Lost: Liver And White English Springer Spaniel Female In Wales (CF33)

  • Dog ID 139335
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 13 Jan 2019
  • Gender & Breed Female English Springer Spaniel (Spayed)
  • Age Elderly
  • Colour Liver and white
  • Marks & Scars Large scar on back of neck from a recent op
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 12 Jan 2019
  • Where Lost Pyle, Bridgend.
  • Lost In Region Wales
  • Lost In Post Area CF33
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Gem is 14yrs old deaf and has a very large scar from operation she had recently She is also Micro Chipped .If found it must be reported to the Warden as required by Law
  • Listed By Micky1405
  • Views 6623
  • Alerts Sent 141
  • GEM MISSING 2 YEARSPoster Image
  • GEM MISSING 2 YEARSExtra Image


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Found in the pound ukshared a post from Pet alert SW England
Liver and white springer found Wiltshire
Gem went missing 2 years ago today. Posted her poster on Doglost wales Fb. Last edited: 2021-01-13 20:57:53 by Lily
As I said too far but may be worth a call, as there have been 58 dogs seized and you've had no sightings of Gem yet.
If anyone is concerned about any specific dogs that they think may be involved they can contact the Animal Health Team at Pembrokeshire County Council on 01437 764 551. Good luck 🐾
No unfortunately not
Has anyone in your street got CCTV ?
Thanks anyway nice to know that people are as concerned as I am our dogs are our family
Animal welfare operation in Pembroke,dogs trust. Too far from you ?
No not 1 sighting miss her terribly
Hi still keep checking all the rescues for you, still no sightings ? 🐾
Does someone have a Tracker dog that could help find Gem?
So sad there's been no sightings of Gem. Have you asked neighbours, local residents to check their gardens, sheds, playhouses etc. She may be using one as a safe den. All local stables, barns, huts used and unused should be searched too if not all ready done.
Fingers crossed she is found safe very soon.
Hi I've tried to zoom in on your pictures of Gem, but don't get a very good face image come up.
They have a Springer at Four Paws animal rescue called Missy 190171, still being assessed in a foster home, good pictures but can't compare the face with Gem. 🐾
No news no sightings
Hi any news on Gem ? 🐾
Can't believe no sightings just waiting now she's been with me during the kids growing up leaving everything just waiting to be honest I'm knackered not eating just worried about her
Your doing everything you can, you could try the local radio or newspaper,if you have a library see if they would put a poster up or a Tesco or Sainsbury's.As she hasn't been seen possibly somebody has found her, did she have a collar an tag on? My boy is 14 this year I am truly feeling for you 🐾
She just got out Saturday by accident the door and gate was open by accident we are beside ourselves we have contacted everyone we can think of I've put posters up everywhere I can think of we have the top part of her bed by the front gate doors r open we're just waiting
She just got out Saturday by accident the door and gate was open by accident we are beside ourselves we have contacted everyone we can think of I've put posters up everywhere I can think of we have the top part of her bed by the front gate doors r open we're just waiting
Try to keep your spirits up,the more people who know the better.
Did you say if you've notified the microchip company. How did she go missing ? 🐾
Put posters up everywhere been everywhere I can think she would be called hope rescue who have every vet registered to them phone local dog warden spoke to dog walkers
Have you been to the vets with posters and any local dog rescue centres,have you registered her lost with the microchip company? Continue putting up posters, have there been any sightings of her ? It may be that someone has just taken her in, do you have a dog warden you can contact. Everything crossed for you x
I've put posters out been driving everywhere social media anyone know what more u can do ?
No news no sightings really worried
Any news on Gem ?
Thanks all for your time and support I've looked in all the places I can think off will get posters printed tomorrow and put up around the area
I carried out an initial search of the local area last night but no sightings. Most of the local area is built up so I don't think a Drone is an option. I am fairly local and will search when we receive sightings, also willing to manage any planned searches. In the meantime social media and posters strongly recommend.
DogLost VolunteerLast edited: 2019-01-14 18:06:29 by Anthony
Fingers crossed Gem is home safe and sound very soon. If I lived nearer would be more than happy to help look for her. Thinking of you 🐾
The contact number regd was not working .owner has now ipdated with correct one..I will change the poster link now asap ..x
I am SO Sorry that She is Missing,
have you joined SARDrone Facebook Group & asked if they can help ?
they have a ground search team too,they might have volunteers in your area.
I'm really thankful for all offers had an awful night just want my girl home
Really hope Gen is home very soon.
Kind of sharkaminski to help search for her. Presume posters up in the area, and flyers through doors too. Hand out as many posters as you can; where, and when you can. Ask friends, and neighbours to shae as well as DL. Consider posting a LOST DOG in a National newspaper too.
I am in Port Talbot, if you need help tomorrow searching for Gem I can help.
No problem Micky very understandable in the circumstances ..xx
Thanks for all your comments sorry I got the breed wrong just so emotional
Breed changed to English Springer ..hoping this lovely girl is found soon now x
Poor girl. Hoping Gem is found safe very soon.
This poor girl is an English Springer Spaniel (liver and white) - not a Welsh Springer Spaniel (red and white) I do hope she's found soon! x
Alerts sent to helpers in CF31,CF32,CF33,CF36,SA13
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Details shared to DogLost.co.uk Facebook Group & Tweeted @DogLostUK x 
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Photo cropped for clearer poster / preview, you may need to refresh your page to view x
Sorry to see that GEM MISSING 2 YEARS is missing.
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