Reunited: Golden Labrador Retriever Male

  • Dog ID 125898
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 23 Feb 2018
  • Name FIN
  • Gender & Breed Male Labrador Retriever
  • Age Adult
  • Colour golden
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 22 Feb 2018
  • Where Lost Flatropers wood, Beckley.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN31
  • Date Found 26 Feb 2018
  • Date Reunited 26 Feb 2018
  • Other Info Wearing a red collar.
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 5951
  • Alerts Sent 364
  • FINPoster Image
  • FINExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
Ah - thank you Tina for your kind words. TBH I was more concerned for your health keeping up with Yogi than I was for Fin staying safe once we had established his route.
Had he not been back overnight I would have brought Tiga down to track today but I think the threat of Tiga did the trick again.
Fin stay safe now with your new forever home.
Thank you to all the locals who were keeping an eye out and to SpringerMad who also walked a fair few miles on Sunday.
Thanking you all for your efforts and specifically Jenny and Yogi K9 trackers who were 100% accurate in their tracking and gave us a very good idea of Fin's whereabouts and behaviour, when combining what was gained from that with the sightings. Thank you all for keeping an eye out for Fin, because it was crucial to get another sighting which we could get to quickly, particularly at night when he was more likely to stay in the area. Whilst we knew he was coming back to the woods, in the end it was a matter of timing and of course Wendy's phone call re sighting (Flatroper's Cottage) did give us that. Thank you also for SpringerMad being out Sunday liaising with Jenny and everyone looking and putting up posters and spreading the word. We have one famous happy Labrador back home now. Too happy for words xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Fantastic news, so pleased this lovely boy is safe.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Absolutely brilliant news....well done to all Team Fin for your efforts x
Brilliant news. Well done all involved.
Fantastic..... Team Fin amazing dedication and hard work... With a fabulous result.... So so pleased this lovely lad is home x
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
From owner fb

Update, update.....

FIN IS BACK!!!!!😍😍
We have just come back from Flatrooer's Woods and brought our lively boy back.Wendy from Flaroper's Cottage phoned half an hour ago as they saw him on their drive. When the outside light came on, he ran off.
We jumped in the car and as we drove into the woods with only parking lights on, there he was running across the parking area, very visible in the snow. I jumped out whistled and called him and he ran into my arms. We are over the moon, Fin is a very happy boy and we are very grateful for all the concern, help and support from everyone. You were all amazing. Thank you Wendy for phoning promptly and making IG possible for us to be reunited...
Thank you all, bubbly will be opened...xx
Fantastic news, so pleased for his family !
Really fantastic xxxhow when. Xx
Wonderful news, much better than being out in this awful weather.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Great news. X
Brilliant, I held my breath when logging in to Dog Lost tonight, so glad he is home 🐶
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
The gameplan this morning was not to go back today unless a fresh sighting but on standby to go again tomorrow. I think Tina needed a bit of a breather after following Yogi yesterday!
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
I've been thinking of you guys for the past couple of days. Assuming there is no news from the tracking? Come on Fin...we all want you home x
Come on Fin. Get your self home. Xxxx
Yes me too everything crossed and hoping xxx
Waiting with baited breath for news x
Praying for good news xxx
The cockers and I have just been all around Blackland Wood down Moore’s Lane. Called, listened, dogs been through the bramble and bracken patches, but nothing I’m afraid.
I have been out for drive stopping in field gates looking calling, Frogs lane Rolvenden lane been as far as river bridge just past Wittersham road station, gave poster to a runner he said would keep a look out as he runs round there a lot then back through Rolvenden and towards Tenterden on way back stopped on bridge where barn and logs are just before sandhurst newenden road i spoke to farmer who already keeping eye out as hes wife said about Fin, he said if Fin is in that area he cant go too far without crossing water he also said keep telling farmers even as far as cranbrook have put poster in Tescos Hawkhurst at eye level above baskets, also put one in Sandhurst shop/ Hurstgreen shop cafe. great news that Jenny is tracking.... Hoping for good news today going back out in a bit will go back towards Beckley i have also put on Hawkhurst Cranbrook for sale sitesLast edited: 2018-02-25 12:10:54 by bel
I'm at work at the moment.... Fab that jenny is tracking today... Hoping for good news x
I’ve tweeted to the Tenterden Town account, which they’ve retweeted to all of their followers, to keep their eyes open for Fin. Hope that’s ok. Should I look today around where Fin first lost or elsewhere ?Last edited: 2018-02-25 10:08:16 by Gwynnipig
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Jenny will be tracking today and I will be meeting up with her en route.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Thinking of you (all) today, hoping for some good news.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
I've just had a text from Jenny...think she's going to try to get over to help you today Tina. Wishing you all the best of luck for your search today...have got everything crossed for you. X
Jenny from K9Tracker has been in touch and we are talking tomorrow. I have also posted details on Drone SAR for lost dogs and am waiting to hear whether there is a pilot near us who could help particularly as the possible sighting has been in the middle of vast areas of farmland and fields where you would be looking for a needle in a haystack.
zoe, my thinking precisely. I have contacted farmer / kennel friends who know lots of farmers in the area, I am trying to contact farms round about Newenden and right up to Rolvenden Layne and Wittersham Road Station to the east initially through the web, email, telephone as they are far apart, but shall visit in person any I can not reach any other way passing on posters and pleading to keep a look out, as well as finding any way I can to get into some of the fields to whistle and call.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Managed to put a few posters up today. 2 in Newenden (opp the pub and at the start of the footpath. 2 in Northiam (station road) 2 in Main Street Beckley, and one at the start of Bixley lane where the first footpath starts. Not much time today, but hopefully will run some more off in the morning and fill the spaces between the above.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
Could you drop a few posters in to the local farms in the area of the potential sighting in Newenden? It's just Fin could be taking shelter in one of their outbuildings. We had a dog missing in my area last week and she was found in a farmers barn.
DogLostZoe - Area Volunteer - East Sussex
It sôunds like you are all doing a great job with the searching and great that you have a couple of potential sightings. I go to Bexhill on a Monday and Friday so will keep an eye open. I was on the seafront with my own dog yesterday and didn't see anything. The dog warden will only come out if the the dog has been caught just so you know. The key is to get as many posters up as you can as it is them that will bring in the sightings but you have a great team helping you out. It would be great if you could get Jenny (K9 Tracker) out. I'm sorry I'm not closer to you to be any help searching but will definitely keep an eye open in the Bexhill area.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just printing some posters then we shall put along from Newenden to Northiam and possibly Beckley today, if not then tomorrow
Very interesting re sightings, especially the one in Newenden. Have just come back from searching. Found the woods (stunning but vast) walked through saw lot of photos of Fin but nothing else. Drove back all through the various villages on way home. Nothing else to report for now but waiting to hear for further updates and hoping for positive news very soon x
We have had calls about two possible sightings:
a)very plausible, sitting in the middle of a field in Newenden near the river, on the side where the cricket field is and near where the railway track crosses the river. When he was approached, he reportedly trotted off away from the river. Ken and I have just come back from an extensive search of the area, but he had gone. It was about an hour after the sighting that we were contacted and he could have covered quite a bit of ground. Having had a look on the map, it is plausible he could have got there from Flatroper's and he must have been heading away from the river in the direction of Rolvenden Layne, Rolvenden, even Tenterden, but perhaps also Wittersham of further east. I should be so grateful, if someone could keep looking in those areas as well.

b) whilst searching in Newenden, I had a call about a possible sighting of a distressed yellow lab retriever on Bexhill Beach, by the little cafe. Apparently the dog warden was notified, but they weren't sure whether they actually came. I am going to follow that up now...Just in case that was him, could you all keep a look out around Bexhill too...Thanks
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Tina, he is a clever Labrador, He'll probably h ave a good idea which way is home, so it would pay to concentrate searching between the 2 locations until a firm sighting is reported.

You have a fab team helping. I'll send you further advice.

Wishing you all lots of luck.
Has something with owners scent been left where last seen?
Try contacting
On our way back from Flatropers we stopped in the woodland lay-bys along the roads back up to Udimore road and spent a few minutes calling from each into the woods, scanned the fields also. Hopefully you’ll have news soon as lots of houses, walkers etc, but if not we’ll try somewhere different between Flatropers and Broad Oak tomorrow.
Planning on heading out about 2 o’clock.....will cover surrounding villages in my car and on foot where possible......will update later
Just for anyone else out looking, we’ve just covered from Bixley lane up to A268 criss crossing the woods, currently in the large heather area. No sign, other walkers aware.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Thanks for the update Tina. This is very helpful. We shall continue to search for Fin until he is found.
I just wanted to clarify the exact location, where Fin has gone missing as there is some confusion. He was chased off in Flatroper's Wood, Beckley TN31 - but we live in Broad Oak. If he is trying to find his way home, he could just as easily be in the surrounding area, including Bixley Wood. Unfortunately he has only been taken to Flatroper's by car about 4 times, so whether he could work out which direction he came from I really don't know. Thanks for helping and looking everyone - Ken and I are devastated thinking about him out there on his own.
We’re just going to head over there with our dogs for a look around. We’re familiar with these woods, will start at Bixley and head out from there.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Further alerts sent to helpers in TN29,33,34,35,36,37,38.
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
We have made a report at Battersea for Fin but no news yet. We will contact owner if he is brought in or reported to us.
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
We have just had a 90 minute walk throughout the woods. Sadly no sign. There are posters up at the entrances to the woods, but I think we should now increase these to include Main Street Beckley. We hope to get back to the woods this afternoon for another walk, and we shall start putting posters up in the surrounding area either this afternoon or first thing tomorrow. Fingers crossed there will be some good news shortly.
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
Sorry to see that Fin is missing. I've contacted owner and sent general advice and will find out location.

@ALI Any help appreciated and great idea re alerts, so I'll ask about that as well.

Good luck.
I came across Facebook post and have shared. I’m in TN38 and wonder if further alerts can be sent out to a wider area.......TN33 (Battle) onwards would be great. Waiting to hear back from SpringerMad who is out searching at the moment.....could go later if needed but then am working next few days. Been thinking of Fin overnight and hoping for good news very soonLast edited: 2018-02-24 07:26:01 by ALI
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Heading out to look now. There does seem to be confusion as to the exact location he went missing from but my understanding is this is Bixley lane. Perhaps this could be clarified as there are various posts on fb mentioning broad oak brede.
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
Shared on Facebook and posted to PAW - Helping Dogs In Need group Good luck in finding Fin x
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostUK x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TN17,18,30,31,32.

Drone SAR

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