Reunited: Black With White Male

  • Dog ID 13066
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 24 Mar 2008
  • Name RAOUL
  • Gender & Breed Male
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour black with white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Yes
  • Date Lost 23 Mar 2008
  • Where Lost Newmillerdam, Wakefield
  • Lost In Region North East
  • Lost In Post Area WF2
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Not known
  • Views 1528
  • RAOULPoster Image
  • RAOULExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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I can e-mail you the article if you give me your address- it's also on the Yorks post website. It is good to promote the work you people do. I'm part of it now looking for FreddieLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Yes although I have seen the online article I would really love a copy of the actual newspaper which as Tracy says we have been unable to obtain ! x Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Fantastic article & shows exactly what we are all about. Must admit it's nice to see helpers registering in the area & hope you will all stay on board. I dont like dogs missing but it such a pleasure to get them back. If anyone can find spare copies of Yorkshire Post please buy 3 & let me know where to meet you. All the newsagents nr Pam & I have sold out! Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
What a wonderful article ! So well written and telling the story from the point of view of the owner and all the anguish they suffer when they lose their dog but then illustrating how doglost can assist an owner, advising them what they need to do and be there to help them and give them hope ! Well done Tom for such an outstanding article X PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I totally agree, what a fantastically written piece!!! anyone got any thoughts about how it can be made more widely publicised???Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
AND of course, what a fantastic outcome - Raoul looks certainly happy to be home in his photo! :o)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Fantastic media coverage, a very big THANK YOU to Tom Goodhand for writing it and the Yorkshire Post for printing it. This is one reunion that shows just how DL works and how brilliant everyone works together. Lovely reunion piccie. Great to see Raoul's family are now going to stay onboard and help turn more dogs into the BLUE. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
That is a wonderful article - do you think the YP/your son would do a feature about Georgie, missing boxer from HX7 (last spotted BD22). He has been out for nearly two months and his owners are desperate to find him. They don't live locally so a few of us locals are doing what we can, but we don't know Georgie and he doesn't know us. An article like this might raise his profile. Please, pretty please :)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
So pleased that you have Raoul back safe and well. What a fantastic newspaper article too - great publicity. xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Brilliant article. One of the best, I thought, and really well written. Very interesting to read and fab publicity for Doglost, and our wonderful helpers. You are all stars !!! And so is Raoul of course. You bad little monkey. I hope you are fully recovered and being a good boy now. You are going to have to learn how to be a Doglost sniffer outer to help your Mum and the brilliant team up there. Well done all xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Super article isn't it? Thw Wakefield Express are going to do it next week- more good press for you wonderful peopleLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Welcome back Raoul,what a lovely poster of him reunited with his mum. And what a superb article in the Yorkshire Post about DogLost the fantastic job they do and of course recognition of the volunteer helpers.About to post the article on a few websites for folks to see.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Not known
And here is the story edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
the feature about the help we got from you all is in the Yorkshire Post tomorrow -FridayLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
My son who is a jounalist has written an artical for the Yorkshire Post about the help you all gave us. will give you details of publication date as soon as I knowLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
my son who is a jounalist heas written an artical for the YORKSHIRE POSTLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
we have now begun to put together R's 27 hours of being lost. He bolted during a walk on a busy lake - Newmillerdam. Ran into extensive woodlands and then returned to near the 'bolt place' and worked his way along a main road- which was also his way home. He went to ground at dusk in fields near houses. We picked up the trail the next day by pestering anyone walking a dog, giving them a flyer and postering the area. The calls came in thick and fast and enabled us to follow him across feilds and roads. Eventually two young boys followed him after the mother of one of them had nearly hit him on the oroad. He loves children and allowed them to approach. They phoned us. GG and her partner drove us there and there he was!!!!! I wept with joy.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well done everyone!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I'm proud of you lot !! Top job on here, and so pleased that you are staying with us as a helper Maura. Well done everyone !! Freddie next !Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Really pleased that Raoul is home safely. Great news. Take Care. Mags & TraceyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Fantastic news! So pleased to see Raoul in the blue. XXLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
we have been out tonight along the Barnsley Road and taken some of the posters down at the parking areas for Secker and New Millerdam woods. I have spoken to Raoul'S Dad this evening and he said Raoul is very tired but so glad to be home !! They will take him to the vets to have his paw checked tomorrow but it does'nt seem anything serious. I'm just so delighted that this young boy is back home safe with his family tonight. Please any of you that helped look for Raoul remember Rachel who is still searching for her beloved tri coloured border collie Freddie who has been missing now for 10 days and if you can help her too.WELCOME HOME Raoul xxx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Welcome home Raoul. Stay safe now.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well Done Everyone & thanks Jumanji for doing all you have during my hols. Brilliant to see all new helpers in the area as we've been on our own for a long time. Great to see this youngster back home safe as the area is vast & he could have gone in many different directions without been seen. You've done a fantastic job, all we need now is Freddie & things are back to normal. Welcome Home Raoul.xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Welcome home RAOUL well done all the helpers in getting him back.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
happy and magical ending welcome home RAOUL X hope you stay on a flexi lead untill you have perfected your recall x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks to everybody, you have been brilliant. Huge special thanks to Geeky Girl and her partner who walked the walk, talked the talk and drove us from sighting to sighting. And to Di, from Spanish Water Dogs Club, who came all the way from Manchester with her dog Anton to help us look. To Smiley Cheesecake and her partner who checked out one whole major area for us. To Pam and Jayne for advise and co-ordination and to Rachel busy looking for Freddie who took time out to give me calm advice when I was on the edge of panic. I'm a total convert to the site and will be a doglost helper whenever I possibly can. We might have seen Freddie in our searches, we've let Rachel know. I will contact her to help. This site is manned by saints and all of our family owe you a huge debt. The kindness of strangers is humbling, but much appreciated.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thank you Geeky Girl for helping us to find Raol and putting up with me and a slightly muddy Anton. Will contact Maura tomorrow to see how his paw is. He was certainly glad to see his mummy!!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Nic Jones
Welcome home you big ball of fluff, and well done to everyone involved xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
Forgot to add: if anybody from this search is available to help poster/look for Freddie, she is still missing in this area, I am sure that her owner would really appreciate any help possible!!! Thanks GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
It's brilliant that he is back. He looked ever so pleased to see his mummy!!! It just shows that with alot of help and postering it pays off. If anybody is going up near the Pledwick estate I had put some posters up that way. I am sure that Maura will update you with the details once she has calmed down as it did get quite frantic with a lot of phone calls!! GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Welcome home darling Raoul.x Well done to everyone involved in getting this lovely boy home so quickly.x Can't wait to hear the full story. Stay safe baby.x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
YAHOOO welcome home Raoul, just fantastic news to see him going into the blue so quickly. Brilliant work by all involved in searching for him THANK YOU. Maura give your boy and extra big hug and kiss from everyone on DL. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Congratulations everyone. So pleased Raoul is safe. Welcome home boy xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Well done for getting the posters up so quickly!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Hubby already on the case Jumangi LOL........ they come in handy sometimes dont they???? Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
hey guess what smiley cheesecake ?? you have to go out taking all those posters back down now lol But its makes it all so worth while when they come home safe. We will be out in an hour or so and will try and take some posters down too ! Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
YIPEEEEEEEEEE they have got him back !!!!!! After following one sighting after another they have got Raoul back safe and sound apart from a slight limp !! I will leave it for the owners and other helpers to tell you the full story. I would also like to add my thanks to all those that turned out to help the owners and also to Geekygirl for keeping me updated.Feeling SO HAPPY xxxx Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
just had a call from Maura - HE IS SAFE AND WELL .... Yippppppppppppeeeeeeeee. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Posters from back lane at Newmillerdam past golf course and up into walton. Walton postered from railway bridge to memorial and then from memorial down school lane. Been upto Walton woods and postered everywhere possible and spend 2 hours whistling around woods. Unfortnatly no sign but at least plenty of posters up there. Fingers crossed that hes been found. Just spoke to Maura and they are were two mins away from where he was last seen so i have everythign crossed for her. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Just had a call from the owners and there is a sighting of RAOUL now ! Owners and helpers are just arriving there so fingers crossed everybody !!!! Pam xxLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
yes Jayne and now we have another sighting for yesterday !! this one was at 6pm and Raoul was in CASTLE ROAD WEST heading towards SANDAL CASTLE and PUGNEYS COUNTRY PARKLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Are these sightings coming through via the posters?Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Have just spoken to the owners and there was ANOTHER SIGHTING of Raoul yesterday (Saturday) at 5.30pm. He was on the BARNSLEY ROAD past the Pledgewick Inn towards the junction with ASDALE ROAD (Sandbridge Lane). Pam xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I have got lots of posters printed out if anybody needs any. I'll keep an eye out whilst I am driving around this afternoon. I need to go up to Pledwick this afternoon so will drive aorund this area. I'll also drive around the Kettlethorpe and anywhere else I can think of GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Been up and down the roads between Newmillerdam and Walton. Come back to try and get some posters printed off and to collect my own dogs and whistles. We will make our way up to the Walton end of Newmillerdam woods and put posters out where we can. Will try and get Walton postered too but i will let you know when we get back. Keeping our eyes peeled for a black heap of fur :-) Im sure he wont be long before hes back home. Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck everyone!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Meeting up with friends from the Spanish Waterdog Club and their dogs at 1430 at Newmiller damn today (24/03). Siting at 1730 yesterday 23/03 on Barnsley Road near the Pleddick Inn. smily cheesecake is my hero. she and her partner are checking the road between walton and newmillerdam. never knew i had so many friend who as yet i haven't met. many thanks from us all.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Good luck and thanks!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
We are going to be heading out in around half an hour or so. Will ring owner when we get there to check where they would like us to start looking. Thanks Junanji for the PM. (Jane - smiley.cheesecake meant to stand for happy and delish accordding to my husband but i personally think it means happy and full of fat LOL)Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Maura welcome and thankyou for posting on site x Good luck with your search for Raoul and hoping he is found today ! smiley cheesecake ......... i have replied to your pm but sorry I didnt see it last night ! xxx PamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
maura, welcome on board DL and thank you for registering and updating us. Everyone on here will do their best to help you find Raoul. I've done smaller posters, as requested by Jumanji and emailed to Yasa to go on the Info Centre, they may not be available until later. Hope they help in the search for him and he is in the blue soon. Good luck. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks to you all for your help. You are so kind. I went to the area at 6.30 this morning and put posters in both car parks adjacent to the lake and the two furtherr up the Barnsley Rd which lead into Secker Woods The last sighting we had of him was about 4pm yesterday on School Hill at the car park which is just up the hill from the Fox and Hounds pub. We are going down again around 9am. It would be good to know where the Frdddie walk is going so that we don't overlap and can cover more ground looking for both dogs. My mobile is 07841473916. Your kindness has touched us deeplyLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West
Poster emailed to Spanish Water Dog Club Uk members and breeders. Jan xLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
DogLostMajorjet (Jan) - Area Co-ordinator - Liverpool/Merseyside, North West .......... (some links on the breed) With Raoul not being a familiar breed if picked up and taken to police or rescue he may well not be recognised, I feel he could be down as a bearded collie cross or terrier cross. Good luck in the search and hope to see him in the blue soon. Jan x Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Owner your account is now active-please log in and update us with more info on your dog.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Thanks GG !! you've certainly been kept busy this week ! The owners have also notified the pubs and nearby houses so they are aware that Raoul may appear back by NewMillerdamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
I have just been for a drive around of the area and stopped at entrances to Newmiller Dam to call. No sign of Raol. I don't think it is easy to spot a black dog in the dark :-( GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Smiley.cheesecake ( where did you think that name up from?) best to ring owners direct and pm Jumanji-Thanks for helping!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
I will go to newmillerdam tomorrow to help look for Raol. Does anyone know if anyone is searching in the Walton area as the woods at newmillerdam go right to walton. If theres an organised search please let me know what time and where. Otherwise i will go for a walk around with a spare lead. Hope hes home soon SamLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Jumanji - Co-ordinator.South.Yorkshire
Yes it is GG ! I have spoken with the owners and they have already done some postering but will be doing more. I have also alerted the owner of Freddie the border collie who went missing in WF4 but has now been sighted in Netherton. She plus several friends and family will also be keeping a look out for Raoul as they search for Freddie tomorrow. Owners need to poster as much as possible to cover a wider area and also keep checking with the police and local pounds. Stay safe Raoul until you are found xxxx Pam Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Thanks Team doglost Wakefield!Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Will be out and about in the area tomorrow looking for Freddie so will keep an eye out for Raol as wellLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Geeky Girl
My Mum saw a black dog today at about 13:25 running from the Dam In side of Newmiller dam across the road to the Beauty Mill side of the road then back again and into the Fox and Houns Pub side of Newmiller Dam. The dog was being chased by a woman and there was a man flagging down the drivers to slow down. Is this the same dog??? GGLast edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18
Poster has been e mailed out to over 200 local helpers and registered organizations.Last edited: 2010-05-11 02:17:18

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