Rainbow Bridge: Black Tan Doberman Male

  • Dog ID 36195
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 12 Jan 2012
  • Name BAILEY
  • Gender & Breed Male Doberman (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black tan
  • Marks & Scars Has a tail and slit ear
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 11 Jan 2012
  • Where Lost Brick fields park cranham
  • Lost In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Lost In Post Area RM14
  • Date Found 21 Mar 2012
  • Where Found RIP Bailey
  • Found In Region Rainbow Bridge
  • Found In Post Area RM14
  • Date Reunited 21 Mar 2012
  • Other Info
  • Listed By Dave Jennings
  • Views 6203
  • BAILEYPoster Image
  • BAILEYExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
That's lovely Dave. Bailey will like that, and in so doing, you have made others aware of how much a precious dog means to his loving family. I have thought of a number of comments regarding these railway/police people, but will bite my lip. However, they won't forget that and now they too, are more aware. You never know when that memory will lead to them helping a dog. Bailey is still teaching people from above. God bless sweetest Bailey and all of you, forever. x
debbie 63
so very sorry to see this sad news ive still been looking out for him, run free at rainbow bridge, sleep tight bailey xxx
Jack Russell 4
Run free at the bridge xxx
Dave Jennings
Thanks for all your kind messages. We planted tall rose and heather tonight where Bailey was found. Railway and police were called wondering what a family was doing on the side of a railway track digging. Funny though when we collected Bailey carrying spades and a big sack between us along the track no one seems to be alerted and that could have looked supsicious . We said a pray . Rest in Peace Bailey
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Dave, my heart goes out to you. You did so well in searching and postering for your baby, and even though it is heart wrenching, you HAVE found him. He is no longer lost. He can rest now as he knows he has been reunited with you in body, and of course, he never left you in spirit. If he was curled up, I suspect he instinctively went straight into that position to go to sleep, and it would have been quick. Truly. He is okay now. He is safe in God's arms and he'll be there when its your time, and he will never leave you, of that I am certain. You didn't deserve this. Maybe there was a reason that we don't know about, so God took Bailey quickly so he didn't suffer. And, as hard as it is, I do wonder whether it had to be such a long wait as it may have been too much of a shock had you found him sooner. This way, you've had time to prepare for such an outcome. I only say all this because it happened to me too and I still search for answers. What I do know is that Bailey has earnt his wings and he will wait whilst you continue to earn yours. May your hearts know peace. With love, Kim x
Auntie Katie
Run free gorgeous boy! Such sad news. xx


When tomorrow starts without me and I'm not there to see;
The sun will rise and find your eyes, all filled with tears for me.
I wish so much you wouldn't cry, the way you did today,
Remembering how I'd lay my head, In your lap that special way.
I know how much you love me, as much as I love you.
And each time that you think of me, I know you'll miss me too.

But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name, and petted me with her hand.
She said my place was ready in Heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love.
But, as I turned to heel away, a tear fell from my eye,
For all my life I never thought, that I would have to die.
I had so much to live for, so many sits and downs to do,
It seemed almost impossible, that I was leaving you.
I thought about our lives together, I know you must be sad,
I thought of all the love we shared, and all the fun we had.

Remember how I'd nudge your hand, and poke you with my nose?
The frisbee I would gladly chase, the bad guy, I'd "bark and hold".
If I could relive yesterday, just even for awhile,
I'd wag my tail and kiss you, just so I could see you smile.
But then I fully realized, that this could never be;
For emptiness and memories, will take the place of me.

And when I thought of treats and toys, I might miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you and when I did, my dog-heart filled with sorrow.
But then I walked through Heaven's gate, and felt so much at home;
As God looked down and smiled at me, from His beautiful golden throne.
He said, "This is eternity, And now we welcome you,
Today your life on earth is past, But here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last;
For you see, each day’s the same day, there's no longing for the past.

Now you have been so faithful, so trusting, loyal and true;
Though there were times you did things, you knew you shouldn't do.
But good dogs are forgiven, and now at last you're free;
So won't you sit here by my side, and wait right here with me?"
So when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart.
For every time you think of me, I'm right there, in your heart.
Last edited: 2012-03-22 19:54:52 by Auntie Katie
DogLostHelen - Regional Co-ordinator - Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge
So, so sorry, run free over Rainbow Bridge, my thoughts are with your family xxx
I am so very sorry this lovely boy didnt make it back home.
Run free in the sunshine at the Bridge dear Bailey.
My thoughts are with his family.
Tara H
Im sorry for your sad loss.... its nice that he has been laid to rest in your garden. Im sure that will give you great comfort. God Bless xxx
So sad to read that Bailey did not make it home. Run free handsome man xx
So very, very sorry to hear about Bailey - RIP sweetheart xx
How heartbreaking - I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with the family at this sad time, at least you have closure and he is still close to you, back home where he belongs. Run free at the bridge, beautiful Bailey xx
I'm really so sorry that Bailey didnt make it home safely, bless him. Thinking of you all. xx
I am so so sorry Bailey didn't make it home safe, run free and play at the bridge little man xx
How sad, glad he was tagged so you could bring him home to rest.xx
My thoughts are with Bailey`s family at this time, and at least you have closure and can lay Bailey to rest. He is still with you in spirit and will never leave you, because of the love you gave him. He is now at the bridge in God`s Heaven. And when the time is right, you will be reunited with your boy. Night, night, Bailey, sleep tight, and look down on your family who need your strength: sending them lots of hugs and healing thoughts for their sadness. Run free Bailey. RIP + GodBless
I'm so very sorry to read that Bailey's sleeping - Rest in Peace little boy - you're with your family now - knowing they love you. Sweet dreams. xx
So very sorry to hear about Bailey, my thoughts are with the family.
So very sorry. RIP Bailey xx
Dave, I'm so so sorry you have lost him,it was me that postered Ardleigh Green and it will be with great sadness when I take the posters down. Bailey is home with you now.RIP big man,run free at the bridge.My thoughts and prayers are with you all- San xx
Dave Jennings
Sadly Bailey was found by a dog walker last friday. He was decomposed, curled up as if sleeping the other side of the railway not far from the track.We hadsearched and called that area, maybe he died very soon after he went missing and we just didnt find his body , we are so upset about this , sorry for nor posting sooner but was too distressed. All the family are devasted. Bailey has been brought home and buried in the garden. Thank you so so much for all the help and kindness, i will definately register myself as a helper. someone from dogs lost made their own poster aput it up at ardleigh green traffic lights , thank you to that person and all the others that have helped search for Bailey x Sharon, John, Louise , Stephen, David, Marina and Michael
http://www.battersea.org.uk/applications/dynamic/?id=15898&filter_breed&filter_size&filter_gender&filter_centre=Brands+Hatch&filter_ages&filter_livedogs please check just incase
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Excellent. Thank you Debbie. Let's hope Bailey's chip will bring him home very soon. x
debbie 63
have seen baileys posters everywhere keep up the good work, im looking out for him as so many other people are too, stay safe bailey and hurry home soon x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Dave, we understand, that's okay. If you need us, post on here, but also more importantly please text me or call us, in case we miss an urgent post okay? If you physically checked the railway lines and surrounding area, the day after, then in all probability he wasn't there - so let's rule that out. Now, as Bailey is chipped he has a good chance of being found at some point. Dogs do come back many months later - you just never know. Dave, it is very hard to help search for other dogs whilst yours is still missing, unless you team up together to make it easier. One day when Bailey is back home, we shall you make you both our helpers, okay? Let's hope that day is very soon. God bless. x
We will all keep looking for him and won't ever give up on Bailey. xx
Dave Jennings
had checked all rail services, highway agencies etc.we also walked the length of the raiway line the day after he went missing. sorry have not been logging on to dogs lost as it is so painful that we have not found him. we feel we cant do any more and are just waiting and hoping . thanks everyone for your help and support hope we too can help others in the future.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
morgandy, this needs to be checked out. Do you have any other details? Was there a dog on the line? Network Rail rarely report this, although they are supposed to, so if there was a dog, we need to try and figure out which one? Thank you. Owners did you check along the lines? Just need to rule it out. Come on boy, where are you? x
Logged in today to see if there was any news on Bailey as someone who is working in that area was talking to a lady in the park who said that he was found on the railway tracks soon after he was lost. I see that the owner has updated us only yesterday. Glad to see that this is untrue. However has the railways been checked?
I'll do some more postering and give my friend some to keep in his lorry to give out to other drivers. Fingers crossed for Bailey to be home soon.xx
Dave Jennings
no news yet on our dog Bailey, we have not given up and thank everyone for their help, we are also keeping a look out for other lost animals in our area as we understand hoewthe owners feel, thanks again dave
Any news on this big fella?
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Dave, this is fabulous news - another lead. Whereabouts in Brentwood was he sighted? We can get alerts sent out if we know whereabouts. Pls let us know. It is possible, that if this is Bailey, he has been set free if someone did have him. Maybe due to publicity? Who knows, but everyone PLEASE help find sweet Bailey. Dave, you are doing a fanbtastic job. This is how owners get their babies back! Keep going. x
Dave Jennings
Thanks ,our family have been overwhelmed for the support in helping find Bailey, we are again advertising in the yellow pages 11 publications hoping that somewhere some one has seen him, missing him so much
A few of us Brentwood helpers have just RT'd Bailey after finding out he was sighted near us. A local dog walker will be displaying a poster in their van and we are certainly on the lookout here.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Well done owners! You deserve to get Bailey home. Let's hope someone knows something and calls you. Someone, somewhere does know something, we just have to find out who?
Sharon Rescue Remedies
I live in RM14 and have to say that a fantastic effort has been made re posters - they are everywhere. Have Fb'd Rescue Remedies, ALUK, RHU, BIGGSD, Nick of Time, Wanderers Haven and twittered. Hope he turns up soon.
Dave Jennings
thanks everyone for your helpful infomation, we are still searching for Bailey, have followed up all contacts suggested, from essex to east london, have put up at least 1500 posters as well. thanks again, much appreciated by all the family
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Jo, owners are checking all "sites" and we have been discussing possibilities within this possible lead. If you are able to speak to them, I am sure it would be very welcomed. We have to remember this may not have been Bailey, so we still need to do everything else as well, but this is a good lead and would definitely explain why Bailey has vanished. Of course, not the only reason, but please keep postering and helping owners find Bailey. Thank you. x
Jo - Area Co-ordinator, Essex
Do we have any info as to where in Brentwood the possible sighting of Bailey being sold was?

I will spread the word. Owners, if you have not already, see if the local press will help.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Thank you S. This could be possible and we can guess that Bailey could also be on the move. Please poster in the Chelmsford, Brentwood & Ingatestone areas, also in Harlow at Fernhill Lane and BP roundabout areas. We especially need some posters around Biggin Hill RM14. Please also keep an eye out for a puppy pug from the RM16 area, BABY. Owners you need to make Bailey so famous and quickly. Have texted owners with more advice. Last edited: 2012-01-20 23:09:42 by Kimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Update from post on facebook: There has been a possible sighting of Bailey being sold from the back of a white van in Brentwood Essex
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Owners, please re-read all the information I e-mailed you. Have you checked every possibility on there? Please don't rule something out, unless you have checked it out. Adn even thrn, check again and again. Sometimes our dogs end up in places we really don't think they would be. U just never know. Well done and keep going - someone, somewhere has seen Bailey. Keep those posters going. Come on boy, where are you? x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Well done owners for emailing all the dog wardens....
Dog WardenSteph HDC AWO
I too have received your email at Huntingdonshire District Council regarding Bailey (Hello Bedford Dog Warden!). I will notify you as soon as possible if Bailey turns up in my area.
Dog WardenCBC-dog warden
Hi, I'm one of the dog wardens from central Bedfordshire. Just letting you know I have received your email regarding your lost doberman. We haven't picked up anything in the last few weeks matching your dog. Our kennels, appledown kennels are also aware. I will contact you immediately if this changes. Good luck in finding bailey.
come on Bailey,where are you big man? I've postered busy areas of RM3 and am going to poster upminster common as he may have crossed the A127 xxx
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
posters also emailed to helpers in CM13,14,15.
Shared amongst 2,000 + doberman friends on Facebook....come on home Bailey...you are too precious to be out there on your own boy x x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Poster emailed to helpers in RM1,2,3,10,11,12,13,14,15,16.
DogLostSherlock Bones Police Liaison Co-ordinator
photos on ready for mailing
Chasing photo.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Owner responded by text this aternoon advising a photo would be sent tonight - still not here. Advised to read my info and do everything on there. Owners, we need photo to help get Bailey home. We can share on FB, twitter and .... the posters are the most important thing with Bailey's photo on.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Sent info sheets and asked for photo.

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