Reunited: Black Cross Breed Male

  • Dog ID 78370
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 15 Nov 2014
  • Name
  • Gender & Breed Male Cross Breed
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars Small/Medium, Black dog with small white patch on chest. Shorthaired Cross breed (terrier x Lab).
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 12 Nov 2014
  • Where Lost Catsfield end of Watermill lane
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN33
  • Date Found 19 Nov 2014
  • Where Found Powdermill lane, Catsfield/Battle, East Sussex
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area TN33
  • Date Reunited 19 Nov 2014
  • Listed By EM
  • Views 2401
  • Poster Image
  • Extra Image


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Thank you everyone, we are very happy! I spoke to the guy who found him, as he phoned me later that day to check we had been reunited, and he said it was the Kings Arms roundabout. He said he had heard about it from fb so I offered the reward, but he wouldn't take anything and just said it was his good deed for the day! Am very relieved that our dog was found by a kind person who did the right thing and made sure he got back to his owners. Have realised during our search that many dogs and their owners aren't so lucky. So thank you again to the person who found him and everyone who helped spread the message, it really did make a difference xx xx
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Excellent news!!So pleased for you EM. Thanks to the kind person who picked your boy up and took him to the vets .. another dog reunited thanks to his microchip!!
Well done to TK who advised and helped support EM. A great job!
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So so pleased to see this lovely boy in the Blue...
was so worried he may have ended up in one of the streams or be stuck down a hole somewhere...
Well done to the people who found him & took him to the vets...
Stay safe now & sending a big hugs to you & all the family ... xx
A HUGE thank you especially to TK who was such a good support for us whilst our boy was lost, really amazing and the kind of selfless act that restores faith in humanity etc!!! and thank you to Clarkey for your tips/advice too -really helpful and gave hope etc -this is such an important website, and I will definitely help anyone else who needs it in the future, hope no-one will obv though! Thank you again, EM xx xx xx xx
Our dog is back home safe and sound!!!!!! THANK YOU so much to everyone who helped to get the message round about him. Someone took him in to a Vets in Hastings, they said they found him near the Catsfield roundabout -think they must mean the one at the end of Powdermill lane. His collar was on but name tag had fallen off, but his Microchip did work and the vets phoned us. He is well and not injured and we are very, very Happy and relieved to have our lovely dog back safely, thank you again to everyone!!!! xx xx xx xx
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Wonderful news, thanks for the text tk. Well done for all your hard work and help with the owner this week xx
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Fantastic News...... He has been found ...!!!
Was picked up by some kind person & handed into a vets in Hastings...
Owner at work, she will update fully as soon as she can ..
So so pleased he has been found safe & well xx
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
There are alot of workmen in area at the moment, Powdermill Lane area, they may have seen something, are you able to speak to them so they are aware ...? Also if friends can download posters and just put up all around the area so people are aware & can look out for him .. x
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Owner was out again last night with other dog searching & is going out again today .. So hard to know where to look, Streams, Badger setts,woodland, also lots of farms with outbuildings, hay barns..
Need to keep spreading the word on fb as if he has bern picked up he could be anywhere now ..
I will try & print some more posters & put up around Catsfield, Ninfield area ... x
Hi, he is still missing. Thank you everyone for looking out for him and helping to spread the message, we really appreciate it and hope someone will have heard/seen something soon. He went missing from the Catsfield end of watermill lane (Henley Down), we think he went towards Ninfield/Catsfield direction, but can't be sure -he may have gone towards Crowhurst/Hastings or Sidley/Bexhill. It is quite rural -lots of woodland in all directions, but also houses/roads to be spotted/picked up. I didn't know whether to put his name as some people say not to? We have been out looking for him every day and night with our other dog, but she hasn't picked up a trail so far. Have put up posters (with help from TK -thank you!) and have leafleted houses on local roads. Trying to spread the word about REWARD FOR SAFE RETURN, incase someone has picked him up. Really hope we hear something soon as we are missing him so much and very worried. Thank you xxLast edited: 2014-11-19 09:28:50 by EM
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Any further news from the owner as to where exactly this lad went missing from. Just thinking it may jog people's memories who may have seen something without realising on the night he went missing? I have looked on the map and Watermill Lane seems quite a long road, ios there a specific area people could focus on? Especially if he headed off across fields and toward streams and woods. A search party if we organised it would know where to begin.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Lots of shares on different fb sites ... over 800 views on Doglost page,
So hope there is some news soon x
meant to ask - does he answer to a name?
thanks for the update - well done TK sounds like you are all doing the right things, am working at the moment so not really around much to help with posters etc. Was really hoping to log on here to find him in the blue.....if I get a chance to drive out that way I will - really want to see this lovely fella back home x
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Owner was out all last night looking for him & has done scent trail ... lots of shares on fb, owner has put up more posters & has put leaflets thro more doors locally.. She took her other dog last night, in a hope that the other dog may lead her in a certain direction, but sadly not...
Owner is also worried that he may have been found by someone, but they have kept hold of him, or that he was taken when he ran off last Wed night...
I have had a walk around some fields near to where he was lost from, there a a number of streams running along side the fields, In some places the banks are very steep & there is quite a srong current in places... I didnt find the end of the stream, but checked as much of it as I could..
Have advised owner to contact all local vets & further afield if she can ..
If anyone local can put up posters, or help search area & share on fb would be much apprechiated..
praying for some good news soon .. x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Sorry to see your little dog is missing EM. I have sent you a couple of emails with advice. Please would you comment and let us know exactly where he went from and if there have been any more sightings?

Thanks TK, Springermad and Ali, I have emailed our general Doglost advice re scenting and leaving bedding etc near to where this dog went missing. Maybe a bbq would draw him back to the stables .. he would be hungry now.
If there is any chance the lad could be down a hole, then perhaps the other dog he goes off with would lead EM to it? Worth a try.

Last edited: 2014-11-17 14:17:02 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Drove around area this morning, Have put some posters up in Watermill Lane.. Only had a couple of large posters, rest were small ones, if some A4 ones can be put up in Ninfield & Catsfield that would be great ...Will take a couple if A4 posters to put up at Battle & Langton school & in Market Square in Battle ..
Owner has leafleted local houses, microchip company are aware, local vets aware, & warden dept..
Spoke with Clarkey, who has advised to check all outbuildings at stables, in casehe is hiding or trapped somewhere.. Owner is going to check & ask neighbouring farms to do same..
Also advised to have something with owners scent on it somewhere dry up at stables in case he returns at night ..
Owners have been searching woods, but such a vast area & unsure which direction he has gone... possibly through Hurst Woods towards Ninfield ..?
Have given advice on Scenting, owner is going to try this this evening, also suggested a bbq hoping the smell may entice him back if still in area..
It is possible he may have got stuck down a badger sett, or may be lost as the woods are so dense around there..Owners other dog has not picked up on anything yet, whilst they have been searching in the woods...
It is possible he could make hus way home, but is not a direct route, and would have roads to cross ...
Owner has added Reward for Safe return, in case someone does have him ..
Everything crossed he shows up soon ..x
Last edited: 2014-11-17 13:43:17 by TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Shared and notified family working in the area. Hope he is home shortly.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Spoke with owner this morning, still no news, he ran off ?chased after something late Wed eve, hasnt been seen since.. Was wearing a collar with a tag, although this may have come off .. He is microchipped .. dog warden aware, as are local vets & couple of local animal sanctuarys....
Am going out to poster area and have a look around .... Fingers crossed x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TN33-40.
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Please could email alerts be sent out as now there is a photo ...
Thanks x
Thank you for your help, it is very much appreciated. I have added some photos now so will print posters and put the poster on facebook too. Thank you xx
A photo would be working around Battle tomorrow so will keep an eye out. Have not had an email alert though (TN38) - thanks TK for posting on my Facebook wall
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Have texted owner, she is sorting a photo to add ....
Am free to help look / poster tomorrow
Fingers crossed he is found very soon x
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Shared on Official Doglost South East fb page, Hastings Dog lovers fb page & will message Clarkey Doglost co ordinator ...Last edited: 2014-11-16 21:12:20 by TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Shared on Official Doglost South East fb page, Hastings Dog lovers fb page & will message Clarkey Doglost co ordinator ...
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Just seen this boy is missing ...
Shared on fb TN37 & TN33 area ..
Any further news ?
Text sent requesting photo.

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