Lost: Blonde Chihuahua Male In South West (EX23)

  • Dog ID 124910
  • Status Lost
  • Registered 28 Jan 2018
  • Name STANLEY
  • Gender & Breed Male Chihuahua
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Blonde
  • Marks & Scars Reddish/Fawn ears (Deerhead Chihuahua) Spots on head same colour Curl on tail end Very slender (could be mistaken for cat)
  • Tagged No
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 25 Jan 2018
  • Where Lost Widemouth Bay Holiday Village Widemouth Bay Bude
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area EX23
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info Really very nervous dog. Likes other dogs. Doesn't like men, or deep voices.
  • Listed By Fishrider
  • Views 4397
  • Alerts Sent 43
  • STANLEYPoster Image
  • STANLEYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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https://www.facebook.com/100000971878513/posts/2319297958112577/Last edited: 2018-11-14 17:41:20 by Wendy
Thanks for looking again Sue. You never know he may turn up again if he’s scanned, let’s hope someone somewhere is looking after him. I read a story recently about a dog turning up 10 years later after running away twice. Thanks for looking and all your efforts to everyone involved in the search.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Thank you Fergal, you have done a great deal to help over there. Will keep our fingers crossed that he does turn up.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Just had a look around the chalets. No sign of Stanley, though I did find a body just below the bottom chalets in the field. Couldn't tell if it was a cat or small dog so got it checked out at vet, it was a rabbit. Very grateful to the vet as certainly couldn't have passed that on without knowing for sure. The poster on the notice board at the site has gone, that's The Widemouth Bay Holiday Village with the gate to the side onto Combe Lane Bridleway if anyone wanted to try searching likely holes and crevices, it would be a closure at least for his mum for him to be found - so many fields and hedgerows around the area. Due to the awful weather and low temperatures I don't think he could have survived unless someone did pick him up and has looked after him. So very sorry. The trap has been removed now.
Thank you for the info Fergal. Such a worrying time especially with this horrible weather.so hoping for good news and now maybe more of a chance with the trap out there.Good luck everyone xxx
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Many others are doing the same Rosie. We are still hoping a sighting will come in, although it has been over a week and the weather was foul for most of it. We checked fields and hedgerows, outbuildings, but he is so small it would still have been easy to miss him. Still possible he managed to find warmth and food somewhere. Stanley's mum will send her hoover contents, so when it arrives I will refresh the scent and pray for that sighting, certainly if he returns to the chalet the workmen there will spot him. There is actually a small cat trap out now, with Alex's agreement, (much better for his size), which is being monitored.Last edited: 2018-02-02 20:00:06 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Any news on little Stanley? Been checking in daily and keeping everything crossed here across the border in Devon for some good news.You are all doing an amazing job xxx
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
I think you are all doing a great job. I have been keeping up to speed with updates from Fergal by phone/text. Stanley certainly has some great helpers over there. Sorry I am too far away to help on the ground. It won't be through lack of trying if he isn't caught!. Hoping for another sighting soon.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Sonja: could you get in touch with me so we can exchange numbers. Both Alex and Gemma have it, or Doglost Admin here will give it to you. We can then mobilise quickly if there are sightings in the coming days. Sue x
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I will talk with Alex Moogie. The plan unfortunately is off. He is very worried about trapping someone's pet, and to be honest I am not so sure about enticing that fox closer to Stanley with the bbq. Alex is hoping a sighting will come in. Stanley was certainly very fast and lively at the last sighting Friday, and now there are a lot more people looking out for him both in the area and further afield.
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Could owner post the contents of her vacuum cleaner to use as scenting...just in case it’s needed.
Also maybe get in touch with papers to add an article about Stanley’s plight.
We tried! At least we found the owner of those buildings who is now also looking out for Stanley. I've left posters with home owners as we spoke to them. Praying for another sighting!
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thanks Moogie, Alex is getting bbq bits this afternoon. I will be picking up the trap this afternoon so plan is on. Alex is having to leave on Saturday, so this just has to work. Thanks Sonja and husband for coming this morning - it was mucky, hard going and Not very fruitful I know but we have to try. However I did come face to face with Gemma's pesky fox and boy is he a lovely specimen, don't know who was more surprised! Bit worrying though his being so near. I have put out a few of your posters Gemma, on field gates up to the A39 and one along towars Bude. will talk again later
Thanks for coming out everybody. I think that was quite and extensive search we all did. I’ll continue to put food out over the next few days and update if there’s another sighting. Fergal thanks for your help again today. I’m weary of putting out a trap before we have a sighting again, so maybe we should hold off on this.
Gemma, thanks for laminating all those posters, I’ll drop one at the wainhouse corner fuel station. Sonja, thanks for yours and your husbands efforts.Last edited: 2018-02-01 13:10:18 by Fishrider
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Fergal, anything smelly. Garlic sausages, sardines, liver. Good luck today
We will come.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Alex if you see this before you go Try that little place I spoke to you about, it seems to be in just the right spot from Sonja's description. Look around for a small 'nesting' area, flattened grass, poo's etc.
If anyone else can make it for 11 O'clock this morning, please meet at Combe Lane. If enough come we could cover a lot of ground today. Thanks Sonja and Gemma.
Moogie, is there any particular food for the bbq, I'm thinking sausages?Last edited: 2018-02-01 08:38:32 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Good luck today all. I am away until Saturday evening so can't help this time, but then I'm not sure a man with a deep voice would be that helpful anyway. Hope you find him.
Gemma, we were all women trying to help Stanley on Thursday and my husband followed him without a word because we could see he was a frightened little fellow but he still ran. It's unlikely he will approach anyone else but his owners. And yes he didn't move far between our sightings which is why I am anxious to include the field in the other side of your run in the search area. He must have spent the night somewhere there and it's possible he is returning to the same spot. Your run is the centre of the circle for the search area of that makes sense? And yes Fergal happy to help. Bring wellies everyone!
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Leaving this for the morning. Can we source a barbecue for tomorrow evening? If the food is taken perhaps we can get the Trap for Friday same time for another barbecue and leave the food in it. It does sound like 'stanley is returning to the Coombe Lane entrance Gate. And possibly on to the chalet for food. If the Trap is available I could pick it up if that's ok with you Max?
Will pop in in the morning Gemma. Could you draw a quick map as suggested?
If it doesn't work and we think he has gone further then a coordinated search for Saturday when more people are free.
Is this a possible plan? Talk in the morning
Yes that is right. My husband then saw him the next morning on the opposite side of the chicken run. So he didn’t go far in 24hrs (ish). We have checked all we can but we need Stanley’s owners to wonder around, I fear my dad and Husband might not help given Stanley does like men with deep voices. I sadly have work which gets in ththe way of helping. Catch up tomorrow
Our sighting was late Thursday afternoon. Must have been your Dad we spoke to (a gentleman who found my husband wandering about trying to follow the dog said it was his daughter's chicken run?). He first ran past the run and right into the field beyond (in the opposite direction away from the lane) where we think he holed up and hid after we lost sight of him. Please if it is at all possible try and check that field beyond your run and down to the main road leading to the A39 ... he must have spent the night somewhere there before heading back the other way the next morning on the Friday.
Thanks for the print outs Gemma. We contacted the police but no incidents were reported involving anything like this. I've left food by the side gate and outside the chalet. I've also left a trail of dog fur around and about. Hopefully he'll stay in the area. I'm free after 11am.
Sonja that is our chicken run. It was just down from that on our land he was seen on the Friday morning by my Husband. I believe he actually went missing on Thursday 25 and was sighted running down our lane then but I didn’t know until the Friday when my husband saw him and asked me to message on Facebook. Do we know if the police were chasing Stanley on the A39? I would add that my husband said he watched him Friday morning run across the field towards Combe Lane basically where the gate to the holiday village is. I really think a meeting to properly coordinate this would be a good idea. Last edited: 2018-01-31 23:24:45 by Gemma
Gemma whose is the chicken run in the middle? He headed alongside that when we followed him ... very boggy though and we couldn't go any further ...
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Do you think a bbq in the field he was seen in might help draw him back?
Ian Harrison owns higher Widemouth farm and cottages and we own mill barn lower Widemouth farm. Easier to try and show you on a plan. Stanley was seen on our field Friday morning heading towards Combe Lane. Michael spry farmer rents the fields around the area. Sorry we don’t seem to have his number but would hope he would be fine about you wondering around the area as long as his sheep weren’t troubled by lose dogs. If you want to pop into the office 18 burn View in Bude with Alex to have a quick meeting to coordinate an organised meeting and search then I’m free. I will get a load of posters printed off before 11. Last edited: 2018-01-31 22:34:52 by Gemma
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I will meet with Alex at 11 as he has a meeting earlier, although he will be out early morning to look himself. Basically it will be the corner of Combe Lane, to the east of the Holiday Village. Does anyone local know the owners of the Farm and fields? Higher Widemouth Farm Cottages? Would rather get permission so that if others are able to come to spread the load of searching under hedges etc. we won't be a problem. Then even if the search simply flushes Stanley we will finally have the definite sighting for a monitored trap to go in.
EDIT: Gemma sorry didn't see your reply. Will talk tomorrow, could we get permission for the Barns too?Last edited: 2018-01-31 22:09:53 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Look forward to chatting to you in the morning Fergal. I can do as many posters as you need really. Fishrider feel free to wonder onto our fields. My husband will be home tomorrow. Any problem call me at work and I can explain where exactly we are and what we own.
My plan tmw morning is to walk around the field which is to the east of the house on the corner of Combe lane. I got a confirmation, that was the last place he was scene, on Friday. It’s hard to explain but basically it’s before you get to Combe lane the other side of the cottages. He was followed well into that field before it got too boggy and wet for a search. Last edited: 2018-01-31 20:12:45 by Fishrider
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Moogie, I will call Gemma tomorrow and see how many she can manage. My own printer is ancient and eats ink. If anyone else can print off half a dozen or so and put out where they live it would really help. Poly-pockets do the trick for a while, but often need refreshing, laminating is best if possible. Letter-boxing, as I am always going on about, is fantastic for the non-internet folk, and can be done as smaller sizes. Also, if anyone has picked him up, or taken him in, he is chipped and that will be picked up at the first vet visit - just saying ...
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thank you Gemma that is so generous of you. Yes posters are always needed, or little flyers to hand out (people will then have the number with them immediately). One on the gate would be great too, thanks. My own were in poly-pockets so laminated would be fantastic. Your address was my misunderstanding of the posting earlier, I thought he had to have gone down that lane to be in the bottom field, but now I know you're up top it is an enormous relief, it was so boggy, and I'm sure he wouldn't have tried it. My thoughts are now to concentrate on the top road and adjacent fields and hedgerows - and any kind of shelter. Fishrider (Alex) arrived this afternoon, I had not gone out yesterday either thinking plenty were on the search and only found out earlier, so went out feeling like a prize heel. What with the missing posters too I wasn't the happiest bunny.. but Alex is a positive guy and will be pulling out all the stops I reckon. I gave him some food to put out tonight. It's highly possible Stanley is holed up near by - Alex says he's smaller than a rabbit! So yes, small enough to squeeze under that gate. Gemma, thanky you x
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
Fantastic effort everyone. Is it possible to get posters up further afield in case he’s moved from the area?
Apologies if I didn’t make that clear about where I live. If you need to get any posters laminated or even more printed and laminated please do give me a call at work as it’s my business so we can use the resources. I’m at work all day in Bude tomorrow and am free most of the day. Work number is 01288 353542. Was just thinking laminating them might help in this dreadful weather. Did we manage to make any progress with getting the gate from the Combe Lane footpath into the holiday park left open? Has a poster been put on that gate now? If not I can get one done and put on the gate tomorrow after work. Sorry that there was no food at the chalet I had thought from last night Fishrider was down to sort. Just call me at work or message on here and I will try and do what I can to help. Last edited: 2018-01-31 19:06:28 by Gemma
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Gemma, I hadn't realised you lived at the top of Combe Lane footpath, I thought you were down below in the residential road (Combe Lane), so it's possible Stanley did not go down that path at all which would be a blessing. I've just got back from a search of the hedgerows around the field below the chalets, as well as a good scout about the bushes and undergrowth around the site chalets and pathways. Absolutely no sign other than a small cat sized poo on path. No food at the chalet so couldn't check. Alex arrived while I was there, pretty tired after his 6-hour drive, but with a bag of his dog's hair. I have left him putting the hair out and hopefully Stanley will know its scent and be seen by someone. I had left 3 posters at the site on Sunday and the two on the doggy bins have been removed, though one is still on the notice board. The other posters (10 in all) are all still up, though the one at Rock Beach car park is a bit droopy now.
I am still keeping an eye out. Fishrider apologies as I am now no longer on FB but will be keeping an eye on here and posting if I see anything.
DogLostMax - Area Co-ordinator - Cornwall & Area Volunteer - Durham & Ireland
Fishrider, I just spoke to your mum & reassured her that people are helping, being eyes & ears. Hopefully he will pop up soon. We did have an elderly poodle go missing for 5 weeks, with few sightings, eventually he popped up & we managed to get him.
We went to the holiday village this afternoon, met the owner and had a good walk around, calling out for Stanley. There are signs up in the village and workmen on site, so lots of eyes and ears, aware that Stanley is missing. We didn’t find him, but will keep looking. Is it right that he is only about 5 months old? Being such a young puppy, does that make any difference to what he is likely to have done, or where he may go?
Great thanks NikJ. That is reassuring as I have only been searching the top of Combe Lane down to the double gated area so I think we have both had that area well covered.
Thanks NikJ, good work. I suspect he's sheltering in a rabbit hole/rubbish heap near the holiday park. He's so tiny he could squeeze into a nook or cranny for shelter. Lets hope for another sighting.
I've looked Black Rock, Wanson Mouth & The Manor this morning, Black Rock and the South End of Widemouth yesterday and all over Widemouth a couple of days ago. Just a comment on the Combe Lane theory (as a resident) - the bottom end of the bridleway is double gated and waterlogged. I would think that a small dog would find passage quite difficult, though perhaps not impossible. I have spoken to a couple of other residents of the lane and both knew already so I expect the word is out.
Hi Gemma, thanks again for the food and checking. It's interesting that it was eaten. That field belongs to a friend, opposite the manor. I can have a walk around when i'm down. The gate has a coded entry system so can be opened, is there a gap underneath it big enough for stanley to go under and through? I can't remember. Also, I have actually got a Nest cam i could use to film the food over night. Ian who's the manager up there is about during the day, i've asked about cctv Fergal. Planning to get down late tonight.
Last edited: 2018-01-30 13:51:33 by Fishrider
I called in to the chalet this morning and the food had gone but of course this could have been any animal. Anyway, I have put out more food and will stop off again after work. I walked down Combe Lane yesterday after work but no sighting. I am not sure if I am sending you on a wild goose chase but as I drove to work this morning (9am)I feel like I saw something small and brown dart into the verge just up from the lay-by towards The Manor. There is a gate opposite into a field which is not far from the holiday village. I stopped and called his name but saw no movement at all. It is quite possible it wasn't Stanley but it is very close to the chalet. Might be worth a look. Fergal - I do not know of any all female households. It might be worth knocking on doors down Combe Lane. Unfortunately I am at work in the day so my assistance is limited I am afraid. Also, is it possible to get the gate going into the holiday village from Combe Lane left open? fishrider you will know the holiday village better than I do so perhaps this could be looked into. It just strikes me that a dog so little like Stanley is going to take the easiest route rather than up and over a massive bank/hedge. Again I might be wrong as I do not know what Stanley is like.
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
That's a good idea Fishrider. Sorry I have been away today and realise I have given conflicting advice, re food. My daughter has updated me about Max's comments (sorry Max). Listen to her Fishrider, she knows her stuff. And thank heaven for Gemma too, what a star, I might cruise around myself a little but will leave the lane alone so as not to spook him any more. All the very best, hoping for the best news. X
Hi, i’m down tmw for a week and i’m bringing my dog Rufus which stanley knows. I have a plan to drop a trail of Rufus’s hair ( poodle ) back to the holiday park and leave food out etc. Gemma kindly left food and blankets at the chalet whilst we were away. Thanks for looking too 111nicky
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
I am getting quite worried about this little one, being so slight and already wet. A sighting is what is needed urgently, and try to keep him in that area. Fishrider can you get some smaller leaflets printed, there is a shop in Bude who did it recently for Archie. They can be put through letterboxes and given to people to keep easily for a quick reference if they see or hear anything. I spoke to three residents along Combe Lane, all men unfortunately. Gemma, do you know of an all female household nearby? who might be willing to keep a food station on their property? Or at the bottom of the footpath perhaps. Anything to get that sighting, and the leaflets are the best way, working further around the roads nearby if necessary as time goes on. Also Fishrider, could someone keep checking on the chalet your mum was staying at, perhaps with your poodle for his scent (let him have a pee). Give me a call if you need any more help this week.
EDIT: Have left a message for your mum, but I know it's not an easy time there. Have you checked if there is CCTV at the Holiday Village? they have a 24hr phone number on their website and a facebook page. Just in case Stanley makes his way back there.Last edited: 2018-01-29 20:12:25 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
My dog and I have been down to Blackrock Beach this afternoon. Saw the poster on the poo bin and spread the word to other dog walkers. Also drove around the area slowly. I’m sure others are out looking too. Will keep looking until little Stanley turns up. X
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Thank you Fishrider hopefully it will rule him out, fingers crossed.
I was thinking about your sighting Gemma. Stanley's Mum said he was covered in mud which is no surprise if he came down that footpath! In fact it may have frightened him from going back to the chalet, I had mud up to my knees earlier, and my dog up to her tummy. so he would certainly have struggled. My honest guess is he is holed up in a shed, outhouse, garage, even under a hedge in one of the Combe Lane houses. Can anyone get a leaflet/letterbox run along there? just print a poster off from here? Or leave a food station next to a box with his blanket in? and no loud men about - sorry men.Last edited: 2018-01-28 19:46:35 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Stanley's my mums dog. I'm back in Bude tuesday. I have a standard poodle which stanley knows. So i'll walk him around the area and maybe that'll leave a scent to follow.
Hi Gemma, thanks for looking again. My mum's been leaving chicken nibbles out on the lane buy the side gate to the holiday village. They were eaten, but obviously we don't know if it was Stanley. He's nervous of men, likes other dogs. I guess strong smelling food bits might keep him in the area.
Hi Fergal, i've emailed bude police to chase that info about possible sighting on the A39.
Could Stanley’s Mum let us know if he comes back to anything. Whistle or type of food or toy? Does he come back to his name? Anything might help.
Been out this evening and haven’t seen him. It’s such a shame I didn’t have a car on Friday otherwise I would have come straight home from work when my husband had seen him. I didn’t realise he didn’t like men or deep voices. That would make sense as to why he ran off when sighted by my husband. Will continue to keep a look out and hopefully can leave work early tomorrow for a search. X
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Have just spoken to Stanley's mum. Apparently the A39 sighting was something her son had seen regarding the police trying to get a dog off the road on Friday. Is it possible to get this checked out anyone? Did the police see the dog and was it a little white one?
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Back home now. too dark for much. I found Combe Lane and followed it up the hill on foot as it goes into a footpath up to the holiday park. Very wet and very muddy, but a possible set of small, closely spaced footprints, but nothing else. I really hope he hasn't gone further up to the A39. It must have been your friends those people met this morning, they had been at the park and also went up to the farm at the top of Combe Lane, so hopefully he will back-track and be seen. Spoke to a few of the residents and, I think, the husband of Gemma who said his wife had been looking too. Only my posters are up, and several people did not know which is usually the case. Could do with more on gates, etc, and flyers in doors. I am away tomorrow but can help if there is a sighting for the rest of week. Sorry to hear you have had to return home to Sussex, and sorry I can't do more. Sue x
That’s kind of you to do that for us, thank you. I have friends in the area looking too. I’ve just had an unconfirmed sighting of him on the A39 Friday evening. Just chasing thy information up now. I’ll update if and when there’s any progress. Thanks again. Last edited: 2018-01-28 17:36:51 by Fishrider
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Put out posters mostly on doggy bins. Have had another look around the Holiday Park. Met some people who met you this morning so now I know you are still looking. I will Google Coombe Lane while I am still here to have a quick look. Put a poster in the Beachhouse Shop, and Black Rock Cafe and the car parks. I believe he went missing from the holiday park is that right? Went over to the John Fowler park where Archie was found after Christmas. All shut down but left a poster on their doggy bin..Last edited: 2018-01-29 19:42:11 by Fergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Hi Fergal, thanks for calling. Mum is driving at the moment and will call you back later.
Hi my husband saw him on Friday morning in our field next to Combe Lane. I’ve been out a few times around Combe Lane but unfortunately not seen him. Will update on here if we see him again. Gemma Watton
DogLostGeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
Previously listed against a sighted only post on DogLost Cornwall fb group.
Have now re-listed as a separate post and tagged interested parties from original post.
There is also an active thread against a post of the original sighting by Gemma Watton on Bude Banter (closed group).Last edited: 2018-01-28 14:06:00 by GeoffA - Area Volunteer - Cornwall, Scotland & Northumberland
DogLostFergal - Area Volunteer - Cornwall
Have called the above number for information but no response, left a message to call me. In process of printing posters but ink running out, I will overwrite where necessary and get to location. So please call. Is dog still missing? Lost since Thursday? Today Sunday. Sue x
Sorry to see that STANLEY is missing.
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