Rainbow Bridge: Blue (Grey) And White Staffordshire Bull Terrier Male

  • Dog ID 80971
  • Status Rainbow Bridge
  • Registered 06 Jan 2015
  • Gender & Breed Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Blue (Grey) and White
  • Marks & Scars He is Blue (dk grey) in colour with a white patch that looks a bit like a tick on his neck. He also has white patches on his paws. Wearing collar with RED microchip confirmation tag Very friendly with people, loves children, Ok’ish with cats. H
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 15 Dec 2014
  • Where Lost Last seen at a family member’s house, (a couple of roads away from Jet Garage, Green Lanes Ilford, Essex, IG3 9RY.Escaped out of a back garden. He has been known to go AWOL before but has always
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area IG3
  • Date Reunited 07 Jan 2015
  • Other Info Owner Stevie Fletcher can be contacted via Facebook too : Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/steviemrsthug Menace is Microchipped but details not available at this moment. Post Code via Google is Ilford Essex IG3 9RY although very close borders to RM8 Dagenham Essex
  • Listed By TheKrazyKatLadee
  • Views 7900
  • MENACE  URGENTPoster Image
  • MENACE  URGENTExtra Image


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debbie, we see again and again on here how DWs care and go above and beyond to help the dogs they encounter. You are quite right.
It is just so upsetting, a case like this. I feel it is even more upsetting because so many of the bully breeds end up abandoned, that this boy, loved and searched for, fell through the net. RIP Menace :_(
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I don't think anyone is complaining about Battersea or the many fantastic DWs we have out there. It is about Menace losing his life and the circumstances surrounding this. It is just awful.
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Well said Debbi.
Dog Wardendebbi
Obviously there was a huge error made by someone here and my thoughts are with owner. However, assessments are done at all reputable shelters. The difficulty for wardens is getting any dog with issues into a shelter, let alone a bull breed....most wont take bullies at all. Dogs Trust cherry pick, their figures are lower for pts because they simply will not take a dog with any problems if it is a stray. Battersea take everything and as a large percentage of unclaimed strays are bull breeds and many have issues, whether it be dog aggression or just stress from a kennel environment, they have no choice but to pts. Many wardens go way beyond their remit for dogs they have collected. Clearly there are questions that need to be answered in this case but there must be more to this. Shelter places are limited, many are too full and numbers of people wanting to take a shelter dog are dropping. Chip details being incorrect or not registered is a daily problem for wardens. Responsibility for ensuring the details are up to date and correct lies with the owner.
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
Vetsgetscanning - thank you for posting that. This has clarified the situation for everyone and it is perfectly understandable. Even if chip details had not been changed, owners still had a supposedly rock solid way of Menance being located via his chip. Many owners who are deaf, have a speech impediment, or are sick, have to have a friend listed on the chip. I sincerely hope there was more to this, because it is casting a very big shadow over Redbridge council and their DWs. These people are in a positon of trust and it should not be abused.

God bless you sweet Menace. We will never forget you. In your name we will continue to fight to end death row. x
RIP Gorgeous xxxx
I am in angry tears. This is outrageous. Poor Menace, poor owners. This is NOT RIGHT. Everything was done right, microchipping, tagging, with a NOTICE to say microchipped - and STILL the various agencies failed. Words don't fail me, but I can't print them here, or my comment would be deleted.

I think I would fail the temperament test being lost, captured, terrified, worried I would never see my family again............
Spoke to owner who was asking for legal help after unsatisfactory response to her complaint. Have given her number for wheldon law and hope they can help her get some justice for herself and menace
Hope owner is getting on to SDK and asking for a full explanation. Go to the media also,I know nothing can bring menace back,but the fact that menace had been returned before,and was known to warden is unforgivable.
Good on you GillyP, somebody needs to ask questions and get answers. Too many mistakes made over getting these dogs back to their owners. X
I want to say unbelievable but having read various comments on this site over time, it isn't unbelievable as seems to happen too often. My heart goes out to all concerned. x
This is absolutely disgusting. Mistakes have been made on so many levels resulting in the death of an innocent dog. This cannot be allowed to happen again. RIP darling Menace, run happy and free at the Bridge beautiful sweetheart xxxx
DogLostBattersea Dogs HomeBattersea
Dogs are thoroughly assessed at BDCH Cassie.
thank you beautygirlcassie
Comment from owner on Doglost FB page:- Stevie-ott'massive Fletcher My brother who had menace from a baby has Menace chipped in his friend also neighbors name as my brother who ain't with us anymore, he passed away. April 2013 was very ill and wheelchair bound so that y menace chipped to the friend as if he was to get out. My brother wouldn't of b able to go get him so the friend also neighbor was the next best thing. Nd there is a mix up. s the chip details were supposedly changed but. Clearly wasn't n. Details on the chip was still my bros friend? regardless I've been in contact with my brother's friend and he has not. Not received any letter nor fonecall regarding menace otherwise he,d ave collected menace n brought him home like he has done b4, so the wardens say they contacted registered owner but this friend has not had NO calls or letters whatsoever bcos if he had done menace would of been collected and wouldn't have been so wrongly put to sleep so seems as the registered owner Our friend was NOT contacted at all.
Clearly these assessors have no idea about dogs and their stress levels. Just another example of our throw away society.
The pound do the temperament test. If they fail this test then they will not release a dog to a rescue for it to be rehomed. Some pounds work with rescues to rehome a "difficult" dog and they will let the dog go to rescue, if rehabilitation is a possibility. Do you have any idea how many Staffords and other bull breeds lose their life at Battersea because of failing these "temperment" tests?? Just have a look at their annual statistics.
This is absolutely terrible. Yes, who is it that does these temperament tests? Many questions need to be answered. This is so very tragic, I am so sorry and my thoughts are with owner Steve at this terrible time. Run free at the bridge lovely Menace - you didn't deserve this. I wonder if Oscar,77508, suffered the same fate? xxxx
Thought about this boy all evening. Redbridge did the same to a dog I registered on Monday. Dog was chipped no call to owner at all. Only reunited as helper on DL knew owner. Redbridge Council owe these poor people an explanation. I know chips slip etc but it's rare. Also I want to know who these temperament assessors are, Council employees?. As others have said a stressed, lost dog won't behave the same in a strange environment. I will be contacting the contact at SDK to get answers.
So very very sad, should never have happened.
This is every dog owners nightmare. Surely, someone should have to answer for this. Absolutely gutted
Viv B
So sorry - this shouldn't have happened to Menace.
Kimmybear: couldn't agree with you more. These so-called "temperament tests" are often a death sentence for the bull breeds. How they expect a dog, who is in a stressful, noisy environment, and also lost, upset and away from its home, to exhibit "normal" reactions to another dog, is beyond unfair and totally wrong. If that was my dog, I would insist on answers from the pound and council.
I'm so sorry for your loss. So angry for you too - totally unacceptable.
I am so sorry to read this ... poor Menace and family ... a set of circumstances which leave too many "if onlys" ... RIP
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
So very sorry. Run free at Rainbow Bridge Menace.xx
Thoughts are with your family and everyone involved in the searches.x
DogLostKimmybear - Area Co-ordinator, Essex & Hertfordshire borders
I am so upset, I can't express what I feel. Sadly, councils are acting within the law, but personally, as with many of you, I don't feel anyone has a right to take a life that is not theirs to take. Until the law is changed these poor staffies will continue to be persecuted, and, other dogs too in some cases. This was not the work of a charity/rescue but the council from what I understand. However, what I will say is if you support a charity/rescue do check what their policy is on PTS. For example, Dogs Trust never put a healthy dog to sleep. And, let Menace's life not be in vain: spread the word to ensure we reach as many people as possible so they think about their dogs chips and get them updated and even get a chip, in the first place. I am so sorry Menace, you didn't deserve that. God bless you baby, now safe with the angels. Bless your owners too; a terrible ordeal. x I am so sorry Shelagh, you worked so hard to find this baby. x
The Daily Mirror had a survey going on last week, trying to get the 7 day rule extended - times like Christmas and the New Year, when people have no contact with kennels or Dog Wardens for days - mean that what has happened to Menace happen quite frequently at this time of year.
DogLostSherlock- Area Co-ordinator & Police Liaison - Avon & South Gloucestersh
I am so, so sad to hear this terrible news.... Words fail me but for now I want you to know that he will be always there by your side and forever in your hearts xx god bless your dear boy Menace xx
Some need to live with the decisions they make but let in many job roles hope they step back and re-evaluate the process so to help owners and their pets find home x
It is my understanding that menace was scanned and a letter sent to his last owners address(deceased brother). No phone calls were made to correct phone number. And I understand that the warden had previously returned menace through the phone number.
Totally heartbreaking xx
Just heartbreaking for the owners. :-( poor menace xx
If this was my beautiful dog that has been PTS I would want answers from someone. RIP little man and sympathy to the owners. X
Debbie. I have since learned that Menace did not make it to rescue. The pound killed him because he failed the temperament test and declared him unhomable.
terrible news, so sorry for family, cant understand a recue putting to sleep, this needs checking as beautygirlcassie is saying x
I've just read on the facebook page of Menace's owner that, while at the pound, he didn't pass the temperament test and they considered him not rehomable so didn't let him go to rescue. Unbelieveable. Killing a health dog because it didn't pass a test. A dog that has been separated from its family and in unfamiliar surroundings and they expect it to behave with normal behaviour. Oh dear God, how tragic for the owner; having found her dog after being lost, and then discovering that it has been killed. Rest easy at Rainbow Bridge, Menace, until reunited with those that love you.Last edited: 2015-01-07 19:53:39 by beautygirlcassie
Timmy's Mummy
Is there any chance someone could enquire as to what went wrong here. Menace was chipped and tagged and had a red tag on to say he was chipped. His owner looked for him day and night and phoned everyone possible and yet the people who should have help Menace killed him. Its heart breaking. P.S. And the dog warden knew Menace.Last edited: 2015-01-07 19:47:29 by Timmy's Mummy
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
Eco these comments x disgusted to read this poor fella x your owners tried to get you home but you were failed by the system that is supposed to protect you x R.i.p xxx
OMG! I couldn't believe this when I read it was Menace. I've been looking out for him. I am in tears. I am so, so sorry for him and his family. He had a microchip up to date. How can this happen? My thoughts are with you all xxx
WHY, WHY, WHY!!! Owners must be devastated, so sorry!Last edited: 2015-01-07 19:30:29 by Holly
Utterly sickening. At how many points should this poor dog have been scanned? What sort of a vet kills a healthy dog without a final scan for a microchip? Disgusting.
Absolutely awful, poor Menace thoughts to devastated owners xxx
Oh my god I'm so sorry. The poster says microchip details were up to date so why on earth didn't they scan/reunite??!!! Gobsmacked and feel sick over this. Poor Menace and poor owners. :(
mrs doyle
so very sorry beautiful menace,so sad xxxxxx
horrible horrible news. Run free now Menace you handsome boy. I hope you knew how much you were loved. My thoughts are with the owners x
Menace is also Rainbow Bridge 79636 below.
Cannot imagine what the owner is going through.Poor staffs have little hope. xxx
I am gutted for owner and Menace .run free little Man xx
This is terrible news. Poor sweet lad run free, your owner looked for you till the end. Thoughts are with owner Steve.
Its the worst possible news. Poor menace was pts. Info from person who posted on dog lost.phone number above. R. I. P Menacex
Trawled through lots of sites cannot see him. Lets hope SDK were helpful.
Yes thanks I did check there website,but couldn't find him. I am waiting for owner to get back to me,hope he would of found out the info.
As he's a staffie, maybe he went to a rescue for staffies not the normal rescue centres?
Have sent pic to foal farm. Spoke to animal Samaritans,Gemini kennels. They don't have him.
Yes that is there holding kennels,but rescues near there are not showing him on there website
Didn't Puhi come from kennels in Bromley when you met Yanushka?
Thanks GillyP. I thought same with found, and only sent it to owner because of col our. The owners have spoken to SDK several times and are now waiting for them to update with Menace location. We have trawled most rescues and haven't found him. Of course not all show rehomed dogs.
The lady at SDK is called Hannah and is very helpful. 01803 696900Last edited: 2015-01-07 09:28:35
Might be worth trawling through all the kennels in Kent area.

Just finding out the name of the lady who was helpful at SDK. Shall update when known. When I listed the found dog 79636 the dates didnt match so I didnt think it was Menace.
Menace has been sent to rescue. It appears he is dog I listed below SDK. 79636Letter was sent out to old address and he has gone for rehoming. If anybody knows where Redbridge send there dogs could you let owner know.,as SDK are very slow with info. I have sent text to warden but don't know if she will remember as all records are kept by SDK. I know there kennels are in Bromley .
Last edited: 2015-01-07 01:39:38 by Shelagh
Shared x
Could we have link for f/b page. Or location of possible sighting.
Copied from FB page 4/1/2015
Possible sightings of our menace on 23/12/14 being walked by 1/2 males if any has seen menace or a dog looking the same please let me no ASAP thank u everyone for ur help in trying to find him xx
Alerts sent to helpers in IG1,2,3,4,5,6,11. RM6,7,8,9,10,11..Last edited: 2015-01-06 10:21:15 by Gino
There's a couple of blues in found pages. 80012 79636. Date doesn't quite match for one, but please check.
Could we have postcode of where menace lives. He could be making his way back there.
Can you have a look at pounds for poundies at a dog called Chip who looks similar to Menace.

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