Reunited: Yellow Labrador Retriever Female

  • Dog ID 121424
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 29 Oct 2017
  • Gender & Breed Female Labrador Retriever (Spayed)
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Yellow
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 28 Oct 2017
  • Where Lost Brookside Rd, Uttoxeter, Near Uttoxeter racecourse
  • Lost In Region Central
  • Lost In Post Area ST14
  • Date Reunited 20 Feb 2018
  • Other Info A substantial reward is on offer
  • Listed By Ronniep
  • Views 11014
  • Alerts Sent 65


Sightings and Information

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sooo pleased & delighted, like everyone else, that Opal is back home xxx
why the 'ell do 'certain type's ' have to Illegally keep a straying dog ? why can't they be Normal, like the rest of us, & Report as Found etc.?
welcome Home sweet girl,
let's hope that Her 'captors' will soon be charged named & shamed 😈
Welcome back to your rightful home xx
What brilliant news to wake up to. Well done to all involved in reuniting Opal.
Pet SearchersJan.Petsearchuk
Wow I'm so pleased to read this. Opal went missing about 2 miles from my home and was reported as being seen heading towards our village. I've been looking out for her sincce she went missing. I'm so relieved to read the news and hope she's OK.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Great news :)) Welcome home Opal.xx
What fantastic news. I am so happy Opal has been found. Made my day:-) Stay close now OpalxxxLast edited: 2018-02-20 19:23:01
DogLostJulie - Area Co-ordinator - Surrey & South London
It was fantastic to come home and see this great news I am so pleased Opal has been found. J. x
Just wonderful news x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Such lovely news. X
Great news ☺ glad she's ok
DogLostRavenette - Area Co-ordinator - West Sussex
How wonderful. Pleased she is safe and back where she belongs x
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
This is brilliant news, so pleased to hear x
Thank you to everyone's on going efforts. We are so thrilled that is back in our care.
thanks again
Just seen this on Canine Partner's Facebook page --
Good afternoon,
As many of you will know, one of our puppies in training, named Opal, went missing at the end of October last year.
We are delighted to say that last night she was found safe and well and is now back in our care.
There is an ongoing investigation in place and if and when we are able to, we will share any relevant information with you all.
Great news.
Please check sighted dog 123794 in case it could be Opal.
Just been advised that dog at Lincolnshire Rescue Kennels is not Opal. Is there anyone that can set up a Thunderclap for Opal?
Has the dog at Lincolnshire rescue been checked as due to be rehomed with finder. They didn't find a microchip but they can migrate, stop working or be removed. Described as white rather than yellow but is very skinny so would fit in with being missing for over a month. It looks like both Opal and the found dog are wearing leather collars. See genie44 entry below for a link.
Stiĺl sharing on facebook and Twitter
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central x
Hi, I have just seen a female lab found in Lincolnshire, very skinny, could this be Opal? She is at Lincolnshire Rescue Kennels, hope it is her.
Hi Owl. There have been many recent cases when CRNs have been issued under similar circumstances. Theft by finding also being an offence. I suggest they speak to CJ if the police are not willing to give one. I appreciate what you are saying but if Opal is scanned a stolen marker makes it more likely that she will be returned. Needs to be made too hot to handle. Last edited: 2017-11-17 01:00:06 by Mary
Mary, the police will not issue a CRN unless there is definite evidence that a dog has been stolen. No sightings does not necessarily mean stolen. Plenty of places round there to stay low profile, and the longer dogs are on the run, the better they are at not being seen.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer

Canine Partners added 2 new photos.
21 hrs ·
Canine Partners puppy in training Opal has been missing, potentially stolen, since 28th October. She disappeared while out on a walk in the Uttoxeter area, near to the racecourse. A generous donor has offered a reward for her safe return.
Unfortunately, we still have had no strong leads on Opal's whereabouts. We have had potential sightings between Uttoxeter and Doveridge but these are well walked areas and there has been nothing concrete.
The puppy parents, volunteers and local people in and around the Uttoxeter area have been amazing, helping us to search and spread the word. We also want to credit all of you who continue to share the post on Facebook.
There is potential that she may have been stolen, and could be anywhere so we would encourage anyone to spread the word far and wide. Please feel free to share this post.
If you have any information at all that may help us in the search for Opal, please contact us on any of the following numbers:
07584 995247
07770 608648
08456 580480
If there has been no sightings of Opal I would suggest she is reported as stolen and the the Police CRN sent to so this can be upgraded to stolen.
Have you see this puppy. Age not quite the same but I would doubt they would put correct age as this dog has had a lot of interest. Did put it on Facebook.
Seems to have gone very quiet on Opals page. Any news?Last edited: 2017-11-06 20:55:08
Good idea Molly. I believe too that some microchips can move. I know of one microchip that actually fell out of the animal
Opal has now been missing a week. It would be a good idea to check all wardens, rescues etc. Again in case her microchip isn't working, as she could be put up for rehoming.
RonnieP. The found yellow retriever is on DogLost. Found in Crowborough, East Sussex. There is stillno photo.
Any news on Opal? She has to be somewhere
Mary please can I check the website address for Found. Thank you
On the off chance please check Found 121574. No photo yet and a long way from where Opal was lost.
Good that Opal is getting plenty of publicity. Is there any possibility of getting this on This Morning with contacts through Guide Dogs? Do Canine Partners have a Duel Assistance dog training co-ordinator perhaps. If not found over the weekend could perhaps be broadcast on Monday by Phil and Holly.
Thanks Owl. I saw the item on West Mids. Hope Opal is found soon. All xd.
Good item on BBC Midlands news this evening. and scroll along to 18.22
Wispa and I went to track on Monday together with people from Canine Partners and shared our findings with the drone pilot who went next day.Last edited: 2017-11-02 22:19:15 by Owl
Could a Tracker dog be suggested to Canine Partners if someone could help find Opal? There has been a search party, around where Opal went missing.. And a Drone has been used , I believe; no luck yet. Stay safe Opal until you are found. Paws, and fingers xd.
Mary thank you for your suggestions. Your support is really appreciated. We have been putting lots of posters up and handing them out.
I'm sure there is a lot going on in the background here, but important to get lots of posters up and handed out where people walk dogs to get a sighting. Also just posting a poster in mail box will mean it will be taken back to the depot and displayed for all postal workers. I'm not familiar with the area but I do hope Opal is found soon.
Mary. Yes happy for her to be shown as Assistance Dog in Training after name.
Admin can this be shown as 'Assistance Dog in Training' after her name.
Still missing and no sightings. I am sure Canine Partners would appreciate a re-tweet. Thanks.
Shared to Uttoxeter Advertiser FB page.
Please note that Opal is a trainee assistance dog. She followed another dog and has got herself lost.Last edited: 2017-10-30 10:31:48 by Owl
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope that Opal is safely back at home soon.X
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Shared on fb to Doglost Central & Tweeted x
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared to @onestopalldogsLost Facebook and Twitter
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in ST10,14,18.
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostUK

Drone SAR

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