Reunited: Black And White Greyhound Male

  • Dog ID 97449
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 18 Jan 2016
  • Gender & Breed Male Greyhound
  • Age Puppy
  • Colour Black and White
  • Marks & Scars he has a small black lump on his left side of his cheek where his whiskers should be, and near his nose it is like a pinky colour.
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 18 Jan 2016
  • Where Lost he was Stolen from the Burnley wood area ,in Burnley.
  • Lost In Region North West
  • Lost In Post Area BB11
  • Date Found 20 Jan 2016
  • Where Found duke bar area in Burnley a lad had bought him and rang straight away when he rialised that he had been stolen.
  • Found In Region North West
  • Found In Post Area BB10
  • Date Reunited 20 Jan 2016
  • Other Info he was put out with my other dog after they had eaten after 2 minutes I went to bring them in and Night was gone we have looked everywhere and phoned everywhere we are now putting posters over the internet to find our family member who is deeply missed.
  • Listed By Elms
  • Views 3722
  • NIGHT STOLENPoster Image
  • NIGHT STOLENExtra Image


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DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Spoken to owner and Police are coming around.
Oh dear, hope your mum is okay x
Oh Elms that's terrible...Why on earth has he any reason to threaten your mom...Not a nice person then after all...There's some vile people on this earth...Hope you get it all sorted...xx
I am not happy with the guy who contacted my mum he has rang her today and threatend her , so we have the police coming round :(
Brilliant news! Welcome home gorgeous Night - stay safe and close now lovely boy xxxx
Thank you Elms for helping the police ,and well done to the lad for contacting your mum about Night x
Welcome home Night x
Wonderful news...Thank goodness you had that phone call, however, this lad must have a heart to let you know he had sky, once he discovered he'd been stolen, therefore he should tip the Police off about his cousin and save a lot more people going through this terrible heart breaking crime!..I hope the other dog is soon reunited with its rightful owner...Welcome home Night x♥x
So lovely to meet you tonight and your gorgeous dogs, i nearly did come home with your little girlie though x
Skywalker no way both dogs will always be insight and my daughter has grounded night lol ...... and thank you Nina , I tried to get more information but he wasn't for giving any, I know how it feels to have a dog stolen/missing/lost I was slow and should have just said yes, and taken him to somewhere who would have helped to find his owners, but police has all information now so hopefully they will catch him .
Elms good for you in giving the information to police and others of who was involved with the possible taking , buying and selling of your dog. I am getting so angry that villans are using out pets as a way of getting easy money and its about time our voices were heard.
I wouldn't leave him in the garden on his own again
a few people have asked me who have lost there dog, so I have given them details as the name of the lad we got Night off and the street he is from and the area , we also are informing the police also who is dealing with Nights Case , thankyou all for all of your help and support .
Is there a black Greyhound missing in the area on any posts. Its a bit worrying that this person has one to sell .
Fantastic news ! So pleased Night is safe.worried about the other dog tho x
So glad you have your dog back but please tell the police about the other dog. No dog is safe left in gardens or outside shops these days. We must keep our eyes on them at all times.
Brilliant news. Another one safely back home. Well done to the lad for being honest and phoning you. Stay safe now Night. Xxx
Wonderful news!
Welcome home lovely Night - stay safe now xxx
sorry for the delays on updates as I have only just home from looking for night .......update on Night!!!! we went to the police station and it wasn't looking good as we didn't have very much information , but me and my partner went looking for him around the colne rood and Queens park area , on our way back I got a call from my mum who's phone number was on the information to go back to her's now as someone had rang her about the dog , his nephew had bought a dog last night for £50 , he went online and saw all the posts of Night so he called , we have just been to look at him and it was Night !!!!! we have him back home and safe , my partner has just took him to the vets to get him checked over , just waiting for my partner to come back with him , we are all so very happy to have him home, thankyou all so very much for all of your help and all of your support I don't know what we would have done without you all , he bought the Dog of his cousin so he won't tell me who he bought it off but the lad asked if I had another dog missing greyhound black , he is bigger than night that his cousin had trying to sell , so I told him to post it on facebook weather he will I don't know I hope he will . again thankyou sooo very much to all .
DogLostCJ - Police Liaison & SE Regional Coordinator
Email sent to owner to get more information on recent events. ( Delayed action on this as been off for 2 days )
Have had a good wander around Leyland rd, Albert st all round there and further down behind Ormerod rd all the little streets round there, not seen anything at all.
circulating on twitter......NIGHT B+W Greyhound Puppy STOLEN #Burnley wood #Burnley #BB11 Plz RT
Fingers crossed for good news for you Elms x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Twitter alerts requested.
Hope you get a good result tomorrow. Make sure you get a crime number as opposed to an incident number.
thank you all so much for help we are so very greatful , we all miss him deeply and just want him home safely.
we rang the police straight away when we found out he was stolen and the quickest appointment with the police is tomorrow morning so we took it as they said it was the only avalible one :( , so we will have one then.
Pendle Dogs in Need
Post done on our main page.....will update if we get any messages
I have left a message for our police co-ordinator CJ.
Elms, did the police give you a crime number? As you now have proof that Night was stolen and sold on, you should have one.
Please keep sharing so we can get him back home to us , he was last seen in Queens park area Burnley
thank you so muchh , just been informed from a friend that he was last seen in Queens park , I have family up there looking for me also so if anyone notices him please please let me know.
by admin I mean the doglost helpline...and make sure CJ the police co-ordinator is aware
you need to ring admin, but if his name field says 'night stolen' it will get more attention. I hope you find him
I have just tried to change it from Lost to Stolen I do not see it , can anyone help me on where I find it or how please?.
and contact the press...sounds like he was sold locally
update his anme to say Night stolen
thankyou all for your help, we have some update on Night!!! ... we have just found out that he was stolen as a lad turned up with him at a family friends house this lad was selling him for £100 , she sent us a picture of him and gave details exactly like Nights , we rang the number and he has already sold it when have rang the police , I hope we can get him back :(
Any sign? x
Shared on FB. ..Really hoping Night is found very soon xx
Have a good look around the pens up Moseley rd tomorrow in daylight unless you have a good lamp if you dont find him tonight.
get plenty of posters around including a couple in BW club, community centre,Butterfly,StanleyLast edited: 2016-01-18 21:56:30 by kyzar
Thankyou all for your advice , I will start the flyers now so they can be posted around didn't think oof the door to door one so thankyou so much and yes Kyzar I have him posted on burnley sites and family and friends have done also thankyou so much for your advice I will keep posting there also .
Elms, can you do a door to door flyer drop around your area asking everyone to check their sheds and gardens? We often advise this especially for youngsters missing from garden.
Elms, get the link on all facebook Burnley buy and sell sites, anything with Burnley in the title, i have posted on Missing and found pets Burnley and have sent the link to a few of my friends who live in Burnley wood,hope you find him quickly x
Elms, get the link on all facebook Burnley buy and sell sites, anything with Burnley in the title, i have posted on Missing and found pets Burnley and have sent the link to a few of my friends who live in Burnley wood,hope you find him quickly x
Thankyou for your help and advice I will get on to that right now . x
You must put posters I your area as well, anywhere and everywhere as not everyone uses the Internet or Facebook. If time goes on get media coverage is local paper, local radio. Will share to Facebook. You must also put on missing greyhound/Lurcher site. X
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in BB5,11,12.

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