Rainbow Bridge: Brown And White Papillon Male

  • Dog ID 101229
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 13 Jun 2016
  • Name JINKS
  • Gender & Breed Male Papillon
  • Age Older Adult
  • Colour brown and white
  • Marks & Scars
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 13 Jun 2016
  • Where Lost Poulshot, Devizes.
  • Lost In Region South West
  • Lost In Post Area SN10
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Jayne - Founder Doglost.
  • Views 22678
  • JINKSPoster Image
  • JINKSExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Oh how sad and heartbreaking. I am so very, very sorry to hear about Jinks. RIP little darling. Run happy and free at the Bridge beautiful sweetheart xxxx
So sorry to hear about Jinks x
So sad. I am so very sorry and my thoughts are with the family, who do now have closure, albeit a sad one, and who were able to bring Jinks home and lay him to rest. Run free at the bridge, beautiful Jinks xxx
DogLostCounty Pet ServicesKaren - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
Such sad news I am so sorry for your loss. Run free Jinks xx
Thank you for all your kind comments. I walked to the place where Jinks died and sat there a while today, just quietly just to talk to him. I am so glad I found him, and that he died clearly quickly without being caught up in brambles or anything like that. I still can't believe how myself and everybody else who searched that field missed Jinks body, he was literally 2 ft off one of the tramlines, 20 ft from the footpath and the gate we had just come through. Jinks must have dropped in his tracks, his fur was still looking lovely, it wasn't matted or dirty so he hadn't been out in the field for days. Rest in peace Jinks, doggy heaven has gained a small dog with a huge heart.
Im so sorry to hear this, Im thinking of You, your family, and Jinks xx
You are an Amazing owner :) Jinks was very lucky to have you as his owner :)
DogLostMoogie - Area Volunteer, Cornwall
I am so sorry to read this news. RIP Jinks, run free xxx
So very very sorry for your sad loss. RIP sweet Jinks. X x
So sorry to hear the sad news.
Sue - onestopalldogs
So very sorry to be reading this news. Run free Jinks xx
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
So very sorry for your loss.
Run Free Jinks. X
charlie and sooty
This is so sad. x
Elaine Tinker and Hemps mum
Such sad news.
God Bless Jinks, thoughts are with your family xxxx
Thank you to all for your lovely comments about Jinks. As Reynard updated earlier very sadly I found Jinks remains in the cornfield this morning, after it has been harvested last night. It was clear Jinks had died a sudden death, probably within minutes of me losing him. It was a grisly discovery but I am so glad it was me that found Jinks, the worst thing was not knowing what had happened to Jinks. We have now collected Jinks remains and he is home with his family buried in our back garden. My 4 year Son understands that Jinks is in heaven. Run free wee Jinks.

Thank you to all the Doglost folk for your time, expertise and understanding you have all been brilliant. Last edited: 2016-07-23 18:17:52 by Jinks
Sincere condolences to the owners ,,,Run Free at the Bridge Jinx you handsome Lad, until the time comes when you are reunited with those who love you so very much xxxxx
I am so very sorry to hear this. Jinks was obviously part of a family who adored him and who will be feeling distraught. My thoughts are with you all.
I cannot put into words how I am feeling for you - I'm just so sorry, so very, very sorry. We live in Devizes so I have been following this beautiful little doggie all the way through. Bless you and your family. Jinks was certainly loved with all your hearts. You did everything you could - what a very lucky dog to have had such loving, caring owners...xx
So very sorry for your loss of beautiful Jinx. Rest in Peace little one, thoughts and prayers with you and your family xx
So sorry for your loss of Jinx. Sure his passing was peaceful. Nightie, night Jinx, sleep tight, and have fun at the bridge with your pals. RIP+ God Blessx A~~~Candle~~~burns for you. Run free(GUG)X One day when the time is right,you will be reunited when the time is right with your boy; never to be parted. Now in the care of the Angels
Really sorry for your loss. RIP lovely boy.
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
I'm so sorry to read this sad up. Thinking of owners X
I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. You tried so hard to find your beautiful Jinks and through these messages we can sense he was loved so much. Thinking of you and Jinks and sorry for your loss.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry to see Jinks has gone to Rainbow Bridge.

Run free beautiful boy.xx

I am so very sorry to read ypur sad update. RIP Jinks now forever young once more.xxLast edited: 2016-07-23 11:03:44 by ClaireC
We are so sorry for your loss.
I am very sorry. I had feared this would be the outcome, I hope he didn't suffer.
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Sorry to be moving to the Bridge but at least the searching is now over. RIP Jinks. X
Sad news - Jinks body has been found :( the Cornfield was harvesting last night & Hazel found his body not 10' from the footpath that she has passed many times & about 20' from where he went missing! Sad day for Hazel & her family , RUN FREE AT THE BRIDGE JINKS x
Thank you to everybody who is sharing Jinks Doglost page, nearly 900 shares, thank you! I am not giving up hope on Jinks.
The dog sighted in Crewe wasn't Jinks.

The reward for Jinks return will only be paid out to the persons or organisation ensuring Jinks safe return to me, and will be paid once Jinks is back home with us. It will not be paid out just for information.
so sorry there has been no news
I took a phone call from a lady in Crewe this evening who had a possible sighting of Jinks being walked by a man. The man had 2 other dogs as well as a papillon, he was seen in the town centre of Crewe near the Asda Car Park. The lady has papillons herself so has an eye for the breed. She also said there are a few Papillons in Crewe but she had never seen this one before. If you are reading this and are in the Crewe area please keep an eye out for a Papillon looking like Jinks. Many thanks to the lady for phoning me with a possible lead, I really appreciate it that people all over the UK are thinking of Jinks. Last edited: 2016-07-17 22:07:51 by Jinks
I rewalked the original walk again today. I checked for papillon fluff at the badger sett but nothing. The corn is starting to turn yellow, I will check the field thoroughly when it is harvested, but I don't think Jinks is out there. I am also checking all the dogs found sites, and also papillon cross puppies for sale. I have also checked Papillon stud dog listings. All of which is rather upsetting.
Thank you to the power of Facebook and my friends who have shared Jinks Doglost post, I had a report of a possible sighting of Jinks in Bristol, which was notified on a closed facebook group for lost and found pets for Bristol. Turns out it isn't Jinks, but I am so grateful to friends and friends of friends who are scanning all these various sites for me. The description of the dog as a Pomeranian cross with longish hair, large ears and white with brown patches was spot on for Jinks. Also if you are looking for me, bear in mind Jinks could have had his coat shaved off, he does suffer badly from upset tummy, and shaving his hair off would make this aspect easier to deal with. But shaving Jinks hair off would also make him look very different. Thanks to all who are still looking for me.
Reynard, I have emailed you.

I took Teddy my other Papillon to Barbury Castle Horse Trials today, lots of people stopped me to ask what breed he was. Clearly Papillons are very rare in Wiltshire. Anyway at least being out with Teddy like this has raised awareness of what a papillon looks like, and every body that I spoke to was told about Jinks, so now a lot more people around the Marlborough area know Jinks is missing and will be keeping an eye out for Jinks. Thank you to all who have so far shared Jinks Doglost Poster so far, please keep sharing.

There is now a reward available for the safe return of Jinks.
I didn't find the write up about Jinks on-line :( have you the link ?
It would appear that we have had some post relating to Jinks go missing/been damaged. Is this along with the posters taken down from within the village a coincidence or is something more sinister?
Reynard - Jinks is in the Gazette and Herald on page 5. Jinks is in the Devizes edition of the paper, I haven't checked the other editions. Lovely article even with Jinks name spelt wrongly, but I really appreciate the Gazette and Herald running Jinks story. The article will go onto their website as well. Come home Jinks, we miss you like crazy.
Is Jinks in the Newspaper today ?
Multi photo added at owners request. Refresh page to view.
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Marc the vet...our celebrity supporter will be on the sofa tomorrow...tx Marc! On ITV this morning..please refer to earlier post by Reynard.
A further bit of information from today. Doglost had arranged to have a very experienced drone operator fly a drone over the field I lost Jinks in. The drone operator has reviewed the footage from the drone and found nothing. This to me is sort of good news, I have said all along that I don't think that Jinks is lying dead in the field. To me this gives me hope.
I'll be sure to get a copy & ask that Jinks page is bumped on that day :)Last edited: 2016-07-05 18:54:26 by Reynard
Reynard - many thanks for that, I have contacted This Morning.

Today I have met, and been speaking to the lovely people from my local paper, The Devizes Gazette and Herald. Jinks story will feature in this paper on Thursday.

Dog lover, been round and round and round that field, there are no drains or wells Jinks could have fallen into. Last edited: 2016-07-05 16:55:36 by Jinks
This Morning ITV
Has your dog gone missing? Did you lose your dog but you were finally reunited? If so send us a photo of the dog and tell us your story. Call us on 08000 30 40 44 or email us at thismorning@itv.com. Please include your name and phone number on any emails sent as well as a photo of you dog. Calls are free from BT Landlines. Calls from some mobiles and other networks may be charged. Participation terms at itv.com/terms. We need your calls or emails by 7:00amLast edited: 2016-07-05 15:27:57 by Reynard
Can you make sure there are no old wells or drains in the field that he could have fallen down. A dog recently was found down an old well,Miao weeks after he went missing. X
Caro, thank you for your offer. I lost Jinks in the wheat field, just up from the church, the field with the footpath across it. I last saw Jinks running north towards the top of the field, along a tram line.

I walked this walk again today, and checked the last place I saw Jinks. There is nothing out there. I have spent a lot of time searching that field, and I don't buy the theory that Jinks is dead out there. I have spent a long time watching for crow activity and walking round smelling for something dead, none of which I have come across. I also don't think Jinks would have been taken by a fox, he's a dog despite his small size a fox would still be wary, and foxes leave evidence, there would be fur left. I found evidence of a fox kill of a rabbit today as in the rabbits tail was left along with some rabbit fur. Again I noticed another of Jinks posters had been removed from a prominent position in Poulshot, yet the circus poster on the same telegraph pole had been left. I think somebody has Jinks and is keeping him. Or at least trying to because I won't give up looking for Jinks. Today I have put up a poster in the Co-op on Hillworth Road in Devizes and also in the cafe in Hillworth Park. This park is well used by many locals. Last edited: 2016-07-04 15:31:19 by Jinks
Personally i would replace the posters that have been tAken down.then monitor to see if removed again.some people just dont like posters up. How about getting article in local paper.
Hi I live in Poulshot, could you give more info about where the wheat field was that you lost Jinks in. I have been keeping an eye out our end xx
Just thought these two stories might give you hope. One dog that went missing was found sleeping in a barn. Are there any farms near you. Also another dog just reunited with the owner after 6 months, watching the video was amazing. Dogs are so resilient.
No news from the drone yet, I am waiting to receive the footage in the post. I went to a local steam rally today that had a dog show and handed out some of Jinks posters and spoke to as many people as I could. We also drove round and put some more posters up. I noticed that one of the posters I had put up in the area where I had lost Jinks has been taken down, why would somebody do this?! Last edited: 2016-07-03 18:00:17 by Jinks
Any news on using the Drone ?
DogLostNicky - Area Co-ordinator London, Home Counties & Police Liaison
I keep checking for updates & hoping Jinx will be home safe very soon X
No good news on Jinks. I did go and check out a white cat/dog sized object I had noticed on the verge of the main road not far from the Foxhangers Canal holidays place, but wasn't Jinks. Other than this, every time I drive anywhere I am scanning the roadsides or trying to spot small white dogs being walked. Come home Jinks.
Homely53 your words are a huge comfort to me. I have been beating myself up about not putting the dogs on their leads before walking through that wheat field, we only had to go about 200 metres, then this happened. Skywalker99 I am utterly heartbroken, Jinks has been through so much, and has provided me so much comfort in his small, quiet, loyal way, I just can't believe that I have lost him like this, after everything we have been through together.

Today I received news of a sighting of a long haired, tan and white dog that had been spotted in the neighbouring village of Potterne a few days ago. Sadly this dog wasn't Jinks, but I am so grateful to the people who took the time to contact me to investigate this. The fact that it was a tan and white long haired dog in roughly the right area had to be investigated. I feel that whilst no body has been found there is hope. Please keep sharing, please keep Jinks a hot topic, hopefully somebody will do the decent thing and hand him in as a found dog. Thank you to all for your continued support.
I hope the drone brings some news for you. You sound utterly heartbroken at having lost him.
I have shared your poster on fb and just wanted to say that so many people totally understand how you feel. To people like us we might as well lost a child out there. I look everyday to see your updates. Glad you wont give up and if anyone knows anybody that has just acquired and older dog like Jinx, please let Dog lost know. I take my dogs out in barley fields everyday and I hardly see them at all, the whole walk. So please don't blame yourself, I know another lady who lost her Bully in a maize field, on a hot day. These type of things are only highlighted when something like this happens.
Lovely to have met Doglost volunteer Sharon today, who along with a friend are going to fly a drone over the wheat field where I lost Jinks. Sharon also spent some time getting to know my other papillon Teddy to gain a greater understanding of Papillons. Much appreciated Sharon.
You might want to contact this facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HelpfindIzzyWizz/?fref=ts
They will share Jinks for you and also I am sure they have set up a group of people who have lost their beloved pets for support..Last edited: 2016-06-29 17:23:16 by Skywalker99
I have no positive news on Jinks, I am sharing with you one of the affects on a family of losing a dog seemingly without trace. Today my 4 year old Son who starts school in September had his try out session at his school. He was very wound up about it so I brought him a wee surprise to have when he got home. When I collected my Son from school I told him I had a surprise for him at home, he immediately brightened and asked me if it was Jinks. So heartbreaking as obviously Jinks is on his mind constantly, and people forget how young children get affected by things like this, let alone the adults of the family, and my poor sad looking other Papillon Teddy. Somebody out there has Jinks, I know it, and that's not right. I will never give up searching. I have many contacts in the dog world across the UK, and all are on the lookout on my behalf. Jinks you will come home. Last edited: 2016-06-29 16:35:33 by Jinks
Correction to below - it is £10 cheaper than you are paying when I checked just now.
I hope very much that you find Jinks safe and sound soon. Just for information, you can get that Royal Canin Hepatic tinned £7 cheaper online (www.viovet.co.uk) - I get another kind of Royal Canin from same website as vet is too expensive. They deliver in about 3 days (no delivery charge if order comes to a certain amount of money)
which Facebook doglost page would Jinks be posted on? The only one I can find for wiltshire is Swindon and North Wiltshire...is there a south wiltshire one? This is so sad.
Thank you Reynard. To anybody reading this Jinks is 11.5, his health is increasingly frail, and I have been carefully managing his health issues for a while. Jinks must be fed a special veterinary diet Royal Canin Hepatic tinned. This costs £37 for a pack of 12 tins. Feeding Jinks lots of dog treats and anything high in protein such as real meat will upset Jinks digestion and trigger his liver problems. The special vet diet Jinks is on is low in protein for this very reason. Jinks suffers from colitis when stressed which results in him pooing all over his own fur. He needs to given some natural yoghurt daily to help with this, and I have also found that a daily off lead run helps to keep Jinks bowels regular, and his faeces solid. Jinks only has 3 teeth left, so must be fed soft food. Jinks is partially deaf, doesn't hear human voices well, but can hear things like dropped cutlery, and is spooked by loud sudden noises. Jinks suffered a spinal stroke in 2013 and mustn't be allowed to jump onto or down from furniture such as beds or sofas. If you wonder why I am still able to take him on such a long walk, it's because I know my dog intimately and I know exactly how much he is capable of. Please hand Jinks in anonymously to a vet and ask for him to be scanned and returned. The rightful place for Jinks is with me as I know exactly how to look after Jinks and his numerous health issues. Last edited: 2016-06-29 10:20:58 by Jinks
Hope something turns up soon , Older Dogs often have health issues & need lots of Vet time , so why take an Older dog and deprive a loving family. Also it seems this owner is not about to give up any time soon , so why not just call doglost and leave an anonymous message where he can be found , if anyone knows anything about Jinks disappearance.
Thank you to Doglost for bumping Jinks post. I don't know why Teddy howled, I have checked and checked that wheat field, including climbing into the middle of hedges where badgers have pushed through etc. not even any hair left. All I do know is that it was very sad.

All vets in the Salisbury area now notified. I have round and round that field. I am convinced Jinks has been taken in by somebody who knows Jinks is missing and doesn't want to give him up. Whoever you are have a heart, there is a whole family needing Jinks home. Also I am ex forensics and my Husband is an ex policeman,so we know how to search and will not give up. Last edited: 2016-06-29 09:00:23 by Jinks
As he is a small white fluffy that should be very easy to spot even in the dark and there have been no sightings, is it possible he was deliberately taken? You said he competed at Crufts. Has he been neutered since then? Has anyone shown any interest in him while you have been out on walks previously? Is it possible someone has taken him, thinking they could breed from him? Papillons are not very common, it might be worth keeping your eye out for papillon , or papillon x puppies? Do you have his DNA profile?
Doglost has bump his page to the top , thanks Admin x

Oh no that is so sad , wonder if Teddy knows Jinks is out there still, so just in case has that Wheat field been throughly checked do you think? Perhaps one of those Drone's may help to search as a 'White Fluffball' would surly show up ?
Jinks is now on Preloved, and Gumtree, the Preloved advert has been picked up by the Bruce Vets Let's Get Scanning people and is now going everywhere. Many thanks to everybody who is helping me.

I re walked the original walk today, and when I got to the field where I lost Jinks, my other papillon Teddy just stood and howled. I have never, ever heard a papillon howl before, Teddy clearly remembered this was where he last saw his friend, and was calling to Jinks. It was utterly heartbreaking.
might be worth emailing all the parish councils in the surrounding villages asking of they could put something in parish newsletters/put poster up somewhere prominent/email members and village residents.
Sorry to hear Jinks is still missing - hope you get some positive news very soon
Shared to my group fb page https://www.facebook.com/groups/PAWhelpingdogs/permalink/297734500569391/
Jinks, there is nothing mentioned on his poster about his health issues. It might be an idea if any further posters reflect these problems and expenses. If someone has picked him up and decided to keep him they should know that he needs to go to the vet and they are going to have to part with money to keep him healthy.
If you email Jayne who listed him for you I'm sure she'll make the relevant changes.
Thank you G for that share. There are so many facebook sites, I can't find them all, so if you do know of any, or local lost and found, or for sale sites please share. I really appreciate the help from everybody. Let's get my little boy his pet home.
Reynard, great for the other dog, a moment of extreme hope, then bitter disappointment for me. I feel that Jinks is out there, there is not even any of his hair left around the field. I am so pleased Jinks poster has been shared over 400 times, and this page viewed nearly 7000 times. Thank you to everybody who has shared Jinks poster so far. We checked Jinks insurance tonight, and can get a small amount towards advertising a lost dog, so will look into that.
Shared on facebook Paw Helping Dogs in Need, please join if you wish. Good luck I hope you find Jink's soon.
Oh no Hazel,how tragic for you! Of course good for the other Dog.
Just goes to show how a 'lost' Dog can be found, with no Sightings at all of Jinks & area searched, we can only assume he was picked up by someone .
Almost had heart failure earlier, when there was a report on the Poulshot Village website of a small, white fluffy dog found in the exact area where I lost Jinks, but it wasn't Jinks. This dog has now been reunited with its owner. Just reminded me of the living nightmare we are in, the constant hope that I will receive good news. Could have cried in disappointment.
Exactly 2 weeks ago now, I lost Jinks after he strayed briefly whilst out on a walk in Poulshot. Today I have walked locally and been door knocking asking of any sightings. I have also now contacted the police who agree with me that a bright white fluffy dog would easily be spotted if lying dead in a field or on the roadside. The police do agree with me that Jinks has probably got onto the road and has been picked up by somebody. Although the address tag on Jinks collar is out of date, his micro chip is up to date and Jinks is flagged as missing. Any information leading to the safe return of Jinks will be treated in confidence.

If you are the person who has Jinks, please do the right thing, hand Jinks in anonymously to a vet and ask for him to be scanned and returned to his rightful owner. There will be no questions asked.

Jinks we are heartbroken, please come home.
Jinks is now on Preloved. Please share the link, he can't just disappear.

I think the idea of starting a Find Jinks Facebook page is a good one. It does seem to get word far and wide, from seeing other people's experiences. So sorry you're going through this awful experience and hoping if someone has taken Jinks they do the right thing. .
DogLostMandy (Wiltshire)
I'm trying to spread Jinks as far and wide as I can for you.

Let's hope someone, somewhere, spots something and can help get him home xxx
I am now heavily targeting local FB pages, and posters up in Seend and Worton etc. In the absence of finding Jinks body and zero sightings, I think Jinks has been picked up, and I think this is somebody local who knows Jinks is being searched for and doesn't want to give him up.

As a direct appeal if you are the person who has Jinks and you are following this, please have a heart, Jinks is an old dog, all Jinks has ever known is a life with me from the time he was 8 weeks old. He has never gone missing before. I curse myself for not putting Jinks on a lead going through that cornfield, and this will haunt me forever. But Jinks is our dog, he is getting old, and has specific needs and health issues that I have been carefully managing for a number of years now. Jinks needs to be fed a specific diet or he has health problems, which could be very damaging to his long term elderly health. Please we want Jinks home, Jinks home is with us. Last edited: 2016-06-24 11:17:58 by Jinks
Well done for keeping the awareness going , must be very difficult to feel positive when no sightings , which would suggest this little old guy was probably pick up , you deserve good news soon x
Last edited: 2016-06-24 10:58:40 by Reynard
Today I walked my other Papillon around Devizes in case seeing Teddy jogged somebody's memory, and also to raise awareness of what a Papillon looks like. He caused a lot of interest, a lot of people stopped me to ask about him, not many people knew what breed of dog he is. Anyway it was market day in Devizes so it was extra busy, Teddy did his job, and every person I spoke to was told about Jinks. Hoping for good news soon. Keep sharing Jinks poster please.
I didn't stop as the dog or more probably badger is on a bad bend, and I had my Son with me. It is very stinky (and that was with the car windows up) so I suspect it is a large badger. Last edited: 2016-06-22 20:32:50 by Jinks
Had written yes please to that doggy-dilemas but then realised that someone might have notified the owners on FB.
Jinks, do you know if the owners of this dog have been informed?Last edited: 2016-06-22 19:48:41 by Baydogs
Does it need to be checked for microchip...i have a scanner
Hi Laura. I went to check out the dead dog on the roadside between Worton and Potterne, it's a GSD/collie type, badger coloured so no wonder it hasn't been reported and picked up by the Highways Dept yet. Thanks for the info though. The FB post was about the same dog.
Laura, thank you for the information, what colour was the dog on the side of the road between worton and potterne? Also is it possible to post or copy that FB link? Many thanks.
Laura....any chance of posting the link or at least the name of the page (facebook is a big place). Unfortnately that is probabaly not too far so needs to bechecked out.
Hi there is a post on facebook about a dog not sure if it is yours i hope not as it would of made some distance
For anyone who may have lost a dog, I drove past a dog that has sadly been run over between Worton and Potterne and is on the grass verge by the side of the road. I couldn't get out as had my children in the car. It's the road the fire stations on
In the absence of finding a body, or any sightings I do think Jinks has been picked up, and I do think the person who has him, knows he is being looked for and doesn't want to give him up. I have face booked everywhere, spent a lot if time yesterday doing this. I can't keep on spending large amounts of time on this, I have a family who are reliant on me, and in particular a little boy also sad about losing his pet, but who doesn't need a permanently forlorn sad Mummy, who is ignoring him. I will keep searching and checking lost and found sites when I can, but my little boy needs me. Last edited: 2016-06-22 10:22:11 by Jinks
If you think he has been piced up you really need to get the social mefia going - post his details to lostbox, harveys army, get murphy home and every local facebook page you can find. Also contact the local press. Any chance of Jenny and Tiga coming down?
Have you thought about a fb page to promote awareness or doing a door knock I really feal for you as I've 3 papillons I hope you get some news soon
The dog poo I found close to the house is I think being left by a Min Pin who is walked locally, Min Pins are small enough to produce the same size poop as a Papillon. I spent 2 hours today, searching the field, hedges, roadsides watching the crow activity, and nothing, not a thing. I keep coming back to one train of thought, that someone who knows Jinks is being looked for has found him, taken a liking to him, and kept him.

We are all so sad. I can't believe it, my 4 year old Son doesn't understand why his pet isn't coming home, and my other Papillon Teddy who has never been an only dog is so sad, Teddy is normally quite noisy, but he is silent, depressed. Come home Jinks, we are all so sad and missing you. Last edited: 2016-06-21 19:57:53 by Jinks
DogLostPoochpal - Regional Co-ordinator - South West - Police Liaison Team
Is it since food has been taken from the crate that the loo looks more normal?
Maybe get Jinks into the local paper it may jog someones memory xx
Chris P you are correct, the food has been taken from Jinks crate outside my door, NOT from the dog trap. I don't have a wildlife camera set up on Jinks crate, but I could spread some sand around, or flour. I don't have access to a wildlife camera.

I have been out and thoroughly searched the field where I originally lost Jinks. The only crow and magpie activity was centred around the muck heaps on the dairy farm, nowhere else out in the fields. I also drove inspecting the roadside for any dog body from Townsend Farm up to the main road (to Bulkington etc) There is absolutely no sign of Jinks. I have emailed all the vets in Devizes, Melksham, Trowbridge, Chippenham, and Salisbury. I have also emailed the Dogstrust at Salisbury and Bath Cat and Dog Home. It is entirely possible Jinks has been picked up on the road, the person who picked him up has taken a liking to Jinks,,and has kept him. The person I spoke to from the Bath Cat and Dog home said this happens a lot. Share, share, share Jinks poster please, make him too hot to handle.
Prev post says food has been taken from crate near house. Can you spread sand around it to see if you can pick up footprints to identify what is taking it.
You know what Jinks? The media would probably find your first paragraph interesting too. All that your boy has been through! Get onto your radio and the local newspaper, and start campaigning for volunteers to do an organised search. What do you think?
Jinks my thoughts are with you-you are trying so hard. Have you done a barbeque? He will be hungry by now and may come out to the smell
Baydogs, I much appreciate you taking the time to comment and leave me advice. I am desperate to get wee Jinks home, or have an outcome however sad. All dogs are special Jinks is just as special and has overcome so many things in his 11.5 years. He has had bladder stones, is on a special prescription diet for his liver, he once suffered a spinal stroke when my other Papillon ran into him (in a 10 acre field!). Jinks recovered from this and competed at Crufts only 6 weeks later. Jinks also survived catching parvovirus last November, I really thought I was going to lose him then, but he pulled through. So after all Jinks has been through I can't quite believe that I may have possibly lost Jinks on one of our regular dog walks.

Going to check out the crow activity today, I think it may be a rabbit as when I drive by at 5am a few mornings ago, I noticed a rabbit that had clearly been hit by a car that was dragging it's back legs. I will also contact all the vets wider afield, Melksham in case Jinks has been picked up and handed in somewhere. Still hoping, still praying.
Owner of Jinks, I really feel for you because you are working so hard here to find your boy.

You may not have had sightings but you think you found his poo. Owners recognise their dog's own poo. His size must be quite small. How many dogs of Jinks' size are walked there? If you have never seen any, then I would say that it WAS your dog that produced these stools.
He could be surviving on cowpats and horse dung but I would have thought that would become evident in his poop. If his poo is looking normal then he must be eating something not too far from his normal diet. Where could he be getting that from?
Added later- just noticed in a post further down that you did find runny poo indicative of consumed cowpats on a sensitive digestive system. That was on the `17th. Was it less runny on the 20th?

Also keep your eye on any mud for his tiny pawprints which I expect you'd also recognise.

Such a shame that you've had to return the trailcam. Anyone in the area that would be happy to lend another one? Any local forums where you might beg the loan of one?
What about asking your local radio station to put out an alert for him tomorrow. Explain that Jinks is old and you are really worried for his welfare. And while you are at it, put in a request to borrow a trailcam or two. I don't know how food can be eaten without a camera not catching the animal consuming it- unless it is has a slow trigger speed and/or poor night vision. What kind of food did you leave? Was it something that could be quickly "snatched"? Slugs and snails will also consume wet dog/cat food. The camera may not have picked them up. These trailcams work on heat and movement sensors.

Yes, corvid activity can indicate a dead body. But I doubt very much that a fox would snatch a dog. Foxes get blamed for many things they do not do. Dogs chase foxes- even tiny dogs. And foxes run from dogs, however small they are. They have an understanding.

Sorry if this upsets you, but (if you haven't already)it would be wise to speak to your County Highways Department in case he has been involved in an RTA. He's chipped, so they can scan and let you know. As upsetting as this is to think about, it is better to know if something has happened to him. Same with the rail network if there is a track anywhere near.
But if you are right about the poop, dead dogs don't poop. So he was still around and alive today.
You could also try putting your own urine in a spray bottle and leaving a trail of that to your home if he's pooping nearby. And as much as you may believe in always picking up dog poop under normal circumstances, I'd recommend that you leave it there as dogs tend to like to poop where they have before. Keep him coming back to the same place.

As Reynard has already commented, often it is a waiting game.

Another suggestion would be a dawn BBQ with lovely smelly sausages. He may be old and deaf but I bet his sense of smell is still spot on.

Do hope he is home soon.

Last edited: 2016-06-21 00:14:07 by Baydogs
My Husband has been out this evening to chat to the people whose houses border the fields that I lost Jinks in. The people in the house at the top of the field say there has been a lot of crow and magpie activity in a thick clump of trees at the edge of their garden in the last two days. Could indicate a body, and it was just up from where I last saw Jinks. I will checkout these clump of trees tomorrow. The same person was also of the opinion that given Jinks size he may have been taken by a fox. This would account for not finding Jinks body so far.
It has been a very wet day here in Poulshot, but when it dried up at 3pm I went out and went round the cornfield again looking in the hedges and undergrowth, even for a body. Nothing and no smell of anything dead. Another local woman was out with her Springer Spaniel going round the headlands but again nothing. There is no barbed wire as the fields are all arable and there is no stock out on any fields locally, only horses, and the owners wouldn't use barbed wire to fence them in. Jinks is bright white and despite his size you would see him, and know it was a dog even if you only caught a glimpse out of the corner of your eye. I am becoming more and more convinced that Jinks found his way onto the road and has been picked up by someone who has kept him. Please keep sharing his poster. I put his poster up in Sainsburys in Devizes today, so that will get a lot of coverage. Last edited: 2016-06-20 16:48:18 by Jinks
Very sadly, I have no news or sightings on Jinks. I have been out Saturday and Sunday and repeated the walk with my other papillon, but nothing. The only thing is that Teddy found some dog poo, that was of a size and in a familiar poo stop place that could have been Jinks. But this poo was only 200 yards from our house? I have left Jinks cage outside our front door, with food, and the food was taken overnight, by what I don't know. The trap hasn't been touched and nothing has shown up on the wildlife camera. The man who lent me the camera needs it back so I can't use it anymore. It is pouring with rain here in Poulshot this morning, so Jinks won't be out and about this morning. My 4 year old Son is so upset, how do you explain to a 4 year old that his pet might not come home? It has made him afraid, his Dad is away on business tomorrow and my Son said to me "Daddy will come home won't he?"

When it dries up, I will take Teddy out later today, if can also look tomorrow but can't after that as no childcare and I don't want to take my Son out looking as he just gets upset thinking that Jinks will just turn up. If you are local please can you keep looking. I feel to centre efforts on the dairy farm at the Townsend Barn end of Poulshot. Jinks is familiar with dairy farms as my parents have one. I have spoken to other very experienced Papillon owners who have had papillons go missing, and as a breed they don't seem to have the same homing instinct that other breeds have. One lady said one of her papillons was found sitting in the middle of a field after two days. Thank you to all for your continued support and advice it means a lot.
Thank you Reynard for your advice. We have lived in Poulshot since last October. The Shipston on Stour address is from 3 moves ago, unfortunately we move a lot. I am confident that Jinks knows his way round Poulshot as he has been walked extensively round the village. Jinks microchip is up to date and Jinks has been reported as missing with Anibase. I think I will leave the trap where it is for now. Posters up, and leaflets have been put through as many doors as possible in the village. Thank you for your support.
You have my number Hazel if you need advice , but if you think trap in wrong place then maybe move it. Didn't know about tag but guess you have updated microchip and is this a recent move, I trust Jinks knows his way home to local address ?? Keep putting Posters up for sightings and maybe in Shipton on Stour.
Its often a waiting game ,Dogs do get reunited & old ones at that, try not to get despondent, many of us are helping & willing Jinks home xxx Last edited: 2016-06-18 13:20:40 by Reynard
I have been out with Teddy my other papillon, and repeated the Monday walk. I asked Teddy to find Jinks, he did seem to be moving with purpose, and he did find dog poo that was Jinks sized. I could be clutching at straws, but will take any positives right now. The dog trap hasn't been touched.
Doggy-Dilemas, yes I have a friend local to Shipston on Stour going there tomorrow to talk to the people in our old house, and give them Jinks Doglost poster.
Have you thought of contacting the people now at the address on jinks tag in case they hear anything?
It is a lovely dry, still evening here so I have been out for 1.5 hours looking for Jinks. I went all round the dairy farm. I had my other Papillon stand and bark excitedly for 10 minutes for food, I had a cat come and look at us, but not Jinks. I checked the trap, I checked the empty properties in the village and drove all round the by lanes. Loads of wildlife out, and would have been the perfect night to find Jinks, but nothing. I am more and more convinced that Jinks has been picked up on the road and is being kept by somebody. To make matters worse the address on his collar wasn't up to date. It is feasible that someone could have picked up this small, bedraggled, obviously old dog, and think he had been dumped because he was elderly. Feeling despondent, and very sad.
Did a 2 hour walk around fields in Poulshot today...nothing
The trap is set. I went with my Son and other papillon and walked round the cornfield I originally lost Jinks in. I tried to ask Teddy papillon to track, and he did lead me to where I had left Jinks cage. There was a runny dog poo by the footpath gate that could have been Jinks. If he has been surviving on cow poo it will be running through him as his stomach is sensitive. Thank you to Mandy for your help and advice today.
Mandy any news yet xx
A trap is available just sorting with owner and 'Mandy Chippenham'
To help you this is how a papillon well Jinks tends to behave. He is a toy dog, very dainty, doesn't like to get wet if at all possible. Jinks doesn't hunt, and doesn't like pushing through undergrowth, (he once refused to walk under a gate because his ears didn't fit!) so he won't be stuck down a burrow. He has lots of fur, and could well be caught up in brambles by his tail, they don't have a lot of strength so he wouldn't be able to pull free. He also will not bark if stuck, the only time Jinks barks is as an alert bark I.e. Somebody coming to the door. The man who heard What he thought was Jinks barking yesterday said it wasn't a dog he had heard before and it was small, and the bark was an alert bark, this could well have been Jinks disturbed from his sleep or a similar scenario. Hope this helps.
Hi thanks all for continuing to look. Karen thank you for your search, I think what you saw was probably either a fox or a rabbit, Jinks is bright white, you wouldn't miss him, also he wouldn't run into a hedgerow as he doesn't like undergrowth. I left the cage in the stabling area in the Majors old property (for those who know Poulshot well) as this is where the barking was heard. A neighbour to this empty property set up a wildlife camera on the cage. He has checked the camera this morning and nothing has shown up on the camera. He has now moved the camera to face outwards. I have my Son all day today so can't search as much today. It is also very wet again, and Jinks hates the wet, so he is probably holed up somewhere staying dry.
I've been over to Poulshot a couple of times wandering around but nothing. Karen if you are out again give me Shout...i think you have my number. Debs
DogLostCounty Pet ServicesKaren - Solstices Missing Dogs and Wiltshire volunteer
When I was out searching last night i entered the field and turned left till I came to the gate into the farm, as I entered the gate something fox size shot off through the hedgerow pretty sure it wasn't a fox,this was close to where crate was set up, I did an extensive search of that area with the help of two neighbouring people who's houses back onto the field.
Oh very good news, you have some great help , hope it's Jinks 😂
Have had a positive news of barking that does sound like it could have been Jinks barking. The barking was heard coming from a property bordering Poulshot Village green, that is currently empty, and has stables. The man who heard the barking is an experienced dog person and said it sounded like a small dog. I have moved Jinks crate from the field to the straw store if this property. A neighbour has managed to get hold of some wildlife cameras and has set those up to see if anything goes near the crate/food/water. If this is a positive this means that Jinks is half way home.
I have been out a second time today this time with my other Papillon and repeated the walk I did on Monday when we lost Jinks. I had Teddy stand in the cornfield that I lost Jinks in and bark for 10 minutes but no signs. I tried to get him to track, but Teddy didn't have clue what I was asking him to do. K9 Tracker I have emailed you, such a shame I didn't know you were in Trowbridge. I am now unable to keep searching as I need to look after my 4 year old Son. However I will back out later this evening to check Jinks crate and put more food out. There have been no sightings, which I find odd with a bright white unusual breed dog.
Jenny & Tiga k9tracker
Only just seen this and I was in Trowbridge tracking yesterday, I could have stayed over and tracked today.
Meant to add, huge thanks so far to Doglost, who have come up with lots of hints and tips, and to Doglost volunteer Karen who was out searching last night.
Thank you Skywalker99, will do. I can't use Fred poodle after today as he needs to go home to Gloucestershire. I won't be able to search as extensively as I will need to look after my 4 year old Son. I have contacted the K9 search org, I think something like this is now my best bet at finding Jinks.
I know you have another dog but www.k9.tracker.co.uk. I'd suggest lots of scenting a trail back home
Jinks owner here. I have been out with my Mums poodle at 5am this morning to search. That said Poulshot has has a lot of rain overnight, and at 5am there were hardly any rabbits about, and to my mind nor would Jinks be about as he doesn't like wet conditions. The food at his crate hadn't been touched. Fred the poodle did track through the dairy farm, out onto the road, in and out of a couple of drive ways, which is exactly the way Jinks would move about, then started back towards home. So I am really hoping if Jinks has made it onto the road, which is more familiar territory that he is now starting to work his way back home, up through Poulshot.
Just spoken to Jinx owner and he went missing in 'The Tram Lines' of a Cornfield near Townsend farm.They have search all fields with her Mums Standard Poodle (Clever dogs) who was on the initial walk, they have since found Poo that reassembles Jinx ( we all know our own Dogs poo ) There is a Dairy Farm at other end of Poulshot (?) & its possible Jinx is surviving off Cow Poo. However hes not run off before but as he is Deaf and old may have got disorientated poor lad :(
Last edited: 2016-06-15 14:20:58 by Reynard
What are the circumstances of him missing please ?

Last edited: 2016-06-15 09:57:53 by Reynard
Do lots of dog walking in Worton Poulshot Seend area and keeping my eyes open. Keeping fingers crossed too
I am Jinks owner, thank you for your support so far. Just to let you know Jinks is elderly and deaf, and often will not hear his name being called. Also if stuck somewhere he will not bark. He doesn't hunt though so nit likely to be caught up in brambles. Hope this helps with keeping an eye out for him. Very worried as there have been no sightings yet.
Thank you all for your help and support. I have been out 3 times today everywhere and no sign of Jinks. Please keep looking, check your garden sheds or barns. He may have wandered further than Poulshot.
Walked mine around Poulshot fields this morning but no sighting. :-(
Selina suggest you call Jinx's owners as registered by Doglost so owner may not see your kind offer :)
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with Doglost FB group, Public & Twitter. I hope Jinxs is safely back at home soon. X
Sue - onestopalldogs
FB Twitter
Selina Rogers
I live about 2-3 miles away so if you need any help searching please let me know... Good luck findnig Jinx
Shared on twitter. Jinx dissappeared in tramlines in field at Townsend end of Poulshot
added xx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in SN10,12. BA13,14.

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