Rainbow Bridge: White With Black Face Spaniel Cross Female

  • Dog ID 125090
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 02 Feb 2018
  • Name MILLY
  • Gender & Breed Female Spaniel Cross
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour White with black face
  • Marks & Scars Milly has a white body with a large black spot on her left middle.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 01 Feb 2018
  • Where Lost Elphinstone Road Hastings. Milly went missing from the bottom of Elphinstone Road on Thursday 1st February at 5.15pm. She is very shy and timid. She was last spotted around Linley Drive Hastings.
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN34
  • Date Found 06 Feb 2018
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By MaryD
  • Views 3406
  • Alerts Sent 263
  • MILLYPoster Image
  • MILLYExtra Image


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So very sorry to hear the extremely sad news about Millie. You have been great giving her the chance of a new life over here. As sad As it is and certainly not the outcome we all hoped for, You are no longer going to be constantly wondering what has happened to her etc Thoughts are with you all during this sad time.
So very sorry. Condolences to her family. Nightie, night, sleep tight, and have fun with the other "Rainbow babies" who are waiting to play. RIP+ God Bless x A~~~Candle~~~burns for you Milly. One day you will meet Milly at the bridge, and she will show you the way. Forever together. Now with the Angels
I'm so saddened and sorry to read this heartbreaking news.
I was so hoping she would be found safely.
Your hearts must be in pieces.
Sending love and strength to you all.
R.I.P Milly xx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I am truly sorry that Milly didn't make it back home. X
Run Free Sweetheart. X X
Im so sorry to read this devastating news have fun at the Rainbow Bridge Milly xx
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
So sorry to see that lovely Milly was a victim to the railway, thankfully the kind rail worker has let her owner know.

So, so sorry to read this update, run free at Rainbow Bridge lovely girl, my thoughts with your family x
Another dog from abroad hoping for a better life and now dead on our roads . Rest easy Milly.
Am so sad to see this.......run free beautiful milly.....thinking of you all at this incredibly difficult and sad time x
Ohh, I am So Very Very Sorry 💔
RIP Beautiful Milly 💞.
My Thoughts Are with Her Family who must be Heartbroken this morning xx
Unfortunately the worst news came the early hours of this morning. Our beautiful Milly was sadly found on a nearby railway tracks by a railway worker. We are devastated but grateful for everyones support and help xxx
I’m off to Alexander park this morning, am trying to get some posters organised.....have the houses in St. Helens road etc been leafleted. Am around today but next few days til Sunday are busy with work etc. Will also keep an eye out for email alert, not received as yet
DogLostBobble - Area Co-ordinator - Somerset & East Sussex
I have emailed general advice to owner.

I'l ask for alerts to go out again, please keep looking and sharing.
Stonehouse drive was not a confirmed sighting and the man who messaged me was very vague and gave no real details... couldn't five a time or place as said his daughter had said she had seen it but hasn't responded to any further contact. Have been out to fairlight, pett, winchelsea, guestling and all surrounding areas tonight. Searched st Helens woods today for 3 hours. Will carry on with the search first thing. Thanks for all support xxx please keep sharing on Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159719954920417&id=693205416
We had a dog go missing many years ago and he was found about 6 miles away, I wonder if its worth looking further afield than the last siting. I hope Milly is found safe and well as our Billy was. I live in the area so constantly on the look out for her, really hoping for good news soon.
I had a drive round this morning but nothing to report, saw posters in the area which is good. Strange there’s been no other sightings, is the one in stonehouse drive a confirmed sighting......is there are chance someone has picked her up, she looks like a lovely girl and really hoping for good news soon
Milly is still missing and no sightings. Really worried an concerned
Email received about daisie another lost dog but nothing re Milly. Not around much today but hubby is just going to Elphinstone road in a minute so have asked him to keep an eye out. Really hoping for good news soon
She's not at stonehouse drive have been there loads today and no sightings by us or by residents. Please keep looking.
Can I check emails have gone out to volunteers......I’m in TN38 and not recoeived anything.......seen it on Facebook.
gina c
Am going to St Helen's Woods this afternoon. Will keep a look out there and speak to as many people as I can.
I have seen someone post on FB that there may be a possible sighting of her on stonehouse drive this morning. I have put a screenshot of her post on the doglost FB page.
Still no news. No sightings since yesterday at 7pm where she we spotted by linley drive. She is a rescue from Cyprus so is nervous and timid of people. Unfortunately someone let her out the front door yesterday. She is usually so good and has a good recall and can be let off lead and stays by our side. It's so out of character. We are so so worried. Thanks for all the shares and support xxx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Group, Twitter & Public. I hope that Milly is safely back at home soon.X
Any news, has she been found? Keeping a look out our end of town.
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TN33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40.
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostUK

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