Reunited: Honey Griffon Female

  • Dog ID 114625
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 05 May 2017
  • Name SHIPI
  • Gender & Breed Female Griffon
  • Age Adult
  • Colour honey
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 17 Sep 2017
  • Where Lost Mill Hill. SEEN TODAY: 6th May, by Saracens NW4 EXPERIENCED VOLUNTEERS needed please to help with this newly rehomed nervous girl
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area NW7
  • Date Found 16 May 2017
  • Where Found Sunny Hill Park, NW4
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area NW4
  • Date Reunited 16 May 2017
  • Other Info Nervous but friendly rescue dog.
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 8734
  • Alerts Sent 243
  • SHIPIPoster Image
  • SHIPIExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Viv B
This page is from when she went missing earlier this year.Shipi (or Bailey) is missing under ID 120000 since 17 Sept 2017.
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Ah Ray, what an absolutely lovely post. It was such a fantastic result after 10 days of worry, finished off beautifully by yourself, Laura, Tania.

The photos of her in her new foster home with the family are worth every single hour out there.

Love what you do Ray, will continue to follow your 'antics' - thank you so much xx

DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Ray it was so good to have you on board with Shipi.With you & all the people on the ground doing all they could to get this lovely girl into safety,it worked,she's home & as you say that in itself is what it's all about. Have to thank you though Ray,once again,coz you are a star ! x x
Well what can I say!!!! NEVER MIND thanking me,, what about ALL of you good people who spend hours and i mean hours getting these PETRIFIED creatures to trust again and pick a safe zone to settle down in and build that all important FEED PATTERN cos without it you have weeks if not months of heartbreak and worry.. As most of you know i do not charge for the help i give these animals, my REWARD is like yesterday, the relief on SHIPI,s face, and I can,t try to describe LAURA and TANIA,s reaction, that,s what it,s all about.. and as i mentioned before it is the groundwork that you good people put in, trust me I could NOT do my part without your input...BUT then i suppose we then go on to thank DOG-LOST that lady JAYNE and her team .. I often wonder what the hell I did with my time!!! But as i say to anyone who ask,s some people go FISHING, SHOOTING, GOLFING,FOOTBALLING,TRAIN SPOTTING,CYCLING,HIKING, ETC ETC I GO DOG-CATCHING,I find it really interesting and helpfull for anyone one this site to let us know HOW they catch or get a particular dog back.. I find with one,s i,ve dealt with they are ALL different and in all sort,s of different situations.. thank,s to EVERYONE who helps these creatures, you WILL be rewarded,trust me you will.. Ray..
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
One last post of the actual capture - Ray's work at it's best . . .

DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Great news :) Well done to all involved.

Welcome home Shipi.x
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
Re united photo of Shipi now up. Please refresh the page to view x
DogLostAunt Stef - Area Volunteer, West London
I would just like to say a very big thank you to Ray Dedicoat from Hollytrees Animal Rescue -
Link to website :
for working his magic yet again & getting this lovely dog Shipi,caught & back into safety.
Ray you are an absolute angel. So many dogs owe their life to you. xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Great news! Well done all and special thanks to Ray again....!!!!
Fab. news. Stay safe now Shipi:-)xxx
DogLostLisa P - Regional Co-ordinator, Central
Brilliant news, well done to all involved x
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Fantastic outcome - Massive thank you to the legend, Ray Dedicoat, who came down, put up his large 'walk in' trap and finally bought her in, along with Laura, a lovely local lady and the owner's daughter.

We were lucky enough to go and meet her and have cuddles in her new foster home, where she has made herself totally comfortable and has gone back to the park this morning for a walk on a lead this time - all positive!!

I'll be posting photos on my FB page of this beautiful girl today sometime if anyone would like to see.

Finally, thank you very much for the support from many of our DL colleagues, much appreciated during a very difficult 10 days - every comment helped no end.
Wonderful news. Well done to all involved in reuniting Shipi.xx
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Brilliant! Well done all x
Viv B
Fantastic! Well done, great work. Welcome home, Shipi.
Great news! ☺
Well done for bringing this one in safely xx
Great news to read you have caught Shipi
Well done all helping Shipi.Hope you can get her soon .
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
If anyone can help please contact HQ and we can pass your details to Karen.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Oh well done team...sounding positive...
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Had a very good night last night; sitting in the park with trap set up.

Shipi came out and showed a lot of interest in the BBQ cooking bacon and came within 6ft of us sitting watching the trap. She's not afraid of us, although we're well back she looks and knows we're there.

One of our girls was trailing liver cake from Shipi's 'path' in bushes to the trap when they came face to face, she dropped down and was able to feed her from her hand.
She was much too alert and on her toes to get a slip lead on, but she still kept coming out and about picking up food etc until well after midnight.
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
If there are any local DL volunteers reading this, could you please contact me through Head Office - thank you
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
She seems to be staying in Sunny Hill Park, Hendon - a large area with lots of places to hide.

We have 2 amazing locals who are out every day, multiple times a day, leaving food and other bits in certain places.

Park was very busy yesterday and was noisy, so she wasn't seen, unlike on Saturday when she came out very very close to one of the local ladies and seemed to have started to trust her.

Trap will be out again this week, with volunteers manning
Any news on this little one?
Viv B
Is there any news on Shipi? hope he's home very soon.
Fingers crossed he is soon home
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Hoping Shipi will be safe soon. Well done everyone who is helping her x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done helpers!
Viv B
Oh good, looking out for this one.
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
So last night we set up a trap in the Park where she's been seen during the day.
Her pattern was circles around the trap. She wasn't scared of it and even went in and it went off, but she backed out just in time - very frustrating!

Hey, although we didn't get her in the trap and home, last night was brilliant compared to other cases.
4 days and there's a pattern to her movements. She's comfortable and safe in the park. We think we know roughly where she's sleeping too.

Her fosterer came down with a dog that she used to play with, scented the area and they watched ALL night.
(5 DL volunteers made sure that we were with them from 6.30pm - 2.00pm for support and help with what to do next)

Great result although we're absolutely shattered!! Come on little one, time to be caught and go home.
Dawn Lewis
Great sighting last night of Shipi.
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
I've just amended Owner's daughter's mobile number now.

More sightings today in Sunny Hill Park - poor little girl seems to be running from top end of park (Greyhound Hill end) to Cafe at bottom of the Park Hill today.

Lots of people out looking today and she's been seen a lot, but seems scared, so we are trying to calm everyone down and asking them to pull back and leave her to settle again.

DL Team have a plan, so think it's just going to be time and patience required to get this little girl caught.

Worried that 'Trappers' are being contacted by other rescue people in a big group chat, but we will continue to do what we do . . . .
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Owner can you correct your mobile number on site please as people cannot get hold of you. More sightings yesterday in the big side of the field near the PDSA.
Thanks Karen glad you are ahead of the total idiots and their suggestion of herding which can only end in tears!
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
We've had numerous sightings today and tonight - we now know the lay of the land and 5 of us DL vollies have been out and about today and just got home from night watch tonight. Last sighting 10.12pm in same place she was seen several times earlier in the day.

So, she's not going to come to humans at all, but we're going to continue leaving small amounts of food in this area to have her keep coming back.

We have a trap for later on, but this is a huge park and we need to establish a pattern for another couple of days/nights we feel.

There is the busiest road A41 close by and between the two locations that she's been seen. The last thing we can afford to do is scare her down onto this road.

So in total agreement with ClaireC and this is what we plan to do.
Has anyone got a dog cage that would help catch her without the stress
I can't believe that some people are discussing herding this already nervous dog into a corner! I have suggested that it might be better to set up a regular feeding station and gain trust then a crate if needed! Last edited: 2017-05-07 22:26:50 by ClaireC
Viv B
is there any news on Shipi. I had a drive round the area yesterday, but unable to today.
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Desperately need the help of experienced local volunteers please. There are fireworks in the area tonight, she's already nervous.

Last seen today by Saracens;

People are going out to look at 10am tomorrow, but are there any locals around earlier when she may come out please?
DogLostKaren - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
Sighted last night at 4pm and 7pm - Metro Golf

Metro Golf Centre
Barnet Copthall,
Champions Way,
London, NW4 1PX

Have alerted this place and nearby Golf Club, sent DogLost Poster to put up. Locals on their way there today to look around
DogLostSarah - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs Twitter Co-ordinator
Tweeted @DogLostUK
trying to update main photo - has accepted 2nd photo but not main... all sorted now.Last edited: 2017-05-05 21:27:51
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared Facebook and Twitter
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Sharing Twitter.
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Page, Twitter & Public. I hope Shipi is safely back at home soon. X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in NW4,7,9. N3,12,20. EN5.HA6. WD6.

Drone SAR

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