day!) in the end I am sure. You need reports of sightings.

Hope this helps…keep hoping. :-)
Millys Mum
Personally I reckon that Bella, now they she has found herself some safe hidey holes, is very likely to stay in the immediate area as there would be a very good food source. Also, because it's not actually 'residential' it would be quieter at night and during the weekends. Have you popped into that VERY old pub (called The George, I think) at the end of a narrorw road, off Borough High Street? The pub (does nice food!) has outside seating in a courtyard setting. The manager/staff live-in and so worth a visit. Also, when you visit the quieter areas like churchyards, it would be a good idea to spend a while there sitting on a bench having a sandwich, chatting, eating snacks from rustley/noisy bags paper as Bella could be nearby and might pluck up courage to show her face. Helper, traz who posted earlier on here mentioned doing similar i.e. calling Bella's name and then standing still, chatting & then listening for 10 minutes or so, rather than continually calling her name and walking on. Last edited: 2010-11-06 11:27:05 by Millys Mum
Pebbles mum
So sorry to see Bella has still not been seen.Have you informed Battersea Dogs and Cats Home ? as they take from within the M25.Also have you informed your local dog warden.I will ewpost on facebook again.
Thank you all for your help. We are a bit at a loss as to what to do now - should we just wait for a sighting? Continue to leaflet and poster areas? IF that was her on monday in borough market - is it possible that a greyhound would be in the SAME area for 3 weeks with no sightings? We are not sure what to do next really - would love it if we had more understanding about where she might go/do etc. We have searched in quiet places where she might hide but london is like a haystack and we are looking for our needle nose! Perhaps she has headed further south and we should be looking in clapham or balham - how far would she go?
Thank you so much Pat Rossww and Pebbles mum, we just don't know where to look and what to do at this stage...
Pebbles mum
I have put this on facebook.
Pebbles mum
Poor Bella.Hope she turns up soon.Have all the local rescues been informed?.
Pat Ross
I run 2 dog meetup groups in London, have put her on my sites. Hope she soon home.
Thanks Essex Girl, I was hoping we'd get her back before Bonfire Night but it won't be the case. I am so worried about how panicked she will be with all the fireworks going off wherewhere she is, but thank you again for trying so hard.
Been up 2 london an tower bridge today an around borough market spent few hours up there lookin around no signs or sightins of her today fingers crossed she is home soonxx
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
I am on a visit to Kent this week and saw the advert for Bella in the EVENING STANDARD complete with colour photograph and so good that they did it for free ! I notice that further back on her page the Tattoo details have been posted but they are not on her details above.yet. I have to travel back through London today and will have a few hours to spare betwen trains so will stop off at London Bridge and ask around if anyone has seen her. Hoping so much that she is found soon ~ Pam
I can't stop looking here an hoping that she has been found safe an sound my daughter is off school Friday so all bein well I will be taking her down to london bridge an around hays galleria armed with treats in the hope of spotting her I will possibly take my greyhound with me aswellx
Thanks for your support Dawgylicious and all you nice people out there. If she comes back having overcome live rail tracks, dog snatchers/abusers, cars, gypsies, illegal racers, it will be nothing short of a miracle and you will all be invited to a mega party in her honour.
and today, an organisation told us our dog could have been stolen by the gypsy community? What next??!!!!
I'm so glad Claire has hope again...it looked like she had resigned herself to Bella gone forever. I check here every day in hope that it will be good news and have a feeling it will be. I'm sending hugs and good vibes.

I contacted Jonathan Richards at LBC and understandably they really couldn't announce it on Nick Ferrari's show..they'd be announcing missing dogs all day long.

Cheers everyone!
Millys Mum
Bella appeared in last night's Evening Standard and so bumped up! The sighting on Friday at 6pm sounds promising. I've ALWAYS thought it possible that Bella may have doubled back and nipped back through the station and away. It's funny cos I mentioned Hays Galleria, Tooley Street and Bermondsey Market and local church yards to skibubsy right in the very beginning. Hope it's her! Good Luck and a huge THANK YOU to the lovely woman at the Evening Standard. It's heartwarming to know that there are so many decent folk out there!
This is getting worse and worse, I wish I did not know about people like him!
Forgot to say - i hope someone is on the case for catching this nutter who thinks he is helping dogs. Please god i hope he does not get hold of Bella - would rather she was out in the cold scavenging for food than in the grips of this man.
Advert in Evening Standard last night - For FREE!!! WONDERFUL woman at Metro organised it for us. Got a phone call at 6pm from lovely man who said DON"T raise your hopes but he saw a big black dog on friday 6pm being shooed away from food stands by market stall holders and it shot off into the church. We went there 8.30pm to 11pm and did loads of leaflets, spoke to the Hays Galleria CCTV centre, spoke to restaurant workers etc. Will go back when the market it on too when i can get down there. Glimmer of hope.
Please don't give up hope about bella is there any chance she could av come back down the train lines towards the lea valley marshes as I may be walking my dogs there at the weekend do you no where abouts in essex this man an van was as I actually am I'm essex xx
I'm also very sad to read your post. You've seen the station and you know best. I'm not trying to raise your hopes but I did want to pass on that a customer of mine once had a greyhound who went missing for 3 days and covered 3 miles to get home. I'm hoping for a miracle for you and if not then you've done all you can to raise awareness.
So very sorry to think that might be the case I really hope that it will proove otherwise, you could try leaving your garden gate open as that may have been her in your area the other night,Norah the greyhound trainer along from the kennels said its not unheard of for them to find their way home, sorry i cant be more use but i live quite a way from you, it is true what essex girl said that they tend to go to other greys especially when they are nervous
Thank you to all of you who are trying to keep us positive. However, we went to New Cross station on Saturday having been told she could get out at that point, and seeing how busy the traffic is to and from London, the fact that it is very secure because of course, we cannot risk having children playing on the tracks, it became obvious that she would not have survived her first night on the tracks. It was reality check time for me, and yes I would love to think that she is roaming round the South East chasing rabbits and squirrels, but the chance is she died on her first night. Sometimes you just have to accept that the worst has probably happened.
Hi so sorry 2 hear bella is still missing I live near walthamstow if there is anything I can do I also have a greyhound an find they tend 2 go 2 other greyhounds if nervous an there outxx
So sorry to hear Bella is missing. I had the greyhound Solly that Campbell mentioned in her post. I really know what you are going through.
What i was told at the time he went missing is that greyounds go to ground and only usually come out at night to find food. They normally then go back to the place they have been hiding out. I would keep returning to the location that guy states he saw her especially in the evenings as she could be hiding close by. Also i was told that when calling the dogs name to remain in the same position for a good 10 minutes whilst continually calling as it can take them a while to locate where the sound is coming from. The latter although obvious was good advise for me as in the blind panic of trying to be everywhere at once so as not to miss him i was calling and continually moving on.
Btw he was a very outgoing dog who loved people so i didnt really believe at the time when people said he would go to ground but they were right. Please dont give up hope..she could well be just hiding and as Millys Mum said she could have been stuck somewhere for days. Good luck and wishing you all the best. If you need help with posters etc in the weekdays let me know.
If it was her that the man saw yesterday and i cant see that there would be that many black greyhounds running free so im sure it was highly likely it was Bella then it may be she is trying to pick up scent to try and guide herself home to you, keep thinking positive thoughts. A dog we homed called Lily went missing couple of years ago for a couple of weeks and she was found so anything is possible!
Millys Mum
I'm certain that greys find their way home just as well as other breeds and crosses (mongrels). I will mention it to one of our DogLost greyhound 'experts' and ask them to post a message on Bella's page. One of our co-ordinators owns and has been involved in greyhound/whippet/lurcher rescue for over 15 years. I've been thinking about the possibility of the sighting in your road being Bella and something that Campbell mentioned in the first post. Bella could have been stuck in somewhere like a small yard and has only just managed to escape. The other thing that occurred to me this afternoon is the Olympic site just down the road from you. Have you covered this? As most of us know who live in the area or have passed by, it's HUGE. The other thing is that there are, I believe, many European workers and casual workers from all over the UK. It may be that Bella has found her way onto the site and has been holed up there and perhaps finding left over food and water (or possibly someone feeding her and not realising she is a missing dog). What I'm getting at is many Eastern Europeans wouldn't think a stray dog as being an unusual sight as probably commonplace in their homeland. I've been looking at the map and can't help but wonder if that's where she is or has been.
Ah bless you. We are bereft. We hope she will be in the Metro monday or tuesday. Went out from 3pm to 6pm walking around different bits of our neighbourhood again and doing the estates with posters and talking to local characters. Many people know about her so the word is out. We will keep going! Thanks for your doggie prayers Sarah! Does anyone know anything about greys making their way home - do they ever do that? Or is that just me dreaming?
Hi skibubsy its Sarah that works at the kennels where Bella stays sometimes, hopefully you will find her soon, praying that have some good news very soon x
Millys Mum
Oh skibubsy that's good to hear and means that so many peeps are now aware that Bella is missing. Of course, it could be her as, more often than not, missing dogs DO tend to remain in the immediate area or wihtin a mile or so of where they were last seen. And IF it was her at London Bridge, she could easily have made her way back or hopped back onto the platform (when she couldn't find a way out) and sneaked back out. OR she has found her way off the tracks via a void. Perhaps she's had enough of her mini adventure and is getting a bit peckish and keen to reclaim her cosy spot on the sofa. Who knows?! Just so many possibilities here which is why it's important to TRY to keep all options open until DEFINATELY proven otherwise. Presumably the young man meant that the 'black racing dog' was on it's own in the road. My question was a bit tucked away in my last post but, WHEN IS BELLA APPEARING IN THE METRO? Is it tomorrow or just sometime this week. When it happens, I reckon she will certainly become THE best known girl in town!!!
Just had a phone call from young man who saw a black racing dog last night in road near us - 6pm. Could this be her? No idea but going out again to do more posters and will go out at night too. I am now wondering if the dog on the platform WAS her - or if it was did she manage to make her way back? Oh god this is torture. Young man sounded very genuine so not a joker. Could be another dog but worth looking. Crossing everything.
Thanks. We need to keep positive you're right. We are 98% sure it's Bella as the timings are all right - city around 5pm, tower hill around 6pm, london bridge 8pm - there are no other dogs missing around this time. I don't think the footage shows her in detail - just a black greyhound going along the platform. But we are convinced it's her as the timings and locations all fit. We will take your advice and get an early night!
Millys Mum
skibubsy - I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling so down but please don't assume the worse has happened. It's still not proven that it was Bella at London Bridge station. How certain can you be, afterall we all know how grainy CCTV footage can be even when viewing people. Does this footage happen to show Bella's distinct white chest marking (I think it resembles the 'leather mark' that is used on leather shoes and clothing)? It may be that even after viewing the CCTV that you can't be 100% certain that it is Bella. I know it doesn't seem like it but it's still early days so please don't give up hope because so many on here want to see Bella reunited. It's good to hear that you have accepted Campbell's help and fresh ideas. When will Bella be appearing in The Metro. Is it a missing ad or an article? Everyone is working so hard, you can't give up on Bella but it may be a case of just sitting back a little and letting the posters and other media attention do their magic. You really must look after yourself, re-charge your batteries and try to remain positive however difficult that might be at times. We are all behind you and wishing so hard that you will receive the call you've been waiting for.. x
Hello Campbell! I'd LOVE some help as of course i still hold out a little bit of hope that she might be alive. The idea of nature reserves sounds wonderful and maybe someone on an allotment has found her. How far are you from this area? i'll do some looking on the map. Thanks so much. Hard to keep up the old spirits.
Sorry - I wasn't aware that it was a confirmed sighting at London Bridge. As far as I know the line up until the South Bermondsey area is all viaduct and I would have thought it would be hard for her to leave the track up until this point. I can have a look around the South Bermondsey/ New X area including the track running up from New X Gate to Brockley where there are nature reserves and allotments.Please get in contact if you need any help regarding the area as I know it well.
Just spoke to British Transport Police. They say that loads of dogs stray onto the tracks so there are ways for them to get on and off. Some are killed and not reported or even taken off the track. If hit by a train there would be nothing left of her. They have had zero sightings and the entire network knows about it and the entire transport police too. So they said it's impossible to say what has happened. Thanks for all the help but think the focus needs to be around the track and areas off the track.
Thanks very much. I will contact Juno way now. We postered Canada water again as there was a call to say there is a black greyhound there with a woman - but we met dog walkers who know her and it is HER greyhound. Then we did posters at New Cross and we also looked at the track and felt very despondent because how on earth can she come OFF it - it is all fenced with barbed wire to keep people and kids off the track. We are so depressed but will ring the control tower and the hiding theory is a plus. Thanks for all the help - she definitely went on the tracks at London bridge - they have CCTV of that. So it's just where did she go along the track and how could she ever get out? Or down to the lock ups - i don't think you can reach them from the track. Need more ideas!! Thanks guys
Millys Mum
Campbell - it's just great to see you posting on Bella's page and, even more important, hearing how you were reunited with Solly (it just goes to show that we need to include industrial estates and lock-ups in our search for Bella). Also thank you for going to London Fields today to raise further awareness of Bella's still missing status. It was also very useful to hear about London Overground's control room at Juno Way (I must admit, I wasn't aware of that and so useful to know). As you would know, the other thing with the area in and around London Bridge station are the 'lock-ups' used by all sorts of people in the arches beneath the lines. I wonder if they are all managed by one owner (or owners) or whether they are all Let on an individual basis. Perhaps, someone reading this will know the answer to this question. Thank you once again as I know Bella's family and supporters will be very grateful for your help, info and good advice.
So sorry to hear that Bella is still missing. In 2003 my greyhound went missing after running from the local park in Deptford SE8. He was eventually discovered after 9 days about a mile from where he had gone missing on an industrial estate. He was found in the back of an estate car owned by a mechanic. The mechanic had left the car boot open while he was in his workshop and when he went back outside found Solly sitting in the boot.Solly had been living rough for 9 days. He had lost weight, smelt of oil and was very dirty but otherwise OK. We were told at the time that greyhounds often instinctively "hide" when frightened. I also remember rushing up to Lewisham police station at the time as they thought they had a dog matching Sollys description - alas it was not him and did not remotely resemble a greyhound. We are planning to get up to London Fields Park later today with our other Greyhound to help look for her.If it is her at London Bridge it may be worth getting in touch with London Overground and the control room at Juno Way SE14 as they share the line with the other rail operators south of New Cross Gate- the control tower also looks up the line towards London Bridge and also the drivers change shift here and may notice a missing dog. We of course will keep looking and wish you all the best.
Millys Mum
Dawgylicious - and also from me - THANK YOU!
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thanks Dawgytlicious!
Bella is now lead news on the main site of Hackney Hive. Lovely pic of her. I've sent an email to Jonathan Richards the news director on LBC - London based talk radio, and if she's not found in the morning I'll plead with Ken Livingstone and David Melor to mention her on their show.

I don't want to think of her not being home by Monday, but Nick Ferrari is a dog lover, who's dog died earlier this year. He has a massive audience.

Actually if anyone fancies contacting them, they just might announce Bella on LBC www.lbc.co.uk
Millys Mum
LittleAngelsUK - thanks for the update. Both good news about the latest CCTV contact and brilliant work getting an ad in the Metro. Let me know if Bella's missing ad appeared today so that I can bump her up. Also nice to see Ros, cavvie lover and Dawgylicious posting on here and adding Bella's details to the hackneyhive forum. Fingers and paws here for Bella's safe return... x
I own a pet sitting service in Hackney and received an email from Bella's owner today. I have added it to the forum on http://www.hackneyhive.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=51.msg70#msg70 and will make sure it also goes to the main new site www.hackneyhive.co.uk that gets thousands of visits a week.

I have also tweeted it.

Hope Bella is found soon. Last edited: 2010-10-29 18:30:45 by Dawgylicious
Bella's owner has managed to bag an advert in the Metro paper which reaches a readership of 1.8 million commuters daily, it should be in tomorrows paper i'm sure she will confirm once it is in and her sister has managed to get a much higher up contact who is trying to get the CCTV for them to view themselves hopefully the calls will start to come flooding in tomorrow with her whereabouts. Her video has been viewed over 200 times between them as there are two (one with larger text font at the end). We keep praying seh will be back soon xxx
cavvie lover
come on bella show yourself, hurry home.
Hurry Home Bella
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
Guys you are doing brilliantly! Our contacts in Kent and Met areas have been contacted. DW's will also be sent details shortly xx
Millys Mum
Due to another possible sighting of Bella by a street cleaner who works in Islington, North London (not far from Hackney), I have bumped Bella. LittleAngelsUk - frustrating about the CCTV coverage (or lack of it) but really good to hear about the posters in the black cabs - GREAT TEAM WORK!Last edited: 2010-10-27 13:21:07 by Millys Mum
Hi I just spoke to Gary unfortunately he has said that there wasn't any footage of the actual dog in the Station just of staff going to try and catch a dog. The onlt thing I can think of now is trying to find staff who were working that night that might be able to identify her. We have managed to get some blackcab drivers who work in the area to display her poster in their cabs.
Millys Mum
skibubsy & LitleAngelsUK - thanks for the update. I just wish Gary would view those CCTV images as the suspense is unbearable. Let me know when she's in the paper and I can move her up to the top of the DogLost pages so that her photo (if you wish, you can change the photo to show her white chest marking) will appear under LATEST MISSING dogs. The Tower Bridge sighting sounds interesting - does the timing of the possible sighting fit in with when Bella went missing?
talking to The Metro too tomorrow about advert. will keep you posted.
Hi, We are still waiting for Gary (London Bridge CCTV) to get back to us, he wasn't in today and his colleague did say that he thought he may not have had time over the weekend to view the footage however he is in tomorrow so I have been told to call back at 9:30 to try an speak to him again. I will keep you all posted on what he says.

Bella's owner is looking into getting things into papers right now so hopefully she will be all over the place soon and people will start to get in touch and give some leads as to where she is. There was a confirmed sighting of her at 6pm on the Monday she went missing at Tower Bridge, which is on the way to London Bridge Station, so does make it more likely that it was her there too, however it was just a sighting of a loose dog who couldnt be caught at the time. Now it turns out a person who knows Bella saw the loose dog and thought it looked like her but didnt know she was missing at that moment. So hopefully someone has taken her in and just needs to see that she is dearly missed to return her back. Please come back soon Bella xxxx
Millys Mum
Any news? Any calls? Have you managed any media coverage? I heard on the radio this morning that there's a new newspapers called 'Eye' or would it be 'I'. I don't know who's producing it but I do know that it's only 20p and is aimed at London commuters. Since it's so very new and hot off the presses, I thought it would be a good place for a missing ad.
Millys Mum
Team Bella - I'm at work between 1pm & 7pm today. I'm only 'allowed' to take urgent calls but can receive a text message although might not be able to respond straight away. Good Luck today. Come on Bella - we need you home!
Thanks - great ideas. I've just emailed Malla trains - so lets see if we get anything. Just back from leafletting Canada Water as this is not far from London Bridge at all and plenty of quiet spaces and water and hiding places. Fingers crossed.
Millys Mum
I've emailed the Paul O'Grady Show. He's on Radio 2 this afternoon bewteen 5pm-7pm. If not successful, wicked weims has suggested Magic Radio who often make this type of announcement.Last edited: 2010-10-24 15:31:09 by Millys Mum
Millys Mum
It's just come to me! The company that used to carry out alot of the track maintenance work in North Kent and SE London is Malla Rail:
I regularly used to see their vehicles in my area and so if it's not them anymore, I'm hoping that they will be able to point you in the right direction!
Millys Mum
I've just checked on the website and it does appear that Network Rail maintain thetracks but I presume the work is contracted out. Does any of our Helpers know who has the contract?Last edited: 2010-10-24 13:56:53 by Millys Mum
Millys Mum
LittleAngelsUK & skibubsy - thanks for your detailed updates. You are all doing great work! I know it's easy for me to say BUT we really do need clairification from Dave regarding the CCTV (or, if not him, the relevant CCTV person) at London Bridge station that this dog was Bella or a similar-looking dog. I presume that we still don't know for sure that it was Bella who was there last Monday evening. If we can't get an answer one way or the other from Dave at London Bridge then I would suggest hanging around the station and speaking to platform staff (they seem to always have a few at London Bridge) and trying, as hard as you can, to make contact with the night time railway track maintenance crews. I have sometimes seen them late at night sitting in vans and waiting until the last trains have departed/arrived at the station before going onto the tracks. Who does maintain these lines? Does anyone know? Is it Network Rail? The latter seems obvious but I'm really not sure.Last edited: 2010-10-24 13:49:37 by Millys Mum
Just back ourselves. Today we leafletted and also spoke to station managers on the London Bridge route down south to Sussex/Kent. We covered London Bridge to Three Bridges via caterham, coulsden area - no sightings. The station master at Three Bridges does not know if it was a dog but we think not as think they would have mentioned it - "animal" is what they said was on the line.

Tomorrow we'll ring Battersea again as they would not talk to Little Angels. And we'll find out about advertising in local papers.
Worried about where she is sleeping tonight but everyone is doing everything they possibly can.
Thanks Team Bella!
Hi we managed to visit the following shelters and rescues today :
Wood Green Animal Shelter London Shelter
The Mayhew Animal Home Hammersmith
Battersea Dogs & Cats Home London
Foal Farm Animal Rescue Centre
Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, Brands Hatch

Thank you for all the help suggesting them, unfortunately none had heard of sightings in the area and didnt have any dogs matching her, we did look round them to check and gave out her poster too.

Battersea Dog and Cats Home London were the only ones who wouldnt even tell us if they had any Greyhounds in recently, as they said only the owner could ask, Bella's owners are going to speak to them again tomorrow I think, however the Brands Hatch one was really really helpful and allowed us to be representatives for her owner and fill in all the appropriate forms for them too, so we are not sure why the London one was less than helpful when we asked just if any had been brought in but there you go they must be under a lot of preassure it was full of Staffies!!

We are planning to poster around Hacnkey tomorrow as we didnt get a chance once we got back into London this evening as it was terrible traffic and raining so nothing would stick, so we will be out tomorrow to put some up.

Gary at London Bridge Station hasn't replied yet about the CCTV but if we don't hear anything over the weekend I will call again on Monday to chase him up as he did say he would look at it this morning.

Hopefully someone somewhere will have seen her and give the all important sighting lead I know we are all praying for.

Come back soon Beautiful Bella!! xxx
Last edited: 2010-10-23 20:36:20 by LittleAngelsUK
Millys Mum
Team Bella have been out and about today working very hard and I'm sure (when they've have a moment, eaten and rested!) they will update Bella's page.
Millys Mum
Nope, no luck with Graham Norton - grrr! Will try Paul O'Grady who has a regular show on a Sunday afternoon. Perhaps third time lucky!
Millys Mum
I've just sent an email to Graham Norton (just before 11am) asking him to put out an appeal for Bella. The problem is that when sending an email, listeners are restricted to just 255 characters (which actually isn't much!) & so I had to really trim down my message but worth a try, eh? Fingers crossed!Last edited: 2010-10-23 11:59:56 by Millys Mum
Millys Mum
Great to hear that you have made a good contact at London Bridge who is able to check the CCTV. I can put a poster up in our Beckenham-based vets, Foxgrove Veterinary Centre who offer 24/7 emergency cover for all local vets in parts of SE London, Bromley, West Wickham and Biggin Hill. I know them well as have been a 'client' for over 30 years. Rest assured, I will make sure that Bella's poster has pride of place on the waiting room's notice board. Good Luck for tomorrow (or should I say today!). Come on Bella, lets get you home for the weekend.
Hi Millys mum and ellejay, we are heading out to as many rescues as we can fit in tomorrow so far we have 8 on our list hopefully we can get to them within their opening hours. We will poster all the vets we pass too all the way from Enfield to Kent in the hope that someone somewhere will be able to give us a sighting of her. We managed to get a contact with London Bridge Station today who has agreed to check the CCTV footage from the night Bella went missing to check if it was her, he has a friend who is a Greyhound breeder so knows the breed well and as very nice and helpful, I sent him pictures of Bella and the video in the hope something will come of it. He also mentioned the animal (unharmed) on the tracks at Three Bridges on the line leading to Brighton so depending on whether he thinks it looks like her or not we may need to widen the search dramatically as she may well be surviving on the trackside as we speak. We will keep you all posted with any info we find out tomorrow or any further ideas we are given thanks for all your support and help she must come home soon all our dogs are missing her terribly as are we xx
Little Angels is AMAZING - Erin and Vicky we can't thank you enough. We heard about an animal on the track at 3 bridges too and tried to get the report but the train driver did not write down what it was! We have contacted Sussex Police too and they are holding our information in case there is a sighting.
On a sadder note we have the details of the London refuse centre for checking if she has been run over - they take in all the animals who are hit on the roads for incineration. Praying that she will be safe somewhere.
Millys Mum
ellejay - thanks for that info. I'd also mentioned somewhere on here about the commuter-targetted magazine but couldn't recall it's name. And so The Metro, you mention is the newspaper. Is the free newspaper daily Mon-Fri and is there still a free jobs-related magazine? I know it was many moons ago, but in the old days there used to be magazines called Miss London and Girl About Town. Now, I don't suppose these are still around (!) but is there something similar? The Rescues you have listed are very useful and so I hope that 'Team Bella' are reading these suggestions. I listened to most of the Chris Evans show this morning (just missed about 30 mins between 7.30 & 8am whilst out with dogs) but, sadly, I don't think he mentioned Bella. I will now try Graham Norton for his radio show tomorrow morning to see if I have any better luck.
Have you contacted the Metro paper ? that can get read by thousands on the trains around the city.
a few rescue centres for you in case not known to you.... foal farm in Biggin Hill, Croydon animal samaritans, Godstone rspca centre, Blue cross in Hammersmith, pdsa in Croydon, animal samaritans think is based in Kidbrook, i have a friend who has notified The crayford dog tracks, as they own greyhounds themselves.
Really hope she is found soon.
Millys Mum
Thanks ellejay, LittleAngelsUK (the Battersea vet connection is good to hear) and Border Girl (good idea about speaking to the newspaper vendors). I still want to stress that the Hackney area still needs to be kept an eye on and for posters still to be going up there. The point is that the sighting of her is unconfirmed (she wasn't actually spotted by skibubsy herself) and so may still be in the Hackney area and there's every possibility that Bella may have even doubled back homewards, under cover of darkness. Who knows and who can say until we receive the next positive sighting. Please keep up searches in both areas please.
Border Girl
10 or 12 years ago, when I used to work near London Bridge and I would be taking a train home late at night, there would be newspaper venders selling early editions of the newspapers. Have you tried passing details of Bella to any newspaper venders at London Bridge station? If the venders are there late at night, and that may be when Bella is showing herself, maybe they could keep an eye open for her. Good luck in finding her - do not give up hope.
Hi we have sent out the video and poster to all on our twitter and Facebook accounts and have had some brilliant help passong it on. A friends sister-in-law is best friends with Battersea Dogs Homes vet and has sent all the info on to her about Bella too. If she is not back by Saturday we are going to visit as many Rescues as we can to see if she has been placed in one and along the way put up a poster in each and every vets we can. Please please keep up the wonderful effort she has to be somewhere, someone must have seen her. xxx
Millys Mum
I sent an email to the Chris Evans Show this morning. He has a 7am-9.30am slot on Radio 2 from Monday - Friday. I thought it was worth asking as I know he is an animal lover and also owns a dog (or dogs) himself. I will also send similar emails to two other dog-loving Radio 2 DJs - Graham Norton (Sat morning) & Paul O'Grady (Sunday afternoons) but I'm hoping Bella will show her pretty face before then.Last edited: 2010-10-21 18:40:20 by Millys Mum
Millys Mum
LittleAngelsUK - I've just watched the video (made me cry - and laugh at her antics with her little friends!) but it's absolutely wonderful with beautiful accompanying music - well done. We really do need some more positive sightings of this girl asap.
I have cross posted this to as many forums that i can think of, have also informed friends who live around the Bermonsey and london Bridge area to look out for her.
There are several rescue centres you can contact to see if she has been handed in there.. Gemini i think is based in Essex, Foal Farm in Biggin Hill, animal samaritans is based in Kidbrook i think... there has to be loads more.. you really are doing all the right things, just dont give up and stay strong..
Thank you Riverlady, we have posted on Twitter too and put her on our individual Facebook pages too, so far our friends are reposting her, so hopefully she will be seen by even more people and be home soon xxLast edited: 2010-10-20 23:39:24 by LittleAngelsUK
Its a fab video & have put it on twitter. Well done. Stay strong.
Hello we have put together a video of Bella, please copy and paste the link below onto your web browser to view and pass it on to as many people as possible so we can get her back xxx

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLU0saZYwa8&feature=youtube_gdata_playerLast edited: 2010-10-21 00:01:13 by LittleAngelsUK
So sorry to hear Bella is missing, sounds like you are doing all the right things to get her home.

I have a friend who lives very near London Bridge and she also races greyhounds at Crayford, so i will inform her about Bella.

also have you looked on all the free ad sites ??? Gumtree, pets4homes, epupz, ukclassifieds, preloved etc.. incase someone has her and is advertising that they got her, or in worst case my want to sell her on.

also look on national pet register as alot of people who find dogs post on there to say they have found one.

I will cross post to various forums that she is missing, and add her to all my friends facebooks pages who live and work around the city.

good luck, and hope she is home safely very soon xxLast edited: 2010-10-20 17:57:36 by ellejay
Millys Mum
Just wanted to add, will you be placing a missing ad in the local Hackney-based newspaper? One of our Helpers often suggests putting the ad in the Announcements section rather than at the back in the 'Pets' classified column. The cut-off time/day for our local paper is Monday at 10.30/11am but, of course, all papers will vary. I suppose you could also find out if it's possible to place a 'Bella is Missing' ad in the free (commuter) magazine that is handed out at railway stations. I don't know the name(s) anymore as it ages since I worked in town but a nice big ad with a coloured photo of Bella might help to get her home. By the way, if Bella is insured, you need to tell the insurance company that Bella is missing - also they will often cover some of the costs involved for posters, reward money, etc.
What about this idea. Rent of hire a megaphone and stand is a busy place and let everyone know that Bella is missing. It would be a chance to hand out missing posters at the same time. Bring attention to missing Bella and you might draw some media coverage.
Millys Mum
skibubsy's sister - some great work going on here. It's quite obvious how much she means to all of you. That's really kind of Addison Lee to do that for you and for you to find a contact number for the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (they seem to be based in Central London as they have the '7' prefix on their dialling code), not to mention the black cabbies. I'd also thought of them after Riverlady mentioned Lee Addison. You are doing really well by taking note of everyone's suggestions and working through the 'To Do' list. I'm certain all your hard work will pay dividends and that Bella's whereabouts will come to light very soon. Also, thank you Scarlet for posting Bella on DogLost's SE site Facebook page. All help and comments are very much appreciated!Last edited: 2010-10-20 16:14:56 by Millys Mum
Posted Bella on the Doglost south East Site Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/DOGLOST-SOUTH-EAST/108676119161031
I hope Bella is home soon
hi there everyone - skibubsy's sister again! i have been in touch with Addison Lee and they have put an announcement out on their cabbies' radios to let her know that we're looking..... I have also been in touch with the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (0207-421 3770) and registered Bella. They were lovely and told me that when Dog Rangers find greyhounds they usually contact the Greyhound Board...... i have also found a newspaper called the Taxi Globe (01778-392048) which is a free newspaper for black cab drivers - there are 70 distribution points within the M25 (major airports, stations, cabbie cafes including those green ones in central london and garages that are only used by cabbies. We can put together an ad and the chances are that someone will spot her.... Thankyou to everyone out there - it means a lot to all of us who miss her so dreadfully.... if anyone has more ideas then just let us know..... xx
hi there Milly's Mum - thankx for the comments - yesterday i tracked down & spoke to Network Rail Customer Services (08457-114141) who register all the comments/information passed on to them from the local control centres along the whole of the rail network. If anyone working on the tracks at night spots anything, they report it to their local control who passes it on up to customer services who logs it. Bella is already on their register and if anyuone spots her they will flag it up. They have all her details and they answer the phone 24 hrs a day - i will probably call them back later..... oh yes, Lou went to London Bridge at 1.30am on the night it happened to see if anyone could help... xx
Millys Mum
skibubsy's sister - great to see you posting. I know that you've already registered Bella's missing status with Network Rail (0845 711 4141) and have obtained a reference number but, in view of the possible sighting of Bella around London Bridge station, I would be inclined to make contact with them EVERY day, even if it's to rule out the Bella sighting. Also, once again, if that were me, I would go to the station late evening (once all the commuters have gone through) and try to speak to the maintenance staff. I'm wondering which company this might be as it would be good to make contact with a dog-friendly or owning railway maintenance worker. I used to see the vans/lorries round our way but can't remember their name. I will continue to have a think, unless someone else out there knows who has the contract for maintaining Network South East's railway lines. Perhaps, even one of the platform attendant's might know the answer to this question as they must see them coming and going. What, I'm saying is just don't rely on just the one phone call to Network Rail but try to make contact with the right person!
skibubsy's sister again - thankyou so much Riverlady for all the tweeting and stuff - am going to try and ring Addison Lee and see how far i get with them. I am also planning on calling the RNLI..... Milly's Mum - that was a great idea about maybe Bella thinking that London Bridge was a familiar place.... If anyone has any more ideas for me then let me know and i can get on the case.... xx
hi there - I'm skibubsy's sister - on the case trying to track down the Beautiful Bella with all of you..... You are all being WONDERFUL and thankyou for everything you've been doing.... xx
Have tweeted Bellas info + link to Chris Evans, Graham Norton + Paul O'Grady tho he has not been on twitter for awhile.
Have tweeted Bellas info + link to Chris Evans, Graham Norton + Paul O'Grady tho he has not been on twitter for awhile.
Millys Mum
'Team Bella' are in the throes of compiling and charting a Bella is Missing Action Plan. Bella's owner will send me a copy for information and comment.
Millys Mum
Thanks Jayne and Riverlady! I've also sent an email to the Thames Clipper service who operates regular services along the Thames (have only received an electronic response so far). I also had an email from 'Team Bella' who are on Bella's case as I type. Please, PLEASE Bella, show your beautiful face - we so need you home!!!
Addison Lee - 0207 387 8888 the call should be from an account holder really...owners work might have an account with them?
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed out to helpers in SE1,6,11,16,17 due to positive sighting.
Millys Mum
Riverlady, thanks for that. I didn't know the name and I live in the largest London Borough (Bromley) and frequent London but it just goes to show that we all have great contacts and local knowledge and information! Would you be able to obtain a contact number and post it on here please?Last edited: 2010-10-20 11:01:33 by Millys Mum
Addison Lee is one of the biggest courier/minicab firms in London with fleets of bikes, motorbikes, cars and vans. Maybe a call to their controllers?
Millys Mum
Riverlady, thanks for your two great suggestions (RNLI and black cab drivers).Excuse me for perhaps being a bit thick but, who is Addison Lee? I'm presuming he may be a radio presenter or is he someone connected with our London cabbies?

In answer to your first question ('what lured her over the river'), her owner told me that they travel across London Bridge and past the station most weekends on their way to Surrey. The owner asked me whether I thought it was possible that she may have picked up on this route albeit as a car passenger. Personally, I thought it likely as many of us know how our dogs start to stir from their slumbers in the back of the car when they reach home or enter an area familiar to them. Would others agree that this is possible? Nevertheless, as Bella owner wasn't able to confirm the sighting at London Bridge (despite going there when she received the call)we still need to concentrate our search in the Hackney, E8 area, as well as London Bridge, SE1.
Just looked at a map.....now what lured her over the river? Maybe the scent of the river..maybe she might head near the river again...so maybe contact RNLI who patrol the river...they check the banks so might see a dog hiding? Also another thought...how about contacting Addison Lee ask them to give out a shout to all drivers....offer a crate of beer to any driver that finds her. Am tweeting every half hour so it shows up in the #London feed for minicab firms and others.
Millys Mum
Thanks Spindle for doing the mini-flyers.

LittleAngelsUK, thanks for posting. It's obvious from what you've said that you are also very fond of Bella. We just need to make Bella the best known and hottest girl in town and so the more publicity annd posters, the better. As you are probably aware, greyhounds are naturally wary and prefer to keep a low profile and so we hope she will break cover when she becomes peckish. It would also be a very good idea to contact The Big Issue and speak to their sellers (especially those based near London Bridge station) as they may also have contact with people sleeping rough on the streets of London and it may be just these sort of people who's company Bella might seek.
Hi we have been helping in the area to get posters out of Bella and have been tweeting and putting her over our Facebook pages too, if there is any other suggestions we would be more than happy to do more. We look after Bella on Wed - Fri weekly and miss her terribly, tomorrow will be very quiet without her. We have contacted the local vets that we have contacts with and the rescue centres as well as giving out her owners details to the wardens in the area too. She is such a wonderful dog we have faith she will turn up soon.
Flyers now done and sent to owner.
Millys Mum
I've just received an email from Bella's worried owner to say that she is very grateful for our help. She also said that she has emailed Jo Good on BBC London 94.9 asking for her help (I believe she already has a dog-related regular slot). Please, if there are Helpers out there who can assist, please post a message on Bella's page - thank you!Last edited: 2010-10-19 21:18:42 by Millys Mum
Millys Mum
skibubsy, it was good to speak with you this evening so that we can help in whatever way we can. I have requested mini-flyers (3 or 4 to a page) which will be sent to your email address. I don't tend to bother to print these in colour (unless you want to) but instead photocopy them in black and white onto BRIGHTLY coloured paper (I find bright orange to be good as they really stand out). Hand these out to as many people as possible and ask them to distibute a small handful to other people, especially other dogwalkers in nearby parks. Also, apart from asking (was it?) Radio London to put out a missing appeal, ask whether it's possible for Graham Norton (Radio 2, Sat mornings between 10am & 1pm) AND Paul O'Grady (also Radio 2 on Sun afternoons) to make an announcement about Bella. They are both real animal lovers and so I hope they can oblige. I would definately mention to their admin people that Bella is a RESCUE greyhound from Hersham Hounds. So that others know on the site owner's sister has called Network Rail (and has a reference number).
Millys Mum
Bumped up due to a positive sighting at London Bridge station.
Advice email has been sent,but Millys mum has more local knowledge(thanks Millys mum)
Millys Mum
Any news on Bella - any further sightings? Was she actually spotted in London Bridge station or nearby? What about visiting Guy's Hospital and asking them to display a poster or two in their cafe which will be frequented by both the hospital staff, out-patients and visiting friends and families. Also visit the HUGE building site right by the station as the builders/security staff would be there day and night (I believe it's the building nicknamed the Shard of Glass). Also plenty of cafes and sandwich bars along Tooley Street and the shopping centre across the road beside the river close to HM Belfast and then there's also Bermondsey Market through the arches, underneath London Bridge station's railway lines. I'm not sure if the market is daily but I have a feeling it's only held on a Friday morning but I know that the stallholders get there VERY early (perhaps starting around 5/6am!). Also it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that you visit Battersea Dogs Home in person on a regular basis (or ask someone who knows Bella well to go along on your behalf). Would you update Bella's page please so that we can offer further advice.
email is lou.burrows@whatifinnovation.com
Ok on twitter we put placenames with a hashtag....#LondonBridge....that way it shows up in the searches....good for cab drivers and locals to look out. Notice you dont have an email address where we can send info to help.
Thanks so much. I went to London Bridge Station last night at 1am because she was spotted there in the station and nobody could catch her. Police tried but could not get her. Can you tweet in london bridge and south london too? i'll update details with her tattoo number now - RAA in one ear and IN in the other.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster e mailed out to local helpers in E1,2,3,5,8,9,10. N0,1,5,7,16.
Just chatting to littlangelsUK on twitter.....understand that its really near her home. Dogs travel at dawn and dusk.....so she could be holed up somewhere safely for the night but will move about next when the sun rises. Have tins of sardines and pilchards ready to tempt her. Look up your local Safer Neighbourhood Teams....PCSOs - Police Community Support Officers and email posters to them. Leave scents outside your house...smelly socks...old bedding. Someone will eamil you with further advice in the morning.You will need to contact local dog warden. Stay strong.
I'm not a tweeter but i so appreciate this. Do you live in the area? Any other ideas on what i can do to get my baby back? You are area coordinator for this site? i'm a novice here! Distraught. Fingers crossed!
Bellas poster was tweeted to us on twitter so now circulating.

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