Reunited: Black Cat Male

  • Dog ID 153583
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 28 Jan 2020
  • Name ZEUS
  • Gender & Breed Male Cat (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 26 Jan 2020
  • Where Lost Sydney road, Watford
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area WD18
  • Date Found 06 Feb 2020
  • Where Found Holywell school
  • Found In Post Area WD18
  • Date Reunited 06 Feb 2020
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Iolanda
  • Views 1643
  • Alerts Sent 23
  • ZEUSPoster Image
  • ZEUSExtra Image


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Good idea to buy GPS. When you let him out after keeping him indoors for a few days, I would tap his dish, and give him a tasty treat. Maybe when darknes falls, in that way he should stay more "Homeboud" I assume you keep Zeus in overnight? As cats can`t see any better than we can in pitch black. It`s a fallacy. But they can see better than us in semi-darkness. I always keep my cat in overnight, but she only goes as far as the garden anyway and is very tinid with people she doesn`t know. Love to Zeus x
I will keep him indoors, I'm looking to buy a gps colar 😉
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Great news. Stay close now Zeus x
Wodnerful news. So very pleased for you. Stay close now Zeus:-) If Zeus seems ok someone has probably been feeing him. He could have been chased out of his own territory by another cat, and became lost, and disorientated, and consequently was being fed by others. i would now keep him indoors for at least a week or he may go awol again. x
******update he is at home, a lady found him and rang me, I'm so happy, thanks to everyone******
Ok Paws xd.
I don't know but I will put posters in all wd18 and I hope someone find him.
Do you think Zeus may have got into a vehcicle? A good percentage of cats do this apparently. So maybe people can post in ALL AREAS. Paws xd.
Today I put posters in all my neighbor's letter box, and I'm calling him every day and going around looking for him every day too.
Zeus maybe shut in somewhere. As well as asking near neighbours to check their outbuildings, look around other streets. He may have picked up a smell of food from someone, followed them home, and has become trapped in an outbuilding. Post as many flyers through doors as you can around your area too. Paws xd.Last edited: 2020-02-02 18:08:07
Is there a dominant cat in the area? as soemetimes they will chase a less dominant cat out of it`s own territory. The cat won`t return until they think it`s "safe" enough for them to do so, It could be that someone is feeding him. A cat posted as missing for THREE MONTHS was found only ten minutes from his home. A woman had been feeding him fresh chicken evry Another cat, SIX WEEkS also found near his home. So you never know. When walking around the area, check to see if there are any windows partially open and try to find out if the owners are away. If unsure ask neighbours, in case they are checkihng the house. Cats can stay very still, and quite; they are renowned for it. So if a neighbour checks a house, the cat will find a hidey hole. One of my cats squeezed into a space less than 3" 7cm. We witnessed her doing it. And take a squaky toy with you as he may respopnd to it. Many cats get trapped in sheds, as they like the smeel of wood. Ask family, friends, and neigbous to shae as well as DL. Twitter too. Paws zd.
Still missing no signs of him, every night I take a walk looking for him and no signs.
Check ALL outbuildings, including empty houses, and cellars THOROUGHLY as some cats will hide in or behind an object within esopecially if timid. Bear in mind too that cats have very flexible spines, and collar bones so they can squeeze into very small spaces (About 3" 7cm) so has he managed to climb into a partially opened window, and is trapped? Exit can be more dfficult; depends on the drop. Check trees; any decking too. Empty contents of the hoover onto the garden as his scent will be there; litter tray contents too. DO NOT leave the litter box/tray outside as other cats may use it and it will confuse the cat. Put some tuna/sardines, or warm chicken in his dish. and call him; night/early morning is best. Rattle some treats too. Place his UNWASHED blanket into a clean container, along with your scent too. Leave in the garden in a sheltered spot, or hang on the washing line if dry; used towels too. Wipe his scent on your garden fences, gates, doors too; anything leading up to the garden. Try a squeaky toy as it ,
may attract his attention. Just because you can`t see a cat it doesn`t mean they aren`t around. Take a good walk aorund the area, holding an objcct with his scent on, and rattle some Dreamies. Someone maybe feeding him. (Common problem) When it`s nightfall, and you are searching use a strong torch as the light will reflect a cats eyes. Poster around the area, and post flyers throggh doors too. Ask around, especially those with children, as they can be very observant. Hand out as mnay posters as you can; where, and when you can. Post a LOST CAT ad in a National newspaper in case he has climbed into a vehicle which isn`t that uncommon for cats to do. Paws xd.Last edited: 2020-01-31 11:26:25
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details shared to Facebook Group X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in WD18.
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostUK x
DogLostFiona Monger - Investigations Co-ordinator, Police Liaison
Area changed to South East x

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