Found: Black & White Male In Wales (CF47)

  • Dog ID 75141
  • Status Found
  • Registered 16 Sep 2014
  • Gender & Breed Male
  • Age Young Adult
  • Colour Black & white
  • Marks & Scars Black patch to each eye and little black spots all over. There is also a little black spot to the base of this little dogs spine and he has distinctive spotting behind his left ear!
  • Tagged Unknown
  • Microchipped Unknown
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Found 15 Sep 2014
  • Where Found At the top of Urban Street in Penydarren, Merthyr Tydfil. Found this little chap looking terrified and hiding behind some bins.
  • Found In Region Wales
  • Found In Post Area CF47
  • Date Reunited
  • Other Info
  • Listed By LOU
  • Views 2149


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Well done Lou for taking the time to care for Bobby, trying your best to find the owners and eventually getting him a forever home should the old owners not come forward. As said before I doubt any owners will come forward now, if they were that bothered they would be looking on every website going and eventually come across this one. Thank goodness for kind people like you x
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
I think you have done an amazing justice for bobby if owners were that concerned they would have claimed him by now or reported him missing x too much abandoned dogs and no life x so we'll done for doing all the correct things for him xxxx
Hi, the Dog Warden first of all told me that I had to keep Bobby for 28 days before I could re-home him which I knew would be difficult as I'm a nurse working 12 hour shifts and Bobby hates being left alone but I tried my best to work around this with getting family and friends to take of him while I was at work but on two occasions I literally had nobody to take care of him and had to leave him alone I was so anxious at work, I was driving home on my breaks to check on him and he was so scared and nervous, I felt so awful! My aunt and uncle have now taken Bobby and are very aware that his owner may still come forward and if they do then he will of course be given back immediately but if nobody claims him he is a very happy little boy who won't be out on the street covered in dirt, freezing cold and hungry like he was when I found him! The dog warden was informed when I handed Bobby over to my aunt and uncle and he told me on the phone that they had to understand that if the owner came forward Bobby would have to be handed back and they are more than happy to do that as they love animals and would completely understand! I also never said 'I've found a cute dog and does anyone want him?' He's a little animal with feelings and emotions and all I want is for him to be settled and happy. At least while he is with my aunt and uncle he is never left alone as there is always someone home, even if there is an owner that may come forward and they are reunited, at least Bobby won't have to be alone whilst I am doing a 12 hour shift again! It was awful to leave him but I couldn't take 28 days off work whilst waiting for someone to come forward for Bobby. Anyway, I'm going to stop now as this has been really upsetting, Bobby is happy and he always will be and that's what is important!
Hi Lou. I'm glad this little man is now settled in a lovely home but I hope you can understand peoples concerns. In your other posts you hadn't mentioned that you'd informed the dog warden. Your other posts read as, found a cute dog, not chipped, does anyone want him? Your dog wardens obviously work differently to those in the south as down here you have to have written and signed permission from the dog warden to hold a found dog for 28 days before applying to keep or re-home it. If only people would ensure their dogs have id tags and micro-chipped with up to date details this type of confusion wouldn't happen. Well done for looking after him.
Thank you once again for all your lovely comments and support! I reported to the Dog Warden the morning after I found Bobby just after I took him to the RSPCA vets to see if he was chipped. I would never just keep a little dog without trying everything in my power to find its owners! I lost my own dog Benji a few years ago when he was fifteen years old, he bolted from the garden a week before Guy Fawlkes night when somebody let a firework off and we never found him again. We searched endlessly for over a year to find him, he was nearly blind and full of arthritis and had to take medication everyday, as you can imagine every thought runs through your head, was he hit by a car and all by himself in pain? Had somebody else found him and if so why hadn't they reported that they'd found a dog? We never found Benji and I still can't think about it without getting upset and it upsets me that anyone would think I'd be callous enough to find a little dog and not report it! All I wanted was for this chap to be reunited with his owner and how much they would be missing him! Nobody has come forward to claim this little fellow despite reporting it to the Dog Warden, putting posters up in every veterinary surgery, shop, post office and posting leaflets in around twenty different streets. This lovely little boy now has a new home with my aunt, uncle and nine year old nephew and they have named him Bobby. He also has a little friend called Billy who is a seven month old Airdale terrier and they have become the best of friends. I would like to say thank you to the lovely lady that rang me last night offering a lovely home to Bobby should there be any problems with his current abode. Thank you so much for your kindness, it restores my faith in humanity after seeing the cruel treatment that some of these little dogs suffer! For all the bad people that abuse animals there are so many more good people that want to take care of them and make sure they have the best life possible!
I phoned about this boy - he already has a lovely new home with the finder,s aunt and uncle. He has been named Bobby. hope he has a great life now.
Do hope this young lad's owner soon claims, or that he finds his new forever home. He is lovely xxx
definitely still interested :) Just need to know what he,s like with other dogs, as we already have two. will phone in the morning.
Any news on this dog? Does the dog warden know of any missing dogs fitting this description? X
Have you informed the dog warden?
Have you informed the dog warden?
Hate to be a killjoy but are you aware it's a legal requirement that found dogs are reported to the dog warden (think it's the same in Wales) They will either hold it for 7 days then someone can legally rehome him, or you can get him signed over to you for 28 days then you can keep him but the previous owner can reclaim him at any time. Finders keepers rule does not apply!Last edited: 2014-09-22 12:10:49 by fionap58
Happiness yorkie lover xxx
as labradorloopy was interested in this wee fella hope they see this post x
Bit of an update for this little dog, unfortunately the two friends that were ready to give him a home if he remains unclaimed have suffered a family bereavement so re-homing with them looks to be very unlikely. If anyone could offer this lovely little chap a home here is some information about him. Even though he has only been with us a few days he has shown to be such a sweet natured little dog and he loves everybody that meets him. He had a little cut on his neck which we have cleaned and applied cream to and he was not at all bothered by us doing this, most dogs I know would have at least growled and showed even a tiny bit of aggression but nothing at all from this lovely little fellow which to me shows the true nature of his character. Even though he is a terrier he is very calm and not wound up and bouncing around all the time which is what most terriers I have met have tended to be like. He is very placid indeed, he likes to play but then only when you want to play, he spends alot of time fast asleep and likes to cwtch up to someone. Considering the state this little chap was in when we found him and how frightened he was I thought he would be very guarded and wary of people but he is so, so friendly! The only thing you are in danger of is being licked to death! If anyone is interested and they need to know anything else about this little dog please give me shout! Thanks, Louise. Last edited: 2014-09-18 11:04:14 by LOU
Thank you for all your lovely supportive comments, I took this little chap to the vets this afternoon and unfortunately he isn't chipped but he made quite an impression on the staff there, he's such a friendly little fellow. If nobody comes forward to claim him I have had an offer of a home for him from two of my friends, they adore animals and they have fallen head over heels for him so the outcome will be a happy one which ever way it goes! I'm just so glad I saw him, the poor little thing was covered in dirt, we didn't even know that he had little black spots or even that he was white until we gave him a nice warm bath! He's doing really well though, all cwtched up in front of the fire at the moment after some food!
please could you tell me where this dog will go if not claimed? I would like to know more about him :)
DogLostMe N My Girl - Administrative Volunteer
Postcode CF47
Hi, I think this is a duplication of lost dog id 75140, but That one hasn't got picture
shared x poor little guy x
Comment awaiting moderation
Thank you for taking the time to list this found dog and ensuring the safety of the dog.
Please ensure that you notify your local Dog Warden and the local Police Station - in Scotland you MUST inform your local Police Station and if possible contact the Dog Warden also.
The found dog may have a Microchip or a Tattoo - please have the dog scanned and checked for a tattoo at a vet's so that owners may be contacted as soon as possible.
Please check on our Missing pages in case the Found dog has been registered as missing with us.
If possible please add a photo as this greatly assists our work in matching Found dogs with Missing dogs.

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