Rainbow Bridge: Black And White Schnauzer: Minature Male

  • Dog ID 135610
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 14 Oct 2018
  • Name BARNEY
  • Gender & Breed Male Schnauzer: Minature (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black and white
  • Marks & Scars Top of head
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 13 Oct 2018
  • Where Lost Beckley.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN31
  • Date Found 20 Oct 2018
  • Date Reunited 20 Oct 2018
  • Other Info Barney went missing whilst we viewed a property on Stoddard Lane that joins Whitebread Lane, in Beckley, Rye. He was wearing a black harness with Hi Vis on it. We are broken-hearted. Please report if you find him. Thank you - £500 REWARD
  • Listed By Venice2018
  • Views 75778
  • Alerts Sent 141
  • BARNEY Poster Image
  • BARNEY Extra Image


Sightings and Information

Please post if you have news about this dog. Log in above or register to leave comments or to like them.
Please note that DogLost cannot be held responsible for the content of any other sites mentioned or linked to here.

Barney was cremated on Saturday with a salut from 13 Miniature Schnauzers. Please see this wonderful link set up by Mike, my love goes out.

DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owner and Barney photo now in the main image box. You may have to press refresh to see.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
so sorry to hear this sad news.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
So sorry to hear this.
Thank you for understanding the heartache of the last 24 hours most importantly for the family of Barney, who had, and will continue to have, an unbreakable bond. The love Barney gave to all those who he came across, with his joy and happiness and ability to always brighten a day, was immeasurable. He comforted Ellie with her diabetes and hypoglycemia and his ability to keep her awake and at the same time gather attention and alert, a knowing he just sensed. They were stuck together like glue. The family are overwhelmed by sadness and whilst we know every day acceptance will grow just that little bit, being without our 'little Barney bear' is so difficult and our heart goes out to him.

Dealing with his disappearance and passing has been helped no end by DogLost and the incredible and sincere support.

Barneys news came as his search finished and he is now up above looking down and passing his love to us all. A devoted group attended the search for whom extra special thanks must be given, complete with their 7 mini schnauzers and 2 little boys, their hands held with posters! Lee/Terry - for your incredible support with your time, premises and cups of tea available to all. Mike - you are a rock, your generosity in time, love and support To Ellie was, and continues to be, of immense comfort and consolation. Barney will be cremated and a gathering in his honour.

Barney bear runs free, across the pastures and in to the light...the angel he was and forever now is.

I did light a candle at my Church today; said prayers too, as promised. I don`t know what happened either, but at least the owners have closure, and can lay their beautiful boy to rest. Sweet dreams little man. Love to your family x (HUG) Last edited: 2018-10-21 11:53:55
Oh no how very very sad, my heart goes out to his family. When I saw the post had turned to blue, I was so happy for a moment ........ Do you know what happened to him?
We live in Wales, but used to live near here and we have been following for news of Barney.
We are so sorry to read that Barney has passed to Rainbow Bridge.
Run free little one.
Much love to all his family.
Lesley, Derek, Frankie & Tyler
I'm so sorry, I hope Barney did not suffer. His family must be heartbroken.
Such devastating news - thoughts are with Barney's family at this heartbreaking, painful time. Run free beautiful Barney xx
I am so very sorry that Barney has gone to the bridge, My heart goes out to his family who must be distraught. Nightie, night, Barney, sleep tight, and have fun at the bridge with your new pals, who are waiting to play. RIP+ God Bless x A|||Candle|||burns for you Barney. Run free (HUG) x One day when the time is right, you will meet Barney at the bridge, and he will show you the way. Forever together. Now in the arms of the Angels,. surrounded by love. Barney will remain in your memories, and, his pawprints etched in your hearts forever.

Please look down on your family Barney who really need your strength at this very sad time for them. Will be lighting a candle for Barney`s family, and, Barney too at Church tomorrow, aptly named St. Francis of Assisi xLast edited: 2018-10-20 22:01:46
So very sorry. Thoughts and prayers with little Barney and his family. Run free at Rainbow Bridge Barney, safe in your family's hearts fore er until you al meet again xx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Thoughts & prayers for Barneys' family. X
Run Free little one. X X
My thoughts are with all of Barney's family at this sad painful time. Thank you all who helped to try to get him home safely.
The worst result possible, heartbroken for Barney's family. Sleep tight little man xx
Condolences to Barney`s family,the loss is immeasurable & so is the love Barney leaves behind. Run forever free beautiful Barney XX
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
Such sad news. Run free sweet Barney. My thoughts are with his family and all that knew and loved him x
Thinking of you all at this sad time
I’m gutted and didn’t even know the lovely Barney could see he was so loved by you all
RIP Barney Little Beard run free at Rainbow Bridge
Last edited: 2018-10-20 20:46:20 by Jacky33
I'm so so sad to hear this. So unfair. Thinking of you all.
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
Very sorry to see this heartbreaking news. Rest peacefully Barney. J. x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry. Run free Little Barney.xx

DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
I am so terribly sorry. This was not the outcome we had all been hoping for. Thank you to everyone who shared and posteted and searched. You have all been amazing. Thoughts are with the family of sweet Barney xx
I m so so sorry to hear the really sad news. How very devastating for you all.
On behalf of Barney's family I would like to thank everyone for their efforts. It's truly heartwarming to have such a passionate response.
However sadly Barneys body was found late this afternoon. As you can imagine his family are devasted, and all involved greatly saddened.
Thank you everyone x
Went out this morning as part of organised search for Barney, searched the fields opposite where Stoddards Lane joins the main road, followed the stream right down to the Northiam railway line. Turned right and skirted round the field edges then went into wooded area eventually came out on private lane through Great Knell Farm area residents are all aware and have leaflets with contact details. Will continue to give out posters on my travels in the area. With no reported sightings of him it seems likely that he has been picked up but not reported or that he has gone to ground somewhere and has avoided coming into contact with anyone.
Good Luck, I can’t come this morning, but will pop down later with to give a hand x
Good luck today. Looking at google maps I see there us a swimming pool nearby, has that been checked.
Wishing everyone the best of luck in the search for Barney. Presume Tracker dog will be used? I cant` help either, as I live in the Central region. Hope the search will be fruitful one. GOOD LUCK ALL xLast edited: 2018-10-20 07:58:57
Thank you Lin
Lots of good luck today, really hope you ll find him. I can t be at the search as I m dog sitting in Iden this weekend and I have no car but if you need me to help with posters if you haven t found him today, I live in Rye and can put posters up in various places so let me know. Good luck. πŸ™πŸΎπŸΎ
Have shared all search details via @missingpetsgb

Sending lots of luck - praying you'll find him today. Good luck 🀞🀞
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
Thank you Jacky,

Barney's coat becomes curly on his back as it grows and his eyebrows will be bushier and longer.
Very best of luck with the search tomorrow and so wish we could be there Ellie and family.

A thought - how is Barney trained as your medical assistance dog? As in if with a charity/or by a trainer etc could they help in any way or does he have a tag, any other such distinguishing features ...?
SEARCH WALK at BECKLEY on SATURDAY 20th OCTOBER - 11AM to 5PM Thankyou to all those who have already confirmed they will join us.

We are thankful for any time you can make, however short or long that may be. Every small amount devoted looking for Barney is invaluable and we are so grateful. If you can't attend, there are still so many ways by which you can help, please drop us a line if you need a steer as to what you can assist with. Poster drops, searches in other areas, facebook shares - Linked-in, indeed anything at all is of huge help!

For those attending, please click option "Going" within the facebook link below. You do not have to be a FaceBook user to enlist.

Complimentary Individual bottled water , cake and fruit will be on the commencing table to keep your energy up!

For those on the search, we will convene in the grounds of Eagle's Garth, a property 100yds into Stoddards Lane, at the Whitebread Lane end. As you enter the property please head all the way up the drive, keeping left at the top and we'll be in the field there.

Thanks in advance and thanks for the words of support. Barney is out there waiting to see us and we gain so much strength from the wave of support from you all.Last edited: 2018-10-19 20:49:30 by Venice2018
il update my posters with the reward
A reward of £500 is offered for the safe return of our gorgeous Barney. Please can anyone that either issues or sees a poster now update it to say that the reward is offered, red pen would be great, but whatever you have! Thank you so so much.Last edited: 2018-10-19 17:17:53 by Venice2018
Just a thought , if the time of the search gathering could be written on posters? thank you I am leaving now!!
Thank you both, you are tremendous! I am just leaving Suffolk now to be near my little boy....forever in hope and prayer
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
I have put posters up in the following areas so far. Northiam - near Doctor, Dentist, School, Jempsons, Wills and the DIY store area. Northiam village Hall, playing field, and various ones along Main Street. Beckley - Each end of Stoddards Lane, Beckley village Hall, primary school, bus shelter at Four Oaks, The Rose and Crown, The Church, and various points along Main Street.

I have run out of posters, so I will do some more and try to get them at the start of any footpaths, to catch the dog walkers, ramblers etc.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Jenny from k9 tracker is fabulous, but she is inundated daily with requests for help with missing dogs up and down the country. She runs a business as well as doing the tracking voluntarily. Rest assured she will see the request, and if she is searching for other dogs, she will at least give us some advice to follow. Just firing up my printer here to get the first posters out. There is going to be a lot of extra visitors to the village tomorrow as it is our bonfire night. All the more reason to get those posters up and spread the word. I will report back on where I have postered today. Keep positive, there are 2 villages and all the surrounding areas willing Barney to be home safely and quickly x Last edited: 2018-10-19 08:54:20 by SpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Thank you! We have yet to receive any response from K9 and Loki. Pray each day. The more requests to these trackers will highlight the urgency so please all make contact. We will find out Barneys last trace through the tracker dog. I have his bed blanket and fox, bagged in the freezer. Many thanks
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
A5 flyers are very useful when out searching. They can be handed out to people. If you run out you can ask people to take a photo of a flyer on their mobile and then they have your contact details to hand should they see Barney. Also if anyone does see Barney to take a pic so that owners can check if it is their dog and immediately know the vicinity of the sighting. I have been in touch with the lovely Jenny from k9 tracker to ask for any further advice.
SEARCH WALK at BECKLEY on SATURDAY 20th OCTOBER - 11AM to 5PM Please click option "Going" on this link below. You do not have to be a FaceBook user to enlist. And any amount of time which can be offered is everything!


Complimentary Individual bottled water , cake and fruit will be on the commencing table. Keeping your energy up!Last edited: 2018-10-19 02:17:10 by Venice2018
I have contacted all cycling groups in the areas surrounding. They have the view and cover a wide area. Praying all the time
Hi, I have been told that there were not any in Beckley village. Northiam too. I would be so grateful if you could. If anyone you are friends with and family can share the poster online too, I would be so grateful. Thank you, Ellie.

Thank you Jacky33
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Sorry I've not been on this page due to work commitments. Looks like there is a lot of support from people helping to find Barney. I am going to put some posters up over the weekend. Are there any up yet in Northiam and Beckley? I Just need to know any areas covered so we can start from the missing point and move outwards. My spare time is pretty limited at the moment but will certainly do as much as I can from tomorrow. If anyone has put up posters please put it on here. Posters are extremely useful in helping to find lost dogs and if we have some up for Saturday it may just jog a memory of anyone who was in the area last weekend.
Barney is now on Brighton Dogwatch Page
Thanks to all the volunteers coming along on Saturday. Please encourage others to join the search. Any time given, however small, would be greatly appreciated. As a reminder, please visit Barney's facebook page and click "Going" if you are able to join us and we look forward to seeing you. Thankyou all so so much

Have shared details of the search across the Schnauzer Facebook groups. I am not in the area but hope that some will come and help
Thought it wasn't NR. Thanks
The railway is the privately owned Rother Valley Railway. There is no main line in the immediate area, the nearest being Battle/Robertsbridge on the Hastings line or Rye on the Ashford Line.
Would also like to ask if it is network rail you are dealing with or the se Kent?
Are Barney's details on the Brighton Dogwatch page? Over 11k followers on Facebook. Link here https://www.facebook.com/brightondogwatch/Last edited: 2018-10-18 17:50:50 by Skywalker99
SEARCH WALK at BECKLEY on SATURDAY 20th OCTOBER - 11AM to 5PM Please click option "Going" on this link below. You do not have to be a FaceBook user to enlist. And any amount of time which can be offered is everything!


Individual bottled water , cake and fruit will be on the commencing table. Keeping your energy up!
Last edited: 2018-10-18 17:46:03 by Venice2018
Thanks Nina. Rother council suggests the following areas;
Ashburnham and Penhurst
East Guldeford
Hurst Green
Rye Foreign
Salehurst and Robertsbridge

Anyone in these areas please keep a look out. Thank you.
Try contacting the local council for the area as thy usually have their own website which covers all departments of the council
PetLog have recommended a 30 mile radius. Barney could have been taken to a town in this radius. Apart from the search being held on Saturday at 11am in Beckley, local villages please search too, any possibility. Many, many thanks to everyone
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Updated Barney's post in our national FB group to stolen and tweeted Barney as #STOLEN @DogLostUK https://twitter.com/DoglostUK/status/1052928402578124801
Missing Pets GB...thank you for asking......Stolen Pets can be taken counties away to lose the trace. I know of 2 incidents. Firstly before choosing Barney, I viewed a litter in Norfolk. On arriving at the house I knew it seemed odd. On seeing the only pen, there was one little schnauzer, it had 5 other 'trophy' young dogs. Not all puppies but all very different pedigree breeds. In a tiny pen together. I believed they were stolen. The other account was a labrador from Kent that went missing. It was reunited with its owner 8 months later, from a microchip scan in Norfolk. Barney has been neutered so he is no use as a stud, thank goodness. He is very affectionate and loyal and very in-tune with his surroundings. He does tricks and is well-trained. He does bark at other dogs to get their attention only. He plays and runs chase with the dogs in a park like a little boy would. He always runs to me for approval and then carries on playing. He is a fun character.Last edited: 2018-10-18 17:44:13 by Venice2018
This is Ellie’s daughter. Please see link below for search event this Saturday. Anyone who can only do Sunday will also be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for the support everyone is giving us.

https://www.facebook.com/events/2047524141975148/?ti=iclLast edited: 2018-10-18 15:12:46 by Sophialara1296
The facebook page will be listed here when ready, it's under construction at the moment and hopefully ready today. Please join and add as may people as possible
Consider contacting Meridian News as they may help as he is an extra very special Medical Asistance Dog
I noticed that you said you contacted the 'railway' was it Network Rail? If not, please contact & make them aware of Barney on 03457114141 I have shared Doglost poster & link. When page has been set up for Barney can you please put link here so I can join & add friends.
Does anyone have contacts to any local papers to post a free 'missing Barney' notice? If someone is able to pick the task up to get notices in the papers it would be a huge help please. Thanks, Martin
Hi its Martin, Ellie's lesser half. Firstly a massive thankyou for the continued support, its overwhelming and inspirational. Various radio stations have been contacted and we await feedback from them. Likewise we are reaching out for tracking services and await feedback. We will be doing a search this weekend which is being helped by one of the incredible doglost volunteers, more to follow. It is likely that we will do a thorough physical search of the area (between Beckley and Northiam) but concurrently target local towns and villages with posters. So an advance thankyou for anyone that can spare time for the physical search but also if you cant make the physical search but can lend a hand targetting a local town/village please let us know, we'll be working on the plan overnight tonight. Meantime a facebook page for our beautiful Barney is being setup. Keep spreading the word, we know he's out there somewhere and we won't give up until he's found. Barney is our family and is loved and loves us unconditionally. He supports Ellie medically and so many times has helped keep her safe and well. Please continue to help in anyway you can and we'll email later with further updates. Thankyou all
Still hoping Barney will be found very soon. He has an important job to as a Medical Assistance Dog, and his owner needs him. Hopefully his microchip, and all the shares, will help reunite him. Keep making Baney "TOO HOT TO HANDLE". Poster too in post offices, shops etc, anywhere you can. Consider posting a LOST DOG post in a National newspaper too.Last edited: 2018-10-18 20:50:36
Specifically what areas you need help in? Happy to see if any volunteers x
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Ellie's phone has broken, please use Martins number only until this is fixed x
Have bumped Barney in the hope we can get local help as this little one was lost many miles away from home.
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
CRN issued, status changed to stolen & CRN detail added x
I will be updating a FaceBook page with one everyone can access later today. Last edited: 2018-10-18 12:13:40 by Venice2018
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
So sorry to read about Barney. As the Police (why Lewes not Hastings?) Have registered him as stolen please send the CRN to Police liaison stolen@doglost.co.uk We can then update his file to "Stolen".

Please also add his microchip number, it can only be seen by our coordinators and you, it will mean that we are alerted instantly if he is scanned.
while you doing the radio see if there local Free paper if they have one will do a spread for you as if they have a free one it will reach more people or my friend did in the Argus
leave things that smell of you or him familiar toys were he was last seen he may pick the scent up. you could post to me for Sunday or post to the house you were viewing at the time schnauzers do have good noses many do well at scent work Last edited: 2018-10-18 10:44:11 by Jacky33
We’re available Sunday weve got everything crossed he would of been found by then please let me know if any searches arranged but I’m coming over to poster out everywere so please let me know if there are any areas you want me to concentrate on if not we will do our own thing
I live in Brighton so don’t know area but will see what’s already postered and move outwards
Keep strong Barney will be found
Last edited: 2018-10-18 10:42:22 by Jacky33
I live in Suffolk, and it is heart wrenching that my Barney boy is so far away. In a weeks time we are to rent in the local area to where Barney was last seen. The packing of our home is a focus to keep me busy. I am torn inside. It is difficult to arrange a search being so far away for this weekend. I have seen that the weather is very good and sunny. We hope to hear from the K9 tracker today. One of Barney's toys, his fox, and also his blanket has been put in the freezer to keep his scent from wearing off, The tracker dog will trace where Barney last was, or the ultimate in finding him! I am anxiously waiting for a response. I am contacting the local radio stations today, also. I will also have a video on You Tube of him. This is my focus today. Thank you so much for your support! My love goes out.Last edited: 2018-10-18 09:07:01 by Venice2018
Venice2018 Whereabouts is home in case BARNEY is trying to get back you?
@Venice2018 Well done to you all, you must be exhausted. He’s out there somewhere and you will find him, be strong, keep focused and positive. You have us all supporting you. There is a search party being arranged and word is spreading fast x
I have just returned from driving and searching on foot for Barney with my daughter and partner. Exhausted and never am I giving up on finding my little boy. The last 3 messages I have only just read and at my first chance thanking you for your suggestions on finding Barney. The encouragement I have received and hope has kept me going and all down to Dogs Lost followers.
Try putting posters in schools and colleges, bus stops, poo bins, taxi firms, local cars and post boxes for postmen to take back to the sorting office.
have you left something that smells of you/him near where he went missing? and scented with diluted pee? I also believe you should keep something with his scent on in a pastic bag in the freezer to help preserve it for a tracker dog should you be able to get a tracker to come out.
There is always hope, not that I want it to happen to Barney but some dogs are found months later!
Unfortunately it isn't Barney. Interesting how another mini schnauzer has gone in the nearby areas. Hope still
What’s that address Maty
Please look at this: https://www.facebook.com/sallyanne.brownie
Jacky that is great thank you. I will confirm the search date/time today
Lin, thank you.
There is a farm quite nearby, on the map the name is A.J. Skinner & Son, I know they rent land around there, it might be worth contacting them, look on Google maps and type in Stoddards Lane, Beckley. Hope that helps.
We’re Brighton
But if you organise a search for Sunday we will be there
Going to Discover Dogs London on Saturday will wear a poster for him
I really feel for you losing your dear Barney. I am not sufficiently local to help organise a search as I am Hastings way and don't know the Beckley area but I will happily turn up at the weekend to help look if you give a time and place
Such a good idea, i will contact the railway. thank you...I am back down from Suffolk this afternoon to search the wood in front of the track.
DogLostSue - Volunteer E Sussex & Kent
I drive thru Beckley most days on route to my dog walking, didn't see any posters up yesterday ? Also wondered if worth notifying the railway that he's missing as a couple if missing dogs have turned up on the tracks near Wittersham (steam railway)
I did contact K9 tracker yesterday, with all details necessary. Just waiting to hear. I would be so grateful for a search ! I will need help with all land owners of woodland and farmland for permission . If anyone knows who I could contact that would be great. Thank you everyone
Hello, I m so sorry little Barney is lost. Have you heard of Jenni at K9 tracker? She has a beagle tracker dog who has been successful in finding dogs. If you search K9 Tracker, Jenni you should find a contact or I think Doglost can help. Really hope he turns up soon.
Please post details of any local search to be organised this weekend as I will come as will other friends. Also it’s worth bringing a BBQ to cook sausages as that can lure a hungry dog. 2 missing schnauzers were found by doing this.
Sharing and tagging on Twitter x
Hopefully we will get more shares for Barney. Stay safe Barney, until you are found. Poster all around that area, and post flyers through doors too. And hand out posters to the general public; Where, and when you can, and as many as you can. Paws xd.Last edited: 2018-10-17 08:45:21
Are you thinking of organising a search at the weekend? I live half an hour away but I am away at the moment. Please post details if you are and I can share on social media with local friends
I'm afraid the 1.4 million shares is the total number of shares from the doglost site....and not just for poor Barney. I assume the house you were viewing has been thoroughly checked to make sure he hasn't got himself stuck in a cupboard or something.
His chip number will not be visible if you add it to this site. It will only say 'yes'. If you add the chip number Barney's details will be downloaded to halo scanners which will immediately flag him as missing if he is scanned.
Lewes Police have registered Barney stolen. He may have been kept by the thief, sold on locally or afar. However, Barney will be in search for me. We still have chances that he will be seen around the fields or streets. Please keep an eye out for this little boy of ours, any black and silver mini schnauzer sightings. We are so grateful for the shares! Listen out to the local radio stations too! Thank you to everyone to the bottom of our hearts for such magnitude in support . Our love goes out.... we are praying everyday.Last edited: 2018-10-17 10:14:47 by Venice2018
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Details shared to DogLost.co.uk Facebook Group & Tweeted @DogLostUK x
Woodside was his last sighting by us. We think maybe there was a cat in the front garden and he always chases cats. Our backs were turned from him for the last 2 minutes in the house and the front door had been left opened. A car had been seen slowing down at the bottom of the drive too. Lots of possibilities. To the right of the property, across the road, is open land which leads to woods. Some of which are private. I do worry if he has become disorientated and ventured in to the woods that he will have eaten things that make him sick. This is all out of character for him to stray from us. Four of us were instantly searching and calling for 2 hours. Nothing.... not even did the sheep stir in the field opposite. We worry he has been stolen. He was wearing a harness so anyone surely would knock on a door? All neighbours have been notified.
I live in Beckley and have shared the information. Which property in Stoddards Lane were you visiting? Is that where he was last seen? Have the other properties nearby been notified. I am happy to do some leafleting. I am surprised that there appear to have been no sightings of Barney yet.
We have made sure that people know he is from out of the area and that he is a medical assistance dog for maximum effect.
Thank you Maty
We live 3 counties away and were visiting for the day.
Barney is being shared widely across many Schnauzer pages on facebook including Schnauzerfest and the Annual Schnauzer Walk. As a fellow Schnauzer owner we are willing him to keep safe and praying for news.
Barney is microchipped but we do not want the chip number on this screen. He is registered so any scans will show up as missing/stolen.Last edited: 2018-10-16 11:33:13 by Venice2018
Thank you!
Shared on PAW hope it helps
Thank you, I have contacted a lot of vets, pubs locally too. It is 3 days now that he has been missing. He shy's away from small children and his coat will grow very quick in just 4 weeks. He was trimmed every 5 weeks. His coat becomes curly as it grows and his coat will also become matted if he hasn't been combed, especially his paws and elbows. He does have a sensitive tummy and woodland mushrooms and berries will make him sick. He may no longer look quite like the photos. He jumps to his name.
Have you informed the local vets. Badgers Oak Veterinary clinic Northiam 01797 252321
I drive that way every morning and evening and will keep a look out. If you go to google maps you can see any local business, pubs, B & Bs, phone them and inform them. I will print off the poster and circulate as much as possible. Be strong x
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Updated page (See below). Help needed.
Barney was trained to identify crisis with my medical condition. He alerts people when I collapse. He stays tight to my side nuzzling me to keep me conscious. He has saved my life too. I am alone each day now until the evening.He is very protective of me. Please mention anything that could be a glimpse of hope. Thank you, Ellie

The amazing support from everyone brings an incredible wave of positivity to our hearts. Thank youLast edited: 2018-10-16 07:20:16 by Venice2018
Thank you so much for your support. The community spirit has been overwhelming . I do hope today will bring the news we so wish to hear.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Thanks for the update. I have put this onto some local pages. We do need to flood the area with posters. I have been walking my dogs in the local woods and will keep spreading the word. Lots is people are aware and have been out looking. Fingers crossed we have some news soon.
We were just viewing a property there. We come from Suffolk for the day. My husband works locally to be there for any developments on finding Barney. Thank you for replying and your concerns.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Shared to our national FB group and tweeted @DogLostUK
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
Shared to Home Safe Dog UK x
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Email alert received. Is Barney a local dog? I see he was visiting the area when he went missing and wondering if he is trying to make his way home? Lots of shares going on in Northiam and surrounding villages. Hoping for a sighting soon
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TN17,18,30,31,32.

Drone SAR

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