Rainbow Bridge: Cream Poodle Cross Male

  • Dog ID 189411
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 26 Dec 2023
  • Name MILO
  • Gender & Breed Male Poodle cross (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Cream
  • Marks & Scars None. Hair is slightly darker around mouth and ears
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 26 Dec 2023
  • Where Lost In Staple Hill Woods, near Taunton, Somerset
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area TA3
  • Date Reunited 12 Feb 2024
  • Other Info Milo was with his sister, who returned to us at 3pm. We had heard them both barking in the area for 3 hours, but no more after 2.30. He was wearing a red and grey collar, a tractive tracker [dead battery] and a green and black harness with a PupRepublic logo.
  • Listed By Milo&Petalsmum
  • Views 4045
  • Alerts Sent 165
  • MILOPoster Image
  • MILOExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Oh no. Such sad news. 🖤 So so sorry for lovely Milo and his family. xxx
So sorry RIP + Milo x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
So sorry for your loss x Run Free Sweetheart xx
HelperSky's AngelsLouise
heartbreaking news. RIP little Milo :( x
Melly Smith
RIP sweet Angel xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
so sorry.
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Milos family would like to thank everyone who supported them through the search, your support has meant the world to both them and our team of volunteers. Sleep well, little man x
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Just by way of quick update for those not able to see Milos page on fb. We continue both active searches using Milos family, thermal imaging handheld equipment and thermal drones to search grid patterns. In addition, every time we have reports of unattended dogs barking or potentially feeding in remote areas in the valley to the north of Staple Hill we deploy motion detection cameras along with feeding stations. Milos family remain in Somerset, despite the fact they were visiting for Xmas and have now become experts in the use of all of our equipment. We would encourage people to report any possible information, no matter how seemingly insignificant to either the numbers on his poster above or at his page in the links below using the send message button. https://www.facebook.com/MiloMissingStapleHill
Latest update from Nicky, Milos owner copied here in text form.

We have a glimmer of hope. We think he is still at large and has possibly found food sources nearby. We aren’t broadcasting exactly where just now, as he may move, but it’s definitely in the area we would expect, as large as that is.
It was a very small clue that led to our sniffer dog helper to scent him. We pray she’s right.
So we are asking everyone please be extra alert to unusual barking, evening or very early morning, when or where you wouldn’t normally expect it. It might trigger your dog to bark where it normally would not. This could be a crucial clue.
It could be a brief glimpse, likewise.
Please, please do report absolutely anything that could help. Never worry about it being trivial, or wrong. We chase up every lead if only to rule out its being Milo. It shows the word is out and people are alert, which is a huge comfort.
We are also focussing on outbuildings he might be using to keep safe and warm.
If you have any sheds or barns, PLEASE check them regularly, especially if potential food sources are nearby, such as animal feed. If you have farms or liveries nearby, please get in touch with them if you can. We are doing our best to phone or visit, but it's difficult to know we’ve contacted them all. Often numbers aren't listed or there's nobody around. Google maps fails us constantly.
We have been replacing many of the original posters with this new one, and also joining lots of local Facebook groups. If you are a member of any we haven't posted on, please share this there and let us know with the message button below. Likewise, if you are part of any email or WhatsApp groups that might cover the area over a roughly 5-mile area [map image in comments] Then please, please share about Milo.
Thank you again for being here, sharing whatever you can, and for letting us have every clue you come across.
We've had a few cruel calls from people claiming to have Milo. We are very scammer aware and the police has been given numbers, so if you get any such calls as well, let us know.
We aren't giving up on Milo, but instead are picturing his return to us, his family. We need him back so badly."
Last edited: 2024-01-21 16:35:51 by RachelG - Somerset Volunteer
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thank you Roger!
Two to four hours each day spent walking in the Staple Hill Woods and Mount Fancy Farm reserve since the last entry of 09.01.24. Area between the North Down and a point pretty much due south of Ruttersleigh Farm covered. About 10% of the time has been spent checking wooded hillsides and dense growth. Bitterly disappointed that the exemplary efforts of MILO and PETALs' owners, and of Rachel and all of the Volunteers, has not, to date, met with the success that all were hoping for. GOOD LUCK.
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Someone is continuing to take down our posters at Corfe - if you know who this is, please reach out privately to either the phone numbers on our posters or send a message to Milos page, we are very interested as to why someone would be doing this. Many thanksLast edited: 2024-01-13 11:59:09 by RachelG - Somerset Volunteer
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Link to local media coverage about Milos search in a piece written by his owner Nicky, helping folks to understand that we are using all assets available to us but that the most important element is awareness. https://www.somersetcountygazette.co.uk/news/24043227.drone-search-nicky-foxs-dog-milo-missing-staple-hill/

Over 800 posters and hundreds of door to door leaflets have now been deployed across a large radius. A radio interview on Tone FM Sunday Breakfast show was carried out by myself on Sunday 7th Dec. Social media coverage from facebook, X and other platforms has now reached >135k people.

Articles are also being submitted for printed local village/parish newsletters in a number of locationsLast edited: 2024-01-12 18:11:12 by RachelG - Somerset Volunteer
RachelG:Thankyou. I have joined facebook specifically to monitor the ongoing search for MILO. However, I imagine that there are many who are anxious to help who are not users of facebook. I would urge that all information that may increase the chance of that crucial first sighting of MILO be cross referenced to your DogLost site. GOOD LUCK.
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Roger - we are putting updates about the search and methods we are using on Milos fb page which you can find here - this allows us to share images, links etc https://www.facebook.com/MiloMissingStapleHill

I can confirm that we have had no sightings of Milo, despite very extensive searching being carried out daily since the day of his disappearance by our team of volunteers using scent dogs, thermal drones, handheld thermal imaging equipment and motion detection cameras and feeding stations. All of this equipment continues to be used daily. We have received reports of loose dogs that look like Milo with a 5mile radius (which is very possible after so much time), all of which we have followed up extensively, and eventually been able to confirm as being other local escapees unfortunately.
Last edited: 2024-01-12 14:35:52 by RachelG - Somerset Volunteer
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thank you Roger.
For info: Four hours in the area of Staple Fitzpaine, Staple Park Wood, Underhill Lane, Staple Hill Wood thru' to North Down; with many diversions through field and undergrowth courtesy of my companion. Every day a couple of hours walking in relevant areas. At the weekend there are plenty of dog walkers in the area and bikers pass along the bridle way from Staple Hill to Castle Neroche. During the week there are few people in the area but among the dog walkers I encounter there is high awareness of MILO's plight. MILO is reported last seen at the top of Underhill Lane i.e. the track out of Staple Hill towards Staple Park Wood; since then no sightings whatsoever. Could you please clarify what level of confidence is attached to the trace of MILO reportedly found by a scent dog at Castle Neroche? Other than the report of a scent trace at Neroche is there any information at all that can be shared with local residents that might increase the chances of a first sighting of MILO? Thank you. GOOD LUCK.
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Thanks TrudielovesMax - yes, this has all been done, detailed searches and extensive postering across a huge radius are ongoing - you can follow our updates at Milos fb page here https://www.facebook.com/MiloMissingStapleHill
Hope and pray that Milo will be found very soon. Assume vets: animal centres checked? As sometimes a microchip can slip. I know of one "Chip" which actually fell out. Paws, and fingers xd for Milo`s safe return.
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Roger - huge thanks from Milos search team, his family and the wider team are overwhelmed at the local community support. Thanks again
05.01.24. For info. Around three hours, 10.00hrs to 13.00hrs,spent walking between Staple Hill Wood and Staple Fitzpaine on circular route from the main car park. Sadly, nothing to report. I shall continue my daily wanderings in the area but I shall no longer record routes on this log. Connections to MILO please be assured that I shall not approach MILO nor have I ever had any intention to restrain MILO. In the event that I sight MILO in the future I will call and endeavour to monitor location w/o disturbing MILO in any way. GOOD LUCK.
04.01.24. For info. At 09.00hrs today there were six vehicles/walkers on the main car park providing some coverage of the 'public' areas of the wood. Between 09.00hrs and 11.30hrs. I walked from the main car park down to Mount Fancy Farm; down Parsonage Lane into Staple Fitzpaine; along the road to New Road and into Underhill Lane; along Underhill Lane, past Underhill Farm and Shutes Farmhouse; up gradient back into the 'public' area of the wood and along the track to the main car park. On return to the car park there were, again, about six users of the 'public' area. Unfortunately, no sign of MILO throughout my wanderings today. Is there any information at all that might be helpful in guiding search efforts? Thankyou and Good Luck.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Thank you Roger.
03.01.24. For info: Between 0845 and 10.05hrs today, walked from main car park down gradient to Mount Fancy Farm area. Walked through Mount Fancy and Shutes Pastures to Shutes Farmhouse by the upper track; going remains very wet and boggy. Walked up gradient to Staple Hill Wood and returned to the main car park via 'public' path. By noon the main car park was busy with walkers and dogs so plenty of 'searchers' in the more frequented Public areas of the woods. GOOD LUCK.
02.01.24. For info: there were folk and dogs in the main car park and walking in the 'public' area of the wood this AM despite torrential rain. Covered the North Down area - negative. Could an informed Volunteer/Co-ordinator advise whether boots on the ground are appreciated and, if so, suggest locations that might be regarded as more promising? Thankyou.
It is 12.50hrs on 01.01.24. I have spent several hours each day walking in the area in which MILO went missing. I have deviated from paths to search undergrowth and less accessible areas; ground is very wet and swampy in the area. I was in the area for three hours today and there are many walkers with their dogs in the 'Public' areas. I consider it very unlikely that MILO is active/mobile in the areas of the woods frequented by the Public; the fact that MILO is lost and may be in the area is widely appreciated. I will continue to visit the main car park area at dusk and check the vicinity. I walk in the woods daily with an active working cocker and I will continue to have regard to the fact that MILO remains missing in my choice of route etc. GOOD LUCK.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done all!
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Ground search by bonded family members assisted by local DL vols using tracking dogs, thermal imaging equipment and MD camera feeding stations continues, however no sightings of Milo as yet. Local community rallying to put up posters across 5 mile radius of location.
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Milo now has a page, please use the send message button to let us know of any sightings, or to offer help with postering in the Staple Hill and surrounding areas. https://www.facebook.com/MiloMissingStapleHill
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details shared to DogLost.co.uk FB Group x
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
Milo has not returned to his owners in the carpark overnight. Scent dog and thermal imaging equipment being deployed to location at first light. Postering will start of immediate area and neighbouring farms also. High winds will not currently allow a thermal drone to be used, and in any event the location is heavily covered by evergreen trees/canopy.
HelperSky's AngelsLouise
Shared to Lost and Found Pets UK and Sky's Angels on FB
Hoping lovely Milo is found safe and soon. xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to local members.
DogLostRachelG - Somerset Volunteer
All advice around scenting etc given, scent article secured in case scent dog is needed tomorrow morning.
Showing fine our end. One in each box x
photo dont come with post

Drone SAR

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